The Read And Weep Bundle: Anonymous, Perfectly Hopeless, Run
Page 36
“I got a bad feeling. I want you to promise me something,” he said.
“Stop it, because you’re freaking me out.”
“Promise me if things go wrong we think about ourselves and get out of here. And I mean it, Kendall. We worry about ourselves and we leave,” he said, getting rather worked up. I slid off of him, falling to the side; I covered my chest with my hands. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.
Mason rolled over. He took hold of my face. “I’m not kidding. I don’t care anymore. I don’t give a damn, Kendall.” He stared me down.
“What could we possibly do? It’s not that simple.” I tried to turn away.
Mason held on tight, his fingers clamping down on my jaw. “If we make it through this, then we have time to plan. I want to take you away from this. I don’t know all the plans yet, but I can make you happy. I know we can be happy together.” He released his grip.
“You don’t know that. And what do you mean happy together?” I asked confused. He never mentioned things like this to me before. He never thought about the future. He just wanted to deal with the present.
“Kendall, shut your mouth. You know I care about you. I think about you when you’re not here. And when you’re with me I never want you to go away.” He kissed my hand, smiling at me. His eyes showed all the adoration he was speaking of.
I knew Mason had a competitive drive. I knew he wanted what he wanted. And he could make anything possible. I just wasn’t sure if I had the same keen sense of urgency, or the will to break away.
He dropped my hand, pushing me down on the bed. A soft trail of kisses headed to my navel. I ran my hands through his hair, trailing my fingers down his shoulders, his hands came back up and cupped my breast. Goosebumps erupted on my skin as he glided back up my body. This time I pushed him down and got on top. I pressed my hands into his chest, staring at him. It was clear he wanted an answer again.
“Ok. I promise if anything bad happens we will only think about us,” I said, moving closer. I kissed his neck, his hands trailed down my backside.
“God damnit you’re beautiful,” he whispered, teasing me. I laughed at his childishness, kissing his lips.
“You wouldn’t lie to me would you, Mason Vaughn?” I asked coyly, raising an eyebrow at him. He touched my hair, shaking his head.
“Never been more truthful then right now, looking at you fixes everything.”
I tried to contain myself. This was the moment I never seen coming. I never expected it, but I was enchanted.
June 21st
The day was already starting off on the wrong foot. After all the rain that fell the night before it now felt like we were in the middle of a swamp. The air was so humid I could barely breathe. I was completely miserable. My clothes clung to my skin. My whole body felt like it was suffocating.
Aunt Wanda came from the bathroom, trying her best to pull herself together. The humidity was not doing her any favors, her hair looked like a giant poodle on top of her head. I crossed my arms sitting down on the bed. Mason was off with Payton doing whatever it was she had yelled at him about before he stalked off. We all were about to crack under the stress, each in our own ways.
Aunt Wanda would never let herself be seen as anything more than a mean woman. I knew enough about to her to know when she was nervous.
She stared at herself in the mirror, her face almost touching it, her eyes deep and large as she looked herself over. “I just don’t know what to do with this hair.” She muttered to herself, she shoved a bobby pin in her mouth letting out a long sigh.
I came up behind her, taking the sides of her hair in my hands and quickly started to braid her hair down her back. She acted as if I wasn’t helping her out, as if I wasn’t even there.
“There, looks a lot better,” I said, dropping the bobby pins on the dresser.
“Now I want you to pull it together today,” she breathed, looking herself over one more time. “This will get us pretty far. And I don’t want anything messing it up.”
“How long do you think Payton will hang around?” I hinted, holding my breath, hoping she wouldn’t bite my head off for asking.
Aunt Wanda sat down on the bed, putting on a pair of shiny red pumps. She dropped her feet down irritated and stared at them. “Kendall, what did I tell you about guys? Mason is just another one of them. Don’t think for a second he isn’t treating other girls the same way he treats you. He’s a born con artist, he will always be one. And you’re the simple fix for his needs when he is here. Nothing more, now let’s go,” she said, heading for the door. I glared at the back of her head, my fist clenched.
I was ready to scream as we climbed into the old truck. The truck we only had because she blew Jon’s stupid head off. I wondered if he still lay rotting in his home or if they all were discovered. I almost wished they were so I had a reason to revel in Aunt Wanda’s demise. She deserved it more than anyone. She was the vilest woman I had ever laid eyes on.
“Get over it,” she said, looking over at me, my anger probably radiating her thick skin that was how mad I was.
“Is it so hard to believe Mason is not like you guys?” I asked. “It’s almost like you don’t want anything good for anyone but yourself.”
Aunt Wanda backed the truck up, shooting me the most evil look as she did so.
“That’s right, Kendall. I don’t give a shit about you or anybody else. The only thing I am going to worry about is me. You should be lucky I ever gave you advice on anything in your life,” she said, rolling her eyes at me.
“It’s not advice, its bullshit. For some reason because you’re so screwed up you want the same for me. All because Joy-Ann was better then you.” I muttered the last part.
And she nearly knocked my head off my shoulders when she backhanded me. I grabbed my cheek, tears welling in my eyes, not because I was crying, because it stung.
