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Keeper: Book 3 A Realms of the Otherworld Book (Realms of the Otherworld Book Series)

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by Jana LaPelle

  Table of Contents

  Dedication and Acknowledgements


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Glossary of Irish Gaelic Terms

  Glossary of Irish Mythology

  Personal Note from Jana

  Realms of the Otherworld Series


  Book Three

  A Realms of the Otherworld Book


  Jana LaPelle

  Text Copyright © 2017 Jana LaPelle

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. Any references to historical events, real people, etc. are used fictitiously.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of the author.

  All Rights Reserved.

  Formatting by:

  Cover design by:

  Dedication and Acknowledgements

  To my son Jonathan Gabriel, you have become my plot collaborator. You have helped me get past quite a few writing blocks this go around. We need to take more road trips together, that’s where we do our best story plotting. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. You are my inspiration, and I’m truly blessed to have you in my life. I love you beyond measure, little man.

  To my readers, thank you all for your wonderful, kind words. I love hearing from each and every one of you. Your support means the world to me.

  Table of Contents

  Dedication and Acknowledgements


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Glossary of Irish Gaelic Terms

  Glossary of Irish Mythology

  Personal Note from Jana

  Realms of the Otherworld Series

  Dare to believe in yourself and follow your dreams, whatever they may be. Life is too short to live with regret.

  Before we start, have you checked out the Glossary of Irish Gaelic Terms? It’s there as a reference for you, the reader. Also, check out the Glossary of Irish Mythology. Now onto the continuation of Ashlinn and Alaric’s story.

  Chapter 1


  It feels as if Ashlinn and I have been separated more than we have been together in the last couple of months. Yes, I know that to be an exaggeration, but my protective instincts are set on overdrive. First, there was her time apart from me once the blood contract was put into play and now she has been taken away from me by a surly, ancient dragon. I can’t help feeling off-kilter, I have a terrible feeling about what is about to take place. Whatever it is, it’s going to be huge and my need to get to my kindred, my mate is overwhelming me.

  Just moments ago, I was in Avalon and Tarron, Tolin, and Declan were all trying to calm me down after realizing that Ashlinn had just jumped realms with a dragon. The very same dragon that kidnapped her from just outside of King Author’s final resting place and now, my kindred, after a not so long conversation with the quick to pass judgment beast, has decided that we need to trust this Drayiel. Her decision to race off, in an attempt to save the Tree of Life did not come as a complete surprise. Ashlinn is always quick to act, it is one of the things I find so endearing about her, but in this instance, she should have waited for me. I can’t protect her if I’m not even in the same damn realm. To say that I’m more than a little frustrated with her is an understatement.

  Not much time had passed before Drayiel appeared in the air above us in Avalon and in his huge booming voice said that I was to accompany him to Ashlinn. He stated that there was not much time for the Tree of Life and that we should hurry. Leaving the others behind, I quickly leaped to action, placing the coronation crown into Nemus’ care and then quickly mounted the huge blue and green scaled dragon. As we gain altitude Drayiel’s speed increases, no wonder Jasmine could not keep up, one moment we were in Avalon and the next we are sucked into a rainbow-colored vacuum before suddenly appearing in the sky over the sacred meadow. His ability to jump realms when in flight is nothing short of incredible, something that could come in handy in the future.

  I switch my focus to Ashlinn and say, “We must hurry Drayiel, I sense that Ashlinn is about to do something I won’t like, her emotions are turbulent and off the chart, but her decision is made, and she is resolute.” I say, urging him on.

  Drayiel’s wingspan is enormous; he takes us down, gliding just above the surface of the lake. The tips of his wings disturbing the glassy tranquility of the mirror-like surface, and it takes mere seconds for us to land on the shore of the Tree of Life. I leap down from my perch and race towards Her. As I break through what’s left of the canopy I see Ashlinn. Her beautiful face is tear-stained, and she looks at me in sad determination. That is when I notice that she is being drawn into the Tree of Life. “Ashlinn! Wait! Ash, no! Stop!”

  How can that be? How is that even possible? Before I can even act, she slips away from me and is gone. I’m left just standing there, dumbfounded as I stare at the space where she just stood. An empty space! What the hell just happened?! She’s gone!! I hear a roar rise up out of me as I bellow, “Nooo!!”

  Ashlinn just surrendered herself and with her the twins, to The Tree of Life. I can barely feel our kindred bond now, but it’s still there. It’s the only reason why I haven’t completely lost my mind. Why didn’t she wait for me? How could she? How could she sacrifice so much? Dropping to my knees in front of the tree before me, I can barely hold myself together as the willow continues to shed her leaves. In the gentle breeze, they float around me swirling about, dancing around me, and come to rest on the ground where I kneel. Ashlinn and the twins are my everything. I can’t lose them. I just can’t. I try to swallow past the knot in my throat, but my windpipe is constricted. I can barely take a breath. My mind is reeling in shock, and I can’t fathom why or how this is what the prophecy meant, what it foretold. Shaking my head, I look back at Drayiel questioningly to see if he has any answers. The large dragon just stares at the tree in consternation before swinging his gaze to mine and then back to the tree again.

