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Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3)

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by Kahlen Aymes

  Her skin warmed and her heart started to thump each time she remembered the passionate plea that had ripped from Alex’s chest, almost as if he were unwilling to admit his feelings to either of them; “I’m in love!”

  He hadn’t formally proposed, their relationship only a few months in, but he had mentioned making babies with her. She didn’t want him to rush anything and would have questioned his sanity if he did mention marriage. They were having an amazing time together. She just wanted to live in the moment, and God knew, to throw any expectations out the window. Yet, her heart just about jumped out of her chest as she remembered his comments about Jillian, surprised by the overwhelming want she felt at his words. Even Alex lost control sometimes. He had when he’d admitted his feelings, but also in his jealousy over Kyle and Kenneth, or when he’d almost beaten Mark Swanson to death. Chills danced over her skin… Alex could have killed the other man so easily.

  The phone in her purse started playing his ringtone. No longer accepting of having his texts unanswered, Alex had called instead.

  Angel pulled it out and answered Cole in the process. “No, it isn’t necessary.” She pushed the answer button and spoke into the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hey,” Alex responded, the sigh that followed the word clearly indicating he wasn’t expecting her to pick up. “I thought you were still working since you hadn’t answered my texts.”

  “Cole and I were just talking about you.”

  Alex hesitated and Angel could physically feel his need to ask her what it was about, yet he didn’t.

  “Greaaaat.” Alex’s tone betrayed a hint of annoyance. “So, what are your plans?”

  By now, she and Cole were climbing out of the car and beginning the walk toward the elevators. The air was cold in comparison to the warmth inside the vehicle. and her breath created a fog when she spoke. “We just got back to my place.”

  Cole pushed the button on the elevator. It dinged as it arrived at the garage level, and the doors slid open. Alex sighed heavily. Angel could hear his frustration; her mind conjuring an image of him running his hand through his dark hair impatiently.

  “Okay. I guess I’ll catch a quick workout, then I’d like to see you. I might stop by my place and grab clothes for tomorrow before I come over.”

  She knew he’d say he wanted to see her and that it wasn’t his choice he hadn’t been in touch all day, even before Cole confirmed it. Angel could sense he was bristling as the unspoken question hung between them. He was wondering why Cole hadn’t delivered her to his estate as he’d wanted, but he didn’t ask permission to come over. They would be together, regardless of where. Angel bit her lip.

  She could have easily reassured him she was only picking up clothes for herself before allowing Cole to do as his brother had asked, but the issue was more than one night and needed more conversation. Angel decided to bring it up when they were together rather than confronting him on the phone. Besides, she missed him and wanted to see him as badly as he obviously wanted to see her. Needed to see him was more accurate.

  “Sure. How was your day?” she asked.

  “Busy, but slow.” Agitation laced his tone. “I’m leaving the office now, but give me an hour or so and I can bring something for dinner. Unless you want to go out?”

  Cole placed his arm over one of the elevator doors to keep it from closing as Angel went inside, then he followed, pushing the third floor button.

  “No. I’d rather stay in. I’m tired and Cole said you might have to leave town?”

  “I’m trying to avoid it.”

  “Let’s just watch a movie or something.” Her mouth lifted in a wry smile in anticipation of a teasing remark regarding what the something could be, but it didn’t follow as she expected.

  Instantly, Alex was on edge and concern filled his voice. “Did something happen today?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary. I’d just rather stay in, especially if you might be away for a while. I want to talk to you.” Mostly, she just wanted Alex close by. It didn’t matter where or how, but she was still Angel, and she still didn’t want him making plans for her without checking with her. Not as a matter of habit, anyway.

  After they’d both declared their love for each other in the emotional and vulnerable aftermath of the concert for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, they’d both had to face the inevitability of their togetherness and spent all of the following Sunday secluded in Alex’s apartment, mostly in his bedroom wrapped up in sheets and each other’s arms. It had been magical and surreal, and Angel had to close her eyes and just let it sink in. They’d made love multiple times, not letting go of each other, even holding hands while they cooked or ate, and unable to keep from making love when Alex followed her into the shower.

  But, as Sunday night turned into Monday and the real world began its intrusion into their idyllic little bubble, the insecurity she hated nagged just below the surface. The only thing she knew of his previous relationships was what she’d learned early on. Had his heart ever been breached? Was that more of a reason for his “arrangements” than his busy schedule?

  “I want to do more than talk.” His mood lightened. Angel couldn’t help but smile, her body reacting immediately to the meaning behind the words, even as his teasing demeanor finally kicked in. “It feels like years since I’ve touched you.”

  “Mmm… for me, too. I’m still sore… um, from the weekend,” she stammered, realizing that Cole was privy to the intimacy of the conversation. The ride upstairs felt endless but the elevator doors finally opened on the third floor. With raised eyebrows, his lips twitching in the start of smile, Cole wordlessly took the key that he carried with him out of his pants pocket and put it in the lock on the door to her apartment. When the door opened, Angel went inside, turning around to give an embarrassed smile and wave at Cole before he closed the door behind her, and went to the apartment he occupied on another floor.

