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Snow Melts in Spring

Page 20

by Vogts, Deborah

  “I guess this is his season. His time to heal.”

  Mattie considered his statement, which sounded biblical. Maybe this would be Gil’s time to heal, as well. “You read the Bible, Jake?”

  The ranch hand spit a stream of tobacco to the ground. “I dabble in it at night,” he said, then helped her feed and care for the animals.

  When the chores were done, Mattie turned Dusty into the round pen behind the barn. She was studying his progress as he pranced around on the soft dirt when Jake hollered to her from the barn.

  “Dr. Evans, you’re not going to believe this. You’d best come quick.”

  She tossed her lead rope to the ground and took off at a run.

  What now?


  “WHOO-WEE, I CAN’T BELIEVE MY EYES. NOBODY MENTIONED YOU were coming to Kansas,” Jake exclaimed, and Mattie watched him twirl Jenna around like a ballerina.

  “I hardly recognized you.” He whistled between his teeth. “How long’s it been?”

  “Since I was in high school.” Jenna giggled, then waved to Mattie.

  Mattie had never seen her sister with short hair. Her dark tresses no longer hung sleek down her back, but curled slightly at the shoulder, more suitable for the career woman she’d become. Dressed in a button-up shirt and capris, Jenna looked thin, but not nearly as wiry as Mattie remembered.

  “You’ve been gone too long, that’s for sure.” Mattie walked up to her sister and gave her a welcoming hug.

  “It’s so nice of John to let you stay here.”

  Mattie stepped away from the embrace. “If it hadn’t been for him and Gil, I don’t know where I’d be now.”

  Jenna’s white teeth glistened behind a coral smile. “Gil’s here? Last I heard, he lived in California and played for the 49ers.” She seemed thrilled at the aspect of seeing him. Of course, she would be. They were old friends . . . classmates, even.

  “He’ll be back later this morning.” Mattie glanced at Jake, wondering whether to drop the heavy news on her sister’s homecoming. “We’ve actually had a bit of excitement around here.”

  Jenna raised her eyebrows in expectation. “From what I remember about the McCray household, excitement grows on the trees. Isn’t that right, Jake?”

  “The only difference is, now our excitement comes from waking up to another day.” He kicked his boot against the barn’s dirt floor.

  “You’re not that old.” Mattie smiled at the ranch hand’s awkwardness. “John had an attack last night,” she told Jenna. “They took him to Wichita for heart tests, so we’re all a bit out of sorts this morning. But don’t worry, he’s okay.”

  “Sounds like you and Jake could use a coffee break.” Her sister linked her arm through Mattie’s. “Is Mildred here? I want to show her some pictures of her grandkids. Phyllis will tan my hide if I forget to give them to her.”

  “You stay in touch with Mildred’s daughter?”

  “She keeps me updated about this dull little town. Never told me about Gil being back, though, so I’ll have to give her a hard time about that.” She chuckled.

  Half an hour later, the four of them sat around Mildred’s table looking at pictures and sipping coffee.

  “I know Phyllis has told me, but what is it you do in Texas?” Mildred passed a plate of cinnamon rolls around the table.

  Jenna took one and peeled a piece off. “I’m a legal aid to an oil producer. A grueling job, believe me.”

  “I’m surprised they gave you time off.” Mattie winked at Jake. “The way Mom talks, the company keeps you busy all hours of the day.”

  Jenna shrugged. “I enjoy the work, plus I’ve met some interesting people. You wouldn’t believe the sort of men who wear suits down there.”

  Mattie raised an eyebrow. “Anything you care to share?”

  “Just odd ducks, you know? That’s one reason they gave me time off, so I could investigate a business deal up here.”

  “What kind of business?” Jake asked.

  Jenna glanced at the back porch. “The kind of business that hides its money,” she said with an offhanded smirk that curved into a brilliant smile as the kitchen door screeched open.

  “Welcome home, Gil.” Jenna leaned back slightly and circled a fingertip around the brim of her coffee cup. “Surprised to see me?”

