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MILLIONAIRE'S SHOT: Second Chance Romance

Page 15

by Bev Pettersen

  “He’s rather cute.” Alex stepped closer to the stall, his voice almost grudging. “Well mannered too.”

  Cassie reached out and scratched the horse’s neck. Apparently he was too placid a ride for any polo film. And his spots made him too distinctive for background work. It would be a pain to constantly dye them. But the fact that her boss had kept him around proved he was a nice animal. Dan Barrett knew a good horse when he saw one.

  “I found his file,” Judith announced, striding back down the aisle and reading from a green folder. “Eight-year-old quarterhorse cross. Ground ties. Suitable for crowds, explosions and water scenes. Vet shots up to date.” She glanced up and shrugged. “That’s about it. Oh, and his big trick is to bow on command.”

  Relief swept Cassie. No rearing, biting or pawing. Just a horse who would bow when asked. What kid wouldn’t like that? And she’d wanted to find a special horse for Grace. Maybe this was the one.

  Alex winked at Cassie, the only sign that he was equally intrigued. He looked back at Judith. “I’d like to ride this horse, please,” he said.


  Cassie watched as Alex cantered Freckles in a perfect figure eight, the lead changes precise, clean and balanced. He was a superb rider and made every horse he rode look better. Of course he’d taken lessons at a very young age, from a variety of instructors. And he’d excelled at every discipline. His father had made sure of that.

  She glanced back at Wally who was staring at Alex in awe. “Damn,” he said. “I didn’t know Freckles could do that. Guess Dan should raise his price.”

  But his words were accompanied with a good-natured grin. Wally, like Dan, was a horse lover and more concerned about finding Freckles a good home. She’d always be grateful that he’d hired her, especially since she’d had no experience galloping racehorses.

  “It was nice to see everyone today,” she said. “Including Peanut.”

  “Yeah, that little guy is still a nuisance.” Wally gestured over his shoulder at the pony. “Look at him. Acts like he’s king of the hill.”

  Peanut swished his thick tail and sauntered across the manicured lawn, pausing to snatch a bite beside the ‘Keep Off The Grass’ sign. His ears pricked when he spotted Freckles. He broke into a bouncy trot and hurried toward the riding ring. The four-foot fence didn’t slow him. He simply bent to his knees and scooted beneath the lower rail, emerging at a trot on the other side.

  “Wow, he’s agile,” Cassie said. “Doesn’t move like a senior.”

  “Yeah, he’s had some setbacks but the oxygen chamber helps. He’ll probably be around for another decade, crawling under fences and teasing clients’ horses.” Wally shook his head but Cassie knew he adored the pony every bit as much as Peanut’s owners.

  Freckles had stopped cantering and stood in the center of the ring on a loose rein, with Alex tall in the saddle. Both man and horse eyed the loose pony with a similar degree of bemusement.

  Peanut seemed to consider Freckles an interloper and charged toward him, ears back and shaking his head. But Freckles ignored the pony’s bluster, waiting to take his direction from Alex. Peanut circled Freckles twice then nipped at the horse’s hind leg. Freckles simply swished his tail, looking as amused as Alex.

  Cassie gave a relieved smile. “Freckles is a confident horse. Nice to see he’s unfazed by other animals. That’s helpful in polo.”

  “He’s not fazed by anything,” Wally said. “We don’t have a mallet here but I’ve stood on his back and swung a broom, brushing cobwebs off the rafters. He didn’t mind at all. He’d be great for a nine-year-old.”

  Cassie jerked her head sideways, surprised he knew Grace’s age. Alex was close-mouthed about everything, but especially family. She’d introduced him to Wally but the two men hadn’t had much time to talk. Alex had been too busy with Freckles.

  “Did Alex mention his daughter?” she asked curiously.

  “Must have.” Wally turned and jabbed his thumb at the gate. “Alex can ride Freckles along that path if he wants to check the horse out on the trail.”

