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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bodyguards of Pleasure [Pleasure, Montana 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Sandival headed toward the outskirts of town to the warehouse district. The white truck turned into a lot that contained a metal factory. Riley went past it and slowed. Three streets later, he turned around and parked on the other side of the road, a block away from the factory. He needed to get close enough to either see Mr. Hoodie, hear a conversation, or witness some kind of exchange. Basically, he needed proof Sandival worked for the man who’d stabbed the mule, Chris Culver. Going in guns blazing would only land him in jail.


  Face smeared with black goo, Riley stuffed what he could in a backpack and headed out on foot. It was almost like being in Iraq except the cold was as intense as the desert heat was hot. One stroke of luck—the area appeared abandoned.

  The darkness closed in, giving him added protection. After making sure his cell was set to silent, he dodged his way across the street and hid behind a smelly Dumpster. Lights shone inside the building, but with the door closed, he couldn’t tell what was going on. Several options stood open to him, but the safest one was to wait by Sandival’s car and ask the man himself about his recent “joy ride.”

  To ensure the guy wouldn’t be taking off before he finished answering questions, Riley let the air out of his back tire. He wouldn’t get far if he did try to speed away.

  In case there were windows on the back of the factory, Riley dashed to the side then eased his way to the rear. The whole back wall was windowed. This must be my lucky day.

  He edged along the brick wall until he came to the first large windows overlooking the field behind. He pulled a scope out of his backpack, twisted the mirror so he could see inside, and placed it in front of the glass. With the inside lit, the occupants wouldn’t notice the thin instrument.

  Inside, Sandival was speaking with a man whose back was to the window. While the guy was six feet with brown hair, it didn’t guarantee he was Mr. Hoodie. Riley wanted to barge in for confirmation, but he might end up dead.

  Riley returned to Sandival’s car and waited for him to exit. From the way the truck was positioned, if Riley ducked behind the tailgate, Sandival wouldn’t see him as he left the building.

  The factory door squeaked open. Sandival’s meeting with the brown hair man sure didn’t last long. Riley gripped his handgun and knife, ready for any situation. He didn’t like violence, but sometimes it was called for.

  Voices rang out. He crouched low but kept his gaze on Sandival, who patted his breast pocket. Could it be he’d come for a payout? As Sandival twisted around, a shot rang out and Sandival dropped to the ground.

  Oh, shit.

  The man holding the gun looked both ways, dashed to the prone man, then dragged him back into the factory. Riley was more convinced than ever the shooter was Mr. Hoodie. The factory door reopened moments later and the shooter ran out with his gun dangling by his side.

  Riley could take him out, but he wanted information. Aw, hell. The fucker was a killer. He stood, took aim, and shot. Too bad the bastard jerked to the right at the exact moment Riley pulled the trigger. The man lurched. His shoulder sagged, but he managed to raise his gun and fire off a few shots into the night. They went wide, implying he was either a lousy shot or Riley had hit the man’s shooting arm.

  Riley peeked from behind Sandival’s truck to gauge the man’s next move. More shots rang out, forcing Riley to duck behind the truck again.

  Seconds passed. Tires screeched, and suddenly the brown-headed man’s Mercedes was headed right toward him.


  Riley zigzagged his way between cars, Dumpsters, and other obstacles. With the way he was constantly changing direction in the dark, the chances of getting hit were slim, but they existed. He dodged between two warehouses and doubled back behind one of them. Heart pounding, he waited to see what the man would do next.

  As if the driver was looking for him, the Mercedes eased out onto the road and moved at a crawl. The safest place to hide would be back in the original warehouse. Riley raced toward the door and slipped in. Sandival was on his back lying in a huge puddle of blood. His wide eyes implied he was dead.

  “Fuck.” Riley pulled out his phone and called Bozeman PD and told him what he’d seen.

  “You get a license plate number?” Bill Liggett asked.

  “It was too dark, but check out a Harrison Kaplan. See if he drives a Mercedes. If you pick him up and he has a hole in his right shoulder, he’s your man.”


