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Daddy's Virgin Bride

Page 30

by Nikki Bella

  The black marble accented by the white tile floors gave it a classic look never to go out of style. This would be the first time I’d ever dared step foot into what my parents called their home away from home. I couldn’t think of a better time than while the party was in full swing.

  Every guy was dressed in white with masks to match and every girl was dressed in black which was a design and theme my mother had come up with. My father didn’t look comfortable and he motioned for Nicholas to join him for a snifter of brandy outside on the veranda.

  “Your father could ask me for anything and I would give him it just to be in your arms again.” The heat between us set off this electrical charge and I could literally feel that my panties were melting away from my body.

  “Don’t do anything foolish and if he thinks he can take an inch then he will take a mile. Play it cool and make him believe his attempt at flattery is getting him everywhere. There’s no doubt you’re going to make a hefty contribution to his campaign, but you were going to do that anyway. Keeping him guessing will give him something else to think about and his mind will be occupied with something more than his daughter’s purity.” I felt like I was drunk, but I hadn’t had a single drop of alcohol.

  “I don’t know if I can play the villain and I certainly don’t have the mustache or the heroine tied up to the train tracks laughing maniacally at her expense. I can be vindictive, power hungry and I’m already formulating a plan to stick it to Jackson.” He kept looking at his phone and I caught a glimpse to know enough. Jackson was alluding that he wasn’t the only problem to worry about.

  “I have my eyes on you and I want your hot love touching me. There’s no way that I’m the good girl you remember from the past. I’ve been shown exactly who I can be and there’s no going back to the fresh-faced family image.” My father looked impatient and his foot was tapping on the floor. The only way anybody knew who anybody was under the mask was because of their hairstyle.

  There were three others looking similar to Nicholas and they could’ve been a carbon copy of the original.

  “You make it very difficult for me to go over there and talk to your father and carry on a conversation of idle chitchat. Promise me that you won’t start without me and I find it sexy for you to be wearing something when I come through the door. I want the surprise element and to feel this pent up frustration in need of release.” He pretended to laugh and then his hand snuck up underneath the back of my dress.

  I could feel the heat from his hand through the thin material of my thin red panties. I was already moist and his finger working underneath the leg band was leaving me no choice but to put on a brave face.

  “I can feel how hard you are and you better think of something other than me in the next few seconds. I know enough already that you’re a grower and not a shower. Unfortunately, your flag has been raised and is currently stuck between my buns.” I very carefully moved in a way that was very explicit. I was giving him his own personal lap dance without letting anybody know from around the room what was going on.

  “I could take you right here, bend you are over, flip up that dress and pull your panties to the side. We could forget about everyone in the room and get lost in the passion in each other’s eyes. I could slip in behind you, holding your panties with one hand and myself with the other. I’m already dripping with excitement and it would be so easy to fit this hard cock into your hot hole.” I was flushed to the touch and his attempt at dirty talk was putting my libido on notice.

  “Be careful what you say next and you never know what I’m going to do. You might just get your wish of putting on an x-rated show for the guests of my father. I feel I need to walk away before I have no choice but to get down on my knees and give you my lips. I’m wearing your favorite strawberry gloss and believe me; I am going to leave my mark on you before the end of the night.” He was rubbing my mound with his long and pronounced shaft.

  It was a good thing we were behind the table so that everything that was happening down below was going unnoticed.

  I tried to move, but he held me at the waist, pushing his cock deeper between the cheeks of my ass. He was playing with fire and being with him was like I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

  “I don’t know how you can think you can walk away from me leaving me in this condition. Don’t you have any heart or compassion? Just one touch will be enough to make me the talk of the town. I’m so damn close to blowing my load inside my pants. I’m doing what I can to stop it from happening, but it’s not easy with you grinding up against me.” I smiled behind his back, licking my lips and tasting the faint strawberry flavor which was going to find its way along the length of him.

  “I can’t possibly finish you off and you’re just going to have to get a hold of yourself. I’m not suggesting you take matters into your own hands unless what you have your hands on is me.” I still felt that unmistakable rift between us, but the only thing I could think about was how much I wanted to make him into a slave for my body.

  “I’m not asking you to and this is my problem to deal with until we are alone. You smell fantastic and you look like you’re ready to commit a naughty act. You make me sweat every time I’m around you and I feel slightly out of breath. I know what we are doing is wrong and your father and mother would have my nuts in a vise if they were to find out.” This party was politically staged and my father was panhandling for campaign contributions.

  My father’s brilliant white smile and glad hand were making him fast friends in many different circles.

  “They are going to find out, Nicholas, but only if we stand together. I’m very nervous and they’re going to consider you a cradle robber. It’s not like our ages are that far from each other, but you have this unseemly worldly reputation which follows you around wherever you go.” I moved my hand behind me and I found my fingers feeling the bulge making a tent inside his briefs.

