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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bodyguards of Pleasure [Pleasure, Montana 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “How about calling your sister and having her meet us in, say, an hour?”

  She smiled. “I’d love to see her. You don’t think she’ll be in more danger being with me, do you?”

  He shook his head. “I have a plan.”

  “Which is?”

  He glanced over at her. “How about you let me do my job, baby?” He smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep everyone safe.”

  She almost moaned at his wonderfully warm words. Gavin was almost too perfect. His every action took into consideration what worked for her. Family was important to him, and he knew she felt the same way.

  Chapter Six

  While Gavin spoke with the sheriff, Brooke chatted with Connie. According to her, the Bozeman police hadn’t contacted either Tom or Justin about the murder. That implied they didn’t know anything, which sucked. Part of her wanted to get back to her normal life, while the sexually dormant part wanted to be around Gavin and Riley a little longer.

  “It’s odd,” Connie said. “We’ve always cooperated with Bozeman.”

  Brooke shrugged. “Maybe they’re working on gathering clues. If the victim was a mule, the cops might not think the murder requires their urgent attention. Or else, they want to proceed with the utmost caution, fearing retribution. The more people involved, the more likely there is to be a leak.”

  “You go, girl. Are those your words or Gavin’s?”

  She chuckled. “Maybe a little of both.”

  Justin’s phone rang, and Brooke swiveled around. Both men were in Justin’s glass-enclosed office, so she couldn’t hear what they were discussing. She watched his facial expression in case he gave something away. Justin nodded, pulled a pad of paper close to him, and scribbled something down. He disconnected and spoke with Gavin. Hopefully, Mr. Closed Lips would share the intel with her.

  Half an hour later, both men came out, and Gavin shook his cousin’s hand. She’d seen Gavin on the phone, too. Most likely he was checking in with Riley.

  He walked over to her. “Ready?”

  She stood. “Yes.” She faced Connie. “Nice catching up with you.”

  Connie smiled. “When this is over, we’ll do lunch.”

  “I’d love that.” Usually Brooke didn’t break for lunch even though she had two part-timers working for her. Now after the terrible incident, she was more convinced than ever that she needed to enjoy life more fully. Gavin having lost his brother at such a young age really hit her hard. What if something happened to Ceci or her parents? Her whole life she’d focused on academics and being highly skilled in the ever-changing technical environment. But at what cost? Time was precious. Gavin would never be able to race his brother or challenge him to a basketball game. Ceci always told her to enjoy the moment, but she’d never listened.

  After being with Gavin and Riley for only one day, she had a new appreciation for how good it felt to talk with others about her feelings and her fears. She made a promise that starting now she’d grab that brass ring. The tricky part was how to let go a little while making sure she stayed out of the killer’s line of sight.

  Gavin motioned she get in the car, which confused her. “I thought we were going to the Mountain View.” The café was all of thirty feet away. He better not renege on his promise. They were meeting Ceci for lunch. “I can walk. It’s only next door.”

  “I don’t want to leave the car on Main Street.”

  “Oh.” She needed to stop jumping to conclusions.

  She piled in and he drove behind the restaurant. There was a side entrance that she often used when she wanted to chat with the head chef, Chelsea, without having to deal with the crowd in front. “We can take this path and enter through the kitchen.”

  “I have another idea.”

  He led her out of the back parking lot. Instead of a left toward Main Street, he headed right two blocks, before cutting north again.

  “Where are we going?”

  He slipped an arm around her waist. “Think of this as an adventure. If anyone is watching us, they’ll see us come out of Lanyard Street, then take a left to go to the bar and grill. They’ll assume we parked down here instead of in the back.”

  She looked up at him. “Do you always have to be so devious?”

  “When the criminal is this dangerous I do.”

  “Creating a diversion never would have occurred to me. Give me circuit boards and computer codes any day.”

  He laughed, and the sound found its way to her heart.

  When they stepped into the restaurant, most of the tables sat empty. “I see the lunch crowd hadn’t arrived yet.” She looked around. “Neither has my sister.”

