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HOT Justice: A Hostile Operations Team - Book 14

Page 8

by Lynn Raye Harris

  You can. You know you can. For God’s sake, let it happen. One good memory to hold onto.

  “Before you go…” she began.

  His eyebrows lifted. “Yes?”

  “Maybe you could deliver on those kisses?”

  He looked surprised. “I could. But Haylee, I need to know something.”


  “Is there any possibility of anything more tonight? Or are those two kisses the end of it?”

  Haylee swallowed. Then she put a hand on his chest and spread her fingers, feeling the hard muscle beneath her palm. “I’ve never slept with a guy I just met.”

  He wrapped his hand around hers and lifted it to his mouth. Kissed her knuckles. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  A sizzle of electricity rolled through her. “Kiss me, Wolf. I feel like, if you kiss me, I’d do anything you wanted.”

  She thought that would be enough, but he didn’t move. Instead, he squeezed her hand. “Honey, no. Only do it if you want to. If I don’t make you feel crazy with desire, don’t say yes.”

  Oh God, she could fall in love with this man. He was a badass commando, but he was also a nice guy. Noble and honorable and concerned with her feelings. How many guys would care if she gave in and had sex because she was temporarily blinded by lust or if she knew deep down she really wanted it?

  Not many, girlie. Not many at all.

  I hear you, Nicole. Stop pushing.

  Haylee gulped down her apprehension and her embarrassment and slid her body toward Wolf’s, tugging him down until he lay across her, his gorgeous eyes gazing down into hers.

  “You already make me crazy with desire,” she whispered. It was the truth. He did make her crazy with desire—and she feared if she let him walk out, she’d never know what she’d missed.

  His hands skimmed up her body, shaping her. Leaving fire in their wake. “I’ve never done this before,” he told her in a voice that vibrated through her.

  “You’re a virgin?” she teased, trying to make light of the situation.

  He snorted. “No. Not even close.”

  She ran her fingers over his chest, his collarbone, threaded them into his hair. “No way you could be, looking like this. And my comment was a joke, by the way. I know you’re not a virgin.”

  “What I mean,” he said, slipping his hands beneath her, slowly crawling them down to her ass as he rolled and tugged her with him. “Is that I’ve never rescued a woman from a bad situation, spent a lot of time with her, got to know her a bit and decided I liked her, lost a shitload of pool games to her, and then slept with her in a bed without any sex whatsoever. It’s not what I usually do.”

  “What do you usually do?” she asked, fingers curling into his shirt.

  “Usually I drop her off and say goodbye. No touching. No kissing. No pool games. And definitely no sleeping together, sex or not.”

  Haylee was acutely aware of his hard, warm body beneath her. Of the ridge of his cock riding the crease in her thighs. “So I’m different?”

  Oh, way to go. Asking him if she was different. Rookie move.

  “You’re different.”

  “Bet you say that to all the girls.”

  His eyes were somber. “No, I really don’t. I don’t usually have to.”

  Her heart slowed for a second and then sped up again as she gazed into his eyes. No, he probably didn’t have to.

  “Kiss me, Wolf. Please.”

  He speared his fingers into her hair, cupped the back of her head. “With pleasure,” he murmured before dragging her mouth down to his.

  Their tongues met, tangling together with a desperation that surprised her. She wanted more of this man, so much more, but it was crazy to give in to this feeling.

  He rolled them again, pressing her into the mattress. Dominating her. Haylee shivered, her arms wrapping around his shoulders, skimming down his back. She arched her body up to him, felt the hard press of his cock against her core, and shuddered deep inside.

  He kissed her hard and deep and long. At some point, things went nuclear. He tore his mouth from hers and skimmed it down her throat, into the vee of her shirt. His hands found the buttons of the camo shirt the military had given her, popped them open one by one. And then he was shoving her T-shirt up, cupping her breasts in strong hands, his mouth closing over the lacy cup of her bra.

  “Wolf,” she gasped, arching into him as sensation exploded in her body.

