Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles Page 7


  “Good morning,” I said as congenial as I could muster. I watched as he moved over to the sofa.

  “Did you enjoy the Chateau Margaux?” he asked as he sat.

  I came around my desk and leaned against the edge. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”

  “The wine, Ms. Jones. Did you enjoy it?”

  How the hell did he find out? Were there cameras inside? Or did he count his bottles of booze? “Yeah, it was okay for a red.”

  “That bottle was from 2010 and cost two thousand dollars.”

  “Then someone saw you coming a mile away. Gee, Jasper, you could have gotten a ton of boxed wine at the Piggly Wiggly for that amount of money.”

  “My initial reflex is to throttle you, but I abhor physical violence against any woman, even though she drank my last bottle of expensive red wine and chose to pry into places I forbade her to go.”

  “How did you know?” I asked, rather than defending my actions. Was the whole house rigged with surveillance?

  “You’d make a poor sleuth. You left your wine goblet on my nightstand.”

  I felt my cheeks burn. I couldn’t deny what I did, and I certainly couldn’t justify it by saying I was jealous and bored. “I’m sorry about drinking your overpriced wine. And I had no right to snoop. To be honest—”

  He cut me off with a wave of his hand. “Oh, let’s, shall we? Is there some reason you chose to invade my bedroom? Did you find things that were shocking? Or did it thrill you, little country?”

  “Your gym is huge, and the other stuff, well, I wasn’t expecting. You anticipating some kind of apocalypse?”

  His lips twitched, and I knew he was attempting not to smile. “I just happen to enjoy weapons and defense. Nothing wrong with being prepared.”

  “Being prepared is one thing, but Christ, Jasper, you have enough crap to invade a small country.”

  “I do believe you’re trying to get me off the subject of you snooping, Sherlock. Now what was it that so fascinated you that you had to trespass in my bedroom?”

  “Curiosity.” And the fact that I got you all hot and bothered and you went and had sex with some other woman. You prick.

  “You do know what they say about that?” He paused, standing. “You don’t seem very sorry.”

  “I do apologize. I was wrong, and it won’t happen again.”

  He moved closer. “Did you find anything interesting? I mean… worth a spanking?”

  “You wouldn’t dare. I’m a woman, not a child.”

  He chuckled. “I’d never spank a child, but rest assured, yours is an arse truly worth corporal punishment.”

  “Go away. I have work to do. And to answer your question, your bedroom was a great disappointment. You sure you’re not a girl? All the clothes, shoes, and toiletries. I’ve never known a man who doted on himself so much.”

  “What can I say? For a man, taking care of oneself is not doting; it’s necessity. Truth be told, it’s much easier to get laid if you smell nice.”

  I slipped off the edge of my desk and went around to sit in my chair. “I doubt it’s your manly scent that entices the women. Possibly the aroma of money.” I laughed.

  “So did anything in my nightstand drawer make you blush?”

  “Yup, the condoms. Didn’t know they came in polka dot.”

  “Only XXL.”

  “Are you bragging or wishing?” I asked in amusement.

  “Touché, Ms. Jones. I don’t have to do either. My sexual expertise precedes me. And for some reason, you are avoiding the question.”

  “As naive as you appear to think I am, I did recognize most everything, although the magic wand thingy with the crystal ball had me perplexed. I would have asked you… but you understand my predicament.”

  “It’s called a violet wand. I’d be more than happy to give you a demonstration of its functions.”

  “No thanks. Save it for your other women. I’m surprised you didn’t take it with you,” I spit out as I pierced Jasper with a nasty look.

  “So going through my personal things was retribution for leaving you alone? I see. Maybe I should have stayed, and I could have served up my own sexual punishment. Is that what you wanted, Daisy?”

  “Second request, go away. I need to get back to work.”

  “I told you before. If I fucked you, things could become complicated. The implications are clear to me, and I only performed oral sex on you. Should I have allowed you to suck my cock? Would that have fulfilled you?”

  No, but it would have fulfilled you. I doubt you would have run off to screw some whore.

