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Against All Odds (Full Throttle Book 1)

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by Elizabeth Knox

  “I’ll meet you at the clubhouse,” I tell Leo, pulling my helmet on and revving up my bike. I need to clear my head and I need to think this shit through.

  As I pull out on the road, I realize what all of this could mean. The empire that my father built over his lifetime could fall and burn to the ground with this takeover. Vernon’s words linger in my mind.

  “It will be up to my daughter. She will choose who she wants to rule this city with. The choice will be hers and hers alone. You and Ascher are her only options. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with what I’ve built.”

  The more I ride, the more aggravated I become. My father lost his life trying to make this city better. He made it his life mission to clear out the bullshit that ran rampant through the streets. Of course, not everything we do is legal, but we keep control. I fucking keep control. From the drugs we run under the table that keep the infected shit from killing people in our city to the prostitution. I make sure it’s all run smoothly and as safely as possible. And now everything that my father and I have worked our asses off to build and run is coming to an end.

  To an end that comes down to Kenna Vernon.

  Chapter 3

  The women with the highest walls have the deepest love. - R H Sin


  I drove as fast as I could to south Miami, to the one place where I needed to be more than anything. This was a lot of shit to process and I knew that I couldn’t do it alone, no way and no how. I may have acted cool in front of my father, but I was surely about to break down if I didn’t tell my best friend, Winnie, about all this quick. Her shop was in the heart of the ghetto, right where she was born and raised.

  I own a stake in her shop, and without my investment she probably wouldn’t be working for herself and would still be stuck working for that pig Carlos. Winnie is super talented, and boy does she know how to paint. Her body and paint shop is the best in all of Miami, and I’m not just saying that because she’s my best friend, or because this is also my place too. I’m just being honest.

  I walk straight on in, through the thick Florida humidity and into the cool air conditioning that flows through her office.

  “Win!” I shout, waiting for her to pop into my view. She swivels around in the chair to my left and I nearly jump ten feet high and hit the ceiling. “Jesus! You couldn’t have told me you were right there?”

  “Mmm. I could’ve but what would be the fun in that? I’d rather scare you until you’re prairie dogging it up”

  “You are disgusting,” I comment, wrinkling my nose.

  “We established that when we were five and I ate a whole container of glue. You decided after that to be friends with me, so you’re kind of stuck with your choice.” She snickers, and I smack her on the shoulder, popping my ass onto the bean bag chair that sits a few feet away from her.

  I sit in silence for a moment and tell her everything about my day, including the smallest details about the conversation that I had earlier with my father. There was no reason to hide anything and Win has always been a great sounding board, and my voice of reason when I need it.

  “So, what’s the big deal? It sounds like you get to choose between two men who may have the potential to be a great fit for not only you, but Miami too. Just do me a favor and send whoever the loser is my way. I could use a nice big dick to get the cobwebs out of this pussy”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes at her. She’s always had a way of being blunt as fuck, and never have I been able to get used to it. The girl still surprises me, even today.

  “Nothing is ever simple,” I say, looking over to her. She sits back in her chair and cocks her head to the side, the gold hoop earrings she wears glisten under the light.

  “Okay, so what’s the deets about these two guys? You’ve told me the gist of it, but I can tell you’re hiding something from me. Something you don’t want me to know.” She’s right. I’m not telling her details because she’s going to lecture me. “Cough it up, woman. I’ve got work to do and can’t keep yapping at this damn social hour”

  “Ascher runs a car crew. I don’t know all the details, but I know enough to get an idea...and Phoenix…” I mumble, not sure how to say what I need to.

  “Ah! This little secret information is about him. Chop, chop, woman.”

  “Phoenix is the Prez of the Devil’s Ash MC,” I blurt it out, unable to break my eyes away from her own.


  I nod at her assessment, leaning back into the chair and allow my head to hang from the cheap furniture as I stare up at the ceiling, not wanting to think about anything regarding an MC. It hurts too much to think about it. Even after all these years, it aches in a way that I thought would eventually dissipate. Instead, my demons toy with me, constantly making me relive the pain.