  Pissed he didn’t learn anything, Riley jogged back to his car and headed back to Pleasure, where he hoped he could get lost in a particularly wonderful, curly-haired woman’s body.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Probably to keep Brooke’s mind off what had happened, Gavin had suggested the two of them go grocery shopping and make something for dinner. She sucked at cooking, but baking a chicken wouldn’t be a stretch even for her.

  For sides, Gavin had suggested broccoli and carrots as well as a salad. If she let him cook for her, she’d be thin in no time.

  “What do you suggest we cook the chicken in?” Gavin asked.

  It was her recipe, so it made sense he’d ask. “Any rectangular dish should do.”

  “We haven’t fully unpacked, but look under the counter and use whatever you need.”

  This wonderful domestic scene wasn’t lost on her, and she knew it had to come to an end. As soon as that killer was behind bars, she’d go back to running her shop and living in her home again. The men would have new cases. Sure they’d swing by her shop every once in a while to see how she was doing, but she wasn’t foolish enough to believe these two hunks wanted anything permanent.

  As she pulled open the kitchen cabinet, Gavin’s cell rang. He picked it off the counter. “It’s Riley.”

  He’d gone to Bozeman to follow up with the cops about the botched abduction. She hoped he found out something. Brooke found a dish that would work and placed it on the counter.

  “You okay? You called the police? See you soon.”

  “What did he say?”

  “The helicopter pilot is dead, and the man who paid him was wounded.”

  “Was one of them the drug lord?”

  He shrugged. “Until someone starts talking, we won’t know.”

  “I wish he had a picture of the guy.”

  “Riley might be able to help you when he gets home.”

  Blood zoomed through her veins. “Really?”

  “He has names, so he might have a photo.” Gavin nodded to the bird. “Let’s fix dinner. I’m sure Riley will be starving by the time he arrives.”

  She washed the whole chicken and placed it in the dish. After she rubbed garlic and rosemary on the outside, she sliced three large onions, drizzled olive oil on top and topped the chicken with them. She then shoved the dish in the oven and set the timer for an hour.

  Gavin placed a bunch of broccoli flowerets and cut carrots in a steamer. “I’ll turn this on twenty minutes before dinner.”

  “Need help with the salad?”

  He smiled. “How about you wash and slice the tomato?”

  “I can handle that.”

  As she prepared the tomato, Gavin worked on pulling apart the salad. “So what did you and the girls talk about when you went into your sister’s bedroom?”

  Her face heated. She hated that she was such a blusher. “Nothing much.”

  “Did they ask if you were sleeping with us?”

  He couldn’t know. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Okay. How about your sister? What does she think of Dylan and Gabe? She like them?”

  Her mouth opened. “Even if I knew the answer, I wouldn’t tell you.”

  He chuckled. “Why not?” His tone held too much levity.

  “Because you’ll tell them.”

  He dumped the ripped lettuce in the bowl. “You can at least tell me if Ceci finds the men attractive.”

  She never knew he was the type to gossip. “She never said one way or the other.”

  “Okay. She said your men acted like saints and that they’ve been perfect gentleman.”

  “Wait until the danger passes. They’ll change their tune. Your sister is a beautiful woman.”

  As happy as she was that he thought her sister attractive, she and Ceci looked nothing alike.

  He glanced at her, and a small, uncomfortable silence descended between them. She busied herself by slicing the tomato into perfectly symmetric pieces. The garage door opened and her muscles froze.

  “Relax, baby. It’s just Riley.”

  “How do you know? Someone could have stolen his remote and entered the garage.”

  “I saw his car pull into the drive.”

  “Did you see his face?”

  Gavin stepped over to her and dragged her into a warm embrace. “Nothing is going to happen to you.”

  There were a lot of people she cared about. What if someone else was targeted? There weren’t enough protectors to go around. The kitchen door burst open and Riley plowed in. She let out a big breath.

  “Hey. Did I miss something?” His gaze shot between them.