  Ohmigod, what is wrong with me? I have lost my mind. I don’t own this man. His offer of safety is all I need. He’s dangerous. Maddening. Scary. Too rich for my taste in all things. He’s everything I’m running from.

  “Just go, Jasper. I swear I will stay out of your things and out of your way. If I become too much of a burden, send me back to the penthouse. With our schedules, we should see very little of each other. There will be no reason for us to invade each other’s space. Once again, I’m sorry about the wine and trespassing into unpermitted areas.”

  “I think we’ve said enough about the subject. I’ll consider your apology as you giving me your word that it won’t happen again.”

  Jasper left me spinning mentally and physically in the chair. I’d drunk a two-thousand-dollar bottle of wine and ransacked his drawers. It truly wasn’t a personality trait of mine. It appeared Jasper brought out the worst in me.

  What he must think of me. I was easy, a lush, and a potential spy. How could I ever hold a conversation with him again?

  I’d say all of this was my fault, but truly, it was his. He’d gotten me all aroused. Then he left. I just wonder how congenial that man would have been if I’d called Reese and Jasper had found us together. Oh Jesus, now I was going to make Reese a coconspirator. He’d be putty in my hands. When, in fact, I wanted to work for it.

  The charismatic appeal of Jasper was different from anything I’d known. I appeared to overwhelm most men because I was smart. Of course, Maynard had been different. He liked what he saw before he found out I was intelligent. Which meant he could both fuck and use me. He loved the fact that I was sexy and looked good on his arm and my brain could help with his criminal exploits.

  I sensed Jasper could have any woman he wanted. Not only was he good-looking and educated, but he was wealthy. His mesmerizing eyes and the sexy tattoos made for a sinful combo. Sexuality dripped from every pore, and the worst part was he knew the effect he had on women, and probably half the men, he met.

  I knew he was right when he told me having sex would be problematic. More so for me than him. Deep in my mind, I thought sleeping together would cause him to want to protect me instead of feeling it was his duty. I hardly knew him, yet I trusted him when he said he’d provide safety for me.

  The man had an axe to grind. Someone messed him up badly. Maybe his parents or some woman. Jasper hadn’t brought up a single family member but his sister. His face softened when he spoke of her. It was obvious the love he had for her. Yet they lived thousands of miles apart.

  He hadn’t divulged many details about himself. Jasper was an extremely secretive person, which made invading his privacy worse. I’d been so preoccupied with my own drama that it never occurred to me someone else might have their own demons. Okay, I was sure no one was trying to kill Jasper, but there was a disconnect behind those sapphire eyes. He obviously had his own crosses to bear, and now he had me.

  I needed to make things up to him. I couldn’t take back drinking his rich wine or even meddling in his space. I’d already apologized, but I realized my words weren’t enough. I would have to do something he wouldn’t expect.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “What in the hell?” The question made my lips twitch. I had never seen any woman like this, and I certainly never expected it from Daisy. Maybe I should have. Somehow, her actions were always catching me unaware.r />
  “Oh shit, you scared the crap out of me,” she hissed, pushing the hair out of her eyes. “I wasn’t expecting you. I mean, it is your house, but I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Well, then color me stunned. What is it you’re hoping to accomplish here?” I asked as I handed her a napkin.

  Daisy’s face was speckled with flour. She took the cloth as she bent over and placed a baking sheet in the oven. What a sight she was. The apron she wore was longer than the tiny shorts underneath. She wiped her cheeks, then untied it. I internally sighed as her bandana shirt came into focus. No bra or shoes. This was Ms. Jones in her country element.

  “You’re making dinner. You do know we have kitchen staff and high-paid chefs that you could have called.”

  “Then my apology wouldn’t have meant as much. I figured it’s been a while since you had a home-cooked meal.”

  I tossed the mail on the island. “I thought we had one last night.”

  “Oh, and it was good. I meant home cooking as in I’m doing the cookin’ and I chose the menu. You do like chicken fried steak?” she asked as she turned over what I assumed was steak in a pan.