  GIL STARED AT THE WOMAN BESIDE MATTIE. “JENNA?” AFTER MORE than twenty years, he strained to see the carefree girl he knew inside the polished businesswoman before him.

  “What’s the matter? Don’t you recognize me?” She pursed her lips into a sultry pout and rose from the table. When Jenna reached for his hand, he allowed her to pull him to the empty chair next to hers. “Didn’t Mattie tell you I was coming?” She gave Mattie a simpering look.

  Gil brushed the hair from his forehead. It had been hard enough on his nerves to see his father in the hospital. Now he had to deal with Jenna? He rubbed his temple, his eyes raw from lack of sleep. What he wanted most was a few minutes to hold Mattie in his arms. Then about ten hours of sleep. He sat down at the table, directly across from Mattie.

  “How is John? Has he been able to rest this morning?” Mattie asked.

  Gil scratched the stubble on his chin and realized he needed a shave. “When I left the hospital, he was dozing. ’Course, when the nurses run in and out every twenty minutes, it’s hard for anyone to get much rest.”

  “Speaking of rest, you look beat.” Mildred got up to pour him a cup of coffee.

  He stopped her before she went further. “If I drink any more caffeine, I’ll be too wired to sleep.”

  Jake scooted from the table, looking perturbed. “Jenna was telling us about some business deal she’s to take care of while here. Sounds like a tax deduction, if you ask me.”

  “Looking to do some investing?” Gil asked.

  Jenna stirred sugar into her coffee. “Investments, deductions, whatever you want to call them. When my boss learned I was coming to the Flint Hills, he asked me to dig around and see if there was any land for sale.”

  “Don’t tell me you work for one of those companies?” Mattie’s eyes narrowed and her face blazed. “That’s how Dad lost our ranch. How can you betray us by doing the work for such thieves, who prey on decent people struggling to keep their land?”

  Jenna glanced from Gil to Mattie. “Don’t get all worked up, little sis. What happened to Dad wasn’t a bad thing. He and Mom are happy in the city. Now they don’t have to worry about all the stuff that goes with ranching.”

  Mattie slammed her cup against the table and sloshed coffee on her napkin. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Do you work for the company that bought their land?”

  “No.” Jenna picked at her cinnamon roll.

  “But you do the same thing?”

  “Face it, sis. There’s money to be made in these hills. And ranching provides these companies a huge tax break.” Jenna ignored Mattie’s fury and turned to Gil. “How long has your dad been ill? Phyllis told me he had a heart attack in December. Is he still as stubborn as he used to be?”

  Gil recognized the smooth voice of deception. What was Jenna up to?

  He cleared his throat and stood. “Jenna, why don’t you come outside with me? I’d like to have a few words with you . . . alone.” He gave Mattie a reassuring nod and hoped she wouldn’t be upset with him for speaking to Jenna in private. There were things he wasn’t prepared to share with the doc just yet.

  Gil opened the front door for Jenna and followed her to the veranda where they settled in the wrought iron chairs. “Let’s cut to the chase. Are you here to try to persuade my father to sell his land?”

  Jenna didn’t flinch but reached for his hand. “It’s good to see you again, Gil. When Mattie told me you were in town, I nearly melted to the ground.”

  “Do you think you’ll get to him through me? I’m afraid you’re out of luck with that approach.”

  She pouted. “I remember a time when you weren’t so insensitive, when you actually enjoyed —
no, preferred — my company.”

  He pulled his hand away and met her gaze head-on. “That was a mistake we both paid for.”

  “What about my little sister? It’s weird to see her here . . . and living in the cabin where Frank and I used to meet. Talk about coincidences.”

  Did Jenna have no pride, no sense of remorse? Gil stared at his boots. How could he have fallen for a woman like this — a woman so unlike Mattie? The differences between the two were like amateur wrestling compared to professional football.

  “You’re not so gruff with my little sister, are you?” She combed her fingers through her hair and raised it off the nape of her neck. “I heard the softness in her voice when she mentioned your name. And when you walked into the kitchen, her face lit up like a nighttime arena with you the star cowboy. I hope you don’t plan to break her heart like you broke mine.”

