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Crowns & Courtships Compilation Volume 1

Page 67

by Carol Moncado

  That wouldn’t be an issue. They’d either hire a private jet or have her father’s come get them.

  Abi started for the door. “If you stay here and need somewhere to go, my in-laws have an open-door policy for Thanksgiving. They like an RSVP, but it’s not actually necessary.”

  Esther smiled at her. “Thank you for the invitation. I’ll let you know.”

  Darius got to his feet and used his crutches to walk Abi to the door.

  Esther flipped the footrest down and slowly stood. Too fast and she’d wobble. When she reached the kitchen, she sat in the chair Darius had vacated and reached for one of the cookies sitting on a tray on the island.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as she savored the taste. “This is so good,” she muttered around the bite.

  “I haven’t tried one yet,” Darius admitted as he came back in.

  “I have to limit myself to one for now. My stomach isn’t ready for more.”

  “How about some soup? Vesta texted from next door and said she’s got some homemade chicken noodle soup in progress for later if you want some.”

  “That sounds delicious.”

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Vesta back.

  “I don’t think I can handle sitting here much longer, though.” She slid off the barstool and made her way back to the recliner. Once it was positioned, she pulled the blanket over her. “What do you think we should do over the break? I want to try to go to classes on Monday and Tuesday, even if that’s about all the energy I’ll have. Then we’re off for the rest of the week.”

  “What do you think about visiting San Majoria? Even if we don’t leave the palace, your siblings will probably find out about me this time.”

  Esther thought about that as her eyes grew heavy under the warmth of the blanket. “I think I’m okay with that now. Things weren’t great between us last time we were there. Now they are.”

  “Do we tell them how long we’ve been together?”

  “I don’t think so. Just let them believe whatever they want about that. Maybe someday when we tell the public, but not yet.”

  He checked his phone again. “Vesta said it’ll be about an hour before she gets the soup over here. Why don’t you get some rest?” He popped another snickerdoodle in his mouth. “And these are amazing.”

  “I know. That’s why I asked her for some.” Resting so much didn’t come easily for Esther, though she wasn’t exceptionally active either. But doing nothing definitely wasn’t her norm. Usually, she’d be reading or something, but she couldn’t focus enough to do anything but sleep, sip some broth, and doze off. Her conversation with Abi was the longest she’d had with anyone in a week except Samantha and Vince.

  The next time she opened her eyes, Vesta was in the kitchen. She also exclaimed over the cookies before bringing Esther a lap desk with a bowl of soup on it.

  “You look much better, Miss Esther.” Vesta set a spoon on the tray. “Still more peaked than I wish, but definitely the best I’ve seen you in a while.”

  “I’m feeling better, too.” She took a small bite of the soup. “And this is even better than the cookies.”

  “That’s because I made it myself. With love.” She winked at Esther. “That’s the secret, you know.”

  Esther tried to laugh but sounded like a dying seal. “So you’ve said.”

  After she ate, Esther went back upstairs. Darius went with her, helping her into the garden tub to soak away her sore muscles some more. He also helped her climb back out a while later, helped her dry off, and helped her slip into a soft pair of pajama pants and his favorite shirt.

  “Thanks,” she told him as she sat back down on the bed.

  “It’s my job, remember.” He kissed her forehead. “I am looking forward to you being completely well so I can kiss you for real.”

  Until he said something, she hadn’t realized how much she missed his kisses. “If my fever really broke, then I’m no longer contagious.”

  He held the covers as she swung her legs up, then pulled the blankets up to her shoulders. “Why don’t we wait until morning to make sure? Even though we’ve been in proximity, I don’t want to risk getting the flu any more than I already have.”

  She smiled at him to let him know she understood. “I’m going to take a nap. Will you talk to my father about next weekend?”

  He didn’t want to, she could tell that much, but he nodded. “Of course.”

  With that she fell asleep, wondering how she was going to explain all of this to her overprotective big brother.


  One of the benefits of flying in a private jet was the lack of random people you ran into. There would be no pictures of Darius and Esther walking through the Cabo Juan-Eduardo terminal together.

  Instead, the chartered plane taxied to a private hanger, and they disembarked inside after dark on Tuesday night. Esther had slept most of the way. Darius could walk without the crutches, at least for short distances, as long as he wore shoes with plenty of ankle support.

  The palace would be a challenge, but Esther promised that once they reached her apartment, they wouldn’t have to go far until time to leave. Just to her parents’ apartment upstairs, but that was it.

  No one waited for them when they arrived at the palace. Darius decided it was probably better that way. They were supposed to have breakfast with whichever family members were around. He knew Jacqueline Grace and Harrison still lived in the palace full time, but Astrid and Kensington, and their families, only visited occasionally.

  At least he could kiss Esther again, though neither one of them were well enough for anything more than slightly-not-quite-chaste kisses. She still tired very easily and slept longer than usual. Darius was finally losing the soreness that had come from the accident.

  But climbing the stairs toward the family’s living quarters might change that. He’d brought his crutches for just this reason.