  “Brooke, here, is worried the guy will get her.”

  He shook his head. “I think the main guy might be out of commission for a little while.” He pulled his cell from his jacket pocket and scrolled to something. “Is this the man who broke into your store?”

  It was a mug shot, but his hair looked like the man who killed Culver. “I think so. I was so scared I’m not sure of much anymore.”

  Gavin pulled her closer. She wanted to point to the man and say it was him, but if she was wrong, an innocent man might be falsely accused.

  “I had to shoot the guy because I saw him murder someone.”

  Oh, my God. Someone else was dead. “Who?”

  “The helicopter pilot who’d helped kidnap Sarah.”

  At least it wasn’t an innocent bystander.

  He inhaled. “Something smells good. Do I have time to shower?”

  “The meal comes out in about an hour.”

  Riley leaned over and kissed her. “Don’t worry. It’s almost over.”

  She hoped so. Riley slipped down the hallway, and Gavin finished preparing the salad. When he finished and she tossed her tomatoes in, he covered the bowl with plastic wrap and placed it in the fridge. “Can I interest you in a glass of wine, baby?”

  “I’d love one.”

  “Get comfortable in the living room and I’ll bring it in.”

  She chose the middle of the sofa, hoping one of them would join her. She leaned back her head, and a hand shook her shoulder in what seemed like seconds later.

  Both men were standing over her. Riley’s hair was only slightly damp, and her glass of wine sat in front of her.

  “Did I nod off?”

  Gavin grinned. “Yes. You needed it. Come on, dinner is ready.”

  How was that possible? She brought her wine to the table, feeling more refreshed than she had in a long time. The more she thought about the man’s face, the surer she was he was the man in the gray hoodie. For one night, though, she wanted to forget about everything.

  She raised her glass. “Here’s to two wonderful men who provided incredible protection.” Gavin smiled but Riley frowned. Only Gavin clinked his glass against hers. “What’s wrong, Riley?”

  “You forgot to mention what amazing lovers we are.”

  No one had ever accused her of being stupid. “You are?”

  Gavin sucked in one side of his mouth. “For that, little sub, you will pay. Tonight, we will prove to you beyond a doubt that we are the men for you.”

  She sipped her wine. “I can’t wait.”

  For the rest of the dinner, she asked them about their company and if they planned to expand, what they liked and disliked about Pleasure, and what their favorite thing was to do in their spare time. When they finished telling stories, dinner was over. She pushed back her chair to help clean up when Riley moved behind her.

  “We have more important things to take care of than doing the dishes.”

  Her body was already spinning from anticipation. Tonight would be the first time she’d make love with two men, and she was a little unsure about the anal sex part. What if their cocks didn’t fit or if it was so uncomfortable that she had to put a stop to it? Would they walk out of her life?

  She pushed aside her insecurities and inhaled. “What would that be?”

  “We’ll just have to show you.” Riley held out his hand. “Come with me.”

  When they passed the room to the basement, Gavin clasped Riley’s shoulder. “Don’t you want to bring her downstairs?”

  Riley turned around and faced her instead of Gavin. “Ignore him.” He looked up at Gavin. “Blindfolds and chains might work for you, but I don’t want to scare our little sub to death.”

  Didn’t she have a say? “I liked what Gavin did.”

  Gavin moved behind her as if to present a united front. Riley stroked her cheek. “I’m sure you did, but I want to go slow. This night will be one you’ll never forget.” Riley cupped her face. “Do you trust me?”


  He smiled. “Then let’s begin.”

  Riley clasped her hand and walked her to his bedroom. “Do I need to refresh your memory on any of the rules?”

  “No.” She knew them, but that didn’t mean her body would obey them.

  “Wait here.” He had her stand with her back to the end of the bed.

  He walked over to his closet and pulled out what looked like a cigar box. From inside he pulled several tea candles. He lit them and placed them on his dresser and nightstand. The warm glow enhanced the romance. Then he turned off the bedside lamp he’d turned on upon entering. What she didn’t expect was for him to fiddle with something on his clean desk in the corner. Suddenly, soft classical music poured out of speakers hung from each corner.

