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The People We Meet Along The Way

Page 17

by Beth Rinyu

  “Okay.” He raised an eyebrow.

  My body trembled, and I was hoping it wasn’t outwardly recognizable to him. “I care about you a lot, and…” I threw my head back and looked up at the ceiling. “I’m just gonna say it. I think—no, I know the way I feel about you goes beyond friendship. And…” I was trying my hardest to get the words out, but my nerves were getting the best of me.

  Theo reached for my hand and gently took it in his. “And you wanted to see if I felt the same way?” He finished the words I couldn’t say.

  “Yes,” I whispered, relieved that it was finally out there, regardless of what his reply would be. I gazed at him in agonizing suspense, doubting myself with each passing second.

  “Jillian, when I told you that night I had never been in love with anyone, I meant it.”

  “Oh.” I dropped my gaze, feeling like such a fool. How could I have thought he’d be feeling anything for me beyond friendship? We lived an ocean away. He had women falling at his feet. Why on earth would he want to be in a relationship with me that went beyond what we had?

  He placed his hand under my chin, lifting my view back into his mysterious green eyes that had a spark to them I hadn’t seen before. “Until now.” A slow smile spread across my face. “I guess my whole life I’ve been going about it all wrong. I’d jump in bed with the first pretty face I’d see. Things wouldn’t work out; we’d go our separate ways, yet somehow always manage to remain friends. I even did it with my ex-wife. But you…” He shook his head and his eyes filled with emotion, causing mine to do the same. “From the first moment I saw you that day in the hotel lobby—I thought you were beyond beautiful. I’m not gonna lie, I thought, I could totally sleep with this girl and have a vacation fling, until I got to know you. I realized that you weren’t like the rest, you were special. And over these months of getting to know you more and more, I know I was right. So, I guess what I’m trying to say to you is…I finally know what it feels like to be in love because I’m in love with you.” My eyes widened, blissfully surprised by his unexpected confession. “Shit...was I not supposed to tell you that?” He let out a nervous chuckle.

  “No... I mean, yes. No, what I really mean is, I love you too.”

  Relief spread over his face. “You had me a little worried there. You know I’m not very experienced with that word.”

  We both let out a loud laugh that was so symbolic of our relationship. Turning a beautiful romantic moment into something humorous. The funny thing was, I wouldn’t have wanted it to go any other way. The back of his hand brushed across my cheek, and his head dropped to mine. Our lips tenderly touched and our tongues began to slowly entwine. He pressed his forehead against mine, and I placed my hands on his cheeks, wanting to memorize every detail of him and this moment we were sharing.

  Time stood still as I stared into his eyes for the first time as someone beyond a friend. As I lifted my shirt over my head, everything inside of me was wanting him. He reached around me and unhooked my bra, allowing it to fall to the floor. We lay down on the bed and continued our kiss from a few moments ago. I melted into him as we slowly peeled each layer of clothing off the other, with our lips never parting. Our skin meshed together and my need for him grew with each passing second. We already knew every inch of each other’s hearts, and that night, we discovered every inch of each other’s bodies as we made love to one another for the very first time.


  I WASN’T SURE how long I’d been watching Theo sleep when I awoke the next morning. I just knew it was something I could get in the habit of doing on a daily basis. The early sunshine came through the hotel window, illuminating every aspect of his gorgeous face. His defined jawline, his ruby red lips, and his dark curls that were a stark contrast against the white pillowcase. Unable to resist, I reached over and ran my fingers through his curly tresses, causing him to stir. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and they slowly peeled open as I propped myself up on my elbow, getting amusement over his flustered state.

  “Good morning,” I whispered.

  His trademark boyish grin caused my heart to leap from my chest. Was it possible that it was even more endearing first thing in the morning? “So, it wasn’t all a dream?”

  “It wasn’t. Or at least, I think it wasn’t. Tell me something, if it was, would you have wanted to be awoken from it?”