  “I’ve never had the pleasure. I only know how to grill. I’ve never used the oven or the stovetop, though it appears you are utilizing both.”

  “Can’t have country cooking without homemade biscuits. Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes. So go and get comfy.”

  “You really didn’t have to do this. Your offering of remorse was enough.”

  “Well, it’s too late now, so go change. You won’t want to be eating in that expensive suit.”

  “Is it going to be messy?”

  “Country eatin’ is always messy. That’s what makes it so good.

  I pressed my lips together to silence my response. I disliked change of any kind. I enjoyed the same food, beverage, and sex. Now there was someone that I didn’t know muddling around my kitchen. Of course, better her invading the kitchen than snooping in my bedroom.

  Frustration surged through me as I sat on the end of my bed, undoing the tie around my neck.

  You invited her to stay here. You only said your bedroom was off-limits. Never the kitchen.

  I suppose shocked was a better word to describe my initial expression. I’d had many women, my latest conquest being Fady. I suppressed a laugh because I couldn’t imagine her cooking me any meal. The women I slept with expected dinner to be expensive and the sex to be amazing. I wasn’t allowed an off day.

  Wearing just a pair of shorts, I padded back into the kitchen. Air expelled from my lungs as Daisy turned toward me, holding a baking sheet and a pair of hot pads.

  “Christ, you are stealthy, aren’t you?” She choked as she stared. “You probably want to put on a shirt… or take your chances. I did say messy.” She placed the biscuits on a plate. “Food will be ready in five. Plenty of time to put on something.”

  “Does it bother you that I’m not wearing a shirt?”

  “Well, it is distracting. I mean, your bare chest and the tattoos… Man, is it hot in here?” she asked as she knotted her hair on top of her head.

  I’d better put on something before little country combusts. I snickered as I left the room. Plucking a T-shirt off the bedpost, I pulled it over my head as I made my way to dinner. It did smell good. Chalk one up for Daisy.

  “I thought you’d prefer to eat by the pool. Everything’s out there.” She carried the plate of biscuits as she motioned me through the glass door.

  The woman had set the table, even taking a few of my birds-of-paradise from the landscape to set in a vase, accenting the setting, along with steaming plates of mashed potatoes, green beans, and what I assumed was chicken fried steak smothered in some kind of thick white sauce.

  “It’s gravy, and it tastes good. You can soak it up with the biscuits,” Daisy commented as she poured tea into an iced glass.

  I pulled out a chair for her before sitting. Then I cut a small piece of the meat patty and stared as the white gravy dripped off.

  “It won’t bite. I swear. Just try it. I’ll call the kitchen and have something you like delivered if you truly find it awful.”

  I could see Daisy’s anticipation. Either she expected this to be palatable or she was fucking with me. I sniffed again and found the smell mouthwatering. I placed the trickling mess that she called food into my mouth and began to chew. “Damn, this is good. I mean, this is outstanding. How have I never eaten this before? Maybe you should give the recipe to the kitchen,” I declared between mouthfuls.

  “Probably not a good idea. Pretty sure that French man swore at me while clutching the crucifix around his neck. Good thing I don’t speak the language, because he seemed crazy as he handed me potatoes, flour, baking soda, and a bunch of other stuff. The only thing he appeared to approve of was the green beans. Reese went to the mainland to pick up extra groceries. Those FBI agents would have scooped my ass up before I even hit the first store.”

  I spooned some mashed potatoes, then buttered a biscuit. “So Reese knew about this?”

  “I got the feeling you’d confided in him about me staying here and most likely mentioned my little espionage adventure, so we didn’t talk about it in detail. I just told him I wanted to make you supper.”

  Oh, I bet Reese had a field day with that little piece of information. Fuck. “Honestly, you really didn’t have to do this. But it is truly appreciated. I normally don’t eat food like this, but I’m glad you kind of forced it on me.”

  “You sure you’re not telling me what I want to hear?” she asked after swallowing some green beans.

  “You don’t know me well enough, but I am honest to a fault. If I disliked anything, I would say so. And a better meal I have never had.”

