Book Read Free

Sweet Temptation

Page 14

by Spencer Pearson

  Okay, now she was officially overreacting. Taylor wouldn’t be fired on the spot for kissing one of her students. There would be a meeting and probably a slap on the wrist, but there was no point telling Taylor that right now. She was on the verge of a meltdown.

  “I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Lauren said. “Besides, she was the one who kissed you, right?”

  “Of course! I never would have. I still can’t believe it happened.” Taylor was pacing again. “I was leaving the restroom at the casino Friday night, and she was coming in. I stepped back to let her pass and held the door open for her. We had a brief chat. Hello, how’s your night going? That kind of thing. And next thing I know, her hand is brushing my hair away from my face. She’s leaning in, and I let the door fall close.” Taylor ran a hand through her hair. “I should have stopped her.”

  Lauren took a drink. She didn’t know what to tell Taylor, because it her mind it wasn’t a big deal. Things had been going so well with Riley that it was hard to sympathize with Taylor right now. Riley had come with her to her parents’ house for Thanksgiving two weeks ago, and she fit right in. Her parents hadn’t asked too many questions, although Lauren did tell them what happened with Riley’s family so that they wouldn’t bring it up, and they hadn’t.

  “Look,” Lauren said with a sigh. “I think you need to calm down. Nothing is going to happen. We’re not going to have classes tomorrow or Tuesday, and she’s not going to report you anyway.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “If she started it, she’s into you. She’s not going to turn around and file a complaint,” Lauren said, although a voice in the back of her head told her that Deirdre had done exactly that. “Just relax. If you don’t see her this week, you might see her again on Friday, right? You said she works at the casino.”


  “Okay. So, talk to her when you see her again. If she’s upset or embarrassed or whatever, you can reassure her that it won’t happen again, that it was a mistake. And if she is interested in you... You can at least talk about it. Clear the air.”

  “I can’t date a student.” Taylor’s cheeks darkened. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

  Lauren smirked. “I know what you meant. It’s not ideal, that’s for sure, but at least Riley will graduate in six months.”

  “Yeah,” Taylor said, her voice quiet.

  “I know she’s still got a year and a half left.”

  Taylor nodded. “And that’s why I can’t even think about going there.” She took a drink. “I have her this year, and I’ll probably have her next year, too. I can’t start something with her, if that’s even what she wants.”

  “You know what? We should go out.”

  “Where? In this weather?” Taylor asked, looking out the windows.

  “No. I mean, next weekend. We should go to that sports bar that’s the closest thing to a gay bar in this town.”

  “You’d do that?”

  Lauren nodded. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I? It’ll be fun. I haven’t been there in a few months, so I can’t make any promises, but Saturday nights are the best time to go.”

  “Alright. Let’s do it.” Taylor took another drink. “I need to forget about her.”

  Lauren was always reluctant to make plans on the weekend, knowing that was her time with Riley, but she had to do something for Taylor. She just hoped that Taylor didn’t drive herself crazy before then.

  Riley put her pen down and reached for her gingerbread latte, taking a sip, loving the warmth of the cinnamon and nutmeg flavored coffee. The coffee shop was quiet for a Sunday, but the weather was probably keeping people at home. The snowflakes were getting bigger, and they were falling a little faster now. A few inches had gathered on the path outside, and Riley knew she wouldn’t be staying much longer.

  Her phone buzzed on the table beside her, and she picked it up, swiping her finger across the screen to read Becca’s message.

  Hey. Are you at home?

  Riley typed back. No. At the coffee shop. What’s up?

  Can I meet you there? I’m 2 mins away.


  Riley put her phone down and took another sip of her coffee. She’d been spending more time with Becca since she’d told her about her crush on Taylor almost a month ago. They’d both been so busy with college that they hadn’t had a chance to go out yet. Riley was just going to have to bring it up, otherwise Becca would spend every Friday and Saturday night studying. Riley admired her work ethic, but at the same time, Becca needed to get out there and see that there were other women besides Taylor.

  Not that Riley could talk. She’d gone after her crush, and thankfully, it had worked out. She knew what it was like to lust after your professor, although lately, she was doing less staring at Lauren’s backside. Now, when she watched Lauren from the back of the class, her heart swelled. Rather than drooling over her, Riley appreciated the way she got a point across, and she was almost in awe of the fact that they were together.

  Becca pushed open the door, tugging her red knit hat off her head and running a hand through her black hair to calm it down. A few snowflakes melted on her black coat as she shrugged it off, coming straight over to Riley’s table without ordering anything. She left her backpack on the empty chair beside her.

  “Hey,” Riley said. “Everything okay?”

  Becca’s hands were shaking as she sat down. “I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I knew you were with Lauren so I didn’t want to bother you.”

  “What is it?” Riley shut her notebook and pushed it to the side.

  “I kissed her.”


  “Ms. Lloyd. I mean, Taylor. I kissed her,” Becca said, her voice dropping to a whisper even though the coffee shop was practically empty.

  “What?” Riley leaned forward. “When?”

  “Friday. At the casino.”

  “What?” Riley’s heart raced. Why wasn’t Becca happier? She wasn’t even smiling.