  “Never.” He shook his head and summoned me to come closer. I moved my head to his chest, listening to the sweet melody of his heartbeat. Closing my eyes, I relished in the warmth of his body, never wanting the moment to end. “So, what were your plans for today, besides eating…I’m starving,” Theo asked as his fingertips gently glided up and down my bare back.

  I laughed. “Yeah, sorry about skipping dinner.”

  “That’s okay, I rather liked the alternative.”

  “Me too.” I lifted my head and kissed him on the cheek. “Can you take me to see Kate? I don’t have a return flight booked, and I brought my laptop, so I can do all my consulting work remotely. I want to spend as much time as I can with her.” I also wanted to spend time with him, but I think that went without saying. Right now, Kate was the one who had the hourglass turned against her.

  He nodded and stroked the side of my face with the back of his hand. “You’re such a beautiful person, Jillian. You know that?”

  I shrugged and looked away. How I wished I could see myself as the same person he did, but I knew I still had a lot of wrongs to make right before that was even remotely possible. “So, let’s order room service for breakfast and get on our way.” As I stood up, I became embarrassingly aware that I was completely naked. I instinctively reached for my shirt on the floor and pulled it over my head, giving Theo a good laugh.

  “I think the time for modesty is over. It’s not like I haven’t seen you with no clothes on.”

  My face heated, and I knew I was blushing. I playfully swatted him with my bra, and he snatched it from my hand.

  “If you want this back, you’re going to have to come and get it.”

  I climbed back on the bed with a poor attempt to retrieve it and instead got lost in his arms once again.


  It was well after eleven when we checked out. Theo made up for his lack of dinner by not only eating his breakfast, but also eating what I couldn’t finish of mine. Then there was the charm he turned on with the cleaning lady to find him a toothbrush. Not believing a toothbrush was a standard item that hotels normally supplied, I was amazed when she came back to the room in less than five minutes with a brand-new one in hand. He paid her well for that toothbrush, leaving a very generous tip on the dresser when we exited. A thought came to me as Theo was loading my suitcase into his car.

  “Would you mind stopping at the antique shop I was in yesterday? I forgot something.”

  “Not a problem,” he responded, closing the trunk and opening the passenger side door for me.

  By the time we were pulling into Kate’s driveway, my emotions were running amuck along with my nerves. Theo put the car in park and looked over at me, picking up on my unease.

  “Did you want to wait a little bit before doing this?”

  I shook my head and opened the car door, knowing if I didn’t do it now, I may never. He nodded and followed behind me as we walked up the driveway. The house was quiet when we entered. Theo took my hand and we made our way through the living room and into the kitchen.

  “Hello, Theo,” Anna greeted, focusing deeply on whatever she was mixing in the bowl. She finally looked up from her creation, beaming with a bright smile. “Jillian!” she exclaimed. Picking up the towel from the counter, she wiped the batter from her hands, then embraced me in a giant bear hug. She braced my shoulders, looking me over as if we hadn’t seen each other in years instead of weeks. “You are a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Theo teased.

  “You cheeky little bugger, I see you all the time.” We all got a good laugh, and it settled my nerves m
omentarily, until I looked into the backyard and saw Kate sitting in the garden with Thomas.

  “I want to talk to her.”

  Theo nodded, taking a step forward to join me until I stopped him.

  “I need to do this alone, if that’s okay.”

  “Perfectly okay.” His eyes were like beacons, offering me the support I so desperately needed.

  My sweaty palm turned the doorknob, and I made my way outside. Trekking slowly to my destination while trying to conjure up what I wanted to say, I came up blank. Kate was sitting with her back toward me, resting comfortably in a sun lounger as Thomas sat on the ground beside her playing with his trucks. It was Thomas who spotted me first, gazing up at me with a mile-wide smile, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. That familiar facial expression of his that I had been trying to place wasn’t part Theo’s or part Kate’s like I’d originally thought. It was Evan’s, double dimples and all. I wanted to smile, and I wanted to cry because for the first time I was seeing Thomas for who he really was—Evan’s son. A part of him that would live on. I choked back a sob, catching Kate’s attention. Using her hand as a visor, she tilted her head up to see who it was.