  “This way,” Gavin directed. “I wanted to get here early so I could have the pick of the tables.”

  He chose one in the far corner and placed his back to the wall. That made sense. He’d want to keep an eye on the door. Preston Caulfield, one of the owners, was tending bar. He waved. Did have any idea what had happened to her? Dumb question, Brooke. Next to the sheriff, she bet Preston and his brother, Luke, knew everything. People treated bartenders like invisible entities. In Pleasure, the murder would be the hottest topic.

  Preston came over to presumably take their order even though Sloan, the server, had just come out of the kitchen. “Gavin. Brooke. What can I get you?”

  Gavin glanced to her. She looked up at Preston. “How about a cup of hot green tea?”

  “You got it. Gavin? For you?”

  “Coffee. Black.”

  She thought Preston would leave to prepare their drinks, but instead he pulled up a chair and placed a hand over hers. “How are you holding up? I heard what happened. That must have been terrible to see a murder.”

  “I’m not sure I’ve processed it yet.”

  Gavin shifted in his seat. “You hear anything?”

  He shook his head. “Just that the man disappeared into thin air.”

  Gavin nodded. Preston scooted back his chair. “I’ll keep my ears open and get those drinks.”

  As soon as he was out of earshot she faced Gavin. “I would have thought you’d have already grilled him.”

  “I didn’t want him to know I’m on the case, but I guess Justin told him. I fear if the killer learns I’m protecting you, he might try to find out where I live.”

  She leaned forward and rubbed her temples. A headache was brewing. “This isn’t going to stop until he’s caught, is it?”

  “No, baby, but don’t you worry.” Gavin reached across the table and clasped her hand. “We have to be very careful what we say. Even telling your sister too many details wouldn’t be wise.”

  As much as she liked his touch, she withdrew her hand. His implication of needing her to watch what she said troubled her. Keeping her mouth shut was not her strong point, and with him touching her, she couldn’t think clearly.

  “My sister won’t tell anyone anything.”

  “Not intentionally. I’m sure she has a lot of close friends though.”

  “Many. Ceci is the social one in the family.”

  “She might talk to her girlfriend, who in turn might mention something to her girlfriend. Someone could overhear them and—”

  She lifted a hand. “I get it.”

  The front door opened and she twisted around. As soon as she spotted her sister, tears of relief brimmed on her lashes. Ceci ran to her and gave her a hug.

  “Oh, sweetie. How are you?” She slid a lose strand of Brooke’s hair behind her hair, but it bounced right back.

  “I’m good. Sit down, please. Ceci, this is Gavin Kirkwood. He’s Justin’s cousin from Denver.”

  They shook hands. Brooke expected her sister to stare at Gavin. Instead, Ceci focused on her.

  “Tell me everything.”

  She refused to lie to her sister, but for Ceci’s protection, Brooke kept her story to the bare bones. “It happened so fast. One minute I was dumping my trash and the next I was running for my life. Literally.”

  Ceci shook her head. “I can�
�t believe you could have been killed.”

  Preston arrived with their drinks. “Hey, Ceci. Can I get you anything?”

  “Coffee.” She faced Brooke. “What happens now?”

  Gavin caught her eye, as if he wanted to lead the discussion. Brooke leaned back in her seat and let him take over. It would be safer that way. “Ceci. These men are dangerous.”

  “Men?” She turned to Brooke. “I thought you said you saw one man.”

  “Another one came to my house, but fortunately I wasn’t there.” She didn’t mention this man shot Gavin.

  “Ceci. There’s more,” Gavin said. “Justin received a call while I was in his office. The autopsy revealed the man had balloons full of cocaine in his stomach.”

  While it was what Riley and Gavin had suspected, she had hoped they were wrong.

  Ceci’s face paled. “Oh, my God.”

  Gavin leaned forward. “For your own good, you can’t tell anyone, and I mean anyone. Not even your parents.”