  Cassie nodded. She wanted to spend some of this precious day alone with Alex but they’d come a long way and it was more important to make sure Freckles was suitable. It would be horrible to ship him home and have Grace fall in love, only to find out Freckles needed a more experienced rider. Not only would Grace be devastated but Rachel would be…

  Cassie squeezed the railing, not quite sure of Rachel’s reaction. Only that the woman was unpredictable. And would Freckles even be shipped to the Sutherland stable? Rachel had abused Ginger but that mare belonged to Gramps. Freckles would be okay.

  Besides, he’d belong to Grace. Rachel wouldn’t hurt her daughter’s horse no matter if the animal was remotely connected to Cassie. But as her eyes settled on the good-natured horse in the ring, she couldn’t control the shivers traveling like spiders down the back of her neck.


  Three hours later, she and Alex were in the back seat of the limo, returning to the airstrip, smiling and congratulating each other on finding the perfect horse for Grace.

  “This calls for champagne,” Alex said. He wrapped his arm around Cassie’s shoulders, still grinning. “Thank you, sweetheart. Wally has already arranged for shipping. Freckles will be at your barn by tomorrow afternoon.”

  “My barn?”

  “Your grandfather’s. I want Grace to continue lessons with you. At this point, she doesn’t want to ride anywhere else. Santiago already reported that she refused to ride with him today.”

  Cassie gave a quick nod, picturing Grace on Freckles, the girl’s laughter as she hit balls in the field and then splashed through the cooling brook. Freckles had proven to be totally bombproof on a trail, and he and Grace would have a lot of fun together. But then the happy images were replaced by Rachel’s glittering eyes. And how the woman had tried to buy all Gramps’ horses—just to keep Alex away.

  She pressed back against the seat. “Do you think that’s wise?” she asked. “Having Freckles at my place? What will Rachel think?”

  Alex kept his arm around her shoulders, outwardly relaxed. But she could feel the cording of his muscles. He was silent for so long she thought he intended to shrug it off, or else change the subject.

  “Rachel pretends to care about Grace,” he said slowly. “Acts like she wants her around. But it’s only a sham, cultivated so she’d win in a custody battle.”

  Cassie stilled, surprised he was revealing so much. For Alex, talking about family had always been taboo. Unless one belonged to that family.

  “All she wants is the estate,” Alex went on, his voice almost rusty. “And what comes with it…riding on the polo team, money, family status. I try to watch her, stop her from abusing her position. But I’m tired of it. All I really care about is Grace.” He tilted Cassie’s head and stared into her eyes. “And you.”

  She hadn’t realized she’d been holding herself rigid, barely breathing. But this was wonderful. He still loved her. As she did him. And she’d never have to leave him or Gramps again.

  He still stared into her upturned face, studying her expression. She felt her lips quivering with a joy so intense it was almost unfamiliar. And then his mouth slanted over hers. But this kiss wasn’t like the one on the plane. It was deeper, hotter, hungrier as if the walls had been knocked down and he was intent on making up for lost time.

  His tongue entwined with hers and he wedged her tighter against his lap. His desire was obvious and the feel of his familiar body left her aching with need. She slid her hand beneath his shirt, wanting to get closer. Needing to touch his skin, absorb his scent, feeling like she was throbbing and melting at the same time.

  He abruptly lifted his head.

  She looked around, taking a few extra seconds to realize the car had stopped. The driver remained silent in the front seat, totally professional behind the privacy shield. But they’d definitely arrived at the airstrip. Men in orange coveralls bustled between hangers and a
man in a dark suit stared curiously at the car.

  She clutched at Alex’s shoulders, surprised she hadn’t realized the car had stopped. And just wishing the drive was longer. Her lips felt thick and sultry, her entire body tingling. She pulled in a breath, glad the windows were tinted and she had time to regain her composure.

  Alex cradled her head against his chest as if understanding she wasn’t quite ready to get out of the car. She could feel the beating of his heart, the raggedness of his breathing. And it was obvious he was just as disappointed.

  “It’s only two o’clock,” he said, his hand caressing her hair. “I’m going to arrange for one of my grooms to feed your horses. Drop off some supper for your grandfather. And change our flight plan. Okay?”

  Change the flight plan? And then she realized what he was asking. They were going to fly around while they made love. She gave a little choke of disbelief. “That’s impractical,” she said. “Won’t that use a lot of fuel?”

  “A whole lot,” he said, his voice low and full of promise.

  He pushed open the door then turned and held out his hand in invitation. His expression looked like it had that day long ago when he had said that he’d always loved her. When it seemed nothing could stop them from ending up together. But someone had stopped them. Rachel.

  She shoved that thought aside, reached out and took his hand.


  The plane leveled in the air. Alex rose and very purposefully shut the door between the cabin and the cockpit. Cassie’s mouth turned dry, and she was hit with an unexpected twinge of nervousness.

  He was the same man she’d slept with nine years ago. But he looked bigger in the narrow confines of the plane. Obviously he’d filled out. His shoulders were broader, his mouth harder, the bulge between his thighs much thicker.

  It wasn’t the act of making love that caused reservations. They’d shared passionate sex before. In fact, she’d never realized how good it could be until Alex had shown her. But their physical intimacy had ended in a world of hurt. Of course, Rachel couldn’t get pregnant again…could she?

  Alex shook his head and she realized she’d asked the question out loud. “I haven’t touched her in years,” he said.

  He bent down and unclipped her seatbelt, his blue eyes glittering. She expected him to lead her directly to the bed—his arousal was obvious. But he seated her on the leather sofa and pulled out a glistening bottle of champagne.

  “To our new horse,” he said.

  She picked up her wine glass. He hadn’t called it Grace’s new horse. He’d said “our.” The three of them. And that was significant; he always knew how to reassure her.

  He stretched his arm over her shoulders and began talking about Freckles and movie horses and asking questions about how she would train a horse to bow. Talking as if they had all the time in the world. And soon he had tugged her on his lap, his mouth and hands mapping her body, and she stopped thinking about how much he’d hurt her.

  He unbuttoned the front of her shirt and fondled her breasts, leaving her shivering with pleasure. “You’re sure the co-pilot won’t walk back here?” she asked, arching against him even as she took another worried look at the cockpit door.

  “I gave strict instructions,” he whispered against her lips, his voice smoky. He opened the clasp of her bra, caressing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His head dipped, skimming the bottom of her jaw, the column of her neck, the sensitive skin of her inner arm, and the leisurely exploration shot heat directly to her core. His mouth fanned her breast, then finally sucked her nipple, making her sigh.

  He gave equal attention to her other breast, his mouth gentle but firm, his touch slow but masterful. She didn’t remember him being quite so slow and then he was too attentive and she arched against him, wiggling with impatience.

  He rose and tugged her to the bed. Yanked back the privacy curtain. His boots hit the floor with two emphatic thuds, his belt buckle clinking as he stepped from his jeans. He had a scar above his hip that she didn’t remember and the hair that led to his massive erection looked darker, thicker—

  He leaned over her, his eyes raking her body, possessive yet vulnerable with longing. He pulled off her clothes and tossed her panties aside. His hips covered hers, warming her skin with his heat, and she instinctively arched to meet him. Wrapped her legs around him and quit thinking. This was Alex and she knew him. Trusted him. And they joined together like longtime lovers, his hard thrusts filling her with a growing need, driving home just how much she loved him.

  He rocked against her, burying himself even deeper and her eyes closed as the convulsions swept her. She opened them for one last boneless quiver, holding his gaze in that moment of intimacy. He gave several last powerful thrusts, his sounds of satisfaction mingling with hers. Then he rolled on his side, pulling her into his damp chest.

  “I love you, Cass,” he said, his breath ragged. “Always have, always will.”

  Joy swept her but she was too weak, too boneless to answer. She could only press an affirming kiss against his chest. It was as if they were simply picking up where they’d left off. He was so loyal, so true, and she was back at his side.

  She’d call her boss tomorrow, let him know she wouldn’t be returning. And she couldn’t wait to tell Gramps. Maybe they could train horses together again, just like before. Even teach some children. The local pony club usually needed volunteers and many members couldn’t afford their own horses. She’d been so fortunate to have animals to ride, and people to teach her. Now she’d have a chance to pay it back. And what a great way for Grace to meet new friends.

  Alex adjusted a pillow beneath her head, fluffing it up so it had the perfect vee. “I’ll have to get a bigger plane,” he said, tugging her closer.

  “Why?” She loved the feel of his arms, the way he held her against his chest like he never intended to let go.

  “One with a higher cruising speed,” he said. “Your next shoot is in California, right? We need something bigger. Definitely a bedroom with a door.” He chuckled then reached out and adjusted the privacy curtain.

  She didn’t smile. Her face felt frozen, still pressed against his chest. Frozen and confused. He must be assuming she didn’t want to give up her job.

  “I was thinking of quitting,” she said slowly. “Finding something to do around here. Back home, close to Gramps. There are lots of children who would love a chance to ride, especially on the south side where there are no affordable stables.”

  She couldn’t see his expression but the tightening of his arms revealed plenty.

  “That’s not a good idea,” he said. “Not right now. There’s no need to change your life.”

  Something clamped around her chest and the air in the small cabin felt thick, almost claustrophobic. Her heart was beating double time, leaving a thundering in her ears. But she could hear the throb of the engines, the low croon of music—and Alex’s measured voice as he spoke about how it was important to do what was best for his daughter. How he needed to consider Grace.

  “When she’s eighteen,” he was saying, “she’ll be off in college. Safe from Rachel.”

  “That’s nine more years.”

  “Yes,” he said. And there was genuine regret in his voice but it didn’t make her feel any better. For a moment, she was too stunned to say anything else. But really, it was just like before. Except that instead of the barn, he intended to use a luxury jet as their meeting place. His own mile high club.

  She caught her humiliated sob before it climbed her throat, too proud to let it escape. Her hands gripped the sheet and she pulled it over her breasts.

  “And perhaps in time Grace will see Rachel’s true colors,” he added. “So we won’t have to wait as long.”

  “No.” Her voice was so flat she barely recognized it. “Rachel’s too smart. Too manipulative. She’ll make it so Grace always wants to please her.”

  Alex leaned over, as if alarmed by her tone. “We’ll figure i
t out,” he said. “But Rachel will make life miserable for Grace if we’re not discreet.”

  Rachel and Grace. It was always about them. She wanted this so badly she’d deluded herself into thinking it could work, when really all she’d ever be was an afterthought.

  “Please give me a little privacy,” she said, clutching at the sheet. “I want to get dressed.”

  “We can stay in the air a few more hours, plenty of time—”

  She shot him a glare. He opened his mouth then closed it. His face shuttered and he rose from the bed. She waited until he gathered his clothes and stepped on the other side of the curtain before allowing a single tear to trickle from the corner of her eye. She swiped it away, afraid if the tears started they’d never stop.

  All she wanted now was to be alone, far from this humming plane with its cramped toilet and limited privacy. And far away from the man she loved, but the one who seemed forever destined to hurt her.


  “Looks like Grace’s horse has arrived,” Gramps said, gesturing out the kitchen window. “You better call Alex.”

  Cassie closed the training book she was reading and moved to the window. A large horse transport inched into the yard, the driver being careful not to jostle its equine occupant.

  “Can you call Alex for me?” she asked, tugging on her boots. “I have to get outside. And maybe it’s best if they don’t come until tomorrow. That will give Freckles time to settle before Grace shows up.”

  Gramps shook his head in reproach. “But it’s her horse. She’ll want to be here.”

  Cassie gripped the door knob. Gramps was right. Of course Grace would want to be here. But she didn’t want Alex around. They hadn’t said much after the plane landed last night, and she thought she’d done a good job of hiding her misery. But she hadn’t slept a wink, and her eyes were so puffy this morning even her grandfather had noticed.


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