  “Phantom is dead, Ken. He’s been dead for years. Nothing will bring him back.”

  “I know,” I murmur lowly, thinking about Phantom. Fuck. Tears well behind my eyes and I close them, but the second that I do I visualize his face. His soft blonde hair, those baby blue eyes and that southern charm smile that could make me do just about anything.

  “You haven’t dated anyone since him and I’ve respected that. I know how hard it is to lose someone, especially in the way that you lost him...but you have to move on. You’ve spent the last five years in work mode, doing whatever you could for your Pops. I think it’s about time you start living for yourself again, and I’m sure Phan’ would agree with me. You know as well as I do he wouldn’t want you to be alone. He’d want you to be taken care of, to be protected and who knows which one of these dudes is gonna do that, but I’d bet ya a million bucks that he’d much rather you be with a brother. And, as much as you say this is about who’s right for the city, you need to follow your heart with this one. This can’t be another business decision. You have to think with what’s in here.” She points to her chest, and she’s right. I hate admitting that shit, but she is so right. I don’t want this to be a business decision, but at the same time...I need to do what is right for Miami and I will put the city before me every time.

  I think it’s about time I get in contact with Phoenix. We’ve got a date to go on.

  Chapter 4


  “What the hell does all this mean for us?” Ricky, another brother asks as I go over the situation with Kenna and her dad.

  “It means that she makes the call. I’ve looked into her. She’s a girl that really loves this city. I have no doubts that she will take it in the right direction but Ascher won’t let it go down that way. We all know how he is and havin’ a female runnin’ shit at his side isn’t him,” I explain. I watch the guys as they all sit around the table. A few look pissed and a few unsure. I knew it would be divided because not all of them are in the know of Vernon and they don’t know how to gauge all this.

  “What about you? You okay with lettin’ somethin’ with a pussy reign with you?” Hearing the condescending tone in Micky’s voice grates on my last nerve. I can’t deal with his bullshit today of all fucking days.

  “I think we all know that my line of thinkin’ is a little different than some clubs. All of you have been with me long enough to see that, yeah? Anyone with a brain can stand beside me. Havin’ a pussy between her legs is a plus.” Leo snorts and chuckles next to me knowing exactly what I mean. My father didn’t raise me to hate women like some clubs. He didn’t teach me that they are the lesser of the two and aside from the girls that we run for prostitution, I don’t treat them any different. Hell, even those girls do it by choice and are taken care of.

  “I don’t like the idea. What the fuck is next? Pink frilly signs out front? We’re fuckin’ drug dealers, Prez!” Rolling my head back and forth, I try to work out the tension again, before I pound this assholes face in.

  “You said it. I’m the fuckin’ Prez. Not you! This takeover is happenin’ either way you look at it! Would you rather be runnin’ under Ascher? That’s what the fuck this comes down to. M
e or him! I for one am not sittin’ back and watchin’ this son of a bitch take what we’ve worked our asses off to build. You wanna walk, Micky? Drop the motherfuckin’ cut at the door!” Turning on my heel I storm from the office needing some air. I need space and time to think. I don’t like the idea of Ascher running anything around here. I know how he is. I know what he thinks. He will tear this city apart for his own wellbeing and to hell with the people that live here. I won’t let that happen. I won’t push Kenna into something she isn’t comfortable with either. That’s not my style.

  As soon as I light up my cigarette, Leo comes to stand next to me.

  “You should vote that little bastard out, brother. Can’t stand his ass,” he grumbles next to me.

  “Fuck him. Poor bastard’s just jealous he’ll never amount to shit around here. He’s lucky I let his ass sit in on meetin’s as it is.” Taking another long hit, I close my eyes and lean my back onto the brick wall behind me.

  “I think you’re headin’ in a good direction, Phoenix. Never doubted you before and I sure as hell don’t plan to now.”