  Brooke might have a master’s degree in computer science from Georgia Tech, but Ceci was the one with the real brains. She had her master’s in business from Wharton. She’d understand the reason behind the request.

  “I’m guessing you asked me to lunch to warn me about the potential danger.”

  Gavin nodded.

  Ceci placed a hand over Brooke’s. “What about you? Where are you staying? What if he comes after you?”

  Gavin smiled at her, then looked back at her sister. “I’ll make sure nothing happens to her.”

  Her sister’s lips curled, but the joy didn’t reach her eyes.

  Sloan came over with their drinks and took their order. While Brooke wasn’t hungry, she had to eat to keep up her strength.

  Her sister blew on the piping hot coffee. “What are you going to tell Mom and Dad?”

  “Just what I told you.”

  Gavin sipped his coffee then set down his cup. “I want to stress to both you and your parents that extreme caution is needed. I wouldn’t be surprised if this man tries to draw out Brooke by attacking you, Ceci.”

  Her hands shook, as her gaze bounced between them. “Who are you really?”

  Her sister’s pain shot straight to her gut. Now it was her turn to place her hand over her sister’s. “He’s basically my bodyguard.” She didn’t care if she shouldn’t have given away that bit of information. “These men are killers. Be careful. Okay?”

  “Sure. Of course. I always am.”

  No one was ever really prepared for something like this. She faced Gavin. “Is there any way she can stay with us?”

  “No, thanks, Brooke.” Ceci pushed back her chair. “I won’t be a prisoner.”

  “Shh. I don’t want to be one either, but I also don’t want to end up like that man in the alley.”

  Gavin looked up at Ceci. “I can provide protection for you, if you’d like, Ceci. You won’t even know they’re there.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Fine, but turn around slowly and look at the two men at the table against the far wall.”

  Gavin shot her a gaze indicating both of them didn’t need to draw attention. Ceci glanced over at them, and her shoulders softened. “I recognize the guy on the right. I met him once.”

  Gavin smiled. “His name is Gabe Henderson. They both work with me. The other one with the thick blond hair is Dylan Jacobs. I’ve asked them to keep an eye on you. I’m only telling you this in case you spot them and think they’re the bad guys.”

  Ceci sat back down. “They’re going to be my bodyguards?”

  Brooke couldn’t tell if Ceci was pleased or not as her sister was great at hiding her true feelings.

  Gavin held her gaze for a moment as if he, too, were trying to gauge her response. “Yes, and it’s not up for debate. I won’t have anyone harmed on my shift.”

  Ceci picked up her cup of coffee and sipped it. “Okay. I get it.” Her chin lifted. “If little sis here can handle having a bodyguard, so can I, but they better keep their distance.” She narrowed her gaze.

  Brooke inhaled. Her sister could be too stubborn sometimes. “Ceci. They’ll do whatever is necessary to keep you safe. If anything bad happened to you, I’d never forgive myself. You mean the world to me.” She never expressed how much she loved her sister before.

  Ceci’s eyes widened. “Wow, Brooke, you’ve changed.” She smiled. “I like it.” She sat back looking more relaxed. “Maybe a bodyguard can do me some good, too.”

  That was not what she’d meant, though Gavin and Riley had affected her way of looking at life.

  Gavin held out his palm to Brooke. “Give me your keys. I’ll have one of my men drive your car home. It will lessen the chance of them being followed.”

  She pinched her brows. “This is so cloak and dagger.” In truth she loved the excitement of it all. She reached into her purse, extracted her key chain, and took off her car key. “It’s a black Nissan Sentra. I parked it a couple of blocks north of my shop.” She placed the key in his hand.

  He scooted his chair out from the table. “Be right back.”

  Ceci followed his progress. When he was close to her bodyguards, her sister leaned forward. “Oh, my heavens, Brooke. He’s divine. What’s he like?”

  So now she noticed? Brooke wasn’t ready to spill the beans about her desires in the middle of a bar and grill. “Gavin is nice, kind, considerate, and maybe a little bit more.” She winked.

