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Against All Odds (Full Throttle Book 1)

Page 7

by Elizabeth Knox

  This is my life.

  This is always a possibility and it makes me wonder if putting her in the line of fire is worth all this. I roll over and climb on top of her kissing her lips before moving down her neck. Why does everything with Kenna feel right? It isn’t just the sex, although that is a huge fucking plus. Just being in her presence makes everything worth it. Kenna moans as I kiss my way down her neck to her chest. Her hand comes up and runs over the top of my head shoving me lower where she wants me. I chuckle against her skin as I lick my way down her body.

  “How can a mouth feel so good?” she grumbles in a sleepy voice.

  “Cause it’s my mouth,” I remind her. Slipping my finger between her wetness I groan at the feeling. Lowering my head, I slide my tongue over her clit in one long stroke. Kenna arches her back pressing herself closer as I grin.

  “You said you liked some kinky things, yeah?”

  I don’t wait on her answer. I slide two fingers inside of her and work her up. Kenna moans and fuck, does she get my cock hard like that.

  “What are you going to do to me, Daddy?” I never thought I’d be the type of man that would like to be called Daddy but hearing her say it? Fuck, I love it. I’d be just about anything she wanted me to be if she keeps panting the way she is. Slipping a few more fingers inside of her, stretching her, she gasps.

  “Tell me, Babygirl. You gonna squirt for me? You gonna give me everything I want?” Curling my hand, I slip it inside of her as she groans.

  “Phoenix! I’ve never done this,” she admits and it kind of shocks me.

  “Never?” I look up at arch a brow. She shakes her head as she looks down at me with uncertainty in her eyes. I smirk and slowly move my hand inside of her. Her walls clamp around me, squeezing like she does my cock.

  “Fuck, baby,” I hiss. I begin picking up my pace, fisting her so that she never forgets who this pussy belongs to. In and out, as she pants and screams for me. Every time ‘Daddy’ leaves her mouth, I swear to God my cock gets a little harder, but I don't stop until she drenches me in her sweetness. Pulling my hand free I quickly replace it with my cock thrusting as deep as I can get.

  “Fuck, yes! Fuck me, Daddy!” Kenna screams clawing at my back as she tries to pull me closer to her. I lean down and suck the flesh of her neck into my mouth, before raising back up. Knowing she likes to be choked, I wrap my hand around her throat and squeeze. Her eyes widen as a smile crosses her face. I fuck her harder and rough until neither of us can take any more. I come inside of her in a flash of lights and haze. When her arms fall to her sides, I pull out of her and drop onto the mattress.

  “So, you have proven you can keep up with me,” she giggles.

  “I didn’t know we didn't already establish that,” I tease.

  Kenna and I catch a shower where I fucked her once more before I tell her what Lucky found. She sits at the table looking as perfect as ever with no makeup on and her wet hair hanging down her back. She picks at a muffin but doesn't really eat.

  “So, you think it was your brother or the other club?”

  “I’m leanin’ toward the club. They’re pissed at me.”

  “Are you handling that?” She looks up at me and I can see the fear still in her eyes. Yeah, it’s lessened but it’s still there.

  “Of course, I’m handlin’ it. I got another club workin’ with me. We’re gonna meet up in a few days and figure out the logistics of things. This club isn't in Miami and I want to make sure it stays that way. They took shit too far shootin’ at you or anywhere near you.” Anger begins to course through my veins. The more we stay in this safe room, the further out of hand this shit gets. I won’t let that happen any longer.

  “Look, I’m gonna take you to the clubhouse or your dad’s for now. I don’t like the idea of you bein’ here while I’m out.” She doesn't let me finish. Her laughter rips through the room taking me by surprise.

  “I said I was scared, Phoenix. But that doesn't mean I’m going to cower and hide. Besides, I have things to do myself.” There she is. That little mouthy spitfire that I’m growing fond of.

  “You don’t listen and for some fucked up reason, I find that sexy,” I inform her. Kenna just smirks at me with those big beautiful eyes. I grab her muffin taking a big bite before she stands and moves toward me. Wrapping her arms around my waist, she lays her head on my chest.

