Book Read Free


Page 23

by Tony Baker

  After a few minutes of consideration, and looking each of the soldiers in the eyes, Derrick said, “Not one word to anyone! We’ll all sit down and talk after we get you settled. Do you understand me, Corporal? That goes for the rest of you as well!”

  “Yes, sir, we understand. This is pretty amazing, and the odds of all this coming to together are astronomical,” James replied with no small amount of awe in his voice.

  “We’ve experienced some pretty amazing things up to this point, young man. I’d have to classify this under miraculous!” Derrick said with the smile returning to his face.

  After Harry completed his update to Cecil, he joined the group at the back of the boat. Derrick introduced each of the soldiers, and as Harry shook hands he picked up an odd sense from them. Nothing negative, and if he had to put a label on the feeling the word would have to be a muted excitement. He quickly shook those thoughts off as he continued to chat with each of them in turn.

  The Phoenix pulled into Ayala Cove within twenty minutes after the rescue. Every person on Angel Island who was not involved in a critical assignment was at the docks as the fireboat came to a stop at the refueling dock and shut down. As the cold and half-clothed Guardsmen got off the boat, the applause and cheers from the other survivors was louder than those Harry and Cecil had experienced. Each soldier was welcomed and taken off to find dry clothes and a place to store their gear.

  Frank had quickly bonded with the only female soldier in the group. Allison Hernandez reminded Harry of the female actor Michelle Rodriguez: beautiful, athletic, and quite capable of taking care of herself. Frank was like a teenager telling his best friends about Allison as he described her to Harry and Derrick later that evening. Allison, twenty-four years old and with an I.Q. that matched Frank’s, had spent time in the regular Army where she trained as a Cobra Attack Helicopter pilot. After being wounded in Afghanistan, she’d decided to leave the Army and pursue a career as a commercial airline pilot.

  “Okay, so that means she has a real license to fly helicopters, right? Maybe you could get lessons from her then, Rookie!” Derrick ribbed Frank after listening to him go on about how ‘cool’ she was. Frank just looked at Derrick like he had grown an ear on his forehead. That just made Derrick laugh harder.

  At 7:00 p.m. Cecil called a stop to all work for the night. Everyone was running on fumes as they continued to set up the island and he knew they needed to decompress. The people who had taken over as cooks created a fantastic meal out of some very basic supplies they had gathered, and the survivors enjoyed an evening of relaxation. Genuine laughter was heard as they all pushed the horrors they had experienced out of their minds. If only for the night.

  Harry watched the soldiers and Derrick talking among themselves as he ate with Cecil and the other council members. He’d caught them glancing in his direction several times. Curiosity was getting the best of him as he wondered what the hell they were talking about.

  Excusing himself, he wandered over to the group and said, “So what’s up, folks?”

  Derrick looked at James for a moment, then nodded toward the visitor’s center. “Harry, we need to talk. Let’s go inside the center.”

  Harry was perplexed as he, Derrick, and James entered the quiet building. Frank came in a moment later to join the small group.

  “Okay, what’s this all about?” Harry asked

  “James has some news he received. News that affects you directly, Harry. I want you to know that I believe what he is about to tell you,” Derrick said as he leaned forward in his chair.

  Harry looked from Derrick to James. “Okay, son, what do you have?”

  “I am not sure how best to begin so I will just say it, sir. I have been in contact with your nephew in Indiana,” James said, and suddenly became very uncomfortable at the expression he saw come over Harry’s face.

  Harry immediately jumped to his feet, his head spinning. “What the hell do you mean you’ve been in contact with my nephew? Eric? How the hell have you been in contact with him?” Harry grabbed James by the collar with both hands, dragging him to his feet. “What kind of fucking sick joke is this? You had better explain yourself very quickly!”

  Derrick was on his feet almost as quickly as Harry had been. Placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder, he said, “Harry, you need to hear him out.”

  Harry’s eyes clouded with tears and emotion blocked his ability to speak. He released James as he sat heavily back down. In an almost whisper he managed, “What do you mean you’ve been in contact with Eric?”

  James smoothed the front of his shirt but remained standing as he spoke. “We spoke twice. The first time was several days ago, six days to be precise, and via satellite phone. The last time was two days ago. Apparently your nephew found a sat phone in an abandoned Guard vehicle.” Seeing the sheer terror that now creased Harry’s face, James quickly added, “But he’s okay, sir. At least he was when I spoke to him last.”

  Harry began to stand again as he said, “Get him on the damn thing! Right now, Corporal!”

  Derrick gently kept Harry from gaining his feet and said, “Let him finish, Harry.”

  James did not wait and continued. “I would have done that the moment we found out who you were, sir. But the battery in your nephew’s sat phone died. I could tell it was happening so I got as much information as possible before it did.

  “Apparently the group of people he was with came under attack by a large group of infected while they were in transit to a safe zone. The infected were put down without anyone being injured, but the vehicle your nephew, your sister and brother-in-law were in ran off the road during the initial attack and flipped. Everyone onboard was fine other than a few bruises, but the vehicle could not be salvaged.