  “You mean you’d consider having sex with him?”

  “Shh.” Brooke couldn’t tell if she approved or not, but now wasn’t the time to get into that discussion. “Maybe, and let’s leave it at that.” Brooke nodded toward the two men Gavin had assigned to Ceci. “How about your two men? What do you think?”

  Ceci looked to the ceiling then back at her. “They’re almost too good-looking. As I mentioned to Gavin, I met one of them before but I’d just gotten out of one relationship and wasn’t looking for another.” She glanced back again. “I hope they know what they’re doing.”

  The conversation was cut short when Gavin returned. “All set. Gabe will touch base with Liam, who’ll handle your car.”

  “Great.” It was fantastic that her sister would get protection, but what about her parents? “Got any more hot friends to watch my folks?”

  Gavin leaned back and laughed. “Hot friends?”

  Heat rippled over her cheeks. “You know what I mean. You said you worked with two other men.”

  “As a matter of fact, I’ve already mentioned to Liam and Mason that when they get back to town to do a few drive-bys at your parents’ place. Can you jot down where they live?”

  She’d only been half kidding. “They live on a five-thousand-acre ranch with several cowboys there at all times. I’m betting those guys can protect my parents.”

  “Maybe, but I like to err on the side of caution. Maybe we could take a drive out there and give them the lowdown on what to expect then and how to be careful.”

  Was he wonderful or what? “I’d like that.” She really needed to see her parents, too.

  Sloan arrived with the food. Brooke had ordered a hamburger. It came with a side of fruit that Chelsea had cut up into a fancy design. The girl was amazing. How she managed to keep two young kids happy, cook, and cater parties was anyone’s guess.

  Ceci, the skinny one in the family, ordered a chicken Caesar salad. She ate one bite and groaned. “I was so hungry.” She waved a fork. “What about your store? I walked by it and saw the boarded up window.”

  Brooke hoped Gavin and Riley had some contingency plan for her to be open at least a few hours a day. She glanced at Gavin. “Any chance I can work—”

  “Baby, you know better than to ask.”

  She wanted to smack him for his protectiveness, but she also wanted to hug him for caring. “How about my two part-timers?”

  He rubbed a thumb over the back of her hand. “I might be overly cautious, but wouldn’t you feel terrible if these criminal
s harmed one of your people as a warning to you to keep quiet?”

  The food she’d just swallowed threatened to come up. “Oh, God.” It was like she was in prison until these men disappeared. “Maybe I should move to another town or maybe even another state. Think your sister wants a roommate?” She was kidding, but at first when he held her gaze, she thought she might have overstepped her bounds again. Damn.

  His smile faltered halfway up his face. “We’ll catch them.”

  The big question was whether that would happen before or after she died.

  * * * *

  Seeing Ceci had bolstered Brooke’s mood considerably as had visiting her parents. Informing them of the danger brought the expected denial. No one was going to sneak up on them, her dad had said with a ton of bravado. With all the hired hands, some lowlife drug lord wouldn’t dare step foot on the Double Bar ranch.

  She’d heard it all before, but she was glad she was able to warn them.

  Her mother hugged her good-bye. “Don’t be a stranger.” She leaned closer. “Are you sleeping with him yet?”

  Brooke stepped back, her mouth agape. “Mother!” It didn’t matter that she’d contemplated it. With Gavin a few feet away, she had no intention of discussing her new plans.

  “What? At thirty, you should be dealing with your daughter’s middle school dance, not running a computer store. How do you expect to get married when you work all the time?”

  They’d been over this argument a hundred times. Just because her mom married at eighteen and had her at nineteen didn’t mean Brooke should follow that pattern. “I’ll figure something out.” She was already working on how to alter her lifestyle to accommodate her new desires. “You don’t bug Ceci.”

  “Your sister can take care of herself.”

  Ouch. What did that mean? That Ceci could get a man anytime she wanted and Brooke couldn’t? “True.”

  “All I’m saying, is snuggle up against that hot body and then tell me you like your boring life.”


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