Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles Page 6


  I noticed her hands shaking as she reached beneath her dress and nervously pulled off flowery pale-blue underwear. She embraced herself as she kicked away the fabric. I languidly put my plate to the side and drank the remainder of my beer, then used my napkin to wipe my mouth as I stood.

  “Should we go into the house? Maybe the bedroom,” she asked, voice quivering.

  “You have nothing to fear from me, Daisy. I told you before I am skilled in all things. We needn’t leave this patio. I assure you it’s very private. Of course, your screams of pleasure may terrorize the wildlife,” I mused.

  “You’re going to make me scream,” she said, looking terrified.

  I chuckled. “I hope so.” I strolled next to her. “You can just stand. Feel free to grab onto me if you need to.”

  “I’d rather sit or maybe lie down.”

  “Whatever you wish.”

  I reached behind her to clasp a lounge cushion. I placed it on the ground, then lowered her onto it. My knees toward the edge, I snaked my arm around her ankle and worked my way up. Her legs were smooth, making me curse as I felt the zipper of my shorts bite into my erection. Maybe we should have taken this into the bedroom, because now I salivated with thoughts of fucking her.

  My hand made it to her thigh, and I could feel her body stiffen. “You can relax, Daisy. This isn’t going to hurt… unless multiple orgasms are painful.”

  “You’re awfully sure of yourself. Multipl—”

  I pushed her dress up and separated soaked lips. Daisy had the prettiest pussy I’d seen in a long time. Waxed bare, paragon. She was swollen, and her scent alone was driving me to insanity. I had the sudden urge to flip her over and fill her arse with my cock. I snickered silently, knowing Ms. Daisy Jones had probably never done or even attempted anal. That alone made me wish to educate her.

  I wet my thumb and traced along her vulva, then pressed my lips to her cunt. Daisy sighed long and deep. Her hands instinctively went to my scalp. I placed a hand under each arse cheek and guided her toward my mouth. My tongue increased the tension on her clit. Her body went taut, and she pulled on my hair. I would count that as one orgasm.

  Her legs began to sag as I flicked the tip of my tongue across her nub, maintaining the pressure, then pushed deep inside her. My hard-on was close to painful at this moment. Here I thought I was seducing Ms. Jones, when in reality, she had me by the balls. My fingers made quick work of the ribbon closure of her dress. Once undone, I pulled it from her body. Little country wasn’t wearing a bra. I branded her pussy with my licks as I pinched apricot-colored nipples and pinned her with my stare. Her sobs indicated orgasm number two.

  “Please, Jasper, no more. I need you to stop.”

  I lifted my head from her mons, wiping my mouth with the tip of my tongue. Her taste and fragrance left me with the urge to lay her out flat and impale her with my cock. “I promised multiples.”

  “Two is plenty. You can owe me one,” she said on a pant. “I’m embarrassed.”

  “There’s no need to be. I’ve seen many naked women. Although, I’ll admit you’re quite the package.”

  Poor little country was beside herself, not knowing what to cover, her breasts or pussy. Her body was slim and tight. Her breasts were not very large but quite perky, but that arse made up for any parts that might be minor. Globes of perfection to accentuate her pussy. The woman was attractive and fit, neither of which she advertised. I’d only gotten a glimpse of her backside because she had a tendency to drop things.

  I snickered as I stood, licking the corners of my mouth.

  “Are you making fun of me?” she asked as she reached for her dress.

  Our hands touched when I handed her the garment. “Absolutely not. Would it be improper to ask if my actions made you feel better?”

  She yawned.

  “Oh, did I bore you?”

  “Um, no, of course not. Guess I’m feeling somewhat mortified. I mean, you did just feed me dinner.”

  “And you rewarded me with dessert.”

  Daisy’s face brightened at the suggestion.

  “No need to feel bad about anything. A sweeter delight I’ve not tasted.”

  “Oh Jesus, can you just stop talking… at least about what just happened? I kinda thought maybe we’d have sex. I didn’t know you were gonna do that.”