  “As they were transferring the people and supplies from that vehicle the convoy was hit by another group of infected. Derrick told us you call them runners. Your nephew and a few of his friends had been helping carry supplies when the infected hit. Apparently they came out of the woods that surrounded them.

  “Your sister, brother-in-law and most of the others made it onto a bus that had been brought in, but your nephew and his friends were cut off. They were able to hide until the infected moved on. He did not go into much detail about what happened during the attack, but I got the impression it was bad.” James finally sat down and stared at the floor.

  Harry sat in stunned shock as tears coursed their way down his cheeks. “What else?” That was all that he could manage for the moment.

  James looked up to Harry, and after taking a deep breath he continued. “Your nephew is with his friend Tyler and a few others. This all took place just outside of Carmel. The military had set up a staging area at a place called the Monon Community Center where they had the area residents assembled for evacuation. They were being relocated north of Kokomo to a safe zone that had been established. I don’t have all the details, though.

  “Once the infected left the area after the second attack, your nephew organized the other teens. They collected the weapons and supplies that had been abandoned when the other survivors fled. That’s how they found the sat phone. Here again, I can’t give you many details, but the kids made their way to Carmel High School and were able to secure the building.

  “Your nephew set up a rotation of the kids to send out brief calls on the sat phone and that is how we picked up the first one. Apparently they started to dial random numbers, trying to reach someone, and our equipment picked up the transmission from the phone, since it is military. After the second call, as I told you, the battery in their phone finally went dead. I was able to pass along some suggestions and answer a few questions about the weapons they had collected.

  “I understand your nephew is only fifteen, sir, but with all due respect, he really has his shit together! He asked pertinent questions and seemed satisfied with my answers. I’m not certain how I would have handled all this at his age, but I am sure that he was solely responsible for saving the other kids with hi
m and has kept them alive since!

  “You should also know that just before the sat phone went dead your nephew gave me a message for you. Although at the time I had no idea I would ever have the opportunity to deliver it. He said to tell you that he’s alright and that he remembered everything you two had talked about. That he would do what he could to keep the others safe.” James cleared his throat in an obvious attempt at removing the lump that was quickly forming. “He said to tell you that he loved and respected you more than you could ever know. There was more that he started to say but static garbled it and then the phone went dead.”


  Harry had finally gotten his emotions under control, and was now trying to put what he had heard in some order of understanding. His sister was apparently safe, as was Eric; for now at least. Tyler was Eric’s best friend and together they made a good team. Both boys had matured well beyond their ages. They played sports together and many of the other things teens enjoyed, but were both leaders in their group. Eric more so with his good looks, intelligence, and quick wit. He was a natural leader that people were drawn to. Both he and Tyler were over six feet tall, athletic, and easily able to handle themselves. But neither of the boys had ever used their size to intimidate, both being the first to stand against bullying. They were well-liked and respected by their peers and teachers.

  They had supplies and were in a safe location. Harry was not going to ponder how long either would last. Carmel High School was a very large campus. Eric’s graduating class alone had been nearly thirteen hundred students. Harry had no idea where Eric and the others would have secured themselves in the school, but he knew Eric would find the safest and most logical location.

  Derrick interrupted Harry’s thoughts. “Harry?”

  Harry looked around the room and found all eyes on him. “I’m good, Derry,” he replied.

  Turning his attention to James, Harry then said, “James, I apologize for my reaction. This is a bit of a shock to say the least. I just can’t get my head around the odds! But I want you to know how much I appreciate this information, and thank you for helping Eric with the information you were able to offer. He is a very smart and capable kid and I know you increased their odds greatly.”

  Harry then turned his focus on Derrick and Frank. “I’m leaving in the morning. I know you guys have said you would go but I’m not holding you to that. This island is safe and I think given time it will become a beacon of hope. Between Cecil and the others, you two could at least find some peace until this all gets sorted out. God knows you’ve done enough.”

  Derrick could no longer remain silent, and with very rare tears forming in the large man’s eyes, he said, “Harry, you and I have been through some shit not only recently but over the years. Not to mention all the good times we’ve had. You invited me into your family and they accepted me the moment we met. You are the closest thing to a brother I have, and if you think for one moment I’m going to let you traipse off alone you’re just sorely mistaken! We started this together and we are going to see it to the end together!” Crossing massive arms across his chest, he looked to the floor as a single tear found its way down his cheek.

  “I told you before, Harry,” Frank began, using Harry’s first name, “I was going to stick with you guys. Besides, you might need someone a little smarter than too old beat cops!” Frank’s ability to break the tension worked once again. Harry and Derrick both looked at him at the same time and smiled.

  “Well, he’s right ya know,” Derrick said to Harry. “You’re already too old for this shit and I’m right at your rear bumper on that!”

  “I would like to go as well,” James said to Harry’s surprise. “I’m from Ohio and have no family out here. Maybe once we get your family situated I might head on and see if any of mine are still alive.”

