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Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She took a deep breath, and her pussy responded to his words and his tongue, dripping cream.

  He paused a moment then looked her body over before holding her gaze.

  “Why did you sneak out that night? Why didn’t you stay?” he asked, and she was shocked at the somber tone of his voice as if he had been just as affected by that night as she had been.

  She thought about it a moment as he waited for a response.

  “I didn’t want to be just another virgin you claimed.”

  His eyes widened, and he shook his head.

  “It meant something to me. You were more than that, always have been.”

  “If that was true, then why did I see you the next day with Celia?” she replied angrily, the scornful jealous feeling almost as strong as that day she saw them together.

  “Nothing happened between me and Celia. I just did that to piss you off because you left me.”

  She couldn’t believe that he would do that.

  “I saw you Louis and your brothers with plenty of women over the years.”

  He adjusted his hips so that his cock lined up against her pussy lips. She felt the same strong desire to have his cock deep in her pussy, claiming her. But was he for real? Was he truly hurt that she left him that night?

  “I never fucked another woman after that night with you. You ruined me,” he told her, and her mouth dropped open. He held her gaze, and she licked her lips.

  “I didn’t know.”

  “Yeah well now you do. My brothers and I have wanted you for our own for years, yet you kept pushing us away. It drove us insane to think of any other man fucking you when you belonged to us, to me.”

  “There has never been anyone else, Louis. You took my virginity, and you took my heart,” she admitted, and he lowered his head to kiss her lips just as he pressed his cock between her wet folds. They both sighed as if content, and Louis began to make slow, passionate love to her, capturing her heart and her soul just as he did the last time and just as his brothers had.

  * * * *

  Louis took his time making love to Illeanna. The feel of her vaginal muscles clinging to his cock with every inch of every stroke just deepened his love for her. Hell yeah, he was madly in love with Illeanna Aubert. He leaned down again to kiss her mouth, nibble her bottom lip as he stroked deeper and adjusted his legs to spread her wider. Her breasts tilted forward and he swiped his tongue along each mound then to her mouth again.

  “You feel like heaven, sugar, like pure heaven.”

  She moaned softly and thrust her hips up toward him. He released her hands, tapping them, indicating for her to keep them above her head, and she complied.

  “You be a good girl and do as I say, sugar.”

  A blush crept along her cheeks and chest.

  He caressed her from wrists to elbows to shoulders and then breasts. He squeezed them gently then lifted her hips. “Hold on, sugar, going slow is over.”

  He thrust up into her, grasping her thighs and ass and tilting her hips as he thrust downward repeatedly in an attempt to relieve the need burning inside of him.

  In and out he plunged his cock deep into her warmth, knowing that she in fact belonged to him and had since that fateful night when he made love to her for the very first time.

  “Please, Louis, let me touch you,” she begged, and he nodded his head as he clenched his teeth and tried to fight off the urge to come. He leaned back, and she reached for his pectoral muscles, pinching his nipples and sending him into a series of fast, hard strokes.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s not fair,” he reprimanded her then pressed a finger to her pussy as he fucked her.

  “Oh!” she screamed and followed suit, exploding inside of her. He lowered himself to her, and she hugged him hard before he rolled to the side, pulled from her body, and lay there with her. Their breathing slowed and relaxed as Gustave moved in behind her and cuddled her, too.

  “Feel okay, honey?” Gustave whispered against her ear.

  “Perfect,” she whispered then slowly fell back to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  “These are the guys I want dead. This one fucked up everything by sending in one of his own to eliminate a potential witness. The chick wasn’t going to be able to ruin them but asshole here decided she could. So he sent one of his morons in to take her out. Now the Feds have him in custody,” Bennitto Flores told Paulie, one of his main men.

  “So you want me to get rid of him and the French chef?” Paulie asked as he looked at the two pictures.

  “Yeah. Kill them, get rid of their bodies, and let’s let the shit lie for awhile. If the Feds think that Luther and Jacque were working with Phillips, then Mickey will be their next target. He’ll take the fall along with the senator.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll personally take care of this one,” Paulie stated as he left the room.

  Bennitto Flores looked out the window and across the road. With Phillips dead they needed another person in Senator Pierre’s team to be part of this. They had already transferred numerous weapons to three Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East. Or he could forget about killing the senator and worry about making the money. He had his connections in Cuba. Anyone who screwed up his plans needed to be terminated. If he could set this up correctly then he could make Mickey take the fall for everything. The connections would lead back to the senator and all his people. He’d be framed for treason amongst a series of other charges the Feds would come up with.

  He smiled to himself. This was going to work out fine.

  * * * *

  The moment Johnny and Gustave entered Illeanna’s bedroom at her home their anger flared up again.

  “How is she ever going to come back in here?” Johnny asked, and Gustave remained silent. Johnny knew his brother was the quietest of them all and that he more than likely felt the same way he did.

  He continued to look around the room and straighten up the bed.

