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Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2)

Page 30

by Vikki Vaught

  As he led her up the stairs, the heaviness in his groin increased to almost painful proportions. When they reached the top of the stairs, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his bedchamber, threw open the door and dragged her into the room. Fortunately for him, he’d had the forethought to dismiss his valet for the rest of the night before going downstairs.

  As soon as the door shut, he swooped down on her. He wrapped his arms around her and blazed a hot trail of kisses along the side of her neck. While plundering her lips, he drove his tongue deep into her mouth, and she returned his kiss with just as much fervor. As delectable as she looked in her gown, he quickly divested her of it, then untied her stays and tossed them to the floor. He pulled her chemise over her head, and it joined her corset. Stepping back, his eyes drank in the sight of Kathleen standing there in only her stockings and slippers.

  With a seductive smile on her face and a come-hither look in her eyes, she whispered, “Now it’s my turn, my lord. You have entirely too many clothes on. Let me help you out of them.”

  She made quick work of untying his cravat and threw it aside, then unfastened the top buttons on his shirt. She spread it open and placed her oh-so-hot mouth on his throat. While she worked on the buttons holding the flap of his pantaloons, he pulled his shirt off and threw it on the growing mound of clothes. She pushed his breeches down his hips and slid her dainty hand inside his smalls, then stroked his stiff erection while managing to push his drawers down his legs. Then dropping to her knees, she licked a drop of seed off the tip of his cock.

  Good Lord, at this rate she would unman him. When she took him deep in her hot mouth, all thought of stopping her fled his brain, as he reveled in the sensations coursing through him. Ripples of heat flooded his body as she sucked him deeper into the caverns of her throat. Although he’d had other women attend to him in this manner, none of them had created the raging inferno his wife had started in his belly.

  He groaned and yelled out, “Ah, yes, yes, suck me. Harder, take me deeper.” She complied and soon her head bobbed up and down as she engulfed the full length of him, his cock bumping the back of her throat over and over again. He’d never had a woman who could do that without gagging. His sweet Kathleen did not seem to have a problem.

  The tenacious hold he had on his control broke free. He pulled her up and tossed her on the bed, then crawled between her splayed legs and drove inside her tight passage. Kathleen wrapped her surprisingly strong legs around him, digging her heels into his back as he thrust several times in quick succession before slowing down. If he didn’t pace himself, this would be over all too soon and that would never do.

  He lowered his head and took her mouth in another deep kiss. As he reached between their bodies, he stroked her engorged bud while his cock stroked in and out. He lingered a moment between each withdrawal, before driving his shaft in again and again. His head spun from the sensations rushing through him.

  She broke their kiss and growled. “It’s my turn now. Roll over. I want to ride you.”

  Panting, he rolled to his back without breaking their connection. Kathleen drew back her head as she set to riding him, sliding up and down his cock, taking him deeper with each descent. Then she did something she’d never done before, her channel squeezed around him, and it nearly drove him to orgasm.

  He cried out, “Oh, yes, sweeting. Ride my cock. Take us to the stars.” He grabbed the side of her plush hips, helping to guide her movements as she continued to slam down on him. Spiraling out of control, he roared, then spilled inside her. His seed kept coming as she stiffened, then with another pulsing squeeze she cried out as she reached her fulfillment as well.

  Slumping against his chest, she sighed, then whispered in a throaty voice, “That was the most exhilarating feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life.” Then her eyes closed as she fell asleep in his arms.

  He looked at his exhausted wife sleeping and felt an overwhelming tenderness for her, beyond what he had ever thought to feel. It could have turned out so differently.

  He’d planned to spend the next ten or fifteen years sowing his wild oats, finding his pleasure in one widow’s arms after another. After the wildness had left his system, he would have found a biddable woman to have his children and give him comfort. He thought he would live a boring life for the next thirty or forty years, while he lamented his lost youth and vitality. Love would never have entered his life.

  God had truly blessed him when He sent Kathleen into that library back in the spring. He had never expected to find such an incredible woman. Not only had he found the most sensual female he’d ever lain with, she was also the sweetest natured, and on top of that, the best mother. He was a lucky man. With Kathleen by his side, he would live a full, robust life with never a dull, placid moment. Love pervaded his soul as he fell asleep picturing what the future held for him, his wife, and their future children.

  Ah, yes. Life is good.


  A few hours later, Kathleen awoke, snuggled against her sleeping husband’s form. When she recalled their fierce lovemaking, her cheeks grew hot. She had indeed played a seductress, and Andrew seemed to have loved every moment of it. Perhaps being wanton in the bedchamber was a good thing. Delicious swirls of sensations ran through her when she remembered him driving into her, of her riding his hard shaft, of soaring toward the heavens and beyond. She’d never thought marital love would be so incredible.

