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Alien Mate (Zerconian Warriors Book 3)

Page 11

by Sadie Carter

  At least then she knew she wouldn’t be bought. Wetting herself surely wasn’t an attractive quality in a slave.

  She closed her eyes, exhaustion slipping over her. She’d never thought it possible to sleep standing up but then she’d never been this exhausted before. A strong smell reached her, turning her stomach.

  God, what was that? If her stomach wasn’t empty, she’d be heaving its contents all over the floor. The only thing she’d ever smelled that was that bad was that troll she’d encountered on Musin.

  Her eyes shot open and she stared over at where the guards were standing further down the passage. She couldn’t see anything of the buyer they were escorting.

  Damn it.

  “No, no good. Need lanana.”

  It was him. Stinky.

  “They didn’t even look at us,” Liula said with a sniff. “You could have made some effort.”

  “Hey! Hey you!” Zoey yelled out, ignoring Liula.

  The guards turned to glare at her, one of them moving her way, his stare menacing. Nerves danced in her stomach and she licked her lips. But there was no going back now.

  The short creature with them turned, staring at her. It was him. The troll who had been insistent on buying Giz. As wide as he was tall, he had orange skin and a shock of frizzy purple hair that stuck straight up from his head. Bushy purple eyebrows almost completely covered his small, black eyes.

  “Remember me?” she asked him. “Remember the lanana?” That’s what he’d called Giz.

  God, please let him remember her.

  “Quiet,” the guard ordered with a snarl, reaching for her. Zoey flinched back as he struck her face. Tears filled her eyes as pain slammed through her. Cheek throbbing, vision blurred, she took a gasping breath.

  Shock filled her as she realized Liula was yelling at the guard, berating him. But she pushed all of that aside when she saw that the troll had moved to stand in front of her. He bounced up and down.


  “He’s not with me,” she told him.

  Disappointment filled his face and he turned away.

  “But if you tell me what you want him for I could possibly help you.” She’d never give him Giz, but surely they could figure something out.

  He turned back.

  “First, you free us. Both of us.” She nodded at Liula, who had quietened down and was listening. “We will reimburse you.”

  He dipped his head to one side, clearly confused.

  “Uhh, we will pay you back. All the credits you spend.”

  “And lanana?”

  “What do you want him for? You don’t want to eat him, do you?”

  He made a face. “No eat. Need fur.”

  “You need some of his fur?” she clarified.

  He nodded.

  Jeez, why hadn’t he said that in the first place?

  “I’ll get you as much fur as you need. A lifetime supply.”

  “Lifetime fur?”

  “Yes. I promise.”

  He studied her for a moment. Then nodded. When he spoke to the guard, it was in another language, but soon the guard released them from the wall.

  Zoey’s arms ached so badly she gasped as she lowered them.

  “Are you well?” Liula asked, looking unaffected.

  “Cramps,” Zoey replied as they were led along behind the troll.

  “How do you know him?” Liula asked.

  “We met a while ago. Long story.”

  “And what is a lanana?”

  “It’s Giz.”

  “How odd that he wants his fur. It’s not even that clean.”

  Zoey glared at her. “Considering Giz just saved us perhaps you could refrain from insulting him.”

  Liula looked at her in surprise. “That wasn’t an insult just the truth.”

  “Well, right now your hair doesn’t smell all that great either.”

  “There is no call to be rude.”

  Sweet merciful heaven give her patience.


  “I have sent men out to all the closest planets where slave auctions are held.”

  Dex nodded at Koran as he stared out the portal window at the universe beyond.

  “We will find them, Dex,” he added.

  Would they? He wasn’t so sure. He knew she was still alive. He could feel that much through their bond. But beyond that, nothing. It was the same for his father.

  “What do you want done with Fedora?” Thor asked.

  He couldn’t think about her now. He had more important things to focus on.

  “She has family on Isotone. Tell Father to send her there.” It was a cold, bleak place with few inhabitants, which is why his mother had taken her in rather than send her there. “Make certain they understand what she is capable of.”

  Thor grimaced but nodded and turned away.

  “I would rather be locked up for the rest of my life,” Koran muttered.

  So would he. But it was no less than what she deserved. If they didn’t find Zoey and his mother, she was getting off lightly as far as he was concerned.


  Zoey stumbled as she followed the troll into a crowded building. Filled mostly with males, the room they entered was windowless and stifling. It stunk of alcohol and sweat. Her stomach rolled and she was actually grateful it was empty. She stared up at the large stage that was located down one end of the room.

  “Oh, stars,” Liula said, clearly shocked.

  She glanced behind her to find Liula staring around her, eyes wide, mouth slightly open. Zoey grimaced. Great, only her second time in a strip club and it had to be with her mother-in-law.

  Ahh, no, better make that sex club because those girls on stage were doing a whole lot more than just stripping. One of them pulled a short, hairless male from the crowd up onto the stage. Dancing around him, their movements hypnotic and mesmerizing, they stripped off his clothes, revealing his coppery skin and was that, yep, an enormous penis. Like down to his knees enormous.

  And the rest of his body might be hairless, but his penis was not.


  Zoey gulped.

  The dancers pushed him to the ground and one of them climbed on top, putting her four hands to very good use. She used two hands to play with his nipples, another surrounded his cock and with her fourth hand, she finger-fucked his ass.

  “This is abominable, why would your creature bring us to a place like this?”

  Zoey refrained from snapping back that he wasn’t her creature or pointing out that she had no idea why they were here, and suggesting that if Liula would like to return to where they’d just come from she would be happy to arrange that.

  See? She really should get a medal or something for her patience and tact.

  “I’m sure we’ll find out.”

  Okay, so she would rather he’d taken them somewhere where they could wash, eat, and more importantly, contact Dex. But she wasn’t going to complain. Even though it did make her nervous to still have hover cuffs on her wrists and ankles. It meant she wasn’t truly free yet. With a push of a button, Stinky could control her very body.

  “Follow,” Stinky ordered. The crowd parted as he moved through. Not through any respect, she thought, but rather to get away from the stench emanating from him.

  “Has he never bathed?” Liula asked, wrinkling her nose.

  She thought he might actually smell worse than the last time she’d encountered him. And she hadn’t thought that possible. They reached a booth which he gestured for them to sit in, and then he pulled down a privacy screen. They could still see everything going on and yep, the man with the giant penis had just blown his load, but all of the noise was blocked out.

  Unfortunately, all of the smell was trapped on this side with them.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked, eyes watering as she breathed in through her mouth.


  For what? Was death by stench an actual possibility?

  Just as she thought she might p
ass out, there was a knock on the screen and Stinky opened it, letting in a whoosh of cool air. A thin, stooped creature stood on the other side. His long arms hung down his sides, a black bag held in his right hand. He was skeleton thin with a head so large it looked comical, as though it might roll off his thin neck at any time.

  Stinky spoke to him sharply. He nodded and slipped into the booth. The privacy screen slid shut once more.

  “You speak Standard?” the creature asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Zoey replied, holding her hand up to Liula to be quiet. The other woman huffed then settled down. “Who are you?”

  “I am Rastian.”

  Stinky spoke to him rapidly and Rastian nodded then placed his bag on the table.

  “Lord Astair would prefer that any transactions between both parties be written down and witnessed. I have a contract I have amended for this purpose. If you would read and sign.”

  He placed a tablet on the table. Zoey glanced down, kind of dumbfounded. She read through the contract which seemed straightforward.

  “How did he have time to arrange this?” she wondered. Everything was there. The guarantee of a supply of Giz’s hair. The return of the credits he’d spent purchasing them. In return, they would be freed.

  “I am kept on retainer.”

  Wow, Stinky must have a bit of money. Or should that be Lord Stinky.

  “His lordship contacted me on your way here.”

  “You were already here?” Liula asked disapprovingly.

  He glanced over at her, his morose face never changing. “This is where we are lodging. There are rooms for rent above.”

  They rented rooms above a sex club? She hoped he brought his own linen. Who knew what had gone on in those rooms?

  “Right, so we just sign this contract and then we’re free?”

  Rastian watched them solemnly. “I would advise against reneging on this contract. Lord Astair is not someone you want to cross.”

  “I’ll keep up my end,” Zoey assured him. “It’s just, could you also help us contact my mate so that he can collect us and bring the credits needed to repay Stin-uhh, Lord Astair?”

  Rastian spoke to Stinky, who waved his hand in a decidedly impatient way, his gaze captured by the orgy happening on stage.

  “That is acceptable,” Rastian stated.

  She signed the contract and handed it over to Liula, who frowned, studying the contract closely. Zoey shifted around on the seat.

  “Why does he want Giz’s, uhh, the lanana’s fur?” she asked.

  “Lananas are rare creatures. They are loyal companions who find one being to attach themselves to. Once they find someone they deem worthy of their companionship, they dedicate their lives to that person. They tune themselves in to that person, providing emotional and in some cases, physical support. But their fur is highly desired, it is said that if you carry a lanana’s fur then you will have good fortune and health.”

  So Stinky was superstitious.

  Finally, Liula ran her thumb print over the required place.

  Thank God.

  Rastian took back the tablet. “I will remove those hovercuffs and get a communicator for you.”

  After he had taken off the hovercuffs, Zoey rubbed her wrists in relief. The cuffs hadn’t hurt like the manacles had, but it just felt so good to finally be free.

  Rastian lifted the privacy screen and thankfully left it up. The noise was overwhelming, but at least she could breathe. She watched Rastian slip away, her gaze caught by a figure in the far corner. It was dark and she couldn’t be sure, but she could have sworn it was Boris.

  “Boris!” She stood and stepped away from the booth.

  “Zoelle, where are you going?” Liula asked.

  Lord Astair glanced up with a frown.

  “I saw a friend over there. I’ll be right back. She will stay.” She pointed at Liula then darted into the crowd.

  “Zoelle! Zoelle!”

  Zoey ignored Liula, dodging her way through the crowd of people, brushing off curious hands and standing on the toes of those who didn’t understand she was not interested in having her ass and breasts groped.

  “Boris! Boris!” she yelled as she got closer. The dark-skinned man ignored her.

  She reached out to touch him then froze, her hand a few inches away as she got a closer look at his face.

  “You’re not Boris.”

  “Step away.” Oh, dear Lord. His voice was like dark coffee with rich cream. It sent a shiver through her spine.

  “Sorry, you look like someone I know.” So much so they could have been brothers. But this man was colder. Harder. And his eyes were green, not purple like Boris’s were.

  He glanced over her head, his gaze narrowing. “How can you see me?”

  “Ahh, ’cause you’re standing right here,” she pointed out. “Or did you think you were invisible? Did you leave your invisible cloak behind?”

  He looked down at her then away again without speaking.

  “I swear you’re so much like Boris it’s scary. You sure you’re not missing a brother? If it wasn’t for the scars and his eyes, I would swear you were twins. Must be your doppelganger, huh?”

  The man stiffened, his gaze sharpening then he glanced over her head again. “Your friend is waiting for you.”

  “What?” She turned to find Rastian standing behind her.

  “Rastian?” she queried.

  “Lord Astair did not say you could leave.”

  Jeez, Lord Astair could kiss her butt. But she didn’t say that. Because she still needed him.

  “Sorry.” She smiled brightly. “Thought I saw someone I knew.” She pointed her thumb back over her shoulder.

  Rastian frowned as he stared behind her. “There is no one there.”

  She turned to find the corner empty. Where the hell did he disappear to?