  “Thank you for staying with me. I know how hard that was for you not to go after them. You chose me over a fight,” she whispers, and I know that this is important to her. I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arms around her.

  “Ken, I’m a lot of things but I want you to know that I would never walk away from you when you need me most. That isn’t an option.” She lifts her head and stares up at me. I can’t place that look in her eyes but I sure as hell want more of it.

  “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  With a smirk I say, “Yeah, I think I do.”

  “Now let me out of Fort Knox, so I can handle business and get you naked again,” I tell her. Kenna laughs and presses up on her toes to kiss me. I take it too loving the feel of her lips against mine. My tongue snakes into her mouth, swirling with hers until she starts to groan.

  “As much as I’d love to stay locked in this room with you, I got business to handle, babe.”

  “Fine. If you must go I suppose I can wait.”

  “Just for a little while,” I wink at her.

  Chapter 15

  We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. -C. S. Lewis


  Phoenix told me that he wouldn’t exactly feel comfortable if I was in my house alone, and I understand that, given what we’d just went through. So, I sat like a good little girl in my impenetrable fortress, watching tv and scrolling around on my phone until boredom bested me. I can’t just sit here on the couch anymore and let the day pass me by. I’m a woman of action, not sitting around and having leisure time.

  I jumped off the couch and took a quick shower, changing into a set of clothes that I found down here in the dresser and then called the clubhouse bar. Yep, they had a phone. I didn’t imagine that when I googled Devil’s Ash MC - Miami, FL a phone number would pop up, but what do ya know! Phoenix said he didn’t want me to be alone, and while I’m sure Philip is up there somewhere, I know he’d feel better if a couple of his guys were here too.

  I spoke to a club whore on the phone, who gave me to someone else who then handed the phone over to Leo, and let me tell you, I couldn’t be happier when that happened. He told me he’d have a couple of the guys come over and watch. Phoenix was bound to be around, digging up shit about what happened. He needed to do that, and I want him to. I want him to find the son of a bitch who shot at us and then allow us both to gut him like a fish.

  I make my way upstairs, out of the small prison within my home and peer around, still seeing that there is glass everywhere. “I can’t even call my door just that, it’s been obliterated into a million tiny shards and I need to get it fixed as soon as possible.” I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, pulling out a bottle of Merlot, I pour myself a heavy glass. Just as I bring it to my lips, I see Leo walking up the driveway with two men. I see his lips moving but don’t hear what he says to the men, one stands out front while I watch the other go around back. Leo makes his way inside, approaching me in the kitchen.

  “Sure, did a job here, didn’t they?”

  I nod. “Yep. Any word on who fucked up my house?”

  “Not yet, but Phoenix is out so it means he’s gonna find that mother fucker real soon” He’s right. Phoenix will, because they weren’t just shooting at him — they were shooting at me too and I already see the type of protective caveman Phoenix is over me. No lie, I love that. I’ve had to watch out for myself so much over the years that it’ll be nice for someone to watch out for me. I guess that I crave it in a sense. Before...when I was with Phantom, I had something similar. Don’t get me wrong, he was all alpha, but i
n no way is he like Phoenix. That man is unique to say the least. Old memories resurface in my mind and I can’t help but think about him...about how he was taken from me too soon, about the pain that takes ahold over my entire body as I recollect his smile, or the way he’d laugh when I said something stupid. Most of all, I remember the way I felt in his arms. How safe I was...and then how helpless I felt when he died. I think I worked so hard to become independent because I had relied on Phantom so much after I’d fallen in love with him. Maybe when I lost him, I felt as if I lost a part of myself. His death made me discover a lot of things about myself, including just how strong I was. I had never imagined a life without him by my side, yet here I am and here I still stand. Against all odds, my strength flourished when all I wanted to do was sink into a hole and cry. Some nights I still do, but that’s only because I miss him and wish that he was here.