  He faced her. “Ready?”

  She clenched her hands behind her back and dropped her gaze. “Yes, Master.”

  Gavin moved in front. “I don’t care what Riley says. I want you naked.”

  Riley never said he didn’t want her naked, but she’d do whatever either one asked, as she was along for the sensual ride. These men had shared before and probably had some kind of routine that might sound like good cop, bad cop to the uninitiated. Whatever their role, she was sure they would do nothing she didn’t love.

  Gavin stepped in front of her. “First, though, I need a kiss.”

  He cupped her face and brought his lips to each eyelid then lowered his attention to her nose and finally her lips. He opened his mouth and she matched his actions. Their breaths mingled. He groaned and ran his hands lightly down her shoulders. When a second set of hands wrapped around from behind to sandwich her, her pulse soared. Being this near to both men jumbled her mind. Her nipples pebbled and her pussy vibrated. Riley slid his hands under her shirt and palmed her belly.

  “We need to get her out of these clothes.”

  Yes, you do.

  Gavin stepped back and flicked his gaze downward as if to remind her of her submissive position. Clearly, Riley was the one who would demand the most from her. Gavin seemed to be there for support. He grabbed hold of the zipper on her sweater and lowered the tab one notch at a time. The seconds slowed. Each click sounded loud.

  Riley reached around and popped the button on her jeans and eased the zipper down at the same speed with which Gavin was undoing her sweater. She inhaled.

  Riley leaned over and kissed her neck. “Are you bored, sugar?”

  “No. I just want you to move faster.”

  He chuckled. “Enjoy the moment.”

  He was right. She closed her eyes and inhaled, breathing in their scents. Gavin was fresh air and pine whereas Riley was all spice.

  Her sweater finally burst open, and Gavin buried his head between her breasts. “I love these.”

  She was more than tits, but she decided it was better to keep he
r mouth shut. If the tables were turned, she’d be smothering her face in his abs, so maybe it was the same thing.

  Riley pulled her jeans over her hips. “We need to have you sit so we can take off your boots.”

  He scooped her up, walked back the three steps to the bed, and set her down. She leaned back on her elbows. Each man unzipped a boot and tugged it off. Gavin tossed it on the floor, while Riley placed the one he had, along with the one Gavin had discarded next to his dresser.

  As soon as Riley returned, he slipped off her socks. Both men dropped to their knees and massaged her bare feet. Her groan started deep in her chest and rumbled upward. She wiggled her toes then stretched her arches. She was in heaven.

  “I think she likes the massage, Riley.”

  “Maybe we should massage her whole body.”

  “Mmm.” That technically wasn’t a word, so she hoped Riley didn’t discipline her. Though a spanking would warm up her pussy just fine.

  He stood and walked out of the room. Confused, she looked up at Gavin. “Where is he going?” she whispered.

  “To get a sheet to cover the bedspread. He hates making a mess.”

  A mess? “That he does.”

  Gavin stood. “I have an idea. I’ll be right back.”

  Then he disappeared. In a way it was nice they were willing to improvise, and that they didn’t have everything they needed at hand. It made it more special that way.

  “Close your eyes, sugar.” Riley hadn’t even walked in the room.


  His footsteps were soft, as if he’d removed his boots. He moved across the room, lifted one leg and tugged on her pants, slipping them off halfway. He repeated on the other side until the material disappeared from both legs. She kept her eyes closed, but the rustling sound implied he was folding them. She still had on her panties. Maybe he’d take them off with his teeth. A slight shiver shimmied up her arms at the thought.

  “I need to do something,” he said. He clasped her hands in his and drew her to a stand. “Don’t move.”

  All these commands built the anticipation. Heavy footsteps sounded, and metal hit wood. Gavin must be placing a few things on the dresser. She hoped he brought something to restrain her.


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