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Sweet Temptation

Page 12

by Spencer Pearson

  Lauren exhaled. She knew she shouldn’t reveal Taylor’s secret, but if nothing was going on with her and that student, there wasn’t much to tell, was there? “I shouldn’t be telling you this...”

  Riley’s hands were wrapped around her mug, one leg tucked underneath the other while she sat, waiting for Lauren to say something.

  “Okay, so Taylor confided in me. She’s... She’s interested in a student. Nothing is going on, at least not back then. And we were talking... I was giving her some advice, and it just felt really wrong to sit there and chat about dating a student when I was doing exactly that. I had to tell her. But she knows that we’re not telling anyone right now.”

  Riley nodded. “When was this?”

  Lauren looked away. “The weekend we got together.”

  “So, right away? I thought you were going to say a day or two ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell her about the other student you were sleeping with?” Riley asked. She said it without any jealousy or anger. She said it like it was the simplest thing, like that was the obvious solution to Lauren’s problem.

  “I didn’t tell her about the other student, because I didn’t want to worry her. She was thinking about all the ways it could go wrong. Telling her about Deirdre wasn’t going to help.” Lauren blew out a breath as she sat up a bit straighter. She couldn’t let this happen again. She didn’t want Riley hearing about what Deirdre did from someone else, weeks or months from now. “She blackmailed me. So... Telling Taylor about her would have been a disaster. I wanted her to know that it could work, if she really wanted it to, and if they were careful or at the very least mindful of all the possible outcomes.”

  Riley’s eyes widened. “She blackmailed you?”

  Lauren nodded. “She wasn’t going to be able to afford next year’s tuition, and she threatened to report me. Not just make our affair public. She said she’d file a complaint, that I had started it, when she’d been the one to come after me.” Lauren exhaled. “I mean, she probably had that intention from the very beginning. I was just too... Flattered, I guess, to notice.”

  “What a psycho...”

  “Hmmm. And that was why I was reluctant to start this,” Lauren said, motioning between them. “Not that you’re anything like her,” she quickly added. “It was just the idea of dating another student. I swore I wouldn’t.”

  Riley left her mug down on the coffee table, tousling her hair as she leaned back into the cushions. “I’m sorry... I had no idea it was anything like that.” She bit her lip for a second. “And I can see why you wanted to tell Taylor but not about Deirdre.” Riley scooted closer and reached for her hand. “I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. I can’t even imagine. Obviously, that is not what’s going on here.”

  “I know.” A warmth spread through Lauren’s body as Riley’s thumb moved across her skin. “Anyway, I should have told you that I had told Taylor. I’m sorry. Oh...” Lauren cleared her throat. “Brian knows too.”

  “He does?” Riley’s eyebrows rose. “Since when?”

  “The day after we... Saturday. When we all ran into each other at the coffee shop.”

  “Oh wow.” Riley chuckled. “I’m glad I haven’t seen him since.”

  “Again, I didn’t want to tell him. He saw it. Well, he just knows me. He knew that look in my eyes, I guess.”

  “And? What does he think?”

  Lauren reached for her coffee. “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him about it properly. I think he’s just worried about me. He said to be careful. Not that he thinks you would do something like that. I think he’s just looking out for me, but he likes you. He was actually talking about mentoring you.”


  “Yeah. He misses playing. Brian’s got a wife and kids now, and he’s trying to spend as much time as possible with them. He’s got the steady, high-paying job. He doesn’t have a gambling problem or anything. He’s just given up the late nights at the casino. At least until the kids are older, but yeah. He was thinking about mentoring someone. That way he could still talk poker and pass on his knowledge.”

  “I don’t even know what to say.” Riley smiled. “I would jump at that opportunity. But um... I feel like I should tell you something. You know, while we’re talking about our pasts and everything.”

  “What is it?” Lauren couldn’t imagine what Riley was going to say. She didn’t seem like someone who could have a shady history.