  Through the years I stayed away from dating because I didn’t want to be hurt again. I knew that I’d never find anyone else like him, but that’s not what I needed. I didn’t need a Phantom, a ghost of the past. Maybe what I truly needed was a Phoenix, one who would bring my up from my own ashes.

  “You ain’t gotta worry about shit, Kenna. Phoenix is gonna handle all of this real quick.” I nod to Leo, showing him that I heard what he just said.

  “The thing is, Leo, it’s not just Phoenix’s job to handle it. It’s mine too, and sitting around, waiting for him to come back with news isn’t exactly how I roll. Usually I’m the one doing the fixing, so this is a bit weird for me.” I’ve taken so much control over my father’s business over the last couple of years that this feels as if I am being lazy. I go to events, representing the Vernon name. I mingle with the right people and stay far away from the ones that I shouldn’t be associated with. I make sure that our presence is seen, and I do it very well. To be completely honest, I never imagined doing any of this with someone by my side. I thought that I’d be alone for the rest of my days, that my work would fuel my life and give me meaning. But now, I see more than that. It may be too soon to say this, but I can see a future with Phoenix. I just don’t know exactly what our future looks like.

  “I get that. It’s why you two are gonna do so good together. You’re a lot alike.” He means that we both like to control situations. “Shit, when you pulled that knife out...I thought he was gonna jizz in his fuckin’ pants,” Leo laughs.

  “No, he saved it for later,” I tease, taking another sip of my merlot.

  I stand there with Leo for about an hour before we walk into my living area and both have a seat. It’s nice to not be alone, to be in someone else’s company. I turn my head, realizing that I haven’t seen Philip today. I texted him and the rest of the staff last night to tell them what happened and to not come to the house until I instructed them to do so, however it’s his job to be protect me. He may work for my father, and I might not like just how much of a shadow he is, but I respect it. It just would have been nice to know if he suddenly decided not to show up today. Shit, out of anyone he should have been here.

  I shake my head, listening to Leo as he tells me old stories about Phoenix and Ascher, and then he brings up a name that I know so well. Phantom. He starts to tell me old stories about him as well. It looks like Leo knows a lot of people, including my ex. It was nice to hear about him, but hard as well. I don’t know if Leo knows I had been with him before he died, but I won’t bring it up. The past is in the past, and now I should be focusing on my future.

  Before I know it, hours have passed, and Leo looks to his phone. “I need to be getting back to the club. Come on, I’ll take you with me”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll go back down into the fortress and Phoenix can come back when he’s ready.”

  “Highly doubt he’s gonna want you left alone. He’d be happier if you were at the club with us. Nothin’s gonna happen to you there.”

  “Nothing’s gonna happen to me in my safe room either,” I point out, knowing that I’m winning this battle before it’s even over. “I’m gonna go back down, you guys head back to the club. Seriously. I’m just gonna chill out anyway.”

  Leo looks at me, brows furrowed like he’s trying to decide if he should leave me alone. I don’t let him get a word in when I see his lips start to move. “I mean it. I’ll be fine.”

  “Alright, but if I get my ass chewed out he’s gonna know it’s cause you’re bossy as fuck.”

  “Good, you’ll be telling him something he already knows,” I laugh, heading towards the wine fridge. “I’m fine. I’m sure I’ll see you in a couple days.”

  Leo nods and heads towards the front door. I watch as he whistles, which alerts the other two guys to follow his lead and head out. The rumble of bikes tells me that they’re on their way back to the club and I start to head back into the safe room when it hits me that I can’t just sit around and do nothing. I need to do something, so I do. I dart upstairs and grab laundry, not having done any in ages because of the staff. It may seem silly, but I need to keep my mind occupied and folding laundry will do that.

  As soon as I walk into the laundry room I see one of Philip’s suit jackets hanging, so I take the hanger off the knob and walk into the hallway until I reach his bedroom. When I walk inside, I head straight for his closet, opening the doors and place it with the rest of his suit jackets. If it’s in the wrong place, then he’ll fix it. I go to shut the closet door when I see leather, something I wouldn’t take Philip for. He’s more businessman, less leather fetish. I yank it off the rack and when I do, my eyes go wide.