  “And that’s why you’re my fuckin’ VP, Leo,” I tell him with a chuckle. We both grow silent as we let all the information seep into us. I can’t force that girl to choose me, but I can sure as hell show her I’m better than my brother is. That’s the goal in all of this.

  Pop. Pop. Pop.

  The sound is one we haven’t heard in a while. Gun shots. My eyes snap open, my senses go on high alert. My hand reaches behind me without my thinking and pulls my gun. I scan the area when more shots are fired, one narrowly missing my head. I should have seen this coming. I should have known that bastard would start a war. He was never one to lay down and let shit happen, but neither am I.

  “Fuck!” I roar when I see the assholes shooting. A dark blue van with the side door open and I see pricks wearing ski masks, so I can’t see who the fuck they are. Useless little fucks. If I want to fire on someone they will damn sure know it’s me doing the shooting. I fire back as Leo and I both move to get cover but unlike him, I move forward. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I rush the goddamn van.

  “Call out, Prez!” I hear Lynch, our enforcer screaming for me to answer. Fuck him. I’m in my zone. The faster I run, the faster the van speeds up. I continue firing until I can’t see the fuckers anymore. Typical fucking drive-by which makes me believe it wasn’t another MC. Not many will cover their faces like that and we sure as fuck don’t hide in the cover of a van. We go out on our bikes and handle business.

  “Call out, Prez!” One more time Lynch hollers.

  “Yeah! I’m good!” I stuff my gun back onto the back of my jeans and stand to full height. I didn’t see any cuts. They were in a van. Those same thoughts keep rushing my mind.

  “You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” Leo asks out of breath stepping up next to me.

  “You thinkin’ Ascher sent them?” Glancing over at Leo, he nods.


  “Then, yeah. Didn’t see any cuts. If they were a rival they didn’t wear them. Fuck, Leo!” Scrubbing my hand down my face, I turn to see the rest of the guys standing behind us. I knew they’d come as soon as they heard the shots, but this is what I’m talking about. Stalking toward them, murderously I stop in front of Micky.

  “That shit,” I thunder pointing over my shoulder, “is that shit what you want runnin’ this city? You want to have shoot outs on our goddamn streets?” My hands ball into fists at my sides. My body is coiled too tightly to calm down without hitting something or someone. I need a good fight. I need to take this out on someone.

  “Too many people are tryin’ to run this city! Too many have their hand in the goddamn pot. I would have never thought that a takeover would be the way to end this shit, but I see it clearly now. This is the only fuckin’ option. We need this!”

  I storm past the guys and head straight into the clubhouse. I only stop long enough to grab a beer and then head down to the surveillance room. Lucky sits inside at his desk already doing his thing.

  “Gimme a bit, Prez. No plates that I can see but I’ll get you somethin’,” he says looking over his shoulder quickly at me. I watch him do his thing, his fingers moving over the keyboard like an expert. I guess in a way, Lucky is an expert. Computer hacker looking for a second chance when he got out of prison. My dad took him in and the bastard has been here ever since. Lucky’s an old man but his knowledge is what keeps him young.

  “Just a little longer,” he says keeping his eyes on that screen.

  I nod and take a long pull from my beer when my phone rings. Sliding it out, I snap.


  “Is that anyway to greet a lady?”

  “Who the hell is this?” My nerves are shot from that little stunt and now an unknown number and female? Yeah, I need to get fucked. And soon.

  “Kenna Vernon.”

  Well, fuck.

  Chapter 5

  You’re a woman. Use it. Bring every man you meet to his motherfucking knees.

  - Anonymous


  I don’t know what the hell came over me, or how I suddenly had the courage to get a hold of Phoenix’s cell number and call him, but I did. One thing I hated the most is when people pussyfoot around shit. It irks me like no other, and there is really no time to waste. I know the situation I’m in, as I’m sure Phoenix and Ascher do as well. I’m the most afraid of meeting Phoenix, solely based on the life he leads in the MC. I’ve been down that path before, knowing it all too well and the only thing it brought me was heartache and misery; a concoction filled with pain like no other.