  “Crown Prince? There is a communication coming through. From Locali.” Torex turned to look at him questioningly.

  Dex frowned. Who would be trying to contact them from Locali?

  “There’s a large slave trade on Locali,” Koran said.

  Dex tensed. Could someone be contacting him about Zoey and his mother?

  “Answer it,” he demanded.

  Torex nodded. “No visual. Just sound.”

  “Dex? Dex, are you there?” There was a lot of background noise, but her voice was clear.

  Dex had to sit to hide how weak his legs had grown. It wouldn’t do for his warriors to see how affected he was from hearing his mate speak.

  But thank the stars she was all right.

  “Zoey? Where are you? Are you well?” he asked quickly.

  “I’m fine. So is your mother. We’re on Locali.”

  “Are you safe? Where exactly are you?”

  “Ahh, we’re in some sort of bar, or maybe it’s more of a club, I’m not really sure—”

  “Zoey, tell me where you are.” He tried to keep his voice calm, but he knew his urgency bled through. He needed to find her. The sooner, the better.

  “A place called Torans. Rastian said he can send you directions.”

  “Who is Rastian?”

  “He’s a lawyer I guess. It’s a long story. I just, can you get here quickly?”

  He glanced over at his navigation specialist. “It will take us thirty hours to get to Locali.”

  Over a day? He ground his teeth together, but it wasn’t the other warrior’s fault.

  “Zoey? It’s going to take us thirty hours to get to there.”

  “That long?” she asked with dismay.

  It would have been longer if they were still on Zerconia.

  “Is there somewhere safe you can stay?”

  “I will talk to Rastian. Maybe you can wire him credits to pay for a hotel or whatever is the equivalent around here. Also, we need some credits to pay Stinky for buying us. I’ll get Rastian to tell you how much.”

  Stinky? What?

  “Someone bought you?” he asked,
his voice strangled.

  “Yes, but it’s okay. He doesn’t want us. He wants some of Giz’s fur. Giz is with you, right?”

  “Yes, I couldn’t leave him behind. He wants his fur?” He glanced down at Giz. The furry creature had barely left his side since Zoey had been taken. He’d stopped eating again; at this rate he was soon going to be skin and bone. He was pining for Zoey. There was no other way to explain it.

  “Yes, I promised him some of Giz’s fur if he would buy us. Dex, I have to go. Rastian is going to send you the details.”

  “Wait, is there a way we can contact you?”

  “Umm. Wait a minute.” There was silence then she returned. “Dex? Are you still there?”

  Like he would be anywhere else?


  “Rastian said he will send those details through. Dex, I’ve got to go.” There was panic in her voice.

  “Zoey? What is it? Zoey?”

  “She’s gone,” Torex told him unnecessarily.

  “Get us there as fast as you can.”

  An uneasy feeling churned in his stomach. He wouldn’t feel right until he had Zoey back where she belonged.

  With him.


  “What the hell is going on?” Zoey asked as she leaned back against the cold brick wall of a derelict-looking building, panting heavily.

  She wiped the back of her hand over her sweaty forehead. Despite the cool night temperatures, their mad dash from the sex club through the streets of Locali had left her overheated and exhausted. Days of little food and sleep had taken their toll.

  Rastian and Liula had long legs that easily ate up the distance while she was left scrambling to keep up.

  Stinky had caught a ride on Rastian’s back. He clung to the other man like an overgrown monkey.

  “Why are we running through the streets?” Liula asked, not looking winded in the slightest.

  Double damn it.

  Rastian glanced around the corner of the building. “It appears we have lost them.”

  “What the hell is going on Rasty?” Zoey asked.

  He stared down his nose at her. “My name is Rastian. We are running because someone chased us.”

  “That’s generally the only reason I ever like to run,” she told him. “But why is someone chasing us?”

  Rastian spoke a few words to Stinky, who snapped something back.


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