I looked out the window, ready to claw her eyes out.
“Don’t you ever mention that whores name again. She is dead to you. And you’re lucky I didn’t kill her when I had the chance,” she said, her fingers in my face, shaking violently, her entire body boiled with rage.
“I wouldn’t have cared if you did. If only you had the balls you’re always talking about,” I hissed.
Her hands grabbed for my throat. I dodged them, grabbing the door handle and released myself into the parking lot.
“I told you not to mess this up for me,” she screamed, slamming the truck into park. I turned away not caring what happened at that moment.
“Kendall, get in the god damn truck!”
It wasn’t often I defied her and she was trying to gain control back.
Payton and Mason pulled up coming to a stop behind the truck. Mason’s expression matched my hateful one. He realized what was going on in seconds. Payton snatched his arm, stopping him from getting out of the car, barking obscenities in his face.
“Get in the truck!” Wanda screamed again, bringing me back to the moment. I shot Mason a quick glance, letting him know I was alright. And we all started our trip to the jewelry store.
I chewed my nails, not willing to look at her. I probably would get over it, but I wasn’t so sure anymore.
Pulling into the parking lot across the street from the jewelry store, Payton and Wanda got out and headed across the street.
Mason immediately jumped into the truck as soon as Payton and Wanda were gone. He turned my face, staring at the red welt on my cheek.
“Joy-Ann?” he asked sympathetically.
“Yep, her one trigger.” I watched the cars racing past us, wishing one would take Aunt Wanda out as she jogged across the traffic in her high heels. Wishing with everything I had in me that her heel would snap and she would break her ankle, anything to cause her some pain. To let her see how it feels to hurt. I looked away. My thoughts were getting a little ridiculous.
“She said you were like every other guy in the world. That you treat every girl like you treat me.” I blurted
. I held a hand to my throbbing cheek, startled I had said what I said.
Mason sighed and shook his head. “I have no reason to lie to you. She’s a bitter old broad who wants you to be the same way.”
“You’re probably right, but, Mason tell me the truth. Are there other girls you treat the same way?”
I couldn’t believe I had enough courage to say anything. I was used to physical connections with guys, nothing more. I never had to worry about anyone’s feeling because I never had anyone to let in.
I used sex or the idea of it to get where I needed to be. Sex sometimes wasn’t even my idea at all. To me a relationship was out of this world. To me the only thing I was good for was crime and misdeeds. A tool for others to get what they wanted.
I didn’t know the difference between sex and love. I didn’t even know what love felt like to make an assumption. If a guy wanted to sleep with me, he simply wanted pleasure, that’s how I saw it. Mason was a guy and in my head that’s all it meant to him as well.
I never thought Mason cared about me in a serious way. I thought he was used to me. Maybe I was just a stupid girl, emotionally crippled by life.
“What do you mean, Kendall? Of course I don’t want to run away with anyone else,” he said.
I stared off, uncertain on what was to happen next.
“Why are you so sure I would lie to you?” he asked. “We’ve been through a lot together. I care about you.”
“But that doesn’t mean you have to be with me. It doesn’t even mean you have to like me,” I said, sure he didn’t know what he wanted.
“No, it doesn’t, your right, but I like you for you.” He touched my face, pulling me toward him. “How do you feel about me?”
My mouth dropped open. I could not deny this undeniable infatuation between the two of us. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him around me. I was happy when I was with him, there was no denying that. I just wasn’t sure what to do with all of those feelings.
I caught the signal from Payton and I opened my door. Mason climbed out his side meeting up with me on the street.
“Remember what I said,” he said, forgetting I hadn’t answered him. I nodded, looking back and forth before I crossed the street. I looked back, watching him linger for just a second before he booked it across traffic and ran behind the jewelry store.
I looked over my shoulder one more time before going in the door. The bell chimed as I entered. Aunt Wanda very subtly looked up from where she stood at the counter, a large diamond necklace in her clutch.
The dark haired man came over quite fast to greet me. His face filled with delight that I had stepped foot in his store. “How can I help you today?” His accent was very apparent.
Aunt Wanda straightened up, looking at me to say something.
“My Grandmother had this amazing ruby bracelet. And I was wondering if I could find one like it. Sentimental reasons,” I said, he took my arm and lead me to the counter.
He pulled out a tray of bracelets. I held my breath trying to stay calm. The more gracious someone was the harder it was for me to do what Aunt Wanda asked of me.
He laid three bracelets on the counter, a smile on his face. The kind that crept into his eyes proving just how genuinely happy he was.
“Rubies remind me of a woman’s heart. I think any of these would be beautiful on you,” he said, looking down at the bracelets. I examined each, pretending that I was really debating on buying one.
Aunt Wanda cleared her throat coming to stand beside me. “The second one is just darling.” She touched my arm, amused by the silly game we were playing with this man who was none the wiser.
“Thanks,” I said, I wanted to spit at her.
“Abel, come tell me more about these rings,” she said. He hurried away, leaving me holding on to the bracelets. I looked past the counter catching sight of Mason. He jumped back as Abel crossed the floor coming back over to me.
I coughed, which was the signal Mason had made it inside, my stomach grew sicker by the minute.