  When I called him an hour ago, I initially thought I’d tell him to meet me somewhere downtown, but after thinking about it for a few minutes I decided that wasn’t the smartest move. If I want to see what Phoenix does, and how he runs his club then I need to show up unexpectedly, and that was exactly my plan.

  I call Philip and tell him my intentions, even asking him what he knows about the Devil’s Ash MC. Philip is always within a safe distance from me. It is his job to protect me after all. He and I have an odd relationship, he respects my privacy but to a certain extent, and I understand that he needs to do whatever he does to do his job correctly. To be honest, I’m not in the least bit shocked when he rattled off the address to Phoenix’s club.

  At this rate, it’s just past ten at night which tells me that the clubhouse should be popping with people. My mind drifts back to what the nightlife was like when I was with Phantom all those years ago, his club always had tons of people going in and out, which ultimately led to his death. He was too accepting, and his big heart got him killed.

  I take the short drive of about fifteen minutes until I’m right around the corner from the Devil’s Ash clubhouse. I glance up into my rear-view mirror and see that Philip is in his Escalade a few cars back, parked along the street just as I am. I open the door, swinging it wide open and grab my clutch, sliding my keys safely inside the small purse before I lock my car door and slam it shut. I hear Philip’s footsteps coming from behind me and before I can even turn around here’s right on my heel.

  “What’s the plan, Ken’?”

  I turn around and face him, looking him up and down and then back to the clubhouse. “You know I don’t have to tell you anything, but I’ll humor you. I came here to meet Phoenix, on my terms. I didn’t want him to have the time to clean up his act or hide anything about what he does.”

  “Ah, an ambush test.” I nod at Philip’s assessment, he’s always been quite the smart cookie. I guess that’s why my father has had him on the books for so long.

  “Precisely.” I smile, beginning to walk towards the clubhouse. I glance down to my outfit and can’t help but snicker to myself. Phoenix won’t even know what hit him. I have my hair in a high ponytail with wispy curls around my ears, a sweet gold set of wedges and I’m in the best short-shorts a girl could ask for paired with an olive-green tank that compliments my tan skin. Philip gra
bs my arm, causing me to look back towards him.

  “I’m coming in with you,” he states firmly.

  “I can handle myself. I highly doubt Phoenix will let anything happen to me when I’m his key to Miami. Without me, he gets nothing. He’s got more reason to keep me alive than you do, Phil. You only get a measelly paycheck.” I playfully punch his arm and he smiles back at me, and then his face goes stoic.

  “It’s still my job to watch over you. I made a promise to your father.”

  “Alright, then. Watch over me from right here, and if you hear screaming barge in the clubhouse.” I strut off towards the clubhouse doors before he has a chance to argue with me. I find it funny that no one was posted out front. It seemed careless to me. I place my hand on the door, pulling it open and walk straight on in. What I see doesn’t shock me, everyone in the joint is having a grand old time. I see a few playing pool, a couple hanging around the bar, and the ones who are seated have girls on their laps with smirks that match their devious thoughts.

  “Hey, Red! Whatcha drinking?” The man behind the bar hollers over to me, and I approach, taking a seat on a barstool.

  “Chilled Corona with lime.” He nods, fetching my corona and pops the lime on the top. I bring the lime to my lips, taking a bite of the tart fruit before taking a sip of my beer.

  “What in the fuck, man? He seriously is down for this shit? Phoenix is making a big fuckin’ mistake and it’s about time someone said somethin’ to him ‘bout this shit.” I overhear someone to my left speak as I take another swig of my beer. “I can’t believe he’s gonna sacrifice shit cause of some fuckin pussy. Ain’t no pussy that good, not even if it gives him Miami.”

  “You new around here?” the bartender asks me, throwing his rag over his shoulder as he leans back to assess me. “Can’t say I’ve seen you in the clubhouse before, and I’d remember. We don’t have real gem’s like you come in every day.”


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