  This isn’t just any piece of leather.

  It’s a cut….and it’s sure as fuck not for an MC that I’m on good terms with. They’re the reason Phantom is dead.

  “I really wish you hadn’t of seen that.” I hear his words before I hit the ground, my head throbbing intensely before everything goes pitch black.

  Chapter 16


  “What the fuck do you mean she isn’t there?” I roar into the phone as I pace around the clubhouse. After a few days of not hearing from Kenna, I sent Leo back to her place to check on her. I’ve been so wrapped up in this fucking shooting mess and club business that I haven't had the chance to go back over there. I was pissed when she didn’t answer my phone calls, but I figured she was busy with her own things and hiding out in the safe room.

  “Just what the fuck I said, brother. She ain’t here. All her shits still here,” Leo says but that doesn’t make me feel better. I step around the broken tables and shards of glass that took the wrath of my emotions earlier when she didn’t answer. Something is wrong, and I can feel it deep in my bones. Something has been off since I left her place the other day, but I can’t place it.

  “Get the fuck back here and let’s figure this shit out.” Stuffing the phone back in my pocket, I spin around and slam my fist into the wall with a roar. I knew I shouldn’t have left her there. She is so damn stubborn and refused to come back here with me. I should have forced her, I think to myself before chuckling. I can’t force Kenna do anything she doesn't want to do.

  “You want me to run anything?” Lucky asks cautiously as he steps around the busted wood. I shake my head and look at my bloody knuckles, my nerves on edge.

  “Not yet. I don’t know if she’s just out or what the fuck is happenin’.”

  “You really care about this girl, don’t you?” Running my good hand over my face, I let out a deep breath.

  “You know, I never thought I would give two shits about a woman. Sure, I’ve fucked them and felt things, but actually carin’ about one? From the first time I saw that fire in her eyes, I knew,” I admit. Lucky chuckles and grabs a beer before passing me one.

  “Someone’s in love,” he teases, and I can’t help but laugh along with him.

  “It’s somethin’. She brings out somethin’ better in me man. I don’t know what, but I feel it.” My cell rings in my pocket and as I pull it out, Lucky slaps a hand on my shoulder and walks away.
br />   “Yeah?”

  “Phoenix, this is Jorge Vernon. Have you spoken to Kenna?” When the words leave his mouth, my stomach drops. If he hasn’t seen her then my gut was right. Something is wrong.

  “Not in a few days. Figured she was with you.” Even as I say the words, anger courses through my veins. My body is on fire with the need to not only find her but kill whoever might have her.

  “She hasn’t been answering her phone and the tracking device leads to her house. I assume you’ve been there?”

  “Yes, Sir. Had my guys over there already. She wasn’t there, and neither was her bodyguard. Any idea where they might be?” As I pace the room once again, every possible scenario plays out in my head. The thought of her hurt or afraid somewhere is ripping me apart.

  “None. I’m getting guys on it. You hear anything you let me know and I’ll do the same.” The line goes dead as I slip the phone back into my pocket.

  Where the hell is she? Where could she be? I’m not the type of guy that panics but this shit is hitting me too hard. Grabbing my cigarettes and the bottle of Jack, I head out the front door to wait on Leo. Once he gets here, I’m calling church and figuring this shit out. Lighting up, I lean against the wall and tip my head back. Who could possibly have her? If it’s one of my enemies, they would have made themselves known. They would have contacted me to tell me exactly what they are demanding.

  “Fuck!” I thunder as I keep coming up with nothing. Nothing makes sense. I’m the verge of losing my shit when a sleek blacked out Mercedes 63 rolls toward me. I might be a biker, but I know my cars too. What the hell is he doing? I don’t need Ascher’s shit today. I can’t deal with him on top of Kenna missing yet here the fucker is. He climbs out of the car and struts toward me, pulling his own cigarette out and lighting it up.

  “Hot as fuck today,” he mumbles around his smoke.

  “You came by to talk about the weather?” I ask blowing smoke in his general direction. It always amazes that we can stand here and look identical yet be complete opposites.


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