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Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Right outside the door, sugar. I won’t leave you. One of us will always be by your side.” He consoled her and that statement seemed to take the edge off her feelings of being left alone. It was probably a normal reaction by a victim. She swallowed hard. Could she get through this? Being attacked in her sleep in her own bedroom by a masked man threatening to rape and kill her was not something to take lightly. Gustave walked out, and she hobbled toward the mirror and vanity. She pulled the towel from her body and gasped as she looked at her breast. It throbbed something terrible. She didn’t want them to see her like this. They would stay with her, comfort her, but she would want more. She felt needy now, and it didn’t matter that her skin was battered and red in areas where her attacker struck. Her ankle was sore, but now she felt numb from the events that had taken place. What was she consenting to in her mind?

  She looked over the damage. There was a large red blotch over her ribs. It didn’t really hurt, but it looked sore. Aside from her breast, her cheek and her throat looked kind of bad. They were already discolored, and it made her weak in the knees remembering the pain she felt when he did it. As quickly as she could, she pulled on the long undershirt that reached her knees, and then the boxers she rolled a few times to sort of fit her waist. She looked in the mirror and began to pull on the sweatshirt. It was just as huge as the other clothes and nearly reached her knees. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

  She hobbled out and immediately saw that Gustave, Julien, Louis, and Johnny were holding bags of ice and were sitting in various places around the large bedroom. Gustave was sitting on the edge of the king-size bed along with Franco.

  Franco patted the bed. “Ready for some pampering, sugar?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Maybe some ibuprofen might help?” she asked then swallowed. They all looked so tense and kind of angry. She wondered if they were angry with her for not allowing them to stay in her home tonight. If she had, then they would have protected her. The tears filled her eyes.

  “I have some right here for you,” Gustave said as he opened the bottle of painkillers. Franco passed over a bottle of water. She slowly walked closer to them. She raised her eyes at them and swallowed hard.

  “You’re mad at me.” She nibbled her bottom lip, and they just stared at her oddly.

  “I should have let you stay. I shouldn’t have fought any of you on it. I didn’t want to face the truth,” she whispered, her voice hurting the more she spoke. She coughed, and Franco was immediately next to her.

  “Let’s not talk about it. Let us take care of you, Illeanna,” Franco said and placed his hand over her hand that held the bottle of water. She took a sip along with the painkillers he handed her before he guided her to the bed.

  “Lie down and we’ll get some ice on that ankle and your cheek,” Louis said, and Franco lifted her up and placed her in the center of the bed. The moment she hit the mattress fear clenched her belly, and she quickly scooted up against the headboard.

  * * * *

  Franco froze in place. It was obvious that Illeanna was still frightened. Even being on a bed, their bed, frightened her. He looked toward his brothers, and they remained firm on keeping her there as they each took a seat.

  “Here, let’s put this on your cheek,” Louis whispered as he reached to brush a strand of hair away from her face. She flinched and then looked down toward her hands, clasping them. Franco could tell that it bothered Louis just like it bothered him. He watched Louis act as if it didn’t happen, and he reached again. This time she didn’t react so strongly. She allowed Louis to place the ice on her cheek.

  Franco saw the light marks on her inner thighs. He tried to remind himself that it could have been worse, a lot worse. But she was here now in their home and safe.

  Julien crawled up from the bottom of the bed and lightly tapped her foot.

  “Can I put this bag of ice on your ankle?”

  She nodded, and Franco snuggled a little closer to her by joining her near the headboard.

  * * * *

  Illeanna leaned back as the men got more comfortable around her. She went to close her eyes, feeling the exhaustion begin to kick in, and immediately she saw the masked man. She inhaled sharply, causing Louis to pull the ice from her cheek.

  “What’s wrong?” Louis asked her as the tears filled her eyes. Why hadn’t she given in to their demands? Why hadn’t she let Johnny stay the night?

  Louis placed the ice pack down on the side table and touched Illeanna’s cheek.

  “Talk to us, tell us how we can help.”

  She swallowed, and it hurt as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She looked into Louis’s hazel eyes and saw compassion. She glanced at the others, and they held the same expressions. They cared about her, and she needed them.

  “I’m scared. I close my eyes and I see him, Louis,” she whispered.

  He pulled her closer to him. She snuggled into him, laying her head against the pillow facing him. He faced her and clutched her hands within his own, holding them to his chest. She felt the second hand against her hip bone, and when she glanced over her shoulder, she saw Franco then felt his large chest against her back and his strong arm hold her around the waist. She closed her eyes and absorbed the moment and the fact that their embrace was making her feel better, safe. She was wedged between two strong, sexy men she trusted, and she hoped they could get her through this.

  * * * *

  Louis watched her as she fought to keep her eyes open. She was afraid of what sleep may bring, and he wanted to help her. He wasn’t sure what to do, and on instinct he inched his lips closer to her and began to press tiny light kisses against her skin.

  “Close your eyes, baby, and just feel. Know that it’s me touching you, taking away any bad memories of the night. I’m here now, baby, we’re all here for you,” Louis whispered then pressed a kiss against her lower lip.

