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Crowns & Courtships Compilation Volume 1

Page 51

by Carol Moncado

  “Saturday,” his father confirmed. “You’ll both need to be part of finalizing details. Anabelle, Holly has provided several dresses for you to choose from.”

  “This is the ceremony with the titles?” she asked. “Does it have to be a big deal?” Hints of whine echoed Kensington’s thoughts.

  “We didn’t have a wedding, love. This is an alternative to that.” He’d explained it all once and knew she understood. That didn’t mean she liked it.

  “My family will be here?”

  “As many as are able,” he promised. “I have a feeling Isaiah will try to stop Clari and Thor, if he can.”

  They reached their apartment and separated from his parents. Inside was eerily quiet.

  “The girls must have gone to Jacqueline Grace or Astrid’s apartment.” Kensington grinned. “That means we have a few minutes alone.”

  He wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her soundly. By the time they broke the kiss, he’d gone a little weak in the knees and knew she had, too.

  Before he could kiss her again, a knock sounded on the door. Kensington gave her a quick peck then turned to open it.

  “Dr. Grady!” He grinned at the sight of the gentleman. “Won’t you come in?” Kensington stepped to the side. “Anabelle, this is Dr. Grady. He helped deliver all of us when he was younger and is now the doctor for the whole family.”

  Anabelle shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m sure you know why you’re here?”

  Dr. Grady chuckled. “Of course I do. Now, why don’t we go down to the hospital section of the palace. We can get a good look at your insides and see when we’re going to welcome another blessing into the family.”

  Anabelle gasped as cold goo from the tube hit her skin.

  Kensington sat on one side of her, his hand holding tightly to hers as the doctor applied the ultrasound wand.

  “You’re not far enough along that we definitely could hear the baby’s heartbeat,” he explained. “Because you’re not certain of your dates, which is completely understandable given the upheaval in your life, I’d like to see what we’ve got.”

  Anabelle knew her last cycle had been after Gracie went missing, but couldn’t be more definitive than that. One of her aides, or the maids who cleaned their apartment might remember better, but she wasn’t about to ask.

  That said, she knew the date of conception and had told him so. Dr. Grady said he wanted to do the ultrasound anyway.

  He pressed and moved and pressed again until the sound of a rapid heartbeat filled the room. “There we are.” Pointing to the screen, he showed them the heart, arms and legs, spine, and even the beginnings of fingers and toes.

  Tears streamed down Anabelle’s cheeks. She finally glanced up at Kensington to see tear tracks on his face as well.

  “This is incredible,” he whispered. “Our baby.”

  “Our baby,” she repeated.

  A minute later, the doctor removed the wand. “I’ve printed a couple of pictures for you. You’re just over nine weeks along. That puts your due date right around February 28, 2018.”

  “Thank you.” She took the washcloth he offered to finish wiping the goo off her stomach, though he’d gotten most of it.

  For several minutes, they talked through things she should be doing or not doing. It relieved Anabelle to hear she was already on the right track, except for the avoiding stress part, but there wasn’t much she could have done about that.

  “And everything looks good?” she asked again, just to confirm for herself.

  “Everything looks perfect. I promise.”

  “And there’s really only one in there?” Kensington asked.

  Dr. Grady laughed. “Yes. There’s only one. I looked.”

  “Good.” Kensington’s relief might have been a little exaggerated, but Anabelle was right there with him.

  After a few more instructions, Dr. Grady packed up his things. Anabelle met with Brittany who took her to a part of the palace Anabelle hadn’t explored yet. Holly waited with the dresses she’d picked for Anabelle to try.

  As soon as she saw it, Anabelle knew which dress was the one. Her wedding dress had been based on what was available to her at the time.

  This was what she would have picked given all the choices in the world, though it wasn’t an actual wedding dress since this wasn’t a wedding.

  “Pretty sure you need to coordinate with the stylist forever,” she told Holly as she stared at herself in the mirror. “This is absolutely perfect.”

  “I knew that was the one you’d want.” She could see Holly grin as she fussed with the skirt. “I’m happy to help whenever I can.”

  That this woman had been told her services wouldn’t be needed for the Games was all Anabelle really needed to know about the operation in place prior to her taking over. She was a Godsend in many ways and over-qualified for the job she’d done.

  As she stood there, Esther’s stylist helped Anabelle chose a hairstyle to go with the tiara she’d be wearing.

  A tiara!

  A real, likely irreplaceable, tiara!

  She found it very cool - and a bit intimidating.

  “You’ll be here, won’t you, Holly?”

  Her new friend smiled. “Of course. I’ll be with you while you’re getting ready, and I’ve been invited to the dinner.”

  That relieved Anabelle. “I’m so glad.” She looked around. Brittany hadn’t officially been told the news, but Anabelle thought she suspected. “And I saw the doctor a little while ago.” She reached for her iPad folder and pulled out the picture. “There’s our peanut.”

  Holly gasped. “I knew I was right! I mean, I know you said you suspected, but now we know I was right!”

  Anabelle laughed at her excitement. “Yes, you were. We’re still not going public for a while. I’m not sure when yet.”

  “No one will hear anything from me. But we need to get you changed back. I’m sure you’d like to check in with Gracie before whatever else you’ve got going on later.”

  Anabelle stepped off the platform to let Holly help her take the dress off. As she changed, she asked Brittany to find out where Gracie had been taken.

  Ever efficient, Brittany already knew. “She’s been taken back to your quarters for a nap, ma’am. I’ve also been told you’ll have special guests in a couple of hours. Caitlin and Jenny are on their way from San Mediano.”

  Anabelle clapped her hands together. “Oh, good! I’ve talked to her several times, but haven’t seen her since we found Gracie.”

  Fifteen minutes after Gracie awakened from her nap, Anabelle held her hand as they walked into the Reception Room.

  Gracie wrenched away as soon as she saw her friend. “Jenny!”

  The two girls hugged as Anabelle walked toward Caitlin. Caitlin tried to hold herself apart, but Anabelle wouldn’t let her. She hugged Caitlin who hugged her back.

  “I was so glad to hear she’s safe,” Caitlin told her as they clung together. “They took care of her?”

  “As best as they could take care of a little girl they didn’t know. They didn’t hurt her and, except for being confined, treated her well.”

  They let go of each other. Anabelle led the way to the gardens. Despite everything, Caitlin and Jenny weren’t cleared for most parts of the palace.

  “The Mommy and Me group asked when you’re coming back,” Caitlin told her. “Everyone misses you, and it doesn’t have anything to do with being married to Prince Kensington, at least not for most of them.”

  The thought made Anabelle smile. “I think I know who you mean. I’d love to come back, but we’ll have to see what our plans are. I’m not sure if we’re moving back to San Mediano or not. Even if we don’t, I may ask about stopping by when we are there.”

  “You’re always welcome, Anabelle. You, Gracie, and any other kids you might have.”

  Anabelle tried to keep the look off her face, but Caitlin just laughed. “I didn’t actually suspect anything, but I’m pretty sure yo
u just told me anyway.”

  With a shake of her head at her friend’s perceptions, Anabelle confirmed Caitlin’s suspicions then watched their girls play.

  Thank God Gracie was finally happy and acting like a normal little girl.

  Anabelle would never take that for granted ever again.


  This wasn’t a wedding.

  But it still felt like it, at least a little bit. The family photographer did a first look series of shots. Kensington nearly cried when he saw Anabelle for the first time. He wouldn’t wait at the front of the room. There were no maids of honor or groomsmen. They would walk down the aisle together in front of the small crowd.

  Of course, “small” in royal terms, wasn’t really all that small for everyone else. Nearly two hundred people filled the room.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her as they waited for the signal. He’d already told her that several times.

  “Thanks. I feel nauseated. I’m not ready for this. Yesterday was better.”

  The day before Bertrand had received his medal and award for bravery above and beyond in a private ceremony with just the family and staff. Though well outside the scope of his job description, because he was an employee, things were handled a little different.

  “You’ll be fine. I’ll be with you the whole time.”

  “I’m very glad for that.”

  The doors opened, and he took a step, having to tug just a little on Anabelle’s arm to get her to walk next to him.

  Everyone stood, watching them as they walked forward. Music played softly in the background, though it wasn’t a wedding march.

  A minister didn’t wait at the front either. Rather, the king stood there, regal in a suit and his robes, complete with the official crown on his head.

  Kensington’s mother stood off to the side, wearing a formal dress and tiara. Jacqueline Grace and Harrison stood to one side. Grandmother, Astrid, and Jordan stood on the other. Esther was still missing. There would be press reports about that for days to come.

  His father motioned for everyone to be seated then began reading off the tablet in front of him. “Insomuch as Prince Kensington and Anabelle Gregorson have proclaimed their vows before God and each other, this assembly has gathered to witness the declaration of their commitment before the people of San Majoria.”

  He read statements similar to wedding vows. First Kensington then Anabelle said “I do” to the commitments they already made.

  “At this time, Kensington would like to say a few words.”

  They turned to look at each other. Kensington took her left hand in his. “Anabelle, circumstances conspired against giving me the opportunity to present you with a token of my devotion before our wedding. I’m almost glad I didn’t, because this isn’t what I would have chosen then.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring, positioning it on his pointer finger so she could see it. “When my mother showed me some of the rings I could choose from, I knew immediately this was the one. I remember my great-aunt wearing it when I was a child. My great-uncle, my grandfather’s younger brother, commissioned it for their fiftieth wedding anniversary. She was from Iceland, and this ring is Icelandic obsidian paired with Eyjanian rubies. I knew it was meant to be yours.”

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. “Perfect.”

  He slid it onto her finger. “With this ring, I signify that I choose you, Anabelle Gregorson, to be my wife, to be at your side for as long as we live.”

  Kensington’s father took over again. “With that declaration, I decree you are no longer Anabelle Gregorson, but Princess Anabelle of the Cordovan dynasty, Duchess of Pennington, Countess of Caromache, and Baroness of Navarricia. Your daughter, formerly Grace Gregorson, shall henceforth be known as Duchess Grace of Runcimache. For now and eternity, let it be so!”

