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Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3)

Page 20

by Kahlen Aymes

  “I did hear of a disappearance on the news, didn’t I?”

  “Yes. But the police have no leads. What I need from you is just probable places to look. Where he could be hiding or where he would take a hostage to hold or kill them.”

  Marvin Standish studied Alex for a minute, and Alex held his stance. To appear uneasy at all would not help get what he wanted. Standish was wondering if Alex could be trusted, and what the consequences would be for sharing locations where some of his own dealings had taken place in the past, and would again.

  Part of Alex didn’t believe Standish would help him, and though he wanted to plead his case, his acute business mind stopped him. After you close the deal, shut the fuck up and wait for the other guy to crack. Those were his rules. Good thing Marvin Standish wasn’t as practiced with that technique. It didn’t take more than thirty seconds for the response to come.

  “You and I have similar goals, Avery. Mark Swanson is particularly slimy, even by my standards. The family is what it is, but we do not condone the beating and raping of women, blood relations or not. If I hated him before, I despise him after what he’s done to my niece.”

  Alex sat silently still waiting. This was what he had hoped for, but still Standish was a criminal, surely far worse than Swanson could ever be, due to the power and money he wielded.

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  Alex was outwardly calm. The stakes were higher, but this was business, and he’d treat it as such. “You don’t,” he said simply. “You aren’t stupid, and frankly, I have nothing to offer other than my word. I can tell you this; nothing means more to me than putting that heinous bastard away. I don’t care how much money I have to spend, or what I have to resort to, to do it.”

  “Yes, you do have money. My boys can take care of it, for a price.”

  Standish had just said he hadn’t already killed Swanson due to his sister’s sensibilities, but his new offer to do so gave Alex pause, and shook him out of his momentary forgetfulness that this was indeed a killer sitting in front of him.

  “Tempting as that sounds, the police are involved in the search for my employee, and that would be too suspicious and not in your best interest. I just want to find Swanson, and, hopefully save the life of my man.”

  “The police involvement is a problem. Let’s just say, I don’t need my secrets exposed and rifled through.”

  “I get it. I don’t plan to involve them. I’ll hunt him down myself.”


  “I’m at my wall. The bulk of my resources are engaged elsewhere, but I’m done toying with this asshole. I tried to do it on the straight and narrow, but you can’t reason with the unreasonable. If things have to get a little messy, so be it. You have my word, I will not disclose anything we discuss, now or at any time in the future.”

  Marvin Standish smiled a wicked grin. “Good, because you know, I’m very comfortable with messes.” It was a barely veiled threat. “Understood?”

  “Understood. I knew my risks when I walked in here, but Angel is worth it to me.”

  “If Swanson was to have an accident, my problem would be solved and I’d be able to look my sister in the eye and tell her honestly it is not on my hands.”

  Alex should have been shocked or shaken, but he wasn’t in the least. His first and only priority was putting Swanson down. In jail or in hell, it mattered little at this point.

  Marvin nodded at the two guys still stationed at the door. “Tell Millie to print out the addresses for the house in Northbrook and the one in Rockford.”

  “Northbrook?” Alex asked. He expected Englewood, maybe. It was notoriously crime-ridden and dangerous. Northbrook was one of the nicest suburbs in Chicago. Marvin nodded, and Alex tried to think more like a criminal. Northbrook’s police would be less concentrated, and Standish certainly had the money to set up shop where he’d have more freedom with fewer eyes on his illegal activities. It made sense, in a twisted way. Rockford was west of the city by sixty or so miles, and Alex could also see the logic behind that choice.

  “Should I expect anyone else to be in occupancy at either of these locations? Beyond Swanson and his entourage?”

  “No. Mark wouldn’t show his face anywhere we would be. Although, I’m not sure he’d risk these places, regardless.”

  Soon the piece of paper was folded and shoved into his pocket, and Alex was rising to leave. “Thank you, Marvin. More than anything, I’m trying to keep Angel safe.”

  The older man reached out to shake his hand. “I understand, and because she tried to help my niece at the risk of her own life, I am willing to help. Maybe we can do business sometime.”