  “I don’t know what you think you are doing, Samantha, but it feels too damn good to make you stop.” He was thumping madly and just feeling him hungry for my form was enough to cause a chain reaction.

  “I hate to see a grown man cry and seeing you suffer needlessly makes it impossible for me to walk away. I somewhat feel responsible for your condition and maybe there’s something I can do about that. You have far more inside you than just one shot in the chamber.” Everybody was preoccupied and became even more so when my mother clinked her glass for their undivided attention.

  They all turned like sheep and I dropped very quickly out of sight. I slid back on my hands and knees until I was underneath the tablecloth. I gave him this come hither motion in the same way my father had, but mine had a different meaning behind it.

  “You can’t possibly think that it’s a good idea for me to do this.” It didn’t look like his head was doing the talking for him and his body was playing devil’s advocate.

  I could almost imagine a tiny little angel on his shoulder whispering not to do anything to make a scene. The devil, on the other hand, was screaming obscenities and making it hard for him to hear the angel’s muted plea.

  I showed him my tongue; fluttering it in place and seeing him pull at his collar with this nervous energy in the air. He took three steps forward and then I was unzipping his fly and reaching into the opening. I was the spider and he was caught in my web of deceit and depravity.

  I barely had half of him inside touching the back of my mouth when I heard my father’s voice.

  “I’ve been trying to get your attention from across the room for the last 5-minutes. I know my daughter can be a handful and whatever she was asking you, I would suggest you decline.” He had no idea that his words were too late to convince us to stop the raging inferno of our loins.

  “I wasn’t expecting this and I feel slightly feverish. I might be coming down with the flu that’s going around.” If my father could read minds then they would’ve come to blows. I was satisfying Nicholas’s insatiable appetite and every guy in this place woul
d have been envious of his current position.

  “You hid it well, but I know you almost better than anybody. This isn’t much of a surprise. I have no idea which little birdie told you, but I don’t think it’s necessary to browbeat you into a confession. It’s been a long time and these last few days having you around have been a blast from the past.” I was taking my time, enjoying the added bonus of the possibility of getting caught sucking his cock and knowing my father was not more than 2-feet away from discovering me.

  “I don’t want to get…anybody into trouble.” His knob had become a life-sized balloon and he tried not to move as I gave him more than enough incentive to break his will.

  I had abandoned all thought and the impropriety of what I was doing had become an obsession. I couldn’t help but squeeze his balls through his briefs and listen to him cover up by coughing. He had already paved the way by mentioning coming down with something.

  “I want you to go up to my room and lie down. These people won’t even know you’re gone and I’ll do what I can to make up for your absence. You owe me one and you know that I have the right to collect in whatever way I deem necessary.” I couldn’t do it and making Nicholas my puppet by pulling his string was asking for trouble. I tucked him back into his pants when I could’ve easily siphoned him dry in the vacuum force of my mouth.

  “I think I might take you up on your offer and it’s mighty generous of you to play defense. I will be sure to make it up to you.” It was dark enough in the room that his condition wasn’t on display for the hecklers to get a good word in. There would have been a lot of finger-pointing and some would have taken great delight in putting him on the spot.

  Chapter twenty-three


  I watched as he paced back and forth in front of the window. I was sure that he was waiting for me to say something, but I was having too much fun making him suffer from silence. He was one of my best friends, but we always had this funny way of playing fast and loose with each other’s emotions.

  “I hope you know how much painstaking work it took to make this happen for you, Nicholas. We hardly ever see you and you are the godfather of our child. Business might be booming, but that doesn’t take away from your family.” The very thought sent a cold chill down my spine and that kind of commitment always made me run for the hills whenever a woman got too close.

  “I see you haven’t spared any expense in this little party, but I have to wonder if there is any kind of ulterior motive behind it. We both know you don’t do anything unless it’s beneficial to both you and the person you are doing it for. Might I venture a guess that it could have something to do with your campaign to be governor?” I already knew that it did, but it was fun to make him say it out loud.

  He was pulling at his collar and he kept looking at me like I was something underneath the microscope to be observed. This man was always good at reading people and was the main reason why he was going to be perfect for going into office.

  “I don’t think I have to spell it out for you and it could be quite the investment in the long run. I could be quite instrumental in getting you contracts for construction jobs under the table. We both know my aspiration is not just to be governor and one day the White House is going to call. It would be nice to have that kind of influence in your life.” I could sense his underlying meaning and he had followed me up to the room on the pretense of making sure I was comfortable.

  “What you are trying to say in a diplomatic way is that it’s better to scratch your back. I don’t necessarily disagree, but I’m not sure I want to be associated with politics. It’s an ugly business.” If I thought what I did for a living was underhanded then I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking. I didn’t have any inspiration to bite off more than I could chew.