  Daisy blushed. “You’re joshing me. With all your money and that high-priced wine you drink, I’m sure you’ve dined in some ritzy restaurants, not to mention you have several world-class chefs at your beck and call. I’m sure you’ve had better food, but I wanted you to experience what I’m used to eatin’. I miss my mama and her home cookin’.”

  I reached over and used my thumb to wipe the flour she’d missed from the tip of her nose. “Yes, it’s true. I’ve eaten many five-star meals and drunk some truly expensive wine, but I’ve never had a woman cook for me. Not only is the cuisine exceptional, but the fact that you made the biscuits from scratch makes it quite special.”

  “So no home cookin’ ever? What about your mama? Surely she fed you.”

  “I have no doubt my mum would have baked and created a feast for me and the family, but growing up wealthy, you have servants to do those tasks. I supposed I never thought about such things until this very moment.”

  “Yeah, I think that makes a difference. I grew up poor, but Mama always made sure we had plenty to eat and clothes on our backs. I never went without. I guess you and I are opposite because I never knew I’d missed anything until I met Maynard. He made me want a better life. Maybe that’s why I turned a blind eye to his dealings. I enjoyed having lots of money and finally having the opportunity to take care of my mama.”

  “You have a rare heart, Daisy Jones. It appears a wealthy lifestyle didn’t corrupt you, and that’s a noble attribute.” I buttered my third biscuit. I understood why Pierre had made such a fuss about Daisy’s menu. I could only imagine what he said to her in French. “Where’s your father?”

  “Oh, Paw passed years ago. Kinda glad, because if he saw the hot water I got myself into, he’d be mad and disappointed.”

  “I’m sorry. Then your mum is all alone. Doesn’t that worry you?”

  She shook her head and grinned. “A few neighbors are watching out for any signs of problems, and one of the farmhands is staying on to keep his eye out. To be honest, if Maynard shows up, it’s at his own risk because my mama has a big ol’ shotgun, and she knows how to use it. I caught her digging a hole before I left. That’s a sure sign of her wantin’ him dead for everything he’s done to me.”

bsp; My mouth fell open, and I smiled at Daisy’s candor. “Are you sure we shouldn’t bring her here? That way you’ll know she’s safe.”

  I heard a clatter as she dropped her fork. “No, absolutely not. As much as I miss her, I know she’s safe. That woman can take care of herself. Besides, she wouldn’t approve of the job I took, this place, and mostly… you.”

  “Hell, what’s wrong with me?” I questioned incredulously.

  “Where do I start? I’m living in your house. You come across as a man with buckets of sexual swagger and bad intentions, even with that heavenly accent and wearing those expensive suits. My mama is wise, though she never had much schooling. She would know. Don’t ask me how, but she could tell just by looking at you.”

  “She’d know I’m immensely handsome, charming, and rich?” I insinuated as I tilted my chair back.

  Daisy stood and began to clear the table. “I’m sure she’d learn all that just by looking at you. And she’d be able to tell you had charmed my pants off. Well, panties. You get my drift.”

  “There is not a chance she’d know that just by looking at me.”

  “No, but she knows her daughter.”

  “You wound me deeply.” I jokingly gasped, clutching my heart through my shirt. “Here I thought I was special, and now I find out you let all the boys lick your pussy.”

  Daisy snapped me with a dish towel. “Shut up, will ya? She wouldn’t know you did that, but she’d sense the attraction—even if it’s only one way.”

  I stood, towering over her small frame, and balanced a few dishes in the crook of my arm. “If I didn’t find you sexually attractive, Daisy, I would have no issue with fucking you. And if your mama were here, she’d know that, too. Everything about you entices me, and that’s a frightful proposition. I’ve arranged my life to meet my physical needs without the pomp and circumstance of emotional attachment. I don’t need it, nor do I want it. It has served me well for years. You’ve already crossed that threshold and married a violent man. There’s a lot about me you don’t know, things I don’t wish to share. Right now, when you look at me, what do you see?”


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