  “Mikayla and Angelina are going to come by here and clean up the place for Illeanna. I made sure one of the deputies will be with them. I called in C.J.,” Johnny stated as he walked over to Illeanna’s closet and started gathering some clothes.

  “Where do you think she keeps her panties and bras?” Johnny asked.

  “Maybe here,” he grunted and walked toward the smaller dresser near her bed.

  “Just grab what you can. Those agents are going to be by the house later today to talk with her, and I don’t want to be away from her for too long. It’s bad enough we have to drop these clothes off at the house and head into work a few hours. I wanted to be there when the agents arrived.”

  Gustave grunted in response.

  Johnny looked around the room, and he could only imagine how frightened Illeanna must have been. Just then they heard the front door open, and both men pulled their guns and pointed.

  “Put those things down before you hurt someone,” Marie Cherise Laveau stated as she entered the house. Behind her C.J., Angelina, and Mikayla walked in.

  “Damn, Cherise! You can’t just come barging into a house like that especially after a crime’s been committed,” Johnny reprimanded, and the crazy voodoo woman gave him a look that instantly stopped him from adding further comment.

  “You watch that tongue, Jonathon Boudoux. I knew you when you were twenty inches long and weighed eight pounds. You mind your manners,” Cherise scolded then walked right to the bedroom and straight past him. Johnny shook his head.

  “Hi, C.J. Hi, Mikayla and Angelina,” Johnny said, and they all exchanged hellos.

  “Sorry about that. She was standing outside when we pulled up,” Angelina informed them then slowly walked further into the house.

  “Well I think we should start in the bedroom and clean it up nice for when Illeanna returns,” Mikayla stated then started walking toward the kitchen to grab some cleaning things. Angelina followed.

  “Illeanna at your place, right?” Cherise Laveau as
ked as she reappeared in the living room. No one even heard her enter.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Gustave answered politely, and Marie Cherise touched his arm and held it there a moment. She closed her eyes, and Johnny just watched as Gustave stared at her.

  She tapped Gustave’s arm. “You always the quietest and politest of the Boudoux. You keep Illeanna at your place. She safest with you and your brothers.”

  “Cherise?” Johnny called after her as she walked past him and out the door. Her statement shocked him, and Gustave looked unnerved.

  “Let her go. She’s always saying things like that. You should have heard what she said to Angelique when she was secretly seeing the Lafont brothers,” Angelina stated.

  “You two should mind what Cherise says. She warned Angelique about there being danger, about staying close to her men, and about the babies long before anyone suspected anything,” Mikayla chimed in then headed toward the bedroom. The others followed.

  * * * *

  Illeanna sat on the couch in the living room along with her sister Angelique, the Lafont brothers, Louis, and Julien. Before Angelique arrived, Illeanna was feeling quite calm and content not being left alone. If it weren’t for Julien and his brothers, she was certain that she wouldn’t feel so calm and her mind wouldn’t be on other things instead of solely on the attack.

  “We can stick around for as long as you two need if there’s something you have to do,” Armand offered as he sat on the other couch alongside Angelique and Remi.

  “Thanks a lot. We appreciate the help. I think once the Feds get here and we go over whatever they need, then Franco will be here with Illeanna,” Julien replied as he clutched Illeanna’s hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed her knuckles softly, and she smiled shyly at him.

  “Well whatever you need, just let us know. Aside from Eloi the rest of us are working on the construction site,” Marcel said.

  “It’s nice being able to conquer some of my cravings by visiting Ellena and Angelina’s restaurant,” Angelique teased as she rubbed her small belly. Armand gently pushed a stray hair away from her cheek as he smiled at her.

  “Been having a lot of cravings, honey?” Illeanna asked, filled with excitement. She was so thrilled that the Auberts were going to have their first set of babies. To think that the youngest was going to be a mamma first was amazing.

  “I sure have been, but I’m smart enough to fight off some of the cravings. If I entertained them all, I would gain too much weight, and that won’t be good for the babies. Since I’m having more than one, the doctors recommended a diet for me to follow. But I stray from it now and then,” she added as she winked at Eloi.

  “Yeah, and I’ve put on a few pounds helping her finish off some of those cravings,” Eloi stated, and they all chuckled.

  “Yeah, we’ve all gained a few pounds. She thinks that by ordering what she’s craving she’s satisfying the urge she had. But all that does is leave all this good fattening food around that tempts a man,” Marcel said.

  “Oh you all look perfect. You’re burning it off doing all that physical labor anyway,” Angelique said then looked at Illeanna and winked. Illeanna laughed. It was so amazing to see her sister teasing her men. She couldn’t help but wonder if she could have such a strong and fun relationship with the Boudoux brothers. The men were so different and rather demanding, plus she was used to her independence. There was a lot to discuss and work on, but right now she was glad that she had their support. Plus last night was simply amazing. If their lovemaking was any indication of what their love life could be like, she was definitely game.

  Louis walked into the room closing up his cell phone. She looked him over. His shoulder-length hair brushed over his muscular shoulders. The blue shirt he wore clung to his chest, emphasizing his muscular physique, biceps and all. He was gorgeous but also looked kind of serious right now.