  “Jillian.” Her voice wavered.

  “Hi.” Taking a step closer and motioning to the empty sun lounger next to her, I asked, “Can I sit?”

  “Sure,” she murmured.

  I took a seat and we remained silent for a few moments, watching Thomas play. “I just realized how much his smile looks like Evan’s.” I finally broke the monotony.

  She let out a nervous laugh. I sensed she was uncomfortable talking about Evan with me, but that was my whole reason for being here, to let her know it was okay. To let her know I forgave her because by doing something with my husband that was the ultimate betrayal, she oddly helped me find a part of myself that had been missing for a long while.

  “I’m not angry anymore,” I muttered, my eyes never leaving Thomas.

  “Jillian, you have to believe me when I say I’m so sorry, and I’m sorry for being so deceiving in the way I told you. I just knew I had to tell you face-to-face. Not in an email or on Facebook. I felt this intense need to get to know you, and I realize now how stalkerish it all looks, but that wasn’t my intent.”

  Her apology wasn’t warranted because the cracks she created allowed not one but three beautiful creations to flourish. Thomas. My friendship with her, and my feelings for Theo. I reached over the chair and covered her hand with mine. “I forgive you.”

  As I looked her over for the first time, I realized how much of a toll just the few weeks since I had last seen her had taken on her. Her skin was ashen, and her body even thinner and frailer than the last time I had seen her.

  “You know, the night Evan died, I told him something I’ve regretted ever since. I blamed myself for months, thinking I was the reason he crashed his car. If he had never met me or if things had turned out differently in our marriage, he would still be here, and I hated myself for it.” I pulled in my bottom lip. “I was a zombie for the months that followed, wishing I could trade places with him, but knowing I couldn’t. Then I went on that vacation. A vacation I didn’t even want to go on, and I met you and Theo.”

  Her eyes pooled with tears.

  “And, I felt like we were destined to all be friends. As each day passed in knowing the two of you, I was slowly forgiving myself, but I still had the underlying question eating away at me. Would Evan have eventually forgiven me?”

  “I’m sure whatever it was, he would’ve. He loved you so much, Jillian. Despite what happened, he did. You’re all he talked about, and after we…” She closed her eyes. “He was so ashamed of himself, he apologized to me over and over, then told me he was still so in love with you. He was just lost and feeling hopeless. To tell you the truth, so was I, because at the time I was in love with a man who had been jerking me around for years.”

  Looking up at the sky, I tried my old trick of trying to keep my tears at bay, failing miserably. “Did he...” I swallowed hard and choked back a sob. “Do you think he knew that I still loved him too?”

  She nodded. “He did. He just didn’t know how to get back to the place you once were.”

  “Neither did I,” I whispered, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

  “Jillian. You are the only lifeline to Thomas’ father. I want him to know all about him as he grows. I want him to know everything you knew about him. I want you to be a part of his life. I…I know it won’t be easy with you living so far away, but Theo can keep me alive in Thomas’ heart. I want you to keep Evan alive as well.”

  I wasn’t sure what the future held for Theo and me, but I hoped it involved us being together. We didn’t have a plan in place of how we’d manage the distance between us. Maybe I was being presumptive in thinking that there should even be one. But he did tell me he loved me, and we had shared something beautiful together. Pushing past my doubts and fears, I knew in my heart I would be there for Thomas, regardless. I owed it to Evan, and I owed it to Kate for opening me up to a beauty I never knew existed.

  “I promise you, I will.”


