Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles Page 16


  Her body tensed as though she were thinking. “That’s usually loud business. Won’t I be noisy?”

  I slid my pillow down and rested a hand on her stomach. “Take off those panties,” I requested.

  “But you said you’ll get a hard-on.”

  “I already have one and it hurts, but the frozen bag is helping with the pain. I need to touch you while I explain in detail what I’m going to do to you when I eat you.”

  Daisy sat up and quickly removed her underwear. I slipped two fingers inside her as my thumb rubbed her clit back and forth.

  “I’ll have you spread those creamy soft legs wide, then delicately trace your outer lips with my fingers until my mouth settles on your pussy. My tongue will flick in and out, and once in a while, I’ll stop to suck on your nub. You’ll be soaked, and it will drench my chin. I’ll lick it off after you come the first time. Finally, my tongue will go in deep, licking from side to side, every corner.”

  She moaned in response. I slipped my fingers in and out in a fast pace as Daisy’s hips bucked gently.

  “Will you come for me, sweetheart?” I asked softly as my free hand covered her mouth.

  She squirmed and sobbed. Her body pushed up against my fingers, making them slip in deeper.

  She finally pulled my hand away from her lips. “Oh Jesus, you can sex talk good. Maybe we can do some sexting.”

  “How in the hell do you know about that?” I asked, wincing in pain because my balls ached.

  “I’m from the country, but we do have sexting, running water, and, oh, bathrooms. Who’d have thunk it?”

  “Very funny smartarse. I just wasn’t aware you were so phone savvy. And no, we’ll never be doing that. For one thing, I’m not sure I trust mobiles. I mean, you never know who could be listening or watching.”

  “Well shit, you really are paranoid, Jasper.”

  I turned and faced her. “We both should be. Me because of my past, and you because of the FBI and Maynard. The only people I trust are my sister, my boys, and you.”

  “You trust me?”

  “Daisy, if I love you, then there is trust. We’ve both made horrible decisions regarding our past. Just because mine was twelve years ago and yours more recent, it doesn’t negate the fact that we have to trust each other. That’s why you can’t tell your mum about my past or my vasectomy. I’m not so sure she’d forgive either.”

  “Your secrets are safe with me, even though I believe Mama would truly understand about both. She’s not opposed to killin’ for the right reason. Remember, I told you before I left, she had big plans in case Maynard showed up. She’s very protective of me.”

  I chuckled at the memory of Daisy telling me that Verna was going to shoot her daughter’s husband and bury him in the yard if he came around. “That makes two of us. Your safety is my top priority.”

  “I think Mama was worried you couldn’t protect me, but when she met you and saw your size, let’s just say her fears disappeared.”

  “Son of a bitch. My cock hurts worse going down than up. Boy, I’m rethinking this permanent birth control.”

  “Too late now. You’ve already done the deed.”

  “Yeah, I know, and I’m being rather a whiner about it. Both Reese and Kai thought I’d lost my mind. I told them, like you, after the fact, before anyone could talk me out of it. If I asked nicely, could you get me another pack of veggies since the other has already begun defrosting?”

  “Just because I love you. I anticipated how this would go. With these warm temperatures, I knew eventually, we’d run out of vegetables. I went by the clinic and got ice bags instead. I’ll go get you one right away. Hopefully, they’re frozen by now.”

  “And this is one of the many reasons I love you, always thinking about others.”

  She returned with an ice pack.

  “Why in the hell does it reek?”

  “I found a video on the internet that showed me how to make it slushy and stay frozen longer by adding rubbing alcohol,” Daisy said as she pressed the bag to my cock.

  “Oh, God help me,” I said, anguished by every breath.

  “You’ll feel better in a few days. Just go to sleep.”

  “I don’t think I can,” I said in agony.

  She giggled. “Well, I can’t do anything to make it better. I think a blowjob is out—”

  I cut her off. “Please do not mention a BJ. It hurts just thinking about it.”

  I lifted my arm so she could rest against my chest. Her breathing soothed me as I attempted sleep.