  Alex smiled. Here it was. The tricky place he’d have to wiggle out of. “I’m afraid this will be my only foray into side-stepping the law, but if it’s legal, I’d be happy to partner up on a deal or two.” Happy wasn’t the exact emotion he felt, but he owed him now, and as long as it was something legal and wouldn’t drag Avery Enterprises down by association, it should be fine. In any case, he’d cross that bridge when he came to it. For now, it wasn’t a concern.

  “Maybe you could broker some property for me, since I may need a new one after this. Or advise me on some wise stock investments.”

  “I can advise on a few investment opportunities, certainly. I do well, but I’m not always right. Only most of the time.” He offered a sly smirk.

  The other man laughed. “No worries, Alex. I understand the risk.”

  “Well, I can promise you I won’t advise you to buy anything that I wouldn’t be buying myself.”

  Marvin Standish gave a solid nod. “Good. I think that’s a risk we can both live with.”

  “Counting on it.”

  Alex exited the offices then the building quickly, pleased with the results of the meeting. He sighed deeply, tension leaving his chest. Obviously, the man was used to getting his meaning across with few incriminating words. He was good at it. That was scary as fuck, if he was honest. He had two armed killers at his back, and now, he had just promised to help Marvin Standish in the stock market.

  “At least it’ll be legal,” he muttered softly, pulling out his phone. Calling his driver, Alex asked he be picked up, but he was anxious to speak to Angel. He hadn’t talked to her since before he left Australia, but he’d do that once he was in the car. He needed to stop by his apartment to get some things, keeping the façade of Jillian’s party, then to his parents’ estate. With any luck, Swanson would show his ugly mug and do something stupid so the police could take him back into custody, though he doubted that would result in obtaining Bancroft’s location. Alex would rather bash his fucking head in and needed little provocation anymore. Mark Swanson deserved a quick trip to hell. The thought should have made him shudder. Should have.


  Party On

  The blinds were drawn so they could try to get some sleep despite the daytime hour. However, Jillian had slept most of the night on the road and didn’t hold the same interest in a nap as Angel, Cole, and Becca. The adults were tired, and she was on full-throttle.

  There was a desk along the wall in the sitting room to the right of the sofa bed Cole had pulled out and camped on. He had ESPN on the television, and Becca sat at the desk helping Jillian color a picture in her Little Mermaid coloring book.

  Angel was more than wiped out since she hadn’t been sleeping well since Alex left. She’d showered, hoping the hot water would work some of the kinks out of her neck and shoulders. She needed a workout, but it was out of the question because Cole insisted they all remain in the suite together. He couldn’t let Angel go without him, and he couldn’t leave Becca and Jillian alone in the room. Angel understood, but she was restless and wanted to defuse some of the pent-up energy.

  What little luggage they had was still in the back of the rented vehicle, and Cole had brought in the one bag Becca had packed most of Jillian’s things in, so Angel was left to put on the same clothes she’d worn all night. She couldn’t
quite convince herself to reuse her panties, so they were now zippered into an inside pocket of her Coach purse, and she was going commando. No doubt, Alex would approve if he were in any kind of close proximity. If he were aware of it, period, Angel mused. A sad smile settled on her face as she looked in the mirror above the single sink in the bedroom part of the suite, towel drying her long hair. She sighed deeply at the turn of events.

  Since she and Alex met, this was the longest they’d gone without being in touch. She longed to be in his arms, held close to him, but she missed just talking to him; his sexy teasing and the snarky banter they engaged in had become a big part of her world. Alex had, in a short time, become the center of her universe. How amazing it was that such utter happiness could turn to constant worry. That was the worst part of loving someone, and for the first time since forever, she questioned her career choice. It was one thing to put oneself in danger to follow your convictions and completely another to risk those you cared about.

  She hated Mark Swanson for turning her world upside down. Fucking hated him.

  After she’d combed through her damp hair and decided against blowing it dry, Angel wandered into the other room and crawled onto the open sofa sleeper with Cole. He was staring at the TV, the remote firmly within his grasp, his phone perched on his stomach lying in wait.

  “Have you heard from anyone?” she asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “Mmm… What time will we leave?”

  “Maybe nine? You should try to sleep.”

  “I can’t sleep, and you’re one to talk.”

  “I know, but I can sleep when we get to Joplin.”

  “I can ask Will and Uncle Ben if we can spend part of the time at their place. They have a small farm on the outskirts of town, and it will be fun for Jillian.”

  “Remote is fine if they and your father are there as well. And they’re armed.”

  “What the hell? This is bullshit!” Angel’s frustration burst through her words. “Everyone’s life is turned upside down because of this one asshole.”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” Cole muttered. “Alex is holing up at Mr. and Mrs. James’ and setting up all this fake shit, which, my gut says will be for nothing.”

  Angel turned on her side toward Cole so she could continue in softer tone. “If he doesn’t kill anyone else, it won’t be for nothing.”

  “Yes. But Alex is hoping he’ll make a move so the police can catch him.”

  Angel’s heart tightened. So Alex would be right in the middle of it.

  “Why does Alex need to be there?”

  “He doesn’t have to be. He’s Alex, Angel. He orchestrated this stakeout. Do you really expect him to wait around off-site?”

  Angel knew Cole was right. “No. How can you stand all of this waiting?”

  He changed the channel and glanced over at her. “I’m used to it. It’s my job.”

  “You’re good at it.”

  “Mama, is it time to go to my birfday party yet?” Jillian put down her crayon and looked up at her mother expectantly. Becca hugged Jillian and let out a big sigh. Angel’s heart fell. It was so unfair to Jillian. “Will we have cake, and clowns, and games?”

  “Honey, you know how we’re on this trip?” When Jillian nodded, Becca’s sad eyes met Angel’s over the toddler’s head. “We might have to go to your party on another day.”

  Jillian’s face fell and crumpled as she started to cry. “But it’s today!” she wailed loudly. Becca gathered her up in her arms, but Jillian struggled. “I’m tree today!”

  “Ugh,” Cole groaned. “Poor little squirt.”

  Angel nodded.

  “I know you’re three today. I’m sorry, baby. Angel had something important to do, and she really needed our help. We can’t go to the party today.”

  Jillian cried harder and harder, the tears rolling down her face as she wailed loudly. Angel’s heart broke for the little girl. At barely three years old, all she knew was something she’d looked forward to wasn’t going to happen, and it wasn’t fair. Angel doubted anything would console her, but she’d do her best.

  She got up and went to kneel in front of Jillian, who was still on Becca’s lap.

  “Honey, we’ll still have your party, I promise. Zander was so disappointed to miss it, and he didn’t have time to shop for your present. Since he couldn’t come today, we thought we’d have a little adventure. When he gets back from his big business trip, we’ll have an even bigger party, I promise. Would that be okay?” Angel coaxed gently. She reached out and ran a comforting hand through the toddler’s blonde curls.

  The little girl sniffed and looked at Angel, her chin still trembling and big crocodile tears tumbling down her cheeks. Jillian nodded weakly and went into Angel’s arms when she held them out. “Why don’t we get the presents I have for you, and you can open them today, okay? Maybe we can get some cupcakes, and we can play some games with you, sweetheart.” Angel kissed her temple. “I love you so much, Bean. I’ll make it up to you. I promise. We’re going to have a great time on this trip. And when we get where we’re going, I’m going to take you horseback riding. One of my daddy’s friends has horses, and I’ll take you there. Won’t that be fun?”

  Cole watched Angel try to comfort the little girl. There were so many sides to her, and it was easy to see why she’d gotten to Alex. Becca, to give her credit, had dealt with the situation like a trooper. She could have pissed and moaned, complaining about her plans being ruined and refuse to cooperate with what Angel needed. Instead, she was understanding and supportive. The two of them were like sisters, and a strong support system for each other. From what he could tell, Becca’s baby daddy left her high and dry with the kid to raise alone. It was clear the threesome was tight. He was curious about Becca and how she and Angel came to be so close.