  He started along the hands he held between them then moved closer to her chin, leaving kisses along her jaw, being sure to stay away from her neck.

  She kept her eyes closed and moved her face closer toward him in acceptance.

  “So sweet, so soft,” he whispered between kissing her jaw before reaching her lips. Then he kissed her ever so softly at first before pressing deeper. They released their hands, and she reached back for him, touching her delicate fingers to his neck and chest. Then she clutched his shirt.

  He was concerned that he may go too far because of his own strong desire to hold her, to taste her and be as close as he could to her.

  He sensed Franco join in, and Illeanna tensed a moment then relaxed again. She was still on edge, still fearful. Louis slowly released her lips, and she opened her eyes to look at him as well as Franco. They both smiled down at her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Very okay.”

  “You sure?” Franco asked with his hand still pressed over her hip and his face inches from her shoulder. She turned onto her back to look at him. He slid his hand along her belly.

  “I’m sure,” she said. Then she reached up and brushed her thumb across Franco’s lower lip. Franco held her gaze as he pressed his tongue forward, licking her finger and drawing it into his mouth. Louis watched as Illeanna’s eyes widened, but she didn’t turn away.

  The sight of her wrists, red and swollen from being bound, made his stomach ache with guilt and anger. He never should have left her. He never should have pushed too far too soon. He took an unsteady breath and hoped that Illeanna couldn’t read his mind.

  Louis pressed his hand against her sweatshirt then moved lower, trying to get underneath the bulky material. Illeanna lifted up to help him and he smiled.

  “Can I take this off or are you still cold?” he asked.

  “I feel warmer now,” she answered, blushing. It was taking a lot for him not to stare at the bruising along her cheek.

  Franco and Louis helped her out of the sweatshirt, but she clutched t
he T-shirt to her chest, keeping it in place. They tossed it over toward Johnny and Gustave. Julien was at her feet, lying on his side, watching Franco and Louis.

  “I don’t want you to see me like this,” she stated as she crossed her arms over her belly.

  Both Louis and Franco leaned on their elbows and placed their hands on her hands that remained crossed.

  “We want to take the pain away, sugar,” Franco told her.

  “Let us try,” Louis asked, and both men took one of her hands and lifted it to their lips. They kissed her fingertips before folding her arms down by her sides. She tightened up, but they continued to try and make her relax. It was Franco who scooted down low enough to lift her shirt and place the palm of his hand against her flat belly. Illeanna turned to look at him, and Franco smiled.

  They could see the tears in her eyes as she spoke.

  “I should have let you stay. You would have protected me. I was so scared of what I’ve been feeling for each of you, but nothing can compare to the fear I felt when—”

  “Shhh…sugar, I have powerful kisses, sweetness. Kisses that can take away the pain and replace it with love and happiness. Let’s not talk about shouldas, just let yourself relax. We care about you so much,” Franco whispered as he lowered his face to her belly all while holding Illeanna’s gaze. He watched her closely, and when she nodded, he smiled.

  He pressed his lips to her skin, and she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and lifted her torso toward him. Louis joined in caressing a hand along the elastic of the baggy boxer shorts, being careful not to hit the bruises and red marks that disappeared under the material. The shorts were way too big despite her effort to roll them a bunch of times.

  “You look sexy in my boxers, baby,” he whispered, and her eyes fluttered open then closed again. He used his lips to kiss along her hip bone then lower. Illeanna stirred when Julien joined in and began to kiss her ankles and then her inner thighs. She moaned softly, and Julien took that moment to tug her shorts down and off of her. She allowed them, and Louis knew they each felt triumphant.

  “So beautiful,” Franco said as both he and Louis glided their hands up her inner thighs and straight to her pussy lips.

  “Oh,” she whispered then instinctively tried to press her legs together, but two thick forearms stopped her.

  * * * *

  Illeanna felt as if she were on fire and about to explode. Just one touch to her pussy and she would surely lose it. She reached for Louis and Franco, touching their heads just as they both pressed fingers to her pussy. She jumped and they held her down, kissing along her belly then lower, nearly reaching where their fingers began to explore. One of them pressed a digit fully inside of her then pulled out slowly.

  “Oh please don’t tease me,” she stated just as another finger replaced the first one.

  “You’re so wet for us, sugar. I bet you taste as sweet as you look,” Franco said, and she tilted her hips toward his fingers as they pulled out of her.

  She felt desperate and needy and was about to beg when she felt the bed move and Julien scoot between her thighs. When his mouth replaced their fingers, she cried out, feeling the moisture leak from her core.

  Julien was relentless with his tongue and his teeth, pulling more moans of pleasure from her with every stroke of his tongue.

  She opened her eyes and grabbed for Louis and Franco to stop just as they began to remove her top.

  She shook her head.

  “No please don’t look. It hurts and it looks so terrible,” she whispered, causing Julien to stop and scoot up to see what had gotten her upset.