  How did I become so domesticated? I’d fought against it for years, believing I wasn’t owed contentment. That I was deserving of fate’s contempt. But here I was, sharing my home with a woman I loved. With her mum just a few feet away. I’d just gotten a vasectomy because I wanted our sex life uncomplicated. And the one thing I’d never wavered in was the fact of not wanting children. I was no role model.

  This was the first time in years I’d felt any kind of happiness. An emotion that never had come easy for me. Sure, I’d felt content when I came to St. Willis. I’d never had brothers, so even though I’d gotten a rocky start with Kai and Reese, it had worked out. I wasn’t very likeable in the beginning, and I even knew Kai had little use for me, other than a business partner, but that had changed when he’d gotten married and had a kid. Reese had always been the peacemaker, the “nice one.” Guilt felt foreign to me, but I did feel some toward Reese. He’d now lost out on love twice. He was far more worthy than me.

  Maybe destiny thought I needed to come into the light, so it put Daisy in the middle of my dark road. Whatever the reason, I was grateful as hell. I categorically knew that what I had now was meant to be and losing any part of this life would end me.

  I hadn’t understood what loving Tegan had meant to Kai and was clueless as to why Reese yearned for it, but now I got it. Daisy unraveled the binds of my own making. It didn’t matter how I felt inside. There was still a small part of me afraid of the future. I had created turmoil, beginning at a young age. I might have survived it, but you couldn’t get true joy without sacrifice. That was the part that caused me anxiety. I put on a great face, but I was worried. Because when it finally happened, I wouldn’t be able to stop it. I’d suffered so much loss, and I wasn’t even thirty.

  I didn’t care what happened to me, but I’d sworn to protect Daisy at any cost, and that was still my main objective.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  For two weeks, my mama and I had the time of our life. I took her sightseeing all over the island, shopping, we watched a movie at the theatre, and Reese even took us on a yacht ride around St. Willis. I think she was overwhelmed by all the luxury. During the evenings, we cooked together for Jasper, who was feeling much better. I hadn’t complained to him about us not having sex because by the time I got into bed, I was exhausted from entertaining my mama.

  Tonight was her last night here, and Jasper decided to grill sirloin burgers.

  “So, Verna, how did you find your stay?” he asked, turning over the patties.

  “It was truly amazin’. I’m kinda sorry for leavin’ tomorrow.”

  My mama and I stood at the table outside, filling our plates with homemade coleslaw and buns. Jasper added a burger and baked potato for each of us.

  The pool lights came on as sunset set in.

  “Sure is purty here. I can see why Daisy likes it so much. She’s lucky to have found this place and you,” Mama said as she took a bite.

  “Actually, I’m the lucky one. VIP got a very talented accountant, and I received the benefit of your daughter loving me.”

  I smiled at him. I was sad to see my mama go, but I was looking forward to all the sex Jasper promised me.

  We talked another hour before we had to call it a night. Mama still needed to pack, and Reese was taking her to the mainland and putting her on a private plane at nine tomorrow morning. Jasper and I cleared the table as my mama got ready to take her shower and go to be

  “I’m sorry you can’t go with them in the morning. It’s just too risky,” he said, scraping off the plates, then putting them in the dishwasher.

  “Me, too. I guess I’ll come into work after I say good-bye,” I said with a tearful pout.

  Jasper hugged me tightly and placed a kiss on the top of my head. “You know you don’t have to come in tomorrow. Take the day.”

  I shook my head in response. “Naw, it’ll keep me busy. Plus, I’m sure I have a desk full of paperwork to do. It’ll keep me from being sad.”

  “You do know she’s welcome anytime. We’ll bring her back for the holidays. I like your mum, and I love you, so whatever you want.” He winked with certainty.

  I laughed. “You’d better love me, because your excuses have run out. If you don’t have your way with me soon, I guess Reese will have to do.”

  He growled. “You threatening me, little country? Keep doing it, because my dick feels up to the challenge. Two weeks tomorrow. We’ll have a party. I’ll bring the condoms, and you take the pill.”

  “If we’re using condoms, I still don’t get why I have to take the pill?”

  Jasper closed the dishwasher, then turned on the garbage disposal. “Jesus, Daisