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Wolf in the Fold h&f-4

Page 20

by Simon R. Green

  eyebrow slightly and glanced at the door. Hawk nodded briefly, grabbed the

  nearest chairs and overturned them between him and the others, then turned and

  ran for the door with Fisher close behind him. There was a roar of outrage as

  Alistair led the others after them, kicking the chairs out of the way. Hawk

  charged out into the corridor, waited a second for Fisher to get clear and then

  slammed the door in Alistair's face. He held the door handle tight, pulled a

  wooden wedge from his pocket, and jammed it under the door. He'd brought the

  wedge in case he needed to ensure his privacy, but it was proving its worth now.

  He ran down the corridor to the stairway and started up it without slowing,

  taking the steps two at a time. Fisher ran beside him, holding up her skirts to

  run more easily.

  "Where are we going?" she demanded.

  "Damned if I know," said Hawk. "I just want to put some space between us and

  them. We've got to find somewhere we can hide out for a while and do some hard

  thinking. Our only hope is to prove my innocence by revealing the real freak."

  "Not forgetting the spy we came here to find," said Fisher.

  Hawk scowled. "I hate this case. We should have held out for a bigger bonus."

  "Right," said Fisher.

  They both shut up and saved their breath for the stairs.

  Chapter Seven

  Death of a Lonely Man

  For a time there was nothing but chaos and bedlam in the library as everyone

  shouted at everyone else. Alistair finally got the floor by shouting the loudest

  and glaring down anyone who tried to object. He stared grimly about him as the

  noise gradually subsided and a sullen silence fell across the room. Jamie and

  David had their swords in their hands, and looked dangerously eager to use them.

  Arthur was clumsily trying to comfort Holly, who was clearly only putting up

  with him to keep him calm. Katrina had retreated to the fireplace, and was

  glaring suspiciously out at the room, gripping the heavy iron poker with both

  hands. Robbie Brennan had thrown aside his short-sword and taken down his old

  claymore from its plaque on the wall, hefting the great length of blade with

  professional skill. Marc was still kneeling beside the fallen butler, apparently

  unable to believe the man was really dead. Alistair looked unhurriedly about


  "There's no need to get yourselves in such a panic; it'll take us a while to get

  the door open, but the freak can't get out of the Tower. The wards are still in

  place, remember? He's still here somewhere, hiding with the girl. If he hasn't

  killed her already. Finding him isn't going to be easy; the Gods know there are

  enough bolt-holes and hiding places he could crawl into. But wherever he's gone

  to ground, we can't just go chasing after him. The cornered rat is always the

  most dangerous. And knowing Richard, I wouldn't put it past him to have set up

  some very nasty booby traps for us to walk into. So, we'll go after him, but

  we'll do it in a sensible, professional way, checking each floor room by room

  and watching our backs at all times. Anyone have any problems with that?"

  Marc rose slowly to his feet. "We have to kill him. That's all that matters."

  Holly sat down suddenly, her hands folded in her lap like a child's. "I can't

  believe that all this time Richard was the freak. I liked him."

  "So did I," said Alistair. "But I didn't let that blind me to his constant lying

  and evasions. Richard is the freak. Holly; don't doubt it for a minute."

  "Of course he's the freak," said Jamie impatiently. "He ran when we challenged

  him, didn't he? If he wasn't guilty, why did he run?"

  "But then why did Isobel go with him?" said Holly. "She swore he wasn't the


  "He'd probably been messing with her mind for so long she no longer knew what

  was true and what wasn't," said Brennan.

  "Then why did Richard take her with him?" insisted Holly.

  "Food," said Alistair. "He's woken up and remembered who he is, and he's


  "If we're to have any chance of saving her, we've got to get moving," said


  "Of course," said Alistair. "But we're not all going. Too large a group would

  just slow us down, and I don't want anyone with us who can't look after

  themselves in a crisis. The two ladies will stay here, of course, so someone

  will have to stay with them, to protect them. Any volunteers?"

  Holly looked immediately at David, but he shook his head. "I've got to go with

  them. They're going to need my sword. Arthur will stay with you, won't you,


  "Of course," said Arthur. "I'll keep you safe, Holly. I know how to use a sword.

  I'll die before I'd let anyone hurt you."

  Holly didn't even look at him; her gaze was fixed accusingly on David. Marc

  cleared his throat.

  "I'll stay. I'm not much good with a sword, but given time I think I can build a

  bloody good barricade against that door."

  Alistair nodded to him curtly. "I take it the rest of you are with me?"

  "Damn right," said Brennan. He was standing straighter than usual, and he held

  himself with a brisk, professional manner that made him look twenty years

  younger. "The freak has to pay for Greaves's death. Greaves wasn't the easiest

  of people to get along with, but he was still a good man, for all that. We were

  never friends, but I would have trusted him with my life and my honor. He didn't

  deserve to die like that. I'm going to find the freak and cut him into bloody


  "We won't find him by standing around here talking about it!" said Jamie. "The

  freak's caused my Family enough heartbreak. It's time to put an end to him.