  IT HAD BEEN two weeks since I had arrived, and each day Kate was fading away a little more. Like a beautiful flower, losing its petals to the first frost. Theo had cut back his hours at work to be around as much as he possibly could. Kate also had a nurse who came in once a day to check on her and administer medication that would aid in keeping her comfortable. The rest of the time, I had taken on the role of being her nursemaid, helping her bathe, dress, and forcing her to try and eat—a task that was becoming more difficult by the day.

  Theo tried his hardest to help, but Kate refused. I completely understood. Even as sick as she was, there were certain things you just didn’t feel comfortable having your brother help you with. I’d sit on the bathroom floor beside her when she had to stay by the toilet because she was feeling too unwell to function away from it. Together we would act like it was perfectly normal to be spending hours on that cold ceramic tile floor with our backs against the wall. We’d find things to pass the time away and even manage to laugh in between Kate’s bouts of nausea.

  We made up a game that we called You Say Potato. I’d say a word for something that we’d use in America and Kate would counter with the way they’d say it in England. Some of them were the same, but I was learning a lot were different. Both of us getting a good chuckle over our respective country’s version. For instance, I was sitting in the loo with Kate instead of the bathroom. I liked chips and Kate liked crisps. Theo was as the chemist getting Kate’s medication and not the pharmacy. It was amazing how something so silly could lighten up a normally unbearable situation.

  Through it all, I was growing even closer to Theo and Thomas. I’d gone to Theo’s home for the very first time when his aunt and cousin came to spend the night with Kate. It was modern and very well decorated for a bachelor pad, but it lacked the homey charm Kate’s house had. I had grown accustomed to the creaky floorboards in Kate’s home and the little quirks that made it seemed lived in. Theo attempted to cook dinner, and after burning it to a crisp, we ended up ordering Chinese food. I thought it was so sweet that he even tried. I was actually willing to eat chicken the consistency of shoe leather. We had spent the night at his place and awoke the next morning in his bed wrapped in each other’s arms, temporarily shutting the world away, leaving just the two of us. My stomach did somersaults just reliving that night in my mind.

  I had been busy working on my secret project in between being there for Kate and helping Theo and Anna tend to Thomas. My mother had sent me the items I had requested from my house, and Theo had supplied me with the rest. I was putting on the finishing touches and was pretty close to unveiling it to Kate.

  “Well done, Jillian! You are super talented. Those came out great,” Theo remarked as he walked into Kate’s guest room that had been doubling as my workshop.

  “Thanks.” I took a step back, eyeing up the matching s
teamer trunks, rather pleased with the outcome. After applying a couple coats of chalk paint, one in blue that was Evan’s favorite color, and the other Kate’s favorite color, yellow. I replaced the hardware and used sandpaper to distress them, creating beautiful imperfections.

  Theo came closer, standing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled my hair back, then leaned down and kissed my neck. “Thank you so much for everything. You’re an angel, you know that?” he whispered in my ear.

  “I don’t know about that. Maybe more like a devil looking for redemption.”

  He spun me around and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Don’t say that.” I dropped my gaze to the floor, feeling unworthy of his compliment. Placing his hand under my chin, he tilted my head, forcing me to look at him. “You’re caring and forgiving, and everything you’ve done for my sister these past few weeks, how could you even think you’re anything but an angel? Not to mention everything you’ve done for me.”

  I shook my head. “I haven’t done anything for you.”

  “How could you even think that? You’ve done everything for me. You changed me for the better. I know this may be selfish to say, but I’m glad Kate did what she did. Because if she hadn’t, then you wouldn’t be here. You’ve made my heart, my mind, and my body feel things I never thought possible.” He inched closer. “So no matter what you think…you will always be an angel to me.” His lips pressed against mine, and it didn’t take long before it erupted into a full-blown kiss. His words resonated with me because with each passing day, the panic would rise in my chest ever so slightly with the thought of never knowing Theo. He was right, we wouldn’t have been standing there in each other’s arms, needing, wanting, and loving each other if it weren’t for Kate. It made me question everything in life. Was this our destiny that had been set in motion years ago by one simple act?


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