  “Well, Agent Mertoff and Agent Barkley will be here in about fifteen minutes.” Louis looked at Illeanna and held her gaze.

  “They’re just going to go over what happened the other night and also where they are at in their investigation. It shouldn’t take long, and if at any time you feel uncomfortable, you just say the word and they’re out of here,” Louis stated firmly.

  “It’s okay. I’ll be okay,” she stated as she held his gaze.

  “We’ll get going then. Remember to call if you need us,” Angelique stated. Then she rose from the couch and gave Illeanna a hug.

  “Love ya,” she whispered.

  “Love ya back,” Illeanna replied, and they smiled before Angelique, Armand, Remi, Marcel, and Eloi headed out the front door.

  * * * *

  Louis leaned down and gave Illeanna a soft kiss on her lips. They held gazes as he smiled then winked. As he stepped away, he felt the knot in his stomach. To think that somehow Illeanna got caught in the middle of an investigation he and Julien were conducting was mind-boggling. The measures these people were going through to get rid of a witness who could only identify the gunman were peculiar. Obviously more was at stake here for the bad guys. Was Phillips truly financially supporting terrorist groups? God, he just wanted to keep Illeanna out of danger. Now that she was allowing them to be part of her life, he didn’t want any other disturbances. As far as their part in the investigation was concerned, they were finished. Phillips’s wife got the answers she was looking for. Her husband cheated on her multiple times, he frequented upscale hotels and restaurants in the city, and now he was dead. She paid them for their investigative work, and now she was left with three kids and no husband. If he was involved with illegal activities, she would suffer that pain publicly as well. He felt bad for her, but it also made him think about how lucky he was to have Illeanna.

  She was their life, and one day she would be carrying their baby and starting their family the way they dreamed about.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing interrupted his thoughts as he walked toward the door to let the agents into their home.

  * * * *

  “So, you believe that Illeanna is still in danger at this time?” Louis asked as he stood behind the couch where Illeanna sat. He was having a hard time keeping it together, and one look at Julien and Franco and he knew that they were feeling the same way.

  Agent Mertoff and Agent Barkley looked at Illeanna. Their expressions were firm, and Louis felt as if they were untrusting. But he and his brother weren’t the bad guys. They were ex-military and now they dabbled in a bit of private investigating and bounty hunting when the price was right. That’s how they made most of the money they lived off of.

  “The guy you shot, the one who attacked Miss Aubert, has a criminal record. Through tracing his cell phone and numbers he’s called we’re looking into any connections to the case. We’re hoping that this may lead us to the mastermind behind this whole case. He is completely uncooperative, so we have to do things this way,” Barkley told them.

  “That sounds promising,” Illeanna stated as Louis smiled at her and Julien caressed her knee. The agents watched them a moment and were silent.

  “Which one of you is in a relationship with her?” Mertoff asked. Louis and Julien were shocked by the question.

  “What does this have to do with you answering my question on whether she’s in danger still?” Louis asked as he placed his hands on Illeanna’s shoulders. He felt her tighten up, and he knew she wasn’t ready for this type of public examination on her personal life.

  “It could have a lot to do with the investigation. If Phillips’s killers know that you and your brother were investigating him and that you may or may not have come upon other evidence to pin Phillips and his potential accomplices with something, they very well could attempt to abduct her or even kill her. So I think that the question is relevant and deserves an answer,” Mertoff stated obnoxiously.

  “Agent Mertoff, I have known the Boudoux brothers for many years. Each of them has a very special place in my heart. Whether that place i
s a romantic one or not is none of your business. If in fact the killer or killers wants to attempt to take me or kill me again, they will have to get through these five very well-trained men,” Illeanna stated, holding the agent’s attention.

  “Miss Aubert, I don’t think you realize what you’re getting into here. These men could have possibly stumbled upon various acts of treason. We’re talking illegal arms dealings with known terrorist affiliates and organizations out of the country. The one man who escaped the restaurant, the one you identified, was killed before police could question him. He was in a secure location at the time. After evaluating the information Julien and Louis had given us, our organization found some money trails leading back to top officials. These killers may want to sever loose ends, and you and your close friends are definite targets,” he stated in a tone that was meant to scare the crap out of Illeanna. But surprisingly to Louis and the others, she snapped right back at the agent.

  “They will protect me. I suggest that you take their information that they gathered from their own investigation and track down these pieces of crap that dare place our country in jeopardy. Orchidea is a close-knit community. Filled with all types of individuals that will aid in my safety as well as that of the Boudoux. How come a man like Phillips, who worked with Senator Millan Pierre, would be involved with such crimes? Maybe looking further into his friends and his dealings may lead you two in the right direction. Instead of sitting here trying to make me more frightened than I already have been, you should be telling me, the victim in this outrageous case, that you, as government agents, are going to do everything in your power to catch the bad guys and help me to get back to a normal life. How about that?” Illeanna asked, raising her voice just slightly to get her point across.


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