  The crowd replied. “Let it be so!”

  Kensington tucked Anabelle’s hand back in his elbow and led her off to the side in front of Jacqueline Grace and Harrison for the next portion of the ceremony.

  “Annabella Thorbjørnsdóttir, please present yourself to the crown!” his father called.

  Amma rose as his father pulled his sword from the scabbard and used it to point to a kneeling bench that had been placed in front of him.

  Kensington dropped Anabelle’s hand as he and Jordan moved to Amma’s side to help her. Though not as frail as many women her age, kneeling and rising could be a little bit of an issue.

  When she didn’t seem to need their help, they waited a couple steps back.

  “For service to the crown, far above and beyond the call of duty, for caring for Duchess Grace of Runcimache in the face of great adversity, it is my honor to award you the Order of Michael. The Archangel Michael is believed by some to be the protector of those who work in emergency services - police, firefighters, paramedics - as well as military personnel.”

  Kensington picked up the ribbon with the order affixed to it and fastened it around Amma’s neck as his father went on.

  “Their training prepares them to protect others as Michael is believed to protect them. You were not trained as they are, yet you took that role willingly, protecting Duchess Grace even when you had the chance to leave.”

  He lifted the sword and rested it on her right shoulder. “For your service to the crown, I create thee Dame Annabella of the Order of Michael.” The king switched the sword to the others side. “For now and eternity, let it be so!”

  “Let it be so!” Kensington and the others gathered in the room replied.

  He and Jordan stepped forward to take Amma by the elbows and help her to her feet. Jordan wore the same Order of Michael on his left chest after rescuing Sofia from drowning the fall before. Jordan’s best friend and brother-in-law had received it at the same time.

  The room filled with applause as Amma stood, then curtsied to the king. He inclined his head, and she returned to her seat.

  Kensington offered Anabelle his arm then held out a hand to Gracie, and the three of them walked back up the aisle first, followed by Amma and Afi.

  He led them off to the side, a small room where no one would see them. With Gracie in one arm, he pulled Anabelle closer with the other and kissed her softly.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  She smiled up at him. “What’s that?”

  “A week in Athmetis. Gracie and Elise are going with us so she’s not here alone, but mostly, it will be just you and me whenever we want.”

  Her grin widened. “I love that idea. Thank you.”

  That was the segue Kensington needed. “I love you.”

  It was the first time he’d said it, though he hoped he’d shown it in more ways than she could count.

  “I love you, too, Kenny.” She leaned up to kiss him.

  She had shown him day after day, time after time, that she loved him. He’d never doubted it, but he did enjoy hearing the words.

  In a minute, they’d have to leave this shelter, a space with just his little family, but for now, this was perfect.

  “It’s official.” He stared down into her shimmering eyes. “It might have been inadvertent at first, but now it’s official. For now, and all eternity, you are my princess, love.”

  Anabelle smiled back up at him. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  A Royally Beautiful Mess

  Author’s Note

  A Royally Beautiful Mess begins in March 2017, then picks up in September 2017. This covers approximately the same timeline as Glimpsing Hope and the beginning of Reclaiming Hearts. If you have not read those books, there may be some spoilers contained in these pages.

  I appreciate all of you!

  Carol Moncado


  March 2017

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Esther Miriam Victoria Jasmine, Princess of San Majoria, stared at herself in the mirror, specifically at her hands splayed against her lower abdomen. Somewhere beneath them a small life had alread
y begun.

  She had to deal with the consequences of her choices. The choices that began with her desire to remain anonymous at a private resort in Islas del Sargasso a month earlier.

  Innocent flirtation with a handsome foreigner about her age led to heated kisses and four days when she ignored the niggling voices in the back of her head that her actions would cause reactions.

  This one had come a bit out of the blue, though.

  When ignoring potential outcomes during those days holed up in a secluded hut, pregnant had never crossed Esther’s mind.

  What was done was done, and now she had to deal with the fall out.

  She hadn’t even known who he really was. He’d used the nickname Dare, which she’d found amusing given it was also the nickname of her brother-in-law’s best friend. Canadian Dare was handsome in that older brother, crazy hair, hockey player sort of way.

  This Dare, the one she’d thrown her future out the window for, defined cute in a way she found far more desirable.

  If only she’d realized why he looked familiar before she found a business card he’d dropped.

  The morning after he left.

  When she woke up alone, abandoned, and loathing herself for everything that had happened in the days prior.

  Upon seeing his name, in black script on a white card laying halfway under the side table, Esther had bolted to the bathroom and heaved for five minutes straight.

  A quick knock sounded on her door seconds before it opened. “Your father will see you now, miss.”

  “Thank you.”

  A month in Eyjania, avoiding everyone and everything, even her older brother Kensington who was also staying at Aberswythe Hall, and it boiled down to this.

  Her father had come to visit for some reason she didn’t understand, but she couldn’t wait any longer to tell him the truth.

  Footsteps echoed through the empty halls as she approached her father’s office. No one waited in the outer area. His door was cracked open, so she went in.


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