Toxic (Addiction #1)
Page 15
“Fuck…” Grey shouted as he released himself into Quinn. He pumped her hips hard as his entire body went completely numb. He had never come so hard in his life. His orgasm took over his entire body and he continued to pump into Quinn until every last drop escaped him.
He was so overwhelmed with his pleasure that he barely noticed Quinn having another orgasm as well.
When he finally was able to breathe again, he removed himself from Quinn and flopped on his back while he threw his arm over his eyes. Grey couldn’t believe that had just happened. He was having an amazing time with Quinn and once Willow entered his mind, it was all over. He blew his load so hard he thought he popped a vein in his dick. Shit…
“That was amazing,” Quinn said as she cuddled up next to him. Grey just nodded and held her tight.
He was fucked, royally and utterly fucked.
“Good morning,” Rook said, as he approached Maisy at the breakfast table the label provided for them at the studio.
Maisy looked sweetly up at Rook, “Good morning, ace.”
God, she was so beautiful. She had clearly just gotten out of bed, but that only made her appeal more to him. Her hair was rumpled and cascaded down her shoulders, her face was completely devoid of any make-up, and she was wearing a pair of sweats and a tank top with no bra making Rook want to take her to his bus and have his way with her.
They hung out on top of the bus, singing, cuddling and staring at stars for a couple of hours until Maisy got too cold. That was when Rook helped her back down and walked her back to her bus. He so desperately wanted to take her back to his bed, but he knew that wasn’t a good idea. He barely survived the night without her running away; he didn’t want to push her too far.
“How’d you sleep?” he asked, as he grabbed a cup of coffee and sat next to her, entwining his hand with hers.
“Good.” She smiled over her cup of coffee while she sipped it. “What about you?”
He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Could have been better. Had amazing dreams, though.”
“Oh yeah. Dreaming about naked red heads?”
Rook laughed. “More like naked blondes,” he said, while playing with her hair.
Maisy just smiled at him as she cuddled closer to his side. He could get used to this, he thought as he continued to sip his coffee and play with her hair. Luckily, the others were not awake yet so Rook was able to have a little bit more private time with Maisy before they were bombarded with questions and stares from the closest people around them.
“So…” she said, while stirring her coffee.
“So, what?”
“What is this? You know, this hand holding and whatnot.”
“I think it’s what people call a relationship. I’m not quite sure, but I can look it up on Wikipedia if you’re interested.”
She turned to look at him, his hand now missing hers. So instead he put his hand on her thigh and slowly stroked it with his thumb.
“I’m serious, Rook.”
“I’m serious, too. You belong to me.”
She put her hand on her hip. “I belong to you? I don’t belong to anyone…”
“But me,” he finished for her, trying to give her the most winning smile he could muster. Before she could protest and start a fight, he continued. “I don’t share, Maisy. I’m not good at being in a relationship. I’ve actually never been in one, so I most likely will fuck up more times than I make you happy, but I can’t stay away from you. I need you to be mine, but I’m warning you, if you decide to be with me, I’m not perfect and I will most likely hurt you. I’m fucked up in so many ways. I have issues and I’ll bring them into our relationship. You just can’t give up on me easily. If you’re willing to deal with that, then I want you to be with me.”
Rook held his breath as Maisy mulled over what he said. He wanted to be honest and up front with her, but he also didn’t want to scare her away. He knew he wasn’t going to be perfect, he had no doubt in his mind about it, but he couldn’t go on ignoring Maisy. She was ingrained in his skin. He needed her like he needed water.
She was looking down at her hands when Cruz walked into the room. His hair was all messed up from bed, one side was completely flat and the other side was sticking straight up. It was obvious which side of his pillow he favored in bed.
“Hey, baby girl,” Cruz said as he looked at Maisy and then turned and looked at Rook. “What’s up needle dick?”
Rook didn’t even answer Cruz. Instead he looked at Maisy who was now watching Cruz pour himself a cup of coffee. Irritation flew through Rook’s body as he waited for her answer. He slid his hand further up her thigh causing her to shift uncomfortably. She looked at Rook and shook her head at him. Was she ashamed?
Cruz walked over to the table, sat next to Maisy, and leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips. Maisy looked startled at the affection from Cruz, but didn’t turn away. Pure and raw jealousy coursed through Rook’s body. He was either going to rip Cruz’s face off or he needed to leave because staying wasn’t an option.
Setting his coffee on the table, Rook released his hand from Maisy and left Cruz and her to themselves. If she wasn’t going to answer him right away, then he wasn’t going to stay and watch Cruz and Maisy interact.
His body started to itch all over from the stress he was feeling. He put himself out there and was denied. He felt like there was a heavy weight pushing down on his chest that made it almost impossible to breathe. He needed to be alone. He needed to lose himself from the pressure building up in his chest and there was one sure solid way to do so.
“What’s his problem?” Landon asked as they walked into the kitchen to find Cruz playing around on his phone. Landon was almost run over by the destructive bus known as Rook.
“Who knows?” Cruz responded, still looking down at his phone while simultaneously pushing a giant cinnamon roll down his throat.
“Where is everyone?”
“Beats me. Hey, did you hear Grey and Quinn last night?”
Landon laughed, “Yeah, I think half of Denver heard them.”
“I think I got off just listening to them.”
“That’s disturbing, man.”
“Good morning.” Grey entered the room with his arm wrapped around a very happy looking Quinn. She looked good, as usual. Sometimes it almost pained Landon to look at Quinn, she was so damn beautiful.
“There’s the man of the hour. Dude, you plowed through that girl of yours last night.” Cruz stood up and clapped as Grey got coffee for both him and Quinn and sat down at the table. “Your legs have got to be sore.”
“Dude!” Landon punched Cruz in the shoulder. “A little sensitivity would be awesome.”
“Fuck that. If they’re going to scream like banshees and practically blow through my wall with their private parts, then that gives me the right to make them feel incredibly uncomfortable the next morning.”
Landon rolled his eyes and grabbed the paper that was sitting on the table so he could at least pretend to block out the conversation about his brother banging Quinn.
He really needed to get over his crush. He tried to take a girl backstage with him the other night after the concert, but it just felt so wrong, as if he was cheating on her. If he didn’t get some pussy soon, his balls were bound to fall off.
“Where are Maisy and Willow?” Quinn asked.
“Maisy went off somewhere when Rook bounced out of here and I have yet to see Willow this morning.”
“Willow is so damn hot,” Cruz said, while blowing chunks of cinnamon bun everywhere since he had absolutely zero table manners.
Landon brushed off a chunk of bun from his shirt. “Seriously, man, you’re disgusting.”
“Whatever, but in all seriousness Landon, when are you going to tap that?”
“Tap what?”
“Willow! Jesus, get with it Landon. I know your balls have been tied up lately, but you have to have noticed the stack of tits
on her chest and that ass.”
Landon watched Grey shift in his seat uncomfortably. Stupid bastard, Landon thought. His brother had the perfect girl pining after him, who would do anything for him and who loved him, but all his brother could think about was the blonde with the amazing body. Willow was hot, it was hard to miss that, but between Willow and Quinn, it was no contest to Landon. Quinn was by far superior in all aspects.
“Not interested.” Landon sat back on two legs of his chair as he watched Cruz’s mouth drop to the floor in shock.
“Not interested? Dude, is your dick dead? I think any living human would be interested.”
“Hell, I’m interested,” Quinn said, shocking all three men.
Cruz threw his head back and laughed. “Thata baby, Quinn. Get at it girl. Maybe a little threesome is in order.”
“I don’t think so,” Grey said, while pulling Quinn closer to his body, making Landon insanely jealous. “Quinn is all I need.”
Grey was putting up such an act and it bothered the fuck out of Landon. Grey would probably sell his soul to have a threesome with Quinn and Willow if he had a chance and there he was acting all nonchalant, like Quinn was all he needed. Bullshit. Landon didn’t buy it. He saw the longing in his brother’s eyes when Willow’s name was mentioned; he saw how uncomfortable he got when they talked about Willow’s body and he also saw how Grey’s eyes lined with fury when Cruz suggested Landon start banging Willow. The guy was a fake and it was almost sickening to watch.
Cruz started making fake puke sounds. “God, that is nauseating. I need to get out of here before I throw up that delicious cinnamon roll.” Cruz looked at Landon. “Landon, seriously man, tap that ass.”
Landon rolled his eyes as Cruz took off.
“She would be good for you, help you relax,” Quinn said with a wink.
Landon groaned. He needed everyone to just get the hell off his back.
“Why is everyone so worried about my damn sex life?”
“Maybe because you’re strung as tight as the G-string that caresses Willow’s ass.” Quinn said, almost blowing Landon out of his seat with her candidness.
“Sweetheart, leave him alone.”
“I’m just concerned about him,” Quinn replied innocently.
Landon threw his hands up in the air. “Well, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”
Landon got out of his chair and took off toward the door, nearly knocking Willow over.
“Whoa, ants in your pants?” she asked, while laughing at him.
Landon looked at Quinn and Grey who were watching him and, for some reason, at that moment, a switch flipped in his body. He looked Willow up and down and pressed her against the wall. He placed both of his hands on her hips and kissed her on the lips. He moved across her soft mouth and was pleasantly surprised at how good she felt in his arms.
He was about to pull away when she completely shocked the hell out of him, wrapped her arms around his neck and drove her tongue in his mouth. Landon felt himself get excited as he pushed against her and reciprocated with his own tongue, matching her stroke for stroke.
When he pulled away, she smiled brightly at him.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said to her.
“Lead the way.”
Landon looked back at the nauseating couple and gave them a wink. Quinn was overjoyed about the prospect of Willow and Landon being together, but there were storm clouds brewing over Grey’s head. Fury lit his eyes as Landon walked off hand and hand with Willow. Even if Landon wasn’t interested whatsoever in Willow, he sure as hell was going to play it up to drive Grey insane.
They got to the room Landon had stayed in the night before and shut the door. Willow stood with her hand on her hip and stared at him. She looked almost mad.
“Was that what you wanted? To make them shut up and make Grey jealous?” she asked.
Landon scratched his head. “Uh…”
“Well it worked,” she said, while sitting on his bed. “Just don’t do it again. I know you’re not interested in me, so don’t act like you are.”
Frustrated, Landon flopped on his bed. “Sorry. I just wanted everyone to get the hell off my back.”
“Fair enough.” She looked around the room. “So…you want to fuck?”
Landon looked over at her and smiled. “I would love to, but it’s probably not a good idea.”
She nodded her head. “I think you’re right.” She held out her hand. “Friends?”
He grabbed her hand and smiled. “Friends.”
He pulled her in close as she rested her head on his chest. Willow was cool, he thought. He had a completely different opinion of her, but when it came down to it, she helped him out just to get his brother off his back. If he wasn’t so in love with Quinn, he might actually want to be with Willow.
Maisy didn’t know why her body brought her to Rook’s tour bus, but there she was, standing outside the door. She knew the moment he told her he was going to screw up their relationship somehow and hurt her, she should have run for the hills, but she couldn’t; her soul was meant to be near Rook. She had absolutely no choice in the matter. She was made for him, which was unfortunate because the way he spoke, he made it seem like their relationship was doomed from the beginning.
She opened the bus door without knocking and walked in. There was no one in the first half of the bus and it was extremely quiet which put her on high alert.
All the cabinets were open, drawers were pulled out and there were some cups and napkins that were tossed about on the counter. Ignoring the mess, Maisy cautiously walked to the back of the bus, checking all the bunks for any sign of Rook, but didn’t see anything.
She didn’t hear the strum of his guitar like she normally did when she headed to the back of the tour bus that belonged to Shattered Souls, which was unnerving. The door to the back room was cracked open so she slowly opened it the rest of the way.
When she entered the room, she didn’t see Rook. He wasn’t on the bed or in the room at all. Where the hell was he? She turned to leave when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure in the corner of the room, sitting on the floor.
Rook had his arms resting on his bent knees and his head was resting on his arms with a bottle of Jack Daniels dangling from his fingertips. Startled because she wasn’t expecting to see him there, she calmed the rapid beat of her heart and walked toward him. She sat on the floor and lifted his head up so she could look him in the eyes.
His piercing blue eyes were lacking any kind of emotion. They were dead. He looked at her and lifted the dangling bottle to his lips without losing eye contact. Before he could take a swig, she grabbed the bottle from his hand and set it down behind her.
“Don’t,” she said to him. “Don’t you dare lose yourself in a bottle of alcohol. You’re better than that.”
“No I’m not.” His voice came out scratchy. “That bottle is the only good thing about me.”
“That’s not true. You hide behind that bottle because you’re too much of a chicken shit to face your own fears.”
“Like you fucking know anything.” He wiped his face with his hands. “I put myself out there for you this morning and what do you do? Go and kiss some other guy right in front of me.”
“First of all, I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me…”
“Second of all,” she cut him off, “You didn’t give me a chance to think it over. You put a lot out there and I needed to make sure I was ready. Instead of walking away, walking away from me, you should have stuck around, but instead you turn to the one thing you should stay away from.”
“Hey, Jack and I have gone through some tough times together. It’s the only thing I can depend on. It’s always there for me.”
“That’s a sorry excuse. You’re better than that and don’t you dare tell me you’re not. You’re just too lazy to try.”
r. Is there a point to you taking away my booze?”
Maisy sat back on her heels and looked at Rook. This was it, she could either choose to walk away and not have to deal with his mood swings, his ability to specialize in being a dick and his snide remarks, or she could dive in full force, with her heart and soul attached. She could try to be with him, help him, and soothe the ache in her heart that was ever-so-present when she was away from him.
She got up and took the bottle that he was drinking over to the sink that was in the main area. She didn’t have to look back to know that he followed her because she could feel him near her. She turned the bottle upside down and dumped all the contents down the drain. She then rummaged through the cabinets and did the same thing with the rest of the bottles that were on the bus.
Rook was leaning against the side of the wall when she turned around to look at him. He wasn’t mad, he looked…almost relieved.
She looked around the bus and then said, “Where is it?”
“Where’s what?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Rook. Where’s your stash? I know it’s here somewhere.”
“What do you think, you’re my mom?”
Maisy got up in his face, as close as she could get since he was taller than her, and poked his chest while she spoke.
“You want to be with me? You want me to belong to you? Then you’re sure as hell going to belong to me too, but you’re going to be sober. I refuse to live on the drug-induced emotional roller coaster you’ve been living on, so hand the stash over or I will walk out of this bus and never let you touch me again.”
Maisy was shaking to her core but she refused to show him. If he didn’t hand over his stash of drugs, she didn’t know what she was going to do. She would be heartbroken if he chose drugs over her.
Her confidence wavered as he stood there and stared at her, not making a move to retrieve his stash. He was going to deny her, she could feel it. He was going shut her out of his life. She was starting to regret her decision and thought about pleading with him to be with her. She was seconds away from doing just that when he turned around and headed to the back room.