  “Do that? Well, as I expressed earlier, I didn’t think fucking you was a good idea. However, I didn’t say anything about fringe benefits. I wished you to be relaxed, and I, for one, sensed that happened. Tell me, little country, how do you feel?”

  “A little on edge. I mean, yeah, relaxed and maybe a little tired, although you did all the work. Should I return the favor?”

  I grimaced at the thought of reciprocation. Her mouth secured around my dick. Goddammit, I shouldn’t desire that, but my cock was more than happy to comply. My erection profoundly pressed into my leg. I sensed wetness around the crown as I attempted to casually adjust myself. “This isn’t a quid pro quo arrangement. I didn’t conduct oral for you to do the same.”

  “Okay then, no blowjob.”

  I smiled with an awkward slant. Daisy Jones was continually shocking me or making me laugh, and it had been years since anyone had done either.

  A blowjob. What man wouldn’t want one? Especially from lips that were so plump. Everything about this woman appealed to me as a normal man. However, you’re anything but.

  Shiny natural nails dusted across my zipper. I sucked in a response as I pushed her hand away.

  “I do think we’ve had enough physical contact for the evening,” I muttered as I picked up our dinner plates.

  “So you don’t want anything in return? What if I said I wasn’t finished?” she objected.

  Her words made me stop in my tracks. “Oh, little country, I told you I only cared about my satisfaction. Yours is of little consequence. It’s best for you if you’re finished, because once I get started, there won’t be anything left of you but a sobbing empty shell.”

  “But what about you? You can’t be satisfied.”

  “Oh, you have to trust me when I tell you tonight’s activities do not end with you. Now, shall we call it a night?” I walked the dishes into the kitchen, barely seeing Daisy rush past me, clutching her dress.

  I was keyed up, and she was right. I needed relief. I quickly sent a text to Fady, letting her know I’d be at her doorstep momentarily. I still had the taste of Daisy on my lips as I entered my bathroom. Brushing my teeth and using mouthwash removed those traces. Fady knew I wasn’t a monogamous man, but I didn’t want her aware of Ms. Jones.

  I still had to talk to Reese about Daisy’s current living arrangements. I supposed it would serve me better if I eventually told Fady what was going on, even though she never pretended to want more. I knew without a doubt, at some point, the woman would want more. They always did.

  Chapter Twelve


  Jasper left rapidly, and I could hear the faint hum of the alarm, which probably meant he wasn’t coming back tonight. He had showed me how to use the tablet I held in my hands to see the entire property, including the doorways. Well crap, what bothered me was I had revved up the man and now he was going elsewhere to get laid. How was that fair? Granted, my body felt loose and limp… as in noodle limp.

  I decided to take a bath before bed. I’d always taken showers, but the tub was too inviting for me to pass up. Lord, it was fancy, one of those antique-looking ones made out of cast iron with golden claw feet. I sat in the hot water, using one of the bath bombs I’d purchased yesterday, along with an entertainment magazine.

  Fuck this, and fuck you, I thought to myself as I stood, grabbing a large, luxurious bath sheet and wrapping myself in it.

  I tiptoed into the kitchen and viewed the contents of the refrigerator. I’d seen hard liquor in the living room, but I wanted something a little less potent. No wine in a box, just beer. I searched the cabinets and found engraved crystal wine glasses. Then my eyes caught a bottom r
ack filled with bottles. Who drank warm wine? Gross. I pulled out a bottle. It was a red, so it must taste okay. I dug through a few drawers and found a wine opener… one that apparently required an advanced degree to operate. Good thing I had several.

  Once opened, I filled my glass to the brim and carefully padded back to my bath. I set the glass on the edge of the tub, then grabbed my magazine from the floor before sliding back into the steamy water. My toe toyed with the faucet as I read and drank. Unable to focus on the articles, I laid the magazine on the floor, then continued to sip wine and relive the hour before. It wasn’t as though I’d never had oral sex, but Jasper had a way with his tongue. I’d never felt a rush so deep and intense. And now the bastard was probably fucking someone else. I’d made him horny, and he was giving what I desired to some other woman.