  He dragged the cups down, exposing her nipples. “I want this so fucking bad you have no idea,” he told her, his voice a low growl. “But if you tell me no, I’ll stop.”

  Haylee’s breath hitched. Her body hurt with how badly it wanted him. And yet her brain was trying to apply the brakes. “I’m not telling you no. Not yet. I can’t guarantee I won’t, though.”

  His eyes glittered in the light from the other room. “There’s no point at which you can’t tell me no. I want you to understand that.”

  “If that’s true, you’re an extraordinary man.”

  He frowned down at her. “What? No. You have the right to stop whenever you want to stop. Same as me. Nobody gets to keep going just because they want to.”

  Haylee felt as if somebody had knocked the breath from her. This man was too good to be true. “Don’t stop, Wolf. Not yet. Please.”

  He shaped her breasts with his palms. Her nipples were hard and achy. Desperate for his touch.

  He lowered his head and dipped his tongue to touch the point of her nipple. Haylee’s gasp turned into a moan. She clutched his shoulders, arching her breasts up to his mouth. Wolf curled his tongue around first one nipple and then the other, licking and sucking each one into hard, tight, sensitive points. Her sex grew wet, swollen, needy. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d wanted a man this badly.

  Wolf licked his way down her belly, to the waistband of her pants. Then he looked up at her, their eyes meeting in the dimness of the room. Her heart stopped.

  “Do I keep going? Or is this enough?”

  “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  He unbuttoned her pants and then, with her help, shoved them down her body before rising up and tugging them off, dropping them into a heap on the floor. Haylee lay there, fully exposed, her shirt open, breasts pressed together by the bra cups, the rest of her completely bare. What on earth was she doing?

  Getting laid, girlfriend!

  Haylee shuddered. She knew Nicole wasn’t really talking to her, but that’s precisely what her pretty blond friend would have said. Complete with a lilt and a saucy grin.

  “Jesus, that’s a pretty sight,” Wolf said, gently pressing her legs open until she was completely at his mercy. “You’re a gorgeous woman, Haylee Jamison—and don’t take this the wrong way, but I want to fuck you until you scream my name.”

  Her stomach bottomed out as she imagined it. Her core ached. “I’m not taking it the wrong way. And I’m not saying no yet,” she breathed. “I’m not sure I will ever say no.”

  His fingers skimmed along the top of her neatly trimmed pubic hair—thank God she kept that manicured—and then dipped into the seam between her legs. He found her warm and wet and ready.

  “Oh fuck,” he said on a hoarse whisper. “That’s the most perfect gift you could give me. After everything, you give me your trust, your arousal, your body. I want to worship you.” He dropped onto his elbows between her legs, his gaze meeting hers. Waiting for permission.

  Haylee threaded her fingers into his blond hair and sucked in a breath. Seeing him between her legs was the most erotic thing ever. She nodded once, not really knowing if approval was what he needed, but then he spread her with his thumbs and touched his tongue to her clit.

  “Wolf,” Haylee gasped. “Oh God.”

  “That’s right, babe. I’m gonna make you come.” He flicked his tongue against her, sucked her clit into his mouth and tugged so sweetly while she moaned. And then he slipped a finger inside her, fucking her slowly, making her crazy with need until she
gyrated her hips against his face. He chuckled as he pressed another finger inside her. And then he found her G-spot, his fingers hitting that magic place that she thought only she knew how to find. The pressure built to incredible levels before shattering into a million stars that exploded behind her eyes.

  Wolf climbed her body while she lay there with her eyes squeezed tight, her body zinging with sparks and tingles. He kissed his way upward before plunging his tongue into her mouth, taking a kiss from her while she still sizzled with the aftermath of orgasm. He didn’t do anything except kiss her. Somewhere in the corners of her mind, she marveled that he wasn’t trying to shove his way into her body. Other men did that. They thought because they got her off it was their turn immediately, so they took it. They didn’t give her any time to recover.