  To hear her talk about Mattie made Gil’s temper burn. He struggled back on course. “You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone in this county who will agree to sell to another outside corporation. There’s been enough land eaten up that way.”

  “Not even your dad? With him in the hospital, I’d think you’d jump at the chance to sell this property so you don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  “Enjoy your stay, Jenna.” Gil forced the words from his mouth. “But don’t make trouble where trouble’s not wanted — not for my dad, and not for me and Mattie.”

  Jenna tipped her head, and her laughter rose to the ceiling. “You’re too much, Gil. What’s the matter? Afraid I’ll ruin your little courtship? Let Mattie in on our little secret? I’m guessing my sister doesn’t have a clue about our relationship, does she?”

  “If she learns you’re after the McCray land, she’ll never forgive you. She’s angry enough the way it is.”

  The screen door banged shut, and Mattie positioned herself at Gil’s chair. “Who’s angry, and about what?” She placed a hand on his shoulder, but he noted the edge in her voice and wondered how much she’d heard.

  Jenna crossed her feet, her polished toes peeking out from her brown leather sandals. “Gil and I were discussing John’s poor health, and how it might be wise for him to sell this ranch. My boss is prepared to pay top dollar for a spread like the Lightning M.”

  Her gaze riveted on Gil’s and defied him to challenge her. “If you have any sense at all, you’ll talk to your dad about our offer . . . or I can do it, when he gets home.”

  Mattie’s nails bit into his shoulder. “I’ve always known you to take risks, Jenna, but you’ve got some nerve to upset this household while John’s in the hospital.” She stared at Gil, her eyes flashing. “And what about you? Are you actually considering her offer?”

  Gil shot a warning glance at Jenna, fearing her next words.

  “I guess that’s my answer,” Mattie said when he didn’t respond. She stormed down the porch steps.

  “Mattie, wait — ” Gil warred with going after her or staying to diffuse the bomb sitting next to him. He chose the bomb. “You like to wreck havoc, don’t you, Jenna?”

  “In a sense, I’m just protecting my dear sister, Gil . . . from you.”

  “Mattie doesn’t need your protection.”

  “You sure she isn’t a pawn in one of your sordid games? You’re good at that, you know.” She slipped her foot from its sandal and rubbed it languidly against his jeans. “Do you and your dad still fight like you used to?”

  Jenna liked playing cat and mouse. He wanted to take her phony smile and toss it like a football.

  “Listen, I know my little sis,” Jenna went on. “She sees the best in people, even when it’s not there. You and I live in the real world. We know the stakes.”

  “What are you talking about?” It seemed Jenna still thrived on mind games, but this time, he’d have none of it. He stood to get away from her touch. “I’m going to see if I can straighten this out. I’d appreciate it if you’d keep the past to yourself. Telling Mattie will only hurt both our relationships.”

  “You haven’t told her, then? Bad move, Gil.”

  He pointed his finger in her face. “I’ll tell her when the time is right. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your mouth closed.”



  How could Jenna do this?

  And Gil — would he really try to convince his father to sell? She considered their conversations in the past when Gil mentioned this very thing. But she thought he’d changed . . .

  “We need to talk.” Gil strode toward her in the barn.

  Mattie grabbed a bridle from the hook on the wall. “I can’t believe my sister’s doing this. How can you even consider going along with her suggestion? I thought you cared for me.” She placed the curb bit in Tulip’s mouth and pulled the headpiece over the mare’s ears.

  Gil rubbed his jaw. “I do care for you, but it’s not my decision to make.”

  “You said yourself, you wondered if your dad could handle ranch work anymore. His attack last night gives you the perfect excuse to take action.” She handed the reins to Gil so she could retrieve Dusty from the round pen. “I almost wonder if you and Jenna didn’t plan this entire scenario.”

  “Don’t be stupid. That’s ridiculous and you know it.” He followed her outside.

  She noted the tired lines on Gil’s face and regretted her words. “Even if you weren’t involved, it’s obvious Jenna had this planned from the start. She admitted she knew about John’s health problems. I’d guess that’s why she agreed to attend our cousin’s wedding. It sure wasn’t because they were close.”