  Alex listened for the sound of her turning on security and putting the deadbolts in place at the same time he laughed softly. The sound was so sexy as it vibrated over her skin in a physical caress. “Now, that’s what I like to hear from my girl; too bad Cole got to hear it.”

  “You might not think so later when we can’t have a repeat performance.”

  “Well, Dr. Hemming, maybe seeing you is enough. You said you just wanted to talk tonight anyway, so that will fit into your plans.”

  “I never said I just wanted to talk.” She made her way to the bedroom, swapping the phone into her left hand so she could shrug the right arm out of her coat. She flung it on the bed then kicked her high-heeled navy pumps off into her walk-in closet. Alex started to chuckle, and she couldn’t help teasing back. “I also said I wanted to watch a movie.” When Alex huffed in mock sarcasm, she added with a grin, “But that has its risks. I might want you.”

  “The truth is, I might be out of commission in that respect, too. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sore dick before.”

  Angel burst out laughing at the same time Alex did. “Oh my God! Really?” She proceeded to undress, peeling off her dark navy wool crepe suit and fuchsia blouse, giggling so hard she snorted. “Is it all red? I mean, more than usual?”

  He laughed again, harder. “Shut up. At least I can walk without looking like I pulled a muscle.”

  “Oh, I’ll pull your muscle like you wouldn’t believe, then you’ll stop teasing me,” she goaded, smiling still.

  His soft laugh filtered through the phone. So sexy. “One can dream.”

  “About me pulling or you teasing?” Her tone was lilted.

  “Both. But, I’ll never stop teasing you,” he said, the sound of his low chuckle vibrating through the phone.

  Happiness filled Angel as she peeled off her stockings and kicked out of them on her way to turn on the water in the shower. The water rushing began to echo off of the marble tile, and Alex could hear it easily.

  “And, I’m never going to play fair. You’ll remember that in about ten minutes.”
  “Ugh!” Alex groaned but with amused laughter. “I’d be disappointed if you did, and I can only imagine.”

  Angel grinned, leaning over to test the temperature of the water under the spray. “You won’t have to imagine,” she quipped happily, tongue-in-cheek. “I’m naked and just about to take a shower.”

  “That is my cue to get off the damn phone and get my ass to the gym. The faster I get that done, the quicker I can come over and teach you a lesson.”

  She laughed again, letting out a huff. “Humph! You’re still under the impression you can teach me anything? Delusional, much?”

  “I’m sure I can think of something. Baby, I adore this, but I really have to go. Darian is ringing the other line. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Okay. Me, too.” She smiled softly as her heart leapt.

  Alex was handsome, amazing, and mind-blowing, and while he made her feel safe, she was more determined than ever to get past the worry that he might eventually end things. Go with the flow, remember? she reminded herself with an exaggerated sigh. She’d have to take it one day at a time, trusting his and her own feelings more as time went on. So far, he hadn’t disappointed her. Not even once. His next words proved it again.

  “Love you.”

  A gentle smile tugged at one corner of her mouth as her heart swelled.

  “It’s okay, you can say it… you won’t melt.” His voice was coaxing, like soft velvet or warm honey oozing over her skin.

  “Maybe I want to. Melt, I mean.” Her soft laughter echoed his.

  “I can arrange that.”

  “Okay…” she bemoaned, as if the admission was utter agony. “I love you.”

  “I know,” he shot back without hesitation, his tone loaded with cockiness and sex.

  A smile lit up her beautiful features and made her eyes dance.


  Alex burst out laughing at her dry reply, and Angel ended the call, intent on making him squirm.

  The room began to fill with steam, and despite her current state of euphoria, the atmosphere still made her skin crawl. She couldn’t help but think of the attack from Mark Swanson, which began in a similar situation and just weeks earlier in this very room. She shuddered slightly and thought about locking the door to the bathroom, but she didn’t want to let the bastard have any more control over her than he already had. The security on the entire building had been stepped up, and Angel knew she had to get her life back to normal. She tried to push it from her thoughts and get her mind on better things.

  She held up the phone, which she now lovingly thought of as Alex’s, to take the half-naked picture she intended sending to torture him. She held a fluffy white towel in front of her, covering just enough but leaving the curve of her hip and bottom visible as she turned at a slight angle in the mirror. Her hair was mussed and hung long down her back. The image would be hazy, but it would be enough to get Alex going. Her cheeks hurt from smiling, though she did her best to put deliberate pout on her lips and a sultry look in her eyes as she took the shot in the mirror. She warned women against doing this all day long, but teasing Alex was too exciting to resist. Besides, she trusted him never to share something so intimate, no matter what might happen between them.

  She sighed, setting the phone on the counter and dropping the towel to her feet and climbed into the tub, the warmth from the water seeping through her skin and muscles. She closed her eyes, anxious for Alex to make his appearance.


  The teasing image of Angel’s almost naked form saved securely on his phone, Alex decided to forego his workout and declined Darian’s invitation to get a drink. His muscles needed exercise but he’d already pulled his phone out six damn times, and he couldn’t wait to get to the woman he couldn’t stay away from. He could breathe easier whenever he was on his way to be with her. He was anxious. Always anxious, and while it felt fucking amazing, it was disconcerting at the same time.

  As much as Alex wanted to sneak in and take Angel by surprise, he didn’t want to frighten her, and she wouldn’t be expecting him so soon. She was still on skittish, and he could see her visibly relax whenever he came home. A small smile curved his mouth as he realized it didn’t matter where they were, home was wherever Angel was, even though she would be with him at his estate if he had his way.

  He couldn’t believe how much his perspective had changed. Four months ago, if anyone had suggested to him he would take a 180-degree turn, he would have told them to go fuck themselves. No longer did he work into the dark hours of the evening without a thought to the time. When work delayed him now, he was itching to leave, glancing at his watch every few minutes and practically barking at anyone who kept him in the office.

  He’d asked her to marry him in a half-assed sort of way, but he wanted, and needed, it to be official. It was iffy because Angel was already balking at moving in together, so he could only assume she’d be even more adamantly opposed to an engagement this soon. The first thing on his agenda would be to meet her father and introduce her to his parents. They’d seen her the night of that charity thing, but didn’t actually get to meet her. For the first time in his life, he was aching to put a woman in front of them and for them to love her as much as he did. Earlier that afternoon, he’d asked Mrs. Dane to find the best jeweler in the city. He’d sent her on jewelry acquisitions before when he’d been trying to calm the ruffled feathers of Whitney or one of her predecessors, but never for something like this.

  “What am I buying?” she’s asked matter-of-factly.

  “Nothing. I’m buying.”

  “Oh. Is it your mother’s birthday?”

  “No. I’m buying an engagement ring.”

  Mrs. Dane’s face showed surprise and she quickly tried to mask it. Certainly, that was the last thing she would have presumed her young boss to purchase. Alex couldn’t help but notice the raised eyebrow as the woman busied herself by picking up the financial documents Alex had approved for her and she began fiddling with the edges. He felt uncomfortable, and the silence compelled him to explain when usually he wouldn’t have given a thought to what his assistant was thinking. “Um, nothing too gaudy. Elegant.”

  Her mouth opened then shut without a word, and she’d stared at Alex as if he were an alien from outer space. One thing was certain; it was out of character for him to spend time researching diamonds and educating himself on why one was better than the other. He’d spent a few hours on it and he’d found gems online, however, he’d want to choose this himself. It had to be perfect.

  When she still didn’t answer, he’d looked up from the contract he’d been going over to find her stunned into silence. “Tell them I want perfect and one-of-a-kind, and I’d like to come in before the end of the week.” She stood there for several seconds before she finally nodded and went to do his bidding, her surprise now mixed with something akin to pride.

  “Forgive me, Alex. This may not be my place, but it’s not for that Whitney woman, is it?”

  He let his breath out with a smile and until that moment, he’d been unaware that he wasn’t breathing. Mrs. Dane was his subordinate, but he valued her opinion on many levels and they had a mutual respect and fondness for each other that went beyond professional. She was more like a favorite aunt or young-ish grandmother, and he wondered if she’d heard Angel’s show and would know who she was.

  “No. We stopped seeing each other months ago.”

  “Thank the lord for that,” Mrs. Dane shot out with a snort and then paused. “And so soon, you are ready to propose to someone else? I know it’s not my place, but—”

  Alex held up his hand. “No, it’s fine, Mrs. Dane. I realize that in the past my romantic choices have left something to be desired, but it’s different this time. You’ll just have to trust me.” He winked at her slyly.

  “She’s in it for the right reasons?”

  Alex’s heart warmed at the older woman’s concern. “She is. I sound like an idiot, but
you’ll approve.”

  “See that I do,” she said in mock sternness and got back down to business. “Now, a diamond or other precious gemstone? More traditional? Vintage or contemporary in style? A solitaire?”

  Alex considered his options carefully, knowing a big flashy engagement ring would mean nothing to Angel, but damn if he didn’t want to make sure the world knew she belonged to him. And he wanted Angel to have no doubts about his feelings or intentions. Their time together was always incredible, but he could sense part of her was still bothered by his past relationship rules, and Alex hated that she was feeling anything but absorbed in him. More incredibly, he wanted her to be sure he loved her and in no doubt he was completely committed.

  “Um, I don’t really have a clue about style, but definitely a diamond. Something classic. As I said, understated and elegant. I want it to be as flawless and individual as she is. Excellent cut, and colorless.”

  It was obvious that Alex had done his homework and showed that he was indeed serious. “Does this perfect young woman have a name?”

  A smile slid over Alex’s mouth, making him even more handsome. “Angel. Her name is Angel.”

  “That’s quite beautiful.”

  “I agree.”

  The older woman could practically see the love radiate from Alexander and felt happy that the young man, who she thought would miss out on love had finally found it.

  “I’ll set something up. It might take a few days, sir. Its rare jewelers have such perfect diamonds on hand. Especially, large ones. Any particular shape?”

  He laughed, despite him self. “Something that not many women have, but it doesn’t have to be huge. Angel wouldn’t want that.”


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