  “So, you know how my parents pretty much disowned me? Well, they also cut me off. I know I was really lucky to have them funding my college education for the first three years, but I am struggling this year. That’s actually why I started playing poker. Anyway, I don’t want you to find out somehow that I’m late on rent or something and have flashbacks. I’m not interested in you for any reason other than I really like you,” Riley said with a shy smile.

  Lauren let go of Riley’s hand and moved closer to her, wrapping her arm around her and pulling her into a hug. Riley sunk into her, and Lauren closed her eyes. They should have been honest with each other from the start, but Lauren had no doubt that they would be in the future.

  “You’ve had a shitty few months,” Lauren said, kissing her cheek as she met Riley’s stunning honey brown eyes.

  “Maybe,” Riley said with a lopsided smile. “I also got to know you though, so... It wasn’t all bad.”

  “Hmm, and for the record, I really like you too.”

  “So many confessions.” Riley’s hand was over her heart.

  Lauren smiled. “I’m not keeping anything from you.” Her voice turned serious. “In the future. That won’t happen again.”

  “I think that’s a good policy. I can get on-board with that. What about Nicole? I’m dying to tell her, but I know we’ve got, what, another seven months of this, so if you don’t want to risk it, I’d understand.”

  “Do you trust her?”

  Riley nodded. “She’s my best friend. I’ve known her since my first week at college here. She’s been there for me for the last three years, so absolutely. I trust her.”

  “Then tell her,” Lauren said, her heart beating a little faster. It was riskier trying to put limitations on what she was feeling for Riley. They’d already had enough secrets in the short time they’d known each other. She had to trust that their relationship would stay within their small circle of friends. For now. Once Riley had graduated, it wouldn’t matter.

  “Yeah? Are you sure?” Riley looked so happy, her eyes bright, her smile warm.

  “Positive. I didn’t realize...” Lauren could kick herself. They were barely together, and she was already proving to be a pretty shitty girlfriend.

  “It’s fine. Look, we’re gonna forget about all this and just move on.”

  “Okay...” Lauren breathed. “Do you have any plans for today?” she asked, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to make up for lost time. They weren’t going public, but it was still exciting to know that their closest friends would know about them, that at least they wouldn’t have to hide around them.

  “Other than telling Nicole? None.”

  “What about your other roommate? I can’t remember her name. You could tell her too if that would make things easier, if you trust her.”

  Riley shook her head. “I’ve hardly seen Becca in the last few weeks. She seems nice enough, but she’s really studious. If she’s not at the library or the coffee shop studying, she’s in her room.” Riley shrugged. “So, I don’t feel like I need to tell her, but then again, if I want you to be able to spend time at my place, she should probably know. Otherwise, we’ll be sneaking around again.”

  “Because that was so much fun,” Lauren said with a smirk. “It’s up to you. Play it by ear if you want.”

  “Okay. I’m sure I’ll see both of them at some point today. Nicole’s working tonight. Becca might be too. She’s working at the casino too. She was there last Friday, actually. She’s one of those people
whose schedule is always full. Even with all the studying, she finds time to work. I don’t know how she does it.”

  “Do you want to come back later on? This evening, maybe?” Lauren asked, hoping she wasn’t coming across as desperate.

  “Definitely. I’ll tell Nicole now, if that’s okay with you. I just want her to know, because she’s figured out something is going on, but I don’t think she has any idea.”

  “Alright. I’m going to go for a run and have a shower and then maybe make dinner for the two of us later?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Lauren walked Riley to the door, feeling lighter than she had in weeks. “Good luck with Nicole.”

  “Thanks, but I think I already know her reaction.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  Riley smiled. “She’s been a first-hand witness to the massive crush I’ve had on you for the last three years.”

  Lauren’s heart skipped a beat. “Three years?”

  “Hmm.” Riley tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I had it pretty bad. I can’t believe I’m telling you this,” she said with a smile, shaking her head. “Anyway, she’s been a bit of a cheerleader, so... I’ll probably have to make sure she’s sitting down when I tell her. Having a crush is one thing. Acting on it is another... Are you blushing?”

  Lauren rubbed the nape of her neck. “I had no idea.”