  Mattie opened the gate and guided the woven halter over Dusty’s nose, careful of his healing wounds. “She probably had ulterior motives for coming to visit me too.” That Jenna used her in such a way irked Mattie to no end.

  Gil dropped Tulip’s reins to the ground and came to Mattie’s side. He clutched her elbow and urged her to look at him. “Your sister’s been gone a long time. I’m sure she misses you.”

  Mattie broke from Gil’s grasp and snapped the lead rope to Dusty’s halter. She led the chestnut gelding to where Tulip waited. “If that’s true, she has a funny way of showing it.”

  “Where are you going?” Gil turned to her, his wide shoulders slumped.

  With reins in hand, Mattie hiked her foot into the stirrup and swung her leg over the saddle. Jenna would likely think it rude of Mattie to leave, but right now, she didn’t care about propriety. And she refused to be burdened with what Gil may or may not be thinking. “Horses I understand. But you and Jenna are too complicated for my simple mind. If you’re here when I get back, okay. If not, okay.”

  Not wanting to give Gil a chance to reply, Mattie clicked Tulip into a walk and brushed past him with Dusty trailing behind.

  She didn’t glance back. No way would she turn and look at him. It made her heart ache to leave with their relationship in such a mess, but to continue this conversation would only end in one of them saying something they’d regret.

  As she headed for the pasture her willpower caved, and she peered over her shoulder. Her breath caught in her throat.

  Gil had already left.

  GIL WALKED TO THE HOUSE AND NOTICED JENNA’S RENTAL NO LONGER parked outside the barn. “She didn’t stick around long,” he said under his breath, then rubbed Hank behind the ears and whistled for the beagle to follow. The old dog had taken to the pup about the same way Gil had taken to Mattie.

  He prayed the ride in the pasture would cool the doc down so that when she returned they could talk. Jenna’s visit had stirred up a nest of bees worse than any he’d seen in a hayfield, and although he knew better, a part of him saw the logic in exploring the woman’s offer on the ranch. After all, his dad just had another attack. What future could the Lightning M hold for the man in his current state of health?

  Gil rubbed the muscles in his neck, the tension in his shoulders as tight as a cord. He needed
sleep. Then he might be able to think clearly and deal with Mattie’s temper. As he neared the house, he met Jake coming out.

  “I take it Jenna left?” Gil asked.

  “Yep, took off in that fancy sports car.” The ranch hand stuffed a wad of tobacco in his mouth. “Said she had folks to visit in town. Told me to tell Mattie good-bye. That she’d call her later.”

  At least Jenna hadn’t disregarded her sister’s feelings. Gil hoped she wasn’t using Mattie and wondered if their relationship was anything like his and Frank’s had been. “What do you think about Jenna’s business here?”

  Jake’s eyes narrowed. “You mean about her wanting to buy the McCray land?”

  Gil nodded at the keen observation.

  “I’m not a property owner. Never have been. But I’ve worked your father’s ranch since you and Frank were this high.” He gestured to his hip. “I can’t imagine someone else owning this land, and I don’t want to try. Guess if that’s coming, your dad may as well scoot over so I can join him on that hospital bed.”

  “Think it’d kill you both, huh?” Gil half joked.

  Jake chewed on the tobacco. “You’re a smart man — all grown up with the wisdom of your parents tucked inside you. Take away a man’s dream, and you take his life from him.”

  Gil didn’t respond but walked slowly to the house, Jake’s words gnawing on his conscience.

  AFTER A SHORT NAP, GIL SAT AT THE KITCHEN TABLE WITH A PLATE of Mildred’s stew and two steaming biscuits slathered with butter and elderberry jelly. A packed suitcase waited at the door with clothes for him and his dad. He hoped to talk with Mattie before he left for the hospital, but so far, she hadn’t returned.

  As though sensing his thoughts, Mildred stared out the kitchen window. “I wonder if Mattie’s all right. Hope she didn’t have trouble with those horses.”


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