  “We’ll make it feel better,” Franco stated as he slowly began to lift her shirt. The moment the material was away from her breasts, she saw Louis’s facial expression change. He looked so angry and upset, and she didn’t want him to be angry with her or at all. He looked at his brothers, and she dared not look at them, too. She couldn’t take it if they all shared Louis’s disgust.

  She reached for him and cupped his cheek.

  “Kiss me, Louis. Take his touch away and replace it with yours please,” she begged.

  He hesitated then looked down at the bruising on her breast. She was certain he could see the finger marks and the bright-red mark where blood nearly escaped from the surface from being squeezed so tightly. She swallowed hard, trying to submerge the memory as she gently directed Louis’s mouth toward her breast.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered. He hesitated. She could feel his head stop beneath her hand.

  “Please,” she whispered, and when he continued, she held her breath until the moment his mouth touched her skin.

  She refused to cry, to give in to the memory of the assault that happened such a short time ago. She focused on the feel of Louis’s tongue and lips gently lapping at her breasts, making her nipples harden and her pussy throb for attention.

  “Please, Julien,” she whispered as she lay back down on the bed with Louis kissing and caressing her right breast and Franco exploring her left breast.

  She looked up to see Julien shimmying out of his jeans and underwear and sporting a very thick, long cock.

  “You sure you’re ready?” he asked, and she nodded as she absorbed the moment and the feel of three men touching her at once. A quick glance to her right and she sought out Gustave and Johnny, who were half undressed and kneeling at the bottom of the bed. They all had a clear view of her body, injuries and all, and still seemed to want her.

  * * * *

  Julien took his time caressing Illeanna’s inner thighs as he tried to remain unfocussed on her injuries and solely on making love to her for the first time. He kissed every inch ever so softly, wanting to be sure that she could handle their touch. Louis and Franco both released her breasts as Julien moved up her body to kiss her before he made love to her.

  “So beautiful and all ours to keep,” he told her then kissed her lips. She immediately ran her hands up and over his shoulders to hold his head as he reached down to line up his cock with her pussy.

  “I’ve waited forever for this moment, sugar. I promise that I will always be here for you.” He kissed her as he pressed forward, gliding his cock through the muscles of her pussy until he was fully inside of her. They both sighed in relief until Julien began to move in and out of her channel. Her soft sighs turned to deeper moans. She grabbed onto him, wanting to touch every part of him.

  Every stroke against her vaginal muscles pulled them closer in body and in spirit. He never had such intense feelings before, but he couldn’t help but be fearful that he may hurt her. He lifted his chest, afraid to press too hard against her injured breast. Then he felt her hands caress his pectoral muscles before they wrapped around his waist.

  “More, Julien. You won’t hurt me,” she told him.

  He leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips before he adjusted his position. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her pelvis toward him so he could stroke deeper. After gliding his hands along her thighs then ass, he gripped her tightly as he thrust harder and increased the speed of his strokes. Illeanna moaned as she pulled at him, needing him to move faster and deeper into her.

  “Harder, Julien,” she croaked out in her raspy injured voice, and he let go of his control. He lifted higher, tilting her hips upward while thrusting in and out of her until he could go no deeper. She screamed her release, and he felt her entire body shake right before he tightened up and did the same. He could only move a few more times. It was too sensitive. She took everything from him. Slowly he lowered her back down flat onto the bed. He leaned forward and kissed her as he pulled from her body then took position next to her on the bed.

  His brothers watched as she closed her eyes and snuggled into his embrace with her one hand covering the bruised and battered breast.

  * * * *

  Johnny, Gustave, and Franco walked out of the bedroom and into the living room.

  “Fuck, did you see
all those bruises and her breast? We should have tied him to the back of an ATV and dragged his ass through the roads and swamps until he was gator meat,” Franco stated, running his hands through his hair as he dropped onto the couch. He covered his face, feeling his nerves at their breaking point.

  “I know what you mean, Franco. We’re all feeling the same way, but we can’t show our upset in front of Illeanna. It was a big deal for her to let us into that bedroom and see her like that,” Johnny said.

  “It’s good that she let Julien make love to her. She wants us all, we just need to take our time,” Gustave said, and both Franco and Johnny looked at him and smiled.

  “You’re right. We need to focus on Illeanna and on this case. Whoever is responsible for Phillips’s death thinks that Illeanna as a witness to the shooter is a bad thing,” Johnny stated.

  “Louis and Julien need to sit down with us and tell us everything they know about the case,” Gustave stated.

  “I think we need the Feds to give up what they have, too,” Franco stated.

  “How did they seem over at Carlile’s when the incident happened?” Johnny asked.

  “I didn’t care for Agent Barkley but Agent Mertoff seemed okay. I might call Michael Fromm. He’s got a lot of friends and I’m not taking any chances with Illeanna,” Franco stated, and they agreed.

  * * * *

  One moment she felt safe and content in a bundle of warmth and the next she felt the heavy body on top of her and the tape pressed hard against her mouth. Her eyes popped open only to find a masked man staring at her as he straddled her body. She tried to push him away. She screamed through the tape best she could, but it only inhibited her breathing, causing her to hyperventilate.


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