  “This way.” Esther led him down a smaller hallway. “We’re not supposed to use this hardly ever. I think Astrid did after the baby was born. I’m not sure the last time I did.”

  He still didn’t know what she was talking about until she pressed a button on the wall.

  “An elevator?”

  “It was put in a long time ago, but my grandfather - or was it my great-grandfather? - insisted it only be used by someone who really needs it. Able bodied royals shouldn’t take an elevator in their own home.” She arched an eyebrow at him as the door slid open. “You, sir, are not currently able-bodied.”

  As she leaned against the wall inside, Darius would argue that she wasn’t currently able-bodied either.

  They exited in an area Darius didn’t recognize, but after just a couple of turns, they were in the hallway with the apartments used by her siblings.

  As they neared her door, one of the doors near the end opened. Her older brother stopped in his tracks.

  Esther opened the door to her apartment and turned back to Darius. “Go on inside. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Darius nodded and hobbled his way through the open door, but he didn’t use his crutches or go very far inside.

  “Esther.” Kensington’s voice drifted through the door, confusion coloring his words. “I didn’t know you were coming home.”

  “For a few days. School is out for American Thanksgiving.”

  If her siblings didn’t know she was attending University in the States, they did now.

  “Is that why Father asked us all to come stay here for a couple days?”

  “Maybe. I saw him and Mother about a week and a half ago. I decided to come home for the break.”

  “Where did you see them?”

  “I was in a car accident. I’m fine. Just banged up and had the flu at the same time.”

  “Who’s with you?”

  Esther didn’t answer immediately.

  “Does Father know there’s a man in your apartment?”


  “And he’s okay with this?�

  “Yes.” Esther sounded more defensive, and Darius could imagine her with her arms crossed over her chest. “Now, I’m exhausted. I’m not over the flu completely yet, and I want to get some rest.”

  “Papa knows?” Kensington’s skepticism wasn’t going to go away so easily.

  “Yes. Good night. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  The breakfast where Darius would be introduced as the newest member of the family.

  Esther came through the door and closed it behind her. “You heard?”

  Darius nodded. “You handled it fine.”

  “I was hoping we wouldn’t see any of them until morning. Kensington is probably already talking to my father. Word will be around before breakfast that I have a man in my quarters with me. Surprise would have been better.”

  As she talked, he followed her into her bedroom. None of their things had been brought in, and likely wouldn’t be until morning. Except for clothes, they’d taken care of getting ready for bed while on the plane. There were enough staff around to take their things to Esther’s apartment, but she’d insisted all they would want to do was go to sleep. Everything else could be handled in the morning. At least he’d left the purchases from the last visit in her closet.

  But his ankle ached like it hadn’t in days. He sank to the bed. “Esther, I know you don’t feel great still, but could you get me a pair of shorts or pajama pants from the closet?”

  She whipped around then grabbed the door frame to steady herself. “Your ankle?”

  “It’s fine, just aches a lot right now.” Bad enough he was considering prescription pain medication.

  “I’ll get them.”

  “Take your time. I can wait until you change.” He didn’t want her making more than one trip back and forth.

  Meantime, he stripped his shirt off and debated unclothing further, but decided to save his energy and do it all at once. He started to lay back on the bed, but sitting back up would be too much, so he just slouched in place with his eyes closed.

  “Are you all right?”

  He looked up to see Esther walking out of the closet with his pants in her hand. “I’ve overdone it the last few days.” He rubbed a hand on his chest. “The seatbelt bruises are going away, and my ankle does feel better overall, but I think I tweaked it a little bit at school today, even with the boots and wrap on.”

  She tossed his pants on the bed. “Let me have your foot.”

  He didn’t understand, but held up his good foot.

  Esther rolled her eyes and untied the boot before yanking it off. “I meant the other one.”

  Darius managed a smile and lifted it up. She moved much more gently this time, unlacing the top of the boot and carefully tugging it off. “I’ll get some ice.”

  Despite her care, his ankle throbbed as he lowered his foot back down. Something else caught his eye.

  He rested his hands on her hips and urged her a little closer. “Do I detect a little bit of a belly?”

  Esther grinned and turned sideways, running her hand over her stomach, until her shirt was pulled taut, accentuating the small rise. “Just a little. It’s still easy enough to cover up. I can wear my normal clothes.” She moved to face him, her hands on his shoulders as he covered the bump with his hands. “I’d rather not tell my family this weekend if we can avoid it. I doubt I’ll be able to hide it by Christmas, but that’s a month away.”

  “Deal. We’ll tell them all together at Christmas.”

  She leaned down and gave him a kiss he wished could lead to more, but couldn’t.

  “Forget the ice. I’ll prop it up. Get some rest,” he murmured against her lips. “Morning will be here before we know it.”

  Morning came far too soon, especially given how restless Esther was as she tried to sleep. Not all members of her family would take this news well.

  Harrison would sincerely congratulate her and move on with his life. The rest of her siblings would be more reserved, offering congratulations but not necessarily meaning it until they worked it all out themselves.

  A light knock on the door to her bedroom told her it was time to face the day. She made sure the sheet was pulled up over Darius’s torso then called for the person to come in.