  But Wolf did. He kissed her, her taste on his tongue, until she floated back down to earth. Until she reached for his cock and realized he had yet to take his pants off. Or his shirt. And then she was a mad woman, shoving his shirt up until he took over and yanked it off while she fumbled with his pants, finally getting the buttons open and shoving the camouflage down his narrow hips.

  Until she could wrap a hand around him and feel his silken heat. He was hard and big and the way he groaned when she squeezed him was just about the sexiest thing she’d ever heard. She also heard Nicole’s voice, encouraging her to go for it—and then there was her voice in the back of her head, asking her what the hell she was doing. Telling her she didn’t really know this guy and she’d never see him again and she was giving him too much of herself.

  But right now she didn’t much care. He was vibrant and sexy and he knew how to make her feel alive. It’d been a long time since she’d felt that way and she wasn’t ready to give it up.

  “Hold on a minute,” he said as she lifted herself up to kiss him. “There’s gotta be a condom in here somewhere.”

  He lunged for the drawer of the beside table, rummaged through it, and came up with a box. “Fuck yes,” he said, holding it up triumphantly.

  “How is that possible?”

  “It’s the military for you. Prepared for everything.”

  He ripped it open and she grabbed the ribbon of foil packets, tearing one off and tearing it open. Before her mind could catch up to her heart and put a stop to this. Wolf caught her hand, stopping her from rolling it on him.

  “Hey, baby—you sure about this? You’re moving awful fast. Almost like you’re trying to outrace your common sense.”

  Haylee gaped up at him. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “For me, no. For you? Maybe.”

  Haylee shook her head. “Why are you so damned noble?”

  “Am I? I just thought I was being decent.”

  Oh hell. He really was too good to be true. “You are. But let me regret this later. Not tonight, okay?”

  “I’d prefer you don’t regret it at all.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that. “I… I don’t intend to. I don’t right now. And sure, I’m in a hurry, but you said you had to go soon. I don’t want to regret that I didn’t do this once you’re gone. So please, Wolf. Please let’s get back to feeling good together.”

  He seemed to hesitate, his eyes roving her face. And then he nodded as if he’d fought a battle with himself. She wasn’t sure which part of him won, but she hoped it was the part intent on finishing what they’d started.

  “Yeah,” he said softly. “I want that too.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jesus, this woman. Wolf could still taste her on his tongue. He wanted to shove his way into her body and fuck her hard until he came, but that wasn’t his style. He didn’t ever lose control. He believed that women were to be cherished, not used. Even when he fucked women he never intended to see again, he worshipped their bodies.

  Women were perfect. Their bodies made for pleasure. He never forgot that. He never felt like they owed him or like their pleasure was dependent on his. He gave them the best he had, made them come, and then he took his pleasure while making them come again. And again.

  Tonight, he wasn’t going to get that chance with Haylee. He had to go, and soon. But damn how he wanted to be inside her. So why was he arguing about it with her?

  Because he wanted her to be happy about her choice. He didn’t want her regretting it once he was gone. She’d have a lot of time to consider what they’d done, and he might not come out on the good end of it. But then she told him she wanted to feel good, and damn if he could deny her.

  She rolled on the condom and he thought he might come unglued as her hands stroked over him. But then it was done and she lay beneath him, her body open for his pleasure. He grasped his cock and positioned it at her entrance. Then he pushed in slowly while her jaw went slack and her eyes dilated.

  “Oh,” she said on a gasp.

  He throbbed deep inside her. She was tight and hot and so damned wet. Perfect. He held himself above her, gazing down at the perfection of her tits held high by the bra he hadn’t removed. She’d shed the button-down shirt but the T-shirt was shoved up around her collarbone. He wound his fist into the fabric and tugged it upwards. She lifted herself until he could pull it off her, and then her hands found his shoulders, his biceps, stroking softly. Driving him wild with her sweet touch.

  Wolf dropped down until he could kiss her. He held himself perfectly still for far longer than he thought possible, feeling his body throbbing deep inside hers. She quivered around him, and he took the time to really feel it. Then he began to move, slowly, so slowly. But he couldn’t keep it slow. Not with Haylee. Their tongues tangled, bodies rising and falling faster and faster in a familiar rhythm. And not familiar, because something about it seemed so much more profound than usual. Or maybe that was just the situation. He’d never—not once—crossed a line with someone he’d rescued. It wasn’t what he did.