  “That’s because we were never around each other. Maybe at the coffee shop, but other than that? We just passed each other in the hallways or walking across campus. I wasn’t playing poker in person back then, just online. Anyway, Nicole always teased me. In a good way.”

  Lauren’s eyes flickered down to Riley’s lips. She’d been wanting to kiss Riley since she got here, but talking had been more important. Now, with this new information, Lauren couldn’t think of anything else. A tingling sensation ran through her body as she took a step closer, still not quite believing that Riley had been interested in her for the last three years.

  Riley’s hand was on her cheek, the other on her waist as Lauren moved closer, backing Riley up against the wall. Lauren kissed her with more urgency than she’d intended to, but once their lips met, that magnetic pull took over, and Lauren’s hand slid through Riley’s hair as she deepened the kiss.

  Riley moaned as she slid her hand underneath Lauren’s tank top, moving over her hip and across her back, bringing her even closer. Lauren shuddered as Riley’s fingertips roamed over her skin as they continued to kiss. Lauren could spend hours kissing Riley, and the way her hands were moving across Lauren’s body, she was tempted to move this to the bedroom.

  Riley broke the kiss, her forehead resting against Lauren’s. “If I don’t go now, I’ll never go.”

  Lauren softly brushed her lips across Riley’s. “I know what you mean.” She took a step back, her hands falling away from Riley’s hips. “Later...”

  Riley kissed her one last time, her hand caressing her cheek, her thumb trailing over her bottom lip. “Later.” Riley’s eyes were saying ‘Now,’ but Lauren resisted the urge to kiss her again. “Okay,” Riley said, opening the door. “I’m going. See you later.”

  “Bye,” Lauren said, knowing she had a silly grin on her face as she watched Riley walk down the hall, her jeans fitting her so perfectly, hugging her ass. Later couldn’t come soon enough.


  Riley padded into Lauren’s kitchen and took a bottle of white wine out of the fridge, topping up both of their glasses. When she got back to the living room, Lauren had her phone in her hand.

  “Any requests?” Lauren asked as she put on some music, the sound of an acoustic guitar filling the room.

  “None. Put on something you like. I’m curious about your taste in music,” Riley said, handing Lauren her glass as she sat down beside her. “Thanks for dinner, by the way. I can’t remember if I said it. That was better than any Mexican food I’ve had out.”

  “Thanks. I spent a summer traveling around Mexico when I was younger, mostly couch-surfing, so I tried to help out around the house, and I ended up with some good recipes.”

  Riley took a drink, hiding her smile. Every time she learned something new about Lauren, she tried to file it away. Sometimes, it felt like they were doing this backwards, that she should have known some of these things before they got together, but it was all working out.

  Riley had told Nicole a few hours ago, and she had an epic reaction. Riley wished she’d recorded it. Her jaw had dropped, and she’d been momentarily frozen, completely shocked by Riley’s news, but then she was jumping around the room, fist pumping the air. All Riley could do was smile.

  “What’s so funny?” Lauren asked, tilting her head as Riley met her eyes.

  “Sorry. I was thinking about Nicole earlier. You should have seen her.”

  “I still can’t believe you’ve been lusting after me for the last three years.” Lauren brought her glass to her lips, and Riley’s eyes were drawn to her long fingers and manicured nails, painted a dark shade of gray today.

  “I don’t know if I’d call it lusting,” Riley said, feigning innocence. It was most definitely lusting. “More like a crush.”

  “A crush?”

  Riley nodded and took another drink before leaning forward to put her glass on the coffee table. “Yeah. An innocent crush.”

  “Okay,” Lauren said, turning to face Riley fully. She took Riley’s hand in hers, tracing the tip of her finger over her palm, across her lifeline. “An innocent crush...” Lauren’s finger moved lower, her touch so light and delicate as she traced a line to her wrist before sweeping back and repeating the movement, all the while her intense blue eyes were locked onto Riley’s.

  Riley suppressed a shudder. That simple touch had her pulse pounding, her body tingling.