  The good Lord had known what was best for her, much more than she. If left to her own devices, she would have married a man totally unsuited for her in temperament, and she would have been miserable. She would have had no excitement in her life, no passion, no desire. With Andrew, she had a life filled with all those emotions. While he had never said the words, she believed beyond a shadow of a doubt, he loved her.

  Then she realized, she had never told him of her feelings either, nor had she told him of the babe. She needed to rectify that immediately. She wiggled in his arms, hoping he would awaken.

  Andrew stretched, then pulled her close, lifted her chin and kissed her. “I didn’t plan to fall asleep. I have much to say to you, Wife.” His blue eyes burned as bright as if a flame were inside his irises. He lifted her hand to his lips, turned it over and tenderly kissed the skin above her wrist. “Kathleen, you’ve captured my heart in this dainty hand. I love you more than I ever thought possible. I hope someday, you can return my regard.”

  She met his devoted gaze. “Oh, Andrew, you don’t have to wait for the future. I already do, with my whole heart. In fact, I have since our wedding day. I prayed and hoped you could return my feelings. Hearing you profess your love means the world to me. I will love you, my darling for as long as I have breath in my body.”

  He gave her a fierce kiss and hugged her close. “You’ve made me the happiest of men, my sweet. God certainly knew better than I what I needed. I love you. We’re going to have a marvelous life. And at some time in the future, he will bless us with children. I adore Arianna, and she’ll always be my first offspring, but I want a child created out of the love we feel for each other.”

  Tension she hadn’t known she felt, left her body. While Sylvia had assured her he would be happy about the babe, nonetheless, it relieved her mind to hear him mention children.

  “Oh, I’m pleased you feel that way. I was concerned you would not want another child for years. It’s a good thing you’ve changed your mind, because it will happen sooner than you expect, in March from what the midwife told me.”


  Oh. dear.

  Disappointed, she sighed. “I understand this is upsetting news. Please, don’t be angry.”

  “I’m not angry. I’m shocked. I never dreamed you could be carrying this soon. Wait a minute.” He sat up and scowled at her. “Why am I just hearing of this now?”

  “You have to admit a lot has happened lately,” she huffed. “I had planned to tell you tonight; you…you distracted me, so I’m telling you now.” She moved to the other
side of the bed and crossed her arms over her chest, disappointed in his reaction.

  He moved beside her and took her hand. “I’m sorry, Sweetness. I should have been there for you. How long have you known?”

  A lone tear rolled down her cheek.

  Oh, Lord, I’m a watering pot! She definitely did not care for this side effect of carrying. “I found out a few days after your surgery. I should have told you sooner, but I feared you would be mad.”

  Leaning over, he took his thumb, then wiped the tear away and kissed her. “I assure you, I’m overjoyed. Although I don’t understand why you thought I would be angry.”

  She sniffed. “You took a long time adjusting to Arianna. You seemed to resent her when she first arrived.”

  Settling against the headboard, he pulled her over against his side. “Oh, Lord, that was me being selfish. To be honest with you, I wanted you all to myself. Even though I didn’t realize it yet, I was already head over ears in love with you. I promise I want this child very much.”

  Climbing on his lap, she kissed him. “I’m glad to hear that. Oh, Andrew, just think. We’ll have a babe next spring. Isn’t it wonderful?”

  He hugged her close and murmured, “Indeed, it is. Now let me show you how happy I am and how much I love you.”

  And he did…exactly that.


  Mid-August 1803

  Each day Kathleen fell further in love with her husband. Every time she thought of their nightly lovemaking, a blush bloomed on her cheeks. The marvelous sensations she experienced—every time he touched her—sent tingles spreading through her. The evening before he had taken her to heights she’d never reached before. All it took to ignite a fire deep in her belly was a burning look, a gentle touch, or the stroke of his fingers across her neck. Her heart swelled with the joy of finding true love.

  With Rosebud yapping at her heels, she made her way to her bedchamber to change after her brisk morning walk. Then she went for her daily meeting with their housekeeper.

  After luncheon, Masters brought her the mail as he did every day. He handed her the correspondence, then bowed and left the room. She almost decided to toss it aside for another day. It would probably be more invitations to house parties the ton held at this time of the year. She certainly did not want to attend another of those. She’d had her fill of them after the disastrous one at Lord Blythe’s estate.

  Sighing, she picked up the letters. No use having them accumulate. As she flipped through the correspondence, her heart stopped. She dropped them on her desk, and sat paralyzed. Holding her breath, she reached for the third one from the top with trembling hands. Recognizing William Jones’ handwriting, she broke the seal and laid the open letter on her desk, not wanting to read it.

  She must have sat staring at it for ten minutes when Andrew entered her sitting room. He rushed to her side, concern clearly written on his face. “Kathleen! You’ve lost all color from your cheeks. What has caused you such distress?”