  “Yeah. In the restroom. I was going in, and she was leaving, and I don’t know... We were talking, and I thought I saw something there, so I went for it.”

  “You kissed Taylor?”

  “Shhh.” Becca glanced behind her, but no one was paying any attention to them. “And yes. It was amazing.”

  “I can’t believe you kissed her. What did she say?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “After you kissed.” Riley wrapped her hands around her mug. “What did you say? Was it romantic? Did you get her number? I need more information.”

  Becca sighed. “That’s the thing. I, uh... I left.”


  “I panicked. I... I can’t believe I just left. God, she probably thinks I’m a complete idiot.”

  Riley stared at her. “And you haven’t seen her since?”


  Riley’s first instinct was to tell Lauren, to play matchmaker, but she couldn’t.

  “I shouldn’t have done it,” Becca said, sitting back in her chair. “I was just so surprised to see her, and then we started talking, and I kept wondering, when would I get a chance like this again? But I shouldn’t have. I should have been happy that we’d even spoken. Outside of class, I mean. About something other than math.”

  Riley didn’t know what to say. She wanted to be encouraging, but she had no idea what was going on with Taylor. She’d have to try and talk to Lauren about it later. When they’d heard the forecast and knew they’d more than likely have at least Monday off, they’d planned on spending tonight together. Riley wouldn’t have to leave in the middle of the night. She could fall asleep in Lauren’s arms like she did on Friday and Saturday nights.

  “And I’m going to have her again next year,” Becca said, taking Riley away from her thoughts. “This is such a mess. How am I going to walk into her class this week? I won’t be able to look at her.”

  “Hey,” Riley said, her hand on Becca’s arm. “It’s going to be fine. Jus
t try and act normal around her. The last thing you need is her thinking you’re some love sick teenager. I was so worried about that with Lauren.”

  Becca nodded. “I know.”

  “Do you still want to go out? I was thinking about Saturday night. If you’re still up for it.”

  Becca gave her a half smile. “Well, I think I blew it with Taylor, so... Why not?”


  “Yes. I need to put myself out there, and I need to forget about her.”

  “Okay. Saturday night it is.” Riley finished her coffee. “We should probably get back. It’s really starting to add up,” she said, looking out the window at the snow that continued to fall.

  “Yeah. That’s why I left the library. And I wanted to talk to you. You ready to go?” Becca asked, standing up.

  Riley nodded and gathered up her notes. She was still in shock, and she couldn’t wait to talk to Lauren, to see if she’d spoken to Taylor.


  As soon as they got back to their apartment, Becca went to her room to study, and even though Riley knew she should do the same thing, she wanted to see Lauren. She looked down at the silver key in her hand. Lauren had given it to her the day after Thanksgiving, saying she should come and go when she wanted. Riley hadn’t been expecting it, and she had to blink back tears, because after visiting Lauren’s family and having such a good time with them, it all seemed too good to be true. She still couldn’t believe she’d gotten this lucky.

  Riley took off her scarf and hat, hanging them up along with her coat. She’d go see Lauren and then come back and do some studying. She slid her phone into her pocket and took the elevator up to Lauren’s floor, lifting her hand to knock before remembering that she didn’t have to. Riley turned her key in the lock and opened the door. She thought she heard someone talking, but it was probably just the TV or maybe a podcast.

  “Hey... You’re not going to believe what I-” Riley stopped talking as she entered Lauren’s living room and she saw Taylor pacing back and forth. “Sorry. I can come back later.” Riley met Lauren’s eyes. She didn’t know what to make of this, other than that it had something to do with Becca. What else would have Taylor pacing?

  “No,” Taylor said. “I’d actually love to get your opinion on something. If you don’t mind.”

  Lauren finished her drink and got up. “Taylor, do you want a top up?”

  Taylor glanced down at her glass that was still half full. “I haven’t shut up since I got here. I’ve barely had any wine. So, no, I’m okay for now. Thanks though.”


  “Sure,” she said. “Whatever you’re having is fine.” Lauren’s hand brushed across Riley’s lower back as she walked by.

  “Okay, so... Hypothetically,” Taylor said, using her hands as she walked back and forth in front of the coffee table. “If...” She stopped. “Wait, this isn’t hypothetical for you. What did you think when you two got together? Were you worried? Did you feel... I don’t know, pressured?”

  Lauren was back with two full glasses of red wine. “I didn’t jump her, Taylor. I told you how it happened.”

  Riley took a much need drink. This was about Becca. Should she say something? That she knew?

  Taylor sighed. “Alright,” she said, her hands out in mock surrender. “Wrong choice of words. Riley, what I’m trying to say is... Okay, so you approached Lauren. Was there a moment where you were thinking, ‘Holy shit. I just kissed my professor.’”

  Riley took a deep breath. “Yes and no. I think I was more surprised that the feeling was mutual. I didn’t really have time then to think about the consequences of kissing her. Not that there have been any.”

  “Taylor, if you want her advice,” Lauren said as she sat down beside Riley, “Just tell her what happened.”

  Taylor reached for her wine, bringing her glass to her lips and taking a long drink. “I kissed one of my students. Or rather, she kissed me.”