  Truly, if I were that desperate for sex, I could call Reese. Oh, wouldn’t that man have a field day with me living here? Well, more like hiding out.

  When my skin began to prune, I got out and covered myself with a fluffy white robe.

  Still buzzing with frustration, I decided to snoop. That’s what country folk did. I chuckled to myself, pouring more wine into my glass.

  Jasper wasn’t lying about his gym. Holy heck, it had everything. There was even stuff I’d never seen before. Off of that room, I got my biggest surprise. On the walls, all kinds of shiny swords and knives were on display. And laid out on a table were what looked like torture devices. There was the biggest television I’d ever seen and hundreds of DVDs. I glanced at a few titles, and it appeared they were based on hand-to-hand combat, martial arts, and kickboxing. It seemed Jasper was serious about not only my protection, but personal self-defense. He also had quite a few prehistoric-looking handguns, along with a few older rifle styles in glass cases.

  I shivered as I remembered Maynard brandishing firearms in my face. I wasn’t afraid of guns personally, knowing how to handle one because I had grown up around them, hunting with my paw. I swallowed another gulp of wine because, in reality, I didn’t know anything about Jasper Kendrick other than he knew how to cook outdoors, he licked a mean pussy, and it appeared he was serious about weaponry.

  Making my way to his bedroom, I continued my invasion of privacy. The space smelled like him, spicy and dangerous. I had never seen a bed so big, but then again, Jasper was as tall as he was large. I flipped the light switch. The room was done in array of black, brown, and burgundy. Definitely masculine. I sat on the edge of the bed and opened one of the nightstand drawers. My eyes grew wide as I pulled out various sex toys, lotions, condoms, and a gag. What in the fuckity fuck was this? The gag came with a ball attached. I recognized most of the other sexual devices, except one. I pressed a button, and the crystal dome lit up as an electrical current flashed. It was pretty and reminded me of the fireflies we had at home on sweltering summer nights. I carefully put everything back in its rightful place.

  When I opened the door to his walk-in closet, I was met with rows and rows of designer suits, more shoes than I’d own in a lifetime, and several armoires that held fancy watches, ties, and expensive-looking cufflinks. Then I moved to his bathroom. Never mind my elegant antique tub. Jasper had a shower that was roomy enough for six. Fragrant soaps, shampoos, and body washes assaulted my nose, along with the many bottles of cologne that lined the marble countertop. In the medicine cabinet, there was a wide assortment of skincare. This was a man that not only valued his physical body, but his skin as well.

  All of a sudden, I felt the sense that I was violating his personal space. What the hell did I think I was doing? Jasper had promised me safety, invited me to his home, made me dinner, and given me a couple of nice orgasms. And I was paying him back by being nosey. I would have to confess my transgressions and hope he would still trust me enough to allow me to stay.

  The sex, bath, and alcohol had finally gotten to me. Growing tired, I walked back to my room and opened the blinds, as well as the glass door. After getting into my pajamas, I placed the tablet on the nightstand and slid under the sheets, finally feeling secure enough to welcome sleep. I only wished Jasper hadn’t left to find solace with another woman.

  He most likely had many, so I shouldn’t take it as a slight. He’d warned me that us sleeping together wouldn’t be a wise thing. Maybe he couldn’t protect someone he was screwing. But then again, he could still perform oral sex on me.

  I was dwelling on this too much. Jasper had offered me protection, nothing else, which made him either an angel or the devil. After going through his bedroom, I had come to the conclusion he was more likely the latter.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’d managed to get a few hours of sleep before heading to the office. Daisy had left much earlier than necessary. There were only a handful of people I deemed trustworthy, and this morning, I’d found out she would not make that list. I just assumed offering her safety would have been adequate. But I suppose allowing her to stay in the confines of my home wasn’t enough to keep her occupied. This was clearly my reasoning behind not having faith in people and not coming to their aid. I hated that I was always right and that Daisy was no different. My initial reaction was to have her belongings returned to the penthouse and allow her to fend for herself. But if her husband did come for her, how could I look the other way?

  You owe her nothing.

  “So… you look crabby this morning. Then again, you rarely are chipper,” Reese announced.