  Gaining my feet, I run to the tree and begin pounding on the rough textured bark beneath my fist. �
��Ashlinn?!” I bellow demanding her response. “Ashlinn?! Come back to me!” I demand. Wildly I look around for anything or anyone that can provide me with answers and there is no one here. It’s just me and Drayiel and the tree on this small island. All the creatures that live in this meadow are watching from the grassy shore, not sure what to do, keeping their distance as we all feel the majic being leeched from this place. The breeze has picked up, and more of the Tree’s leaves are carried on the wind, swirling around me in their downward spiral. I’m helpless to watch as this once magnificent tree continues to decline. If She fails to thrive, what will that mean for Ashlinn? “I will not leave this place,” I whisper to no one in particular. Turning my attention to the dragon, “Drayiel, would you please see to transporting the rest of Ashlinn’s Guard? Her family and friends will want to know what has transpired here. They will want to be here for her. My fate is forever more tied to The Tree of Life. I cannot leave this place. Not until I’m with my kindred again.”

  Drayiel inclines his head before saying solemnly, “My Lord, I am forever at your service. I swore my allegiance to her, but I cannot see Princess Ashlinn’s fate. My sight has never been so limited. I don’t understand what has transpired here. I will ferry your companions here to this realm. I am at your service. Just know that none of this makes sense. Once I have retrieved everyone I will stand guard. I will be one of Ashlinn’s guardians, now and forever more. This I swear.”

  In the distance, I hear the beating of wings. Walking to the edge of the canopy of the tree, I look up to see the sky is full of dragons of every shape, size, and color. Their forms and coloring are different and unique, and they are being led by an elder who hovers just above the shore of The Tree of Life. He lands and bows to Drayiel and then turns his attention to me. “My Lord, we are the Drakon, original Guardians of The Realms, and we are being called to serve. There is a shift in the balance, and we are answering the call to protect The Realms. How may we be of service?”

  Still in shock, I’m not sure where or how to begin. All I know is that I cannot go far from Ashlinn and the twins. Racking my brain for anything, I say, “I need The Dagda and Danu here, and I need my Guard and our companions. I will stand vigil over The Tree of Life.” The only thing that brings me any comfort at all is that I can still feel our weak bond and I know she still lives. Turning my attention back to the dragons before me, I say, “Thank you for answering the call. You are right, there is a shift, and The Morrígan is the reason. She and her sisters have all but drained The Tree of Life of her majic, and my kindred has… She has surrendered herself to The Tree to see if that will bolster Her and shift the tides.”

  “We are at your service my Lord. I am Fireth, I will see to your wishes.” The black and silver dragon inclines his head to me and is off.

  My attention goes back to where I last saw Ashlinn, and that is where I take up my vigil. I know they still live and I will not rest until I know how to get them back. I place my hand on The Tree, leaning my forehead against her deeply grooved bark, and say in a selfish whisper, “I can’t live without them. Please send her back to me.” Taking a deep breath, I take up my guard and watch for any signs of my kindred’s return, praying for their safekeeping.


  As I continue to sink into The Tree of Life, I can still sense Alaric, and he is completely devastated. I knew he would be, but there was no time to spare. The Tree’s very essence swirls around me, and I am only now beginning to realize that She is detached because She was created for a purpose and that purpose did not include living a life of her own, she is a sentient being with limited capabilities. She merely exists to see to the balance of life, and she has suddenly outlived her purpose. As that realization takes hold, I’m suddenly sucked through a vacuum, much like the dolmen portals, as if I’m traveling from one realm to another. I stumble as my foot finds solid ground and as I right myself I see that I have arrived in the twilight realm that I have been dreaming of and I turn to lay my hand on the silvery bark of the tree beside me to steady myself. This realm’s doppelganger of The Tree is also losing her leaves at an alarming rate, as The Morrígna continues their strangling hold over the very essence of life itself for The Realms of the living.

  Hearing soft footfalls, I turn to see a handsome, middle-aged man, walking toward me. Lillie and Lachlan are unsettled, and I try sending comforting thoughts to them as I rub my belly. All the while I watch this man’s approach. He is well built and dressed casually in a snug fitting white V-neck tee shirt and faded worn jeans, he’s barefoot, and sporting a five o’clock shadow, his closely cropped dark wavy hair is graying at the temples, and his blue-green eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles at me.

  “Where am I? Who are you?” I blurt in confusion because it feels as if I should know this man.

  “Hello daughter, we must hurry there is not much time. I see that you still like to do things your way but you’re cutting it close, don’t you think? In order for you to complete your ascension, you must first retrieve your kindred. You must do all of this before the last leaf falls. If not, all will be lost. I promise that all will be revealed soon.”

  “What do you mean ascension?”