  “Can I pet them and give them kisses?”

  Angel smiled brightly. “Of course! We’ll feed them, too! They love apples and carrots, but their favorite of all is pears.”

  “I yike pears, too.” Jillian began to liven up, and Becca looked relieved.

  “So do I.” Angel looked up at Cole hopefully. “Can we get her gifts out of the car? Please?”


  “And some cupcakes and candles?”

  “Angel, getting the gifts from the car is doable, but going to the store—”

  “I can lock the door behind you, and you can make up some dumb secret knock,” she said wryly. Her eyebrow shot up, and she pursed her lips. “Okay?” She had a sparkle in her eye that reminded him of the real Angel who faced things head-on, not the resigned one who packed up her shit and hauled ass to avoid a bad situation. When he stopped to consider it, it was more like Angel to stand up.

  “I can go with you, and we can pick up some food, too,” Becca said. “Angel, can you give Jillian a bath and get her into some clean pajamas in the meantime?”

  Cole looked uneasy. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea to leave Angel here alone.”

  “The door will be locked, Cole, and you have a key. I won’t open it for anyone.”

  Her response settled him, and he finally agreed. After putting on his worn white sneakers and grabbing his coat, he pulled his keys out of his pocket.

  “Need any money?” Angel asked, secretly pleased that Becca was going with Cole. The last guy she dated was a loser, and nothing would please her more than a spark igniting between those two. She’d already seen interest on both sides. This was good.

  “Nah, I got it. Ready?” Cole asked Becca. She was already putting on her jacket and shoes.

  Angel scooted Jillian off toward the bathroom.

  “Hey, Becs?” Angel called and motioned for her to follow.


  “Can you bring my bag in? I need panties.”

  “Yeah, no problem.” She turned and followed Cole out. “Do the safety thing. Whatever the hell you call it.”

  “Anga!” Jillian bellowed. Angel was amazed how resilient
children were. After crying her eyes out mere minutes ago, the little one was laughing and happy at the prospect of her bath. “C’mon!”

  “Coming!” Angel called. “See you two in a bit.”

  By the time Angel had the bath water adjusted and running, Jillian had her clothes off and in a pile on the floor in front of the tub. The hotel provided toiletries, and thankfully, there was one more bottle of the shampoo and conditioner on the counter next to the sink. Angel grabbed two of them and picked up Jillian to put her into the tub.

  “Bubbles! Bubbles!” Jillian demanded, and Angel proceeded to dump half of the shampoo under the water streaming into the tub. She swooshed it around in the water to make it bubble more. and Jillian squealed. “More!”

  “We have to save a little to wash your hair, Bean.”

  The phone in the other room started playing the Nickleback song that signaled a call from Alex. Angel hopped up anxiously to get it. Her purse was thrown on the bed, only a few feet away. The water had only filled a couple of inches, and Angel had returned to the bathroom to keep an eye on Jillian before she answered.


  “Hey, babe. It’s good to hear your voice.” His voice was weary.

  “Yeah, I’ve been going crazy.” She sat down next to the tub so she could keep a close eye on Jillian. “You sound tired.”

  “I’m okay. Did I catch you in the bathtub?” His voice held a teasing lilt despite his exhaustion.

  Angel smiled and reached her free hand into the tub to hand Jillian a washcloth. “Nope, but Jillybean is!”

  “Aw, you’re on baby duty.”

  “Mmm. Bean is being a very big girl about rescheduling her party. I told her you wanted to be there.” Angel said it so that Jillian could understand it was Alex on the phone.

  “Iz dat Zander?” she asked, her little voice, though echoing in the small ceramic-clad room, was muted due to the rushing water. Angel decided it was full enough and shut it off.

  “Yes, honey.” She nodded. There were a couple of plastic cups on the counter near the mirror, and Angel took one and unwrapped it so Jillian could play with it in the bathtub. The little girl busied herself filling it and dumping it over herself then the sides of the tub.


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