  She closed her eyes for a moment to gather her wits. She pointed to the letter, fearing it would strike out at her as a snake would if she picked it up. “It’s from William Jones. I haven’t read it yet.” Her tone sounded flat even to her ears. Dread overshadowed her earlier good mood and a lump formed in her throat.

  “Oh, I see.” His response sounded stilted. “Perhaps…I should give you some privacy.”

  Oh, dear. Andrew must think she was undone because she still had feelings for Mr. Jones. Needing to reassure him, she vigorously shook her head and blurted out, “No, don’t go. I want you with me when I read it. This is the first letter I’ve received from him since January. I suppose it’s in response to the one I wrote him telling him of our marriage. I don’t look forward to reading what he has to say. I’m sure I caused him a good deal of pain. Will you hold me while I read it?”

  He exhaled, clearly relieved. Andrew picked up the letter and held out his hand. “Come, we shall sit on the window seat.”

  Once he had her settled beside him, he held the letter to her. Trying to keep her hand steady, she took it and started reading aloud.

  Dear Miss Hawks,

  I suppose I should address you as Lady Billingsley, as I am sure you have now married that lord you cavorted with in the library. I must say I am surprised you brought him up to scratch. It is more than you deserve. Your behavior was deplorable. You are as bad as your brother’s first wife. Everyone knew she was a strumpet.

  She threw the letter to the floor. “How can he be so cruel?” she declared. “I’m nothing like Pamela.”

  He gathered her close. “Please, sweetness, don’t let this upset you. He’s not worth it. Perhaps I should read the rest of it.” He retrieved the letter and pulled her onto his lap, then continued reading.

  I had already come to the conclusion I would be making a grave mistake if I married you. You saved me the trouble of persuading you to break our engagement. I would have been embarrassed to have such a foolish young girl as a wife.

  “How dare he call me foolish!” Kathleen clenched her fist. Wanting to get through this, she told him, “Continue…please.”

  I am pleased to inform you I am engaged to a lovely woman from a wealthy family in Boston. She knows how to comport herself with dignity and brings a generous dowry to our union. We will be married by the time you receive this letter.

  I bear you no ill will. I just count myself fortunate to learn of your true nature before I made a terrible error. I wish you felicitations in your marriage.

  Your servant,

  William K. Jones

  “What a sanctimonious prig!” Andrew bellowed. “Thank God you didn’t marry him. Kathleen, you would have had a miserable existence. He would have sucked the joy completely from you. No wonder your mother didn’t want you to marry him. I’m surprised your brother gave his permission.”

  “He did regret giving in to me,” she told him, “After he arrived in England and his troubles ended, he had grave concerns and told me he would break the betrothal if I didn’t go to London and have a good time.”

  He raised her chin. “Thank God, I’m grateful he insisted. If he hadn’t, I would never have found the love of my life. I adore your passion. I even love your fiery temper.”

  Kathleen giggled. “Oh, Andrew, I love you so much. Here I’ve worried over the pain I had caused him when he could care less. What a young fool I was. I never loved him. I just loved the idea of marriage and having babies. You’re right. He would have made my life a nightmare.”

  He gave her the devilish grin she loved so much and said, “I think we need to celebrate your narrow escape. Come, my sweet. Let us retire so I can show you what a lucky woman you are.” Throwing her over his shoulder, he swatted her bottom and carried a laughing Kathleen to his bedchamber…where he showed her how much fun a scandalous baron could be.


  About the Author

  Vikki Vaught started her writing career when a story invaded her mind and would not leave. Over the last few years, she has written more than a half dozen historical romances and is presently working on her next. Her new release, Miss Kathleen’s Scandalous Baron, is the second book in her Honorable Rogue series.

  Vikki loves a "Happily Ever After", and she writes them in her stories. While romance is the central theme of all her books, she includes some significant historical event or place in all her novels.

  While all her books are love stories, she has also written short contemporary sweet romances as Vikki McCombie and erotic romances using the pen name of V.L. Edwards.

  For the last decade, Vikki has lived in the beautiful foothills of the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee with her beloved husband, Jim, who is the most tolerant man in the world to put up with her when she is in a writing frenzy. When she is not writing or working her day job, you’ll find her curled up in a comfortable chair reading her Kindle, lost in a good book with a cup of tea at her side.


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  Amazon Author Page:

  Goodreads Author Page:

  Other books by this author:

  Writing as Vikki Vaught:

  Lost Pleasures Found

  Love Sneaked In

  Turned Around by Love

  Lady Overton's Perilous Journey

  Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron

  The Viscount’s Salvation, Honorable Rogue, Book 3—coming late 2016

  Writing as V. L. Edwards:

  To Live Again

  Writing as Vikki McCombie:

  A Christmas Miracle for Veronica

  A New Beginning for Nanci

  Table of Contents





















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