  Brittany, her long-time assistant who had moved on to work with Anabelle, came in. “Good morning, ma’am.” Questions crossed her face, but she didn’t say anything as she recognized someone else was in the bed with Esther. “I’ve got your bag.”

  Since they were only coming for a few days, and Esther didn’t need to bring much, there was only one, filled mostly with Darius’s things.

  “Just put it in the closet. I’ll handle it from there. Thank you.”

  Brittany pushed it through the room and into the closet. “It’s good to see you.”

  Esther gave her a small smile. “You, too. Thank you.”

  As she left, Brittany closed the door behind her.

  “Who was that?” Darius’s sleepy voice made her smile.

  “My former assistant bringing the suitcase.”

  “Then I guess it’s time to get up and ready to face the inquisition.”

  Esther laid back down and rolled onto her side. “We have a few minutes, but not many. And it won’t be that bad.”

  “It could be that bad.” He still hadn’t opened his eyes.

  A small laugh escaped. “It might not be a lot of fun, but it won’t be that bad.”

  They laid there for a few more minutes before Esther had to go to the bathroom. By the time she made it back to the closet, Darius had lifted the suitcase onto the dresser/island in the middle and opened it. Esther chose a pair of leggings with a flowing tunic to wear over the top.

  She stood in front of the mirror and turned sideways. “Can you tell?”

  Darius stopped buttoning his shirt to look her up and down. “I feel like I can see it, but I also know it’s there, and I want to see it. I don’t think anyone else would notice.”


  She decided on sandals, but it took her a few minutes to pick the right pair, and by the time she had them fastened, Darius was ready to go.

  “How’s your ankle?” she asked as they walked toward the hallway.

  “Feels better, but I should take it easy today.”

  “I’m thinking breakfast with my family followed by a movie marathon in bed sounds like the perfect day.”

  Darius grinned. “But could we agree on movies?”

  “We can alternate, but we can also veto anything we truly detest.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Blessedly, the hallway was empty. She chose the fastest way to her parents’ apartment rather than the formal, official way. The dining room where they were eating was closer to the small staircase anyway.

  “Are you ready for this?” she whispered as they approached the door.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” It sounded like he was trying to force his voice to remain light.

  She opened the door and could hear the laughter coming from her family just a bit down the hall.

  It stopped when she and Darius walked in.

  “There you are!” Her mother’s exclamation sounded genuinely happy. Maybe it would rub off on the rest of them.

  “Here we are.” Esther gave her mother a hug before turning to curtsy to her father then accept his kiss on her cheek along with a small hug.

  She turned in time to see Darius bowing slightly to her father. “Good morning, sir.”

  Her father acknowledged him with a nod. “Esther, would you like to introduce everyone?”

  “Prince Darius?” Anabelle took care of it for her, though her confusion seemed to be even greater than everyone else’s, maybe because she knew who the mystery man was?

  Esther turned back to the room at large. “Yes. Everyone, this is Prince Darius of the Quatremaine Dynasty in Eyjania.” She took a deep breath. “And my husband.”

  Stunned silence met her pronouncement.

  “Oh please!” Her
mother’s explanation. “Jordan and Anabelle’s response can be excused, but I know I taught my children that there are much better ways to react to any announcement than stunned silence. Assess the situation quickly, decide the appropriate response, and make it.” She glared at the rest of those assembled. “Why don’t you try it? Esther, would you share your wonderful news again?”

  Esther had never seen her mother like this when she wasn’t on the receiving end. It was kind of nice to see it directed at someone else. At least until her mother gave her the side-eye. She took a deep breath. “Everyone, this is my husband, Prince Darius of Eyjania.”

  This time congratulations came from around the room, though most of them sounded forced.

  Harrison didn’t join, but glared at her. “Is this why you didn’t show up for my school graduation last May?”

  Esther sighed. “There’s a lot more to it than that, Harrison, but yes, in part. We aren’t going to go into all the details, but let’s just say there were reasons for this to be kept quiet for the moment. An agreement between Father and King Benjamin that included many other facets that not even Darius and I are completely privy too.”

  Kensington crossed his arms in front of him. “This is how you got Isaiah off our backs when I married Anabelle, isn’t it? You offered Esther as a sacrificial lamb?”

  “It wasn’t like that,” Esther protested. “The timing might be right, but that wasn’t why I married Darius.”

  “Then why...”

  “Enough.” Her father’s command was enough to make Kensington stop. “The agreement between myself and Benjamin is not up for debate. I won’t pretend to understand Benjamin’s reasoning for anything he does, but my decisions regarding my family are made with my children’s interest in mind first and foremost, and my country’s second. Most of the time those interests line up. Occasionally, they don’t. What happens then varies on a case by case basis.”

  He stared down Kensington. “In this particular case, someone forced my hand by making a decision without consulting me first. However, even without that, this marriage still would have happened, though the timing might have been different. If you would like to call into question my decisions, I recommend you do so in another time and place without an audience of any kind. Do I make myself clear?”


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