  But here he was, deep inside this woman, his body on fire, his balls aching with the need to release, his brain not wanting it to be over. Because then he had to leave. He would walk out of here and not see her again for days. Maybe weeks.

  And even then, he couldn’t really start to see her. His life was too chaotic. Plus he had to focus on doing whatever it took to help his parents get custody of Taylor and Jack. Hell, he already owed Haylee too much money for beating him at pool. He should have stuck to the five bucks a shot, but he’d goaded her into offering more. He could afford it, but barely. What he couldn’t afford was to spend money taking her out and treating her right. She deserved to be treated like a princess and he wasn’t the guy to do it.

  No, he was the guy for a night of hot sex and no promises.

  “Damn, Haylee—you feel so good,” he groaned in her ear. “So good.”

  “Wolf,” she gasped. “More. Right there. Faster. Please!”

  His cock was on fire, his balls so tight they hurt, and still he kept pumping into her. Holding on hard. Trying not to let go until she exploded around him once again. It wasn’t easy. Haylee was so sexy, so real, that he wanted to let go and fill her with his release. He wanted to pump into her until he was spent, and then he wanted to roll over and take her with him, kiss her on the mouth and hold her tight until they fell asleep again. He wanted it more than he’d wanted anything in a long time.

  He angled his body, slipped his hand between them, and rubbed her clit. She caught fire, her body stiffening and shaking beneath him as she came, gasping his name into the air between them. He pressed her knees back against the mattress and put his mouth to her neck, sucking the skin there. It was a primal need to mark her. He thrust harder now, deeper, until his balls exploded and he came in a rush of pleasure so strong he saw stars.

  He lay on top of her, panting, trying to collect his thoughts and his strength. Her mouth was on his shoulder, soft and wet, and her arms wrapped around him. “That was amazing, Wolf,” she said softly. “So amazing.”

  It was. He couldn’t find his voice for long moments. And then he pushed himself up and propped his weight o
n an elbow. “You okay?”

  Her smile was sweet. Dreamy. “Oh yeah. You?”


  “So when do you have to go?”

  “Soon. Unless you want me to go now.”

  “No, I really don’t. But I don’t want to hold you up either. I know you have important things to do.”

  He dropped a kiss on her lips. “Nothing’s more important to me right now than this.”

  Her palms pressed to his chest. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “Why not? It’s true.”

  “For now.”

  “Now’s what we have, Haylee. You should always live for now because there are no guarantees.”

  Her expression fell and he felt like an ass. “I know.”

  He dipped his lips to hers, kissed her sweetly. “Hey, hey. Don’t be sad. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “It’s okay. I can’t help but think about Nicole. She’d agree with you, by the way. I’m just sorry she didn’t get more life to live.”

  “I’m sorry you lost her.”

  “Me too.”

  He kissed her again. “I gotta take care of this condom. But I’m coming back. And then you can tell me all about her, okay?”

  She laughed, but the sound wasn’t happy. “You’re too good to be true, Dean. Much too good to be true. Nicole would have liked you.”

  “That’s sweet of you to say.” He kissed her again and then slipped from her body and went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He washed his face and hands, then looked at himself in the mirror as he dried off. His eyes were hard, troubled. He liked Haylee a lot, but he wasn’t being fair to her. He had nothing to give her beyond tonight. So why stay and encourage her to share with him?

  He tossed the towel onto the sink and turned, willing himself to go back in there and tell her he had to get back to his team. But when he walked into the bedroom and saw her lying there, her golden skin exposed, her limbs long and her curves lush, a new drumbeat of lust started hammering in his brain, his balls. His dick started to harden.

  He needed her again. One more time before he left. But he’d told her he wanted to hear about her friend and that was more important. He climbed onto the bed and gathered her in his arms. “So tell me about Nicole.”


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