  “I see Fady let you know we needed to talk.”

  “Yes, and you’ve got fifteen minutes before I see my first client.”

  “Very well, then. I wanted you to hear this from me. I’ve had Ms. Jones move into my home for safe keeping. It appears her husband is more than just heavy-handed. He may want to inflict permanent harm on her. I won’t go into the logistics, other than to say the FBI is involved on the mainland and I offered her my services here on St. Willis.”

  Reese’s mouth dropped open, then snapped shut. “I’d say I was surprised, but really, I figured you’d get involved. Is your offer of protection pure of heart, or do you expect something in return?”

  I had no intention of telling him about last night’s event. “When have you ever known me to be pure of anything? That’s you. Not me. I’ve attached no strings to my offer. As you stated, there are many factors, one being she is much older.”

  “Oh, here we go again. You’re not going to channel the past Kai, are you? I hardly think the age difference matters. She’s attractive and smart as a whip.”

  Yes, speaking of whips, I’d like to use one on her right now. “I’m not going to have this conversation with you. It’s only been a couple years since you brought up the same talking points. If you want to revisit that old discussion, please do it with Kai. I’m in no mood. At any rate, it appears Ms. Jones has taken my hospitality to mean she can pry into off-limit areas of my home. I’m considering rescinding my offer and sending her back to the hotel.”

  “Wait just a minute, Jasper. Before you do that, has she offered an explanation?” Reese suggested.

  “You know how I value my privacy. I’ve barely allowed you or Kai in. What makes you think I’d be willing to make an exception for Ms. Jones? We don’t even know her. Hell, Harriet hired her, and none of us trust her grand arse.”

  “I know you, Jasper. You’re just hot under the collar because someone invaded your space. She’s a woman. What did you expect? They are inherently nosy. If I’m being honest, if you gave me the keys to your kingdom, I’d probably look around, too. Jesus, you’ve barely let me go past the kitchen.” Reese laughed. I knew it was his weak attempt to humor me.

  “She was in my bedroom,” I stormed.

  Reese’s expression grew dark. “Well, shit. Even I know better than to cross that threshold. You didn’t invite her?”

  “She’s not a vampire, you prick. Of course I didn’t invite her. I never have women in there. It’s my sanctuary.”

  “Then what the fuck are
you worried about? So she found nothing but a sexless room. Hell, she probably felt sorry for you.” Reese snickered.

  “You truly are an arsehole. I had things in my drawers… of a sexual nature. You’ve been privy to quite a few when we’ve shared women.”

  Reese doubled over in laughter. “So you most likely scared the hell out of her. I doubt they have those things where she came from.”

  “God, you are ignorant. It’s called mail order. And make no mistake… She may be country, but I get the feeling Ms. Jones is well acquainted with sex. You act as though she is some token virgin of Tennessee. I’m sure even hillbillies fuck.”

  “See, I’m not even going to quiz you on how you could know that. I’m just going to ask you on her behalf to talk to Daisy. Hear her out. Because if anyone can protect her from that bastard husband of hers, it’s you,” Reese admitted. “But I swear, both you and Kai are giving me a complex. I can’t seem to find a woman who wants a nice guy. They all want the bad boy.”

  “Rest assured, Ms. Jones only wants the protection I offered her.”

  Reese shook his head, then shrugged. “I rest my case.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Burning my tongue on hot coffee was not how I wanted to start my day. The radio went dead, the dark roast tasted like crap, and I’d worn my skirt inside out to work. I was hung over. That wine, along with a tincture of shame, was screwing up my morning. I’d snuck out of the house extra early because there was no way I could face Jasper after going through his private shit. He’d been so generous, and I’d repaid him by snooping through his bedroom. I was a horrible person, getting tipsy and allowing myself to check out his drawers. He hadn’t asked for much, telling me only his bedroom was off-limits, and I couldn’t even manage that.

  If I were smart, I’d go home early and pack, because there was no way I could look at Jasper and not appear guilty. Unfortunately, I looked up to see him filling the door space, and he appeared anything but pleased.


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