“Anything like your Grandmother’s?” he asked.
“Uh…no, I’m sorry, but thanks so much for your time,” I said, shooting Wanda a bitter look. She flapped a hand at me annoyed. Suddenly Abel spun on his heels.
I slapped my hand down on the counter loudly. “No! no, what are you doing?” The words left my mouth before I knew what I was saying. I was panicking.
Aunt Wanda rounded the counter to divert his attention—or at least try to.
“I think I have something in the back that you will like,” he said, hurrying off. I was ready to lose it. My mind racing for any ideas on what I should do.
In seconds there was a loud crash, followed by metal crashing against the ground. Mason’s voice sailed into the store followed by Abel’s. I headed for the back room. Mason was in the middle of a struggle for a crow bar. He pushed Abel, their arms entangled and fighting for control.
“Get him down!” Aunt Wanda barked at Mason. I looked at her in disbelief worried she was willing to go overboard once again.
Abel struggled, breaking loose. He wielded the crow bar like a weightless baton, bending at the knee; clearly he knew some skilled form of fighting. Mason on the other hand was a street kid; he was nowhere as skilled as this man.
Abel turned sideways, doing a little jog in place. He swung the crowbar, cracking Mason in the face with the end of it. I screamed, Payton yanked me away from the door so she could get through.
“You want to steal my jewels you thief!” Abel yelled at Mason. Blood crawled down the side of Mason’s face. His eyes filled with shock that he had just been attacked.
I covered my ears. I knew what was next. I could still hear the struggle going on between all of them.
The crowbar crashed to the ground sliding out of the room. Mason fell after it. Abel tried his best to gain his ground but failed.
Payton snagged the crowbar from the ground. It glistened in the lighting as she swung down onto Abel’s head. His pained screams filled the store.
Mason grabbed me by the hand and pulled me through the back room. He shoved me out the door; we started running, not worried about the truck left behind. He kept a tight grip on my hand, booking it through parking lots. The cars passing us were none the wiser. I was sure Payton and Wanda were probably not too far behind us. They knew better then to hang around too long.
I tried to slow down once my feet were tripping me up. My lungs burned with an intense fire, and I could hardly breathe anymore. I was scared and I was out in the open. But Mason wouldn’t let me stop; he tugged me harder, and kept up the pace.
“We got to run a little while longer, Kendall!” He shouted. “Come on!”
I jumped, almost tripping over an old box abandoned in the field near the motel we were staying in. We sailed onto the train tracks running into the overpass we had been just days before
“God, I can’t breathe,” I said, trying my hardest to catch a breath of air.
“If you’re talking your breathing,” Mason said breathless.
I looked at him, shocked at how much blood I saw staring back at me.
“That bastard got me good. Shit!” He ran his hand down the side of his face.
I nodded, afraid to touch him. I didn’t want to hurt him anymore then he already was.
“Let’s go back to the motel. We can clean you up there,” I said still breathless from all the running.
“Answer the question,” he said, ignoring me.
“What?” I asked confused.
“How do you feel about me?” I shook my head at how stupid he could be. Blood stained his shirt, but he wanted to talk about feelings as if he wasn’t bleeding all over the place.
“I’m happy when you’re around. I like being with you.” My words pained me. They hurt to say aloud.
“Ok,” he said taking my hand in his. We walked slowly back to the motel.
I did my best to clean his wounds.
“Back in New Mexico, there was this
guy who offered to teach me to fight. I wonder if I should have taken him up on that offer now,” he said wincing as I cleaned his cut with soap and water—it was all we had.
“I’ve seen you fight. Sometimes those foreigners are really skilled,” I said, acting like it wasn’t a big deal. I bit my lip, blotting his face with a towel, a smirk pulling up the corners of my mouth.
Mason’s eyes grew wide as he caught on to my amusement. “Kendall!”
I turned away, throwing my hand up to stop him from lecturing me, laughter escaped my lips. There was no stopping it. I threw myself down on the bed, burying my head into the pillows.
“I’m sorry, Mason. I really don’t think it’s funny,” I said through another fit of laughter. I closed my eyes afraid to look at him anymore. It was just too much.
“You’re a mean girl, Kendall. I should crack you in the face,” he said, jokingly.
I sat up finally, looking around the room. I knew we were going to be leaving. “Do you think she will follow us?” My stomach was starting to feel sick all over again. I didn’t want to say goodbye already.
“I don’t know, “he admitted, I could tell he didn’t want to. “If they did what they usually do then no she won’t follow. She won’t travel with a group. She thinks that’s what gets you caught.”
“Then we have an answer, because Wanda would never let someone live that would rat her out.” I was near tears. I jumped up, and ran for the bathroom, slamming the door in a hurry to get away from everything.
“Kendall.” Mason called from the other side of the door. The sound of his fist against the door made me cry even harder. I wiped every tear that fell, my breath short and quick.
I knew Mason. And at that moment I knew he was on the other side of the door with his forehead pressed against it. Irritated beyond belief because he hated to see me cry, I hated crying.
“Kendall will you come out? Come out and let’s talk about this,” he coaxed.