  We're going, Alistair; right now."

  Alistair bowed slightly. "You are the MacNeil. Just give me a moment to force

  the door open, and we'll be on our way."

  Jamie hefted his sword. "I want him dead, Alistair. No mercy and no quarter. I

  want him dead."

  Hawk and Fisher finally staggered to a halt somewhere on the third floor and

  leaned against a wall, heads bowed, fighting for breath. Fisher wiped the sweat

  from her face with her sleeve, and looked back the way they'd come. The corridor

  was quiet and deserted, the shadows undisturbed. She looked down at her bare

  feet, and winced. She'd kicked off her fashionable shoes some time back, so that

  she could run faster, and the cold from the bare stone floor had nipped

  unmercifully at her feet. Hawk reached up and took out his glass eye, sighed

  with relief, and dropped the eye into his pocket. The ache in his face

  immediately began to subside. All in the bloody mind… He looked down at the

  dueling sword in his hand, sheathed it and sniffed disdainfully.

  "If I'd had my axe, I'd never have run. I'd have stood my ground and chopped

  them all up like firewood. I mean, running from odds like that… If this ever

  gets out, we'll never live it down."

  Fisher shook her head slowly. "We can't fight them, Hawk; they're just innocent

  bystanders. They don't understand what's going on here."

  "I'm not so sure I do anymore," said Hawk. "This case has got completely out of

  hand. Look, there's no point in going any further. The only place above this is

e battlements, and there's not enough room to manoeuvre up there. We're safe

  enough here, for the time being. It'll take the others a while before they can

  get this far, so let's use that time to get some hard thinking done. We ought to

  be able to figure out who the freak is by now."

  Fisher looked at him. "And what makes you think they're going to listen to us?

  More than likely they'll cut us down on sight."

  "We'll just have to make them listen."

  "In that case, I want a sword. I can be much more convincing with a sword in my


  Hawk looked at her, amused. "I thought we weren't supposed to hurt them because

  they were just innocent bystanders?"

  "I just meant we shouldn't kill them. Apart from that, anything goes. No one

  chases me up three flights of cold stone stairs in my bare feet and gets away

  with it."

  Jamie and David made their way slowly along the first floor, carefully checking

  each room as they came to it. It hadn't taken them long to work out an efficient

  system. They'd stop and listen carefully at the door, while Alistair and Brennan

  kept a watchful eye on the corridor. Then David would ease the door open, Jamie

  would kick it in, and they'd both charge into the room, swords at the ready.

  Once they were sure the room was empty, they'd turn the place upside down, just

  in case there were any secret hiding places Jamie didn't know about. Then out

  into the corridor, and do the same with the next room. Over and over again. The

  long run of empty rooms was starting to take its toll on their nerves, but Jamie

  and David stuck at it. Having to just stand and watch helplessly as the freak

  drained the life out of Greaves had hardened their hearts till there was no room

  in either of them for anything but revenge.

  Jamie still had trouble believing Greaves was dead. The man had been with the

  MacNeils for more than twenty years; to Jamie it seemed as though he'd always

  been there. He'd often played with Jamie when he was a child, and been his

  confidant and advisor when no one else could be bothered to listen. He'd never

  been a warm man—there had always been something distant about him—but he was

  always there when Jamie needed him. And now he was gone; dead and gone, like all

  the others, and there was no one left to tell him what to do for the best. He

  was the MacNeil now, and the Family depended on him. His Family and his friends.

  He was damned if he'd let them down.

  Alistair kept a careful watch on the empty corridor as Jamie and David ransacked

  another room. The girl Isobel worried him. Why should she insist on sticking by

  her brother when it must have been obvious to her that he was the freak, and her

  real brother was dead? Surely the freak couldn't be controlling her that

  completely… No, if he had that kind of control, that kind of power, he wouldn't

  have run from them in the first place. Could it be that Isobel had seen

  something in Richard that proved he was still who he claimed to be… ? Alistair

  scowled. Richard had to be the freak; it was the only explanation that made

  sense after all the lies he'd caught the man in. Isobel just didn't want to

  believe her brother was dead. Alistair sighed, and hefted his sword

  thoughtfully. He'd have to be careful she didn't get hurt when they finally

  cornered the freak and killed him.

  He glanced at Brennan, who was studying the darker shadows and alcoves with

  professional thoroughness. The man looked solid and reliable and somehow more

  alive than he'd ever seemed before. It was as though the man he'd once been had

  woken up and taken over from the second-rate minstrel he'd become. Alistair felt

  a hell of a lot safer with this new Brennan to guard his back. Jamie and David

  meant well, but they had no real experience with blood and pain and sudden

  death. That was why he let them check out the rooms. Wherever the freak had gone

  to ground, it wouldn't be in any of the rooms. He was too clever for that. No;

  far more likely he'd be using one of the old secret passages or hidden bolt

  holes, waiting for a chance to jump out on his unsuspecting pursuers and pick

  them off one at a time while they were busy searching empty rooms…

  Alistair took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. And swore to himself that

  when the moment finally came, no trace of compassion would stay his hand.