  “Imagine,” Lauren said, her voice as sultry as Riley had ever heard it. “Me and you, sitting here, two years ago.”

  “Okay,” Riley managed to say, inhaling a shaky breath.

  “If you had an innocent crush on me... If you weren’t lusting after me, and I were to apologize for this,” Lauren said withdrawing her hand, “You’d probably say, what? That’s okay. No problem? But if you were lusting after me...” Lauren looked her up and down, blatantly checking her out. “Well, you’d probably be a hot mess right now. You might even be wet,” Lauren said, her voice dropping to just above a whisper as she leaned forward to put her glass down, just inches away from Riley. “And you’d definitely be thinking about kissing me right now.”

  Riley was indeed a hot mess. She swallowed, tucking her hair behind her ear as she tried to compose herself.

  “So,” Lauren said, finding Riley’s hand again. “Which one is it? Innocent crush or years of lusting?”

  Riley found herself leaning in, her other hand on Lauren’s cheek as she met her heated gaze, her eyes fluttering closed as she brushed her lips across Lauren’s. She’d intended for it to be a slow, brief kiss while she came up with an answer, but in seconds, she was climbing on top of Lauren, straddling her waist as she parted her lips, their tongues meeting in an intense dance that left Riley hungry for more.

  Lauren’s hands slid under her top, her fingers splayed across her back, her hands moving lower, slipping under the waistband of her jeans and her underwear. Riley moaned as Lauren’s warm hands groped her ass, her clit twitching in anticipation as Lauren deepened the kiss.

  Riley was on fire. She broke the kiss to lift her top over her head and reached behind her back to unhook her bra. Lauren’s hands left her ass to cover her breasts, her fingers playing with Riley’s nipples, sending a jolt of desire right to her clit. Lauren’s lips were hot against her breasts, her tongue circling each nipple, flicking across it as Riley’s hips started a gentle rock against Lauren’s stomach.

  Riley unbuttoned her jeans, lowering the zipper as another moan escaped her lips. She covered Lauren’s hand that was on her hip and pushed it down, guiding her towards her center, and Riley could feel Lauren’s lips move into a smil
e as she kissed her neck.

  “I’m going to go with years of lusting,” Lauren said, leaning back to meet Riley’s eyes, her voice low.

  “Fuck me, Lauren.” Riley pushed her jeans over her ass, leaving them bunched up at her thighs, spreading her legs as wide as she could with them still on.

  Lauren cupped her sex, and Riley let her hand fall away, reaching up to thread her fingers through Lauren’s silky hair as she felt Lauren’s fingers slipping through her wetness. Riley’s hips rolled as she moaned, and Lauren’s fingers entered her. Lauren held them there, curling her fingers, already knowing exactly what Riley needed. Riley grinded against Lauren’s palm as she slowly started to move her fingers. It wouldn’t take long for her to come.

  Riley held onto Lauren’s shoulder, and Lauren’s lips wrapped around Riley’s nipple again as she leaned forward, her tongue battering her taut peak, sending Riley over the edge. Her fingers dug into Lauren’s skin, her other hand lost in Lauren’s hair, holding onto her as she moved her hips faster, Lauren’s hand on her ass, adding to the pressure.

  “Fuck,” Riley gasped. “Oh my God.” She forgot to breathe as she came, her body trembling, a warmth spreading through her as she collapsed into Lauren’s arms.

  Lauren’s hand caressed her back as Riley got her breathing under control, her clit throbbing, and she turned to capture Lauren’s lips, kissing her hard. When they finally came up for air, Lauren’s eyes were dark with desire. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Riley kissed her once more before climbing off of her and tugging her jeans back up to her waist, not bothering to secure them again, knowing they’d be coming off in a few seconds.

  She reached for Lauren’s hand and led them to the bedroom on shaky legs, more than ready to return the favor.

  Lauren threw her head back into the pillow as Riley’s hips ground against her, their clits rubbing against each other, and for a second, Lauren wondered what Riley would think about using a strap-on, because Riley knew how to use her hips.


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