  I was never one for the wait and see way of doing things. The money that he was asking for was astronomical and that would certainly put him over the top for marketing dollars. He was going to need every advantage he could get and according to sources within his own party headquarters, the house of cards was about to fall over.

  “I’m going to give you a sizable donation which is definitely going to exceed your expectations. I do want a future where the two of us can profit in unimaginable ways.” I was still feeling flushed, flustered and wondering how I could end this conversation without seeming suspicious. “I’ll have the funds wired to you by the end of day tomorrow, but I need a couple of assurances.” It was about this time that I came to realize this might be the only way to assert my dominance.

  “I get this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that I’m not going to like this. I should refrain from answering until I know a little bit more information, but I am literally at your mercy.” I wasn’t sure that was true and he always had a funny way of bouncing back on his feet after insurmountable odds standing in his way.

  “I need you to remember this the next time that I might do something you don’t agree with. It’s the one condition I have before I part with my hard earned dollars. I trust you, but I know better than anyone politicians can be deceitful at the best of times. You never know what the one hand is doing behind their back.” I could’ve been getting in bed with the devil, but this wouldn’t be the first time or the last time that I had some shady dealings.

  “If that is what it takes then you have nothing to worry about. I forgave you after the fiasco of losing millions in a harebrained scheme that was supposed to be a lock.” He was blinded by the dollar signs in his eyes and had he given it some thought he might have understood this was my way to make him indebted to me

  “I’ll need 24 hours, but I’m not going to promise you anything. I don’t necessarily know what kind of liquid cash I have on hand and you’re just going to have to be patient. I do need some time and your gracious offer to rest is something I’m not going to turn down.” He didn’t necessarily get the answer he wanted and I was still quite positive that he was going to kill me after everything was said and done.

  The stress around his eyes and the way his shoulders were hunched gave the impression that he had a lot of balls in the air. Juggling all them at the same time must have felt like a never ending cycle out of his control.

  “By all means, take all the time you need, but remember they are waiting for you to mingle with the guests. They all came here for you, but I might have gotten them here under false pretenses. I can’t depend on you alone and I had to make some hard decisions which affect my business relationships. I’m going to need that cash in 24 hours. One minute more and things could become slightly awkward.” I didn’t want to do anything to give him any reason to cut me out of his life and he wasn’t wrong when he said that this was my family.

  “I think you know by now that I’m usually a man of my word and this is important to you. I hope you didn’t do anything foolish and you always make rash decisions when you’re up against the wall. Don’t risk your family over money and life is too short to let the almighty dollar rule over you.” He was scratching the stubble on his chin, his eyes closed and his hands interlocked over his forehead like something very heavy was going to come crashing down on top of him.

  “Depending on anybody has never been my strong suit and I don’t like the idea of owing somebody some kind of favor yet to be named.” He did have a tendency to put out his hand and not in a welcoming gesture. He would rob Peter to pay Paul and it would become something of a shell game where he would accrue the kind of debt which would strangle most people.

  “Our friendship doesn’t come with an expiry date and I will always be there whether I agree with your decisions or not. We all make grave errors of judgment sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. It’s a law of averages and as long as you can balance the scales then you might stand a chance.” I wondered if the money Samantha had gotten from me did anything besides cost her the purity of her body.

  I did feel guilty and this was the only reason why I was even contemplating sticking my head into the
lion’s den of politics. I could easily lose the money, but that wasn’t very important. I was putting things into place and stepping in at the last minute to save his campaign was a good way to keep him from grabbing his gun. What I had done with Samantha was wrong, but the only way to prevent it from happening again was to take drastic action.

  “Nicholas, I hope you don’t think I’m taking advantage of you and I would have never even asked you if I didn’t feel that I was in a tough position. We go back a long way and I would never presume to take you down with me in a sinking ship. I have every intention of paying back your investment 10 times over and you can take that to the bank.” There were no guarantees in life and I always thought there was no room for those who were looking to make their fortune on my back.

  “Think nothing of it and I already feel closer to your family than ever before.” I would give him a painful reminder of what I just said when the truth somehow came out. It was going to be a rude awakening and I was going to have to take this one step at a time.

  This was his private office and I was lying down on the couch. He closed the door and lowered the lights making me feel like the walls were closing in on me. I’d never been claustrophobic, but this betrayal was bringing about some very disturbing side effects.

  I had turned my back toward the door and then I heard the unmistakable sound of someone turning the handle to come inside. I waited with my breath short and my body in high demand for what Samantha could give me. This would be the final time and saying goodbye was never easy.

  I didn’t hear her high heels hitting the floor and she was making a conscious effort to be quiet. Stumbling in the dark and stubbing her toe was not on the agenda. There was nothing holding us back and I didn’t want anything to manipulate my decision on whether or not this was a good idea.


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