  Before Harry could answer, another voice joined the conversation from the door of the visitor’s center. “You can count me in as well,” Phil said as he walked up to join the group. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but Cecil wanted to find out if you guys were going to be in here all night.” Turning to Harry, he then said, “I can handle myself, Harry, and I want to help. There’s not much holding me here any longer. I grew up in San Francisco and am pretty sure all my family is dead. At least I haven’t been able to get in contact with anyone since this all started.” Phil went quiet after saying that.

  Harry looked at each man in the room. Each of them willing to put their lives on the line for someone else without hesitation. This was no real surprise though. Each man there was a true professional and had always done what needed to be done. A couple of cops, a firefighter, and a National Guardsman. Harry felt a bit of shame for not taking into consideration that each of these men, as well as the other survivors, had lost family and friends over the past couple of weeks.

  “I would be honored to stand with each of you, gentleman,” Harry said, pushing past the lump that had formed in his throat. “Frank, at first light I want that copter we saw inspected and, if it’s operational, brought here. Derrick, Phil, and James, please gather what supplies, weapons and ammunition the island can spare. We need to pack light to be able to move easily.” Taking a breath he then said, “We need to get some rest so let’s get this done quickly. Tomorrow is going to come sooner than we like.”

  Each man acknowledged Harry’s instructions and went about what they needed to do. Harry met with Cecil and told him what James had to say, and what the men had planned. Cecil shared Harry’s wonderment that James had not only been in touch with Harry’s nephew but that he was actually among the survivors on Treasure Island, allowing him to give Harry this information.

  “I’m not a particularly religious man, but this sure makes you wonder,” Cecil said after listening to Harry’s story. Harry could only nod his agreement.

  At first light, Frank, along with Allison Hernandez and three others, made the hike to the helicopter on the other side of the island. They found it to be in perfect working order with nearly full tanks of fuel. There was no sign of the pilot, a mystery that they contemplated as they flew the bird back to Ayala Cove. While they were on that side of the island they’d also checked out the Coast Guard Station located on Point Blunt. It was abandoned, but the team was able to make entry into the main building. They did not find much but were able to collect a few basic medical supplies and found several doors securely locked. Frank passed that information along to Cecil.

  It was 10:34 a.m. when Harry, Derrick, Phil, and James walked down to the beach where the bright yellow helicopter sat. Frank and Allison were doing another preflight check as the other men approached. Earlier in the morning Allison had informed Harry that she would like to go along, offering that she could not only handle weapons but was a much more qualified pilot than Frank. Derrick jumped at the opportunity to kid Frank a bit and said he would be the first one to vote her in. After a bit of argument between Allison and Harry, an argument Harry knew he could not win, she hastily gathered some clothes and supplies and stowed it on the helicopter.

  While Frank and Allison went off to inspect the helicopter, Cecil and Harry pored over maps of the U.S. Harry knew they would have to keep away from large cities, so he came up with what he thought to be the best route to cross the nation. There were far too many variables they were certain to encounter, but he felt that the route he decided upon was the most logical. It was twenty-three hundred miles from the San Francisco Bay Area to Carmel, Indiana through a country now devastated and filled with horrors that Harry could not begin to comprehend. He had no idea what lay ahead, but his focus was clear. Nothing would stand in his way.

  Cecil had brought up a very good point about the island while they talked about what was happening inland. “How do we let others know we are secure and a safe haven?” he’d asked.

  That was a very good point. Both Harry and Ceil knew there had to be other survivors in the area. They weren’t equipped to undertake rescue operations, but they could let people know that Ang
el Island stood ready to offer safety if the survivors could reach it. Cecil had set up two teams that would patrol the coastline by boat from the Bay Bridge to the Golden Gate – teams that would be capable of picking up survivors from predetermined locations – but they needed a way for anyone inland to know where to go.

  The equipment that Harry had seen the Guardsmen carrying when they picked them up from Treasure Island turned out to be military grade radio gear. Connected to the island’s generator, that equipment was able to transmit at least one hundred miles outside the immediate area but it also had the ability to join with satellite communications. As long as there were still operating satellites. They had already picked up spotty radio traffic from the Bay Area. Some of it desperate calls for help, while others were calmly broadcasting descriptions of what they were seeing. Reports of marauders in Marin County begin to come in as well. That area was just north of San Francisco on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge.

  “I think we should broadcast a message,” Harry offered. “Maybe every hour. Let people know Angel Island is here and able to offer help if, and only if, survivors can reach you. We have enough boats to pick up folks from the shorelines but we need to establish a way to do that. Giving people very clear instructions.”

  “Any suggestions on what we might say?” Cecil asked after agreeing with Harry’s idea.

  “Maybe.” Harry sat down and hastily wrote several paragraphs on a sheet of paper. Once he was done, he handed it to Cecil who quickly read it.

  “I think this is a good start. We’ll modify it as things change here, and once we figure out the best locations for pickups, but at least we can use this to get the word out right now,” Cecil said. “I’ll get this over to the radio room right now.”

  After delivering the script to the radio operator, the first broadcast from Angel Island was made. This message would be repeated every hour until the island was at capacity or until people stopped answering.


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