  “And now, she’s panicking,” Lauren said, motioning towards Taylor. “Please, put her mind at ease.”

  Riley blinked. What was the right thing to do here? Becca hadn’t said that it had to stay between them, but it was kind of implied. This could help Becca though, but Riley didn’t want to interfere either. This wasn’t any of her business.

  “Riley?” Lauren was looking at her, waiting for her to say something.

  She cleared her throat and turned to Lauren. “Can I talk to you for a moment? In the kitchen,” she said, her voice low.

  Lauren stared at her, her lips pursed. “Okay,” she said with a sigh. They got up, and Lauren told Taylor to give them a minute.

  In the kitchen, Riley was the one pacing.

  “What’s going on?” Lauren asked. “I’m trying to calm her down, and this isn’t going to help.”

  “Do you know who the student is?”

  Lauren nodded. “Rebecca something. I can’t remember her last name. I don’t think I have her, but I don’t know for sure. I have dozens of students. Why?”

  “It’s Becca.”

  Lauren’s face was blank.

  “Becca. My roommate,” Riley said in just above a whisper.

  Lauren’s jaw dropped. “She’s... That’s who...” She blew out a breath. “Unbelievable.”

  “We could all go on a double date sometime,” Riley said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “This isn’t funny.” Lauren glanced back towards the living room where Taylor was staring out the window. “She’s driving herself crazy wondering if she’s going to get fired because Rebecca ran out on her. She thinks she’s going to get reported.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell her that?”

  “Because, I don’t know what the right thing to do is. I just met Becca at the coffee shop and she told me what happened. I doubt she would want me talking to Taylor about it. She’s embarrassed and also a mess.”

  “What was she thinking?”

  Riley stood in front of her. “She panicked, okay? She’s been crushing on Taylor for weeks, and she thought she saw something there. She went for it and then realized how many different ways it could go wrong.”

  “And she just left?”

  Riley sighed. “Look, I know what that’s like. To be so infatuated with someone who is completely out of your league, but then you see something in their eyes, this flash of hope, a hint of desire, and you have to go for it. What if it never happens again?”

  A smile tugged at Lauren’s lips. “Just because it worked for us, doesn’t mean it’s going to work for them. Becca’s younger, right? She’s still got almost two more years?”

  “A year and a half left now, but yeah. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to interfere, but at the same time, it would be so easy to.”

  “Becca’s not the only one who’s infatuated.”

  “Really?” Riley asked, her hand finding Lauren’s.

  Lauren nodded. “This has been going on for a few weeks now. That’s what Taylor was talking about that night at the casino, when she asked me if I’d ever been involved with a student. She was wondering if it was a possibility, if it was crazy.”

  “If she hadn’t asked you that, I don’t think we would be standing here right now,” Riley said, thinking out loud. “You wouldn’t have asked me up to your apartment that night.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Anyway, I don’t know about getting in the middle of all this, but how can we not when we’re both friends with them. Oh, and by the way, Becca has only just come out and only to me and Nicole.”

  “So, she’s never dated another woman?”


  Lauren took a drink. “I suggested that I bring Taylor out this weekend, get her mind of Rebecca.”

  “You did? I said the same thing to Becca. She’s never been to a gay bar, so I told her about the sports bar that gets a gay crowd on Saturdays.”

  Lauren smiled. “I guess, we’ll see you there then.”<
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  “What?” Riley asked with a smile. “Maybe, that’s what we should do. Both go out Saturday. They might find someone else more interesting or they’ll get a chance to talk.”

  “Okay.” Lauren glanced over her shoulder. “I have to get back to her.”

  “I’m going to go.”

  Lauren kissed her lightly on the lips. “Come back later?”

  “Definitely. Text me when you’re on your own.”


  They left the kitchen, and Riley said goodbye to Taylor, telling her she had to get back home to finish an assignment. Riley was in a daze when she got home, not quite believing everything that had happened today. Taylor’s crush was Becca, and Becca was completely infatuated with her. What were the chances?


  Lauren reluctantly got out of bed, leaving Riley fast asleep beside her. A quick look at her weather app told her they’d gotten a total of twenty inches of snow, and since it was almost ten o’clock, Lauren knew the roads would have been plowed by now. She had to get to her parents and check in on them. Lauren normally shoveled their driveway and the path up to their porch. Brian had his own house to worry about.

  She got dressed, finding her heavy-duty gloves, a gray knitted hat and matching scarf, leaving them on the end of the bed along with her handbag. She padded over to Riley’s side of the bed and gently touched her shoulder. “Riley?”

  The only response Lauren got was a murmur. She didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye, so she tried again, brushing a lock of hair away from her face. “Riley? I have to go.”

  Riley stirred, her eyes fluttering open. “Hi...”

  “Hi. I have to go see how my parents are doing. They’ll need help digging themselves out from all the snow we got last night.”

  “You’re leaving?” Riley asked, her voice muffled by her pillow.

  “Yeah.” Lauren tried not to smile, but it was impossible not to. She wished she could wake up with Riley every morning.

  “I thought we were spending our snow day together. In bed. You promised me unlimited orgasms.”


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