  Sighing, the man before me says, “Come, Ashliel. We are running out of time for you to fulfill your destiny. Please trust that all will be as it should be and you and Alaric and your family will be together, and safe. Your family will provide the stability that the Realms now need. Come.” He holds out his hand for me to take. I hesitate for just a moment, and then I place my hand in his. As my fingers grasp his long, strong, slender ones, a feeling of serenity comes over me, and I realize that this sense of peace feels familiar. Like a long-ago memory, one that I cannot place.

  I look up at this handsome man, questioningly, and he smiles and says, “Now, you need to go get Alaric before he does something rash. You know, you two are very well suited to one another. I cannot wait to meet your children, Lillie and Lachlan. They will be a handful you know?”

  “How did you know their names? We only just decided a couple of days ago.” I ask as the two begin to squirm. I’m not sure if they are eager for us to be back with Alaric or if they just heard their names and are reacting to this man’s voice. Once again I try to calm them and place a hand on my belly with a heavy sigh.

  The handsome stranger laughs and then says, “They recognize my voice. How wonderful! Ashliel, these two will keep you and Alaric on your toes. I asked you if you knew what you were doing when you chose their souls to be your first born. I certainly hope you are up for the challenge. They will be tenacious in all things.”

  “What do you mean, I chose. And why do you keep calling me Ashliel? My name is Ashlinn.” I say looking at him quizzically.

  “All will be clear to you soon, my daughter. Now I need for you to retrieve Alaric so you can fulfill your destiny and ascend. Now would be good.” He says with a chuckle.

  “What do I do?”

  “Use The Tree as a portal, once there, Alaric will be waiting for you. You must be ready because his instinct will be to resist and to pull you away from what he sees as a threat. You must act quickly and pull him through the portal with you. No one else will be able to follow. Once the two of you are together, your ascension will begin. You must embrace your kindred bond and the bond you have with your children. As you do so, the majic the four of you hold will be enough to thwart The Morrígna’s hold over The Tree of Life, breaking the curse and freeing The Realms from certain disaster. With your ascension, you will gain some knowledge of the plans that were made long ago for this very moment. Ashliel, it is time for you to take your place. It is time for you both to become the god and goddess of life, you will become the Mother, Keeper of Souls and Alaric will be your Guardian of Life.”

  Once again, I wish that I could slow the events that are unfolding around me and once again I do not have that luxury. I’m pulled out of my stupor as yet another leaf falls from the Tree. I look at the man before me and realize th
at my hand is still in his and he is placing a serenity spell over me, and I calm immediately. My epiphany is late in coming when I realize that the man before me is none other than my Creator, the man holding my hand is none other than God himself.

  Chapter 2


  Now I understand why my mother misses his counsel, but I do not have time to fret. I’m wasting time, time that I don’t have as I try to assimilate everything that has been thrown at me. I take one last look at my Creator, my Overworldly Father and nod my head. Taking several deliberate steps, I approach the Tree and run my fingers over the rough silver texture and whisper, “Let’s do this.” It’s a leap of faith, right? I can’t decide if the twins are nervous or excited so I send them all my love through the bond that has been forged as I once more step into the Tree and she welcomes me. Welcomes us because I’m not alone in this journey and it only takes mere seconds to feel the familiar essence of Her as she swirls around me pulling me from The Twilight Realm and back to the sacred meadow.

  Alaric is standing next to the tree, and I reach for him as I emerge from the portal that is The Tree of Life. I grasp his arm in my hands and say, “Come! We must hurry! There is no time to spare!”

  “Ashlinn! Thank the god and goddess. You’re back…”

  “Come, there is not much time!”

  “I just got you back. No.” He shakes his head and tries to pull me away from The Tree.

  “Alaric! I need you to trust me. There is no time! She is failing, and if the last leaf falls, then all is lost. Trust me! Take my hand.” I implore. “We will all be together, in the end, you, me, and our family. Trust me! Please!” I beg.

  Indecision is written across his face, but he steps toward me and takes my hand. And through our connection, I say, “Let’s do this. Let’s put The Morrígna in their place.”

  He grasps my hand tightly in his own and nods, I step back into the Tree of Life pulling Alaric with me, the pull into the unknown takes hold, and the two of us are caught up in a turbulent transformation. Alaric pulls me into his embrace, my back to his front as he cradles us in his arms and I lean into him. The four of us connect like we did the other night. As our connection solidifies, I feel a crescendo, and Her essence swirls around us, imbuing me with her life force, and I can feel that She and I are becoming one. I can feel a merge beginning to take place as Her knowledge of the lores of the balance of life begins to assimilate within me. All the while, my kindred and our twin’s majic have started to intermingle, and the four of us are connecting on an all new level. The twin’s consciousness is that of one many years their senior, a testament that they are old souls, as they lend us their majic in order to break the hold that The Morrígna has over the Tree of Life. She succumbs to our ascension and takes a back seat as Alaric, and I embrace our new role. Her essence is no longer swirling around me but has become a part of me. I turn into Alaric’s arms in this odd in-between place, and I feel his comforting embrace as he gathers me into his muscular frame. I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief before we tackle the curse that plagues the balance of The Realms and that threatens to end the circle of life as it is meant to be.


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