  Hawk and Fisher sat side by side on the cold stone floor with their backs to the

  wall, as far away from the stairs as they could get. They'd been arguing for

  what seemed like hours, and they were still no nearer agreeing on anything.

  There were just too many theories and too few facts. They were after two men,

  not one, and anything that fit one case inevitably didn't fit with the other.

  They finally fell silent, staring up and down the gloomy, curving corridor. They

  didn't dare light any lamps for fear of giving away their position, and the

  shadows all around seemed dark and menacing and not a little mocking.

  "There has to be an answer here somewhere," said Hawk wearily. "But I'm damned

  if I can see it."

  "Keep looking," said Fisher. "We're running out of time. They'll be here soon.

  There must be something we're missing, something so obvious we're looking right

  past it."

  "All right," said Hawk, "Let's try turning the problem on its head. Assume that

  all our assumptions so far are wrong. Where does that take us?"

  "Right back where we started," said Fisher. "We can't just throw everything out,


  "Why not? Our assumptions aren't getting us anywhere. Start at the very

  beginning. We've been assuming the spy Fenris went to the sorcerer Grimm for a

  complete shape-change, so that no one would be able to recognize him. Which

  meant that anyone who could prove they'd had the same appearance for the past

  twenty-four hours could be ruled out as a suspect. But… what if the spy had

  already been to Grimm for a shapechange earlier on, and had just gone back there

  to get his old shape back?"

  Fisher looked at him. "How the hell did we miss something that obvious?"

  "Trying to do two jobs at once. This is the first real chance we've had to sit

  down and think things through since we got here."

  "That's true. But if Fenris didn't change his appearance, then that throws

  everything wide open again. He could be anyone. That shapechange was the only

  way we had of separating Fenris out from the pack."

  Hawk grinned. "There's one other way. Dubois told us the spy is a member of the

  Quality. And like I said at the time, why would one of the Quality want to be a

  spy? The usual incentives are politics and money, but most Quality don't give a

  damn about politics and already have more money than they can hope to spend in

  one lifetime. But one of our merry band here at Tower MacNeil has money problems

  coming out of his ears. He's admitted he has huge gambling debts, and even more

  damning, he actually talked about starting a business venture, a gossip paper,

  on the grounds it might make him money. What respectable member of the Quality

  would dirty his hands with vulgar trade, unless he was desperate to pay off his


  "David…" said Fisher. "David Brook. You're right, Hawk; it fits!

  "He couldn't go to his Family or friends for the money without admitting he'd

  made a fool of himself, and his pride wouldn't allow him to do that. The

  moneylenders would want security he didn't have; he doesn't actually own

  anything solid until he inherits his estate on his father's death. He was hoping

  to marry money through Holly, but according to Duncan's will, all she gets is

  some jewelry and whatever allowance Jamie feels like granting her."

  "Right! That's why he got so upset on her behalf at the will reading!"

  "Right. Holly was his last chance. He must have known he couldn't depend on her,

  and that's why he took to spying. With so many of his Family in the army and the

  diplomatic corps, he had opportunities to get at all sorts of information. He's

  our spy, Isobel. No doubt about it."

  "Wait just a minute," said Fisher. "That's all very well, but it doesn't help us

  one damn bit with our current problem, which is how to identify the freak before

  the others get here. If we can't point a convincing finger at someone else,

  they'll kill us. Or we'll have to kill them. And if we end up having to kill a

  bunch of Quality, even in self-defense, that's the end of us in Haven. All the

  Families in the city would declare vendetta against us, and the Guard would

  withdraw our immunity rather than openly confront the Quality."

  "All right," said Hawk. "Don't panic. I'm working on it. I still think it's

  Alistair. He lied to us about the Red Marches, and he was very quick to condemn

  me as the freak. Perhaps he thought he could turn suspicion away from himself by

  accusing me."

  "He was pretty eager, wasn't he?" said Fisher. "And it's interesting that no one

  seems to actually remember him being banished from Tower MacNeil in the first

  place. He had to have been a contemporary of Duncan's, so how is it Katrina had

  never even heard of him?"

  "Because Alistair doesn't exist," said Hawk. "He's just a mask the freak created

  to hide behind. Well, at least now we should be able to sow a few doubts;

  assuming we get a chance to speak our piece."

  He broke off suddenly and looked towards the stairs. They both tensed as they

  heard quiet, furtive footsteps slowly drawing nearer. They rose quickly to their

  feet, throwing off their tiredness with practiced ease. They'd be tired later,

  when they had the time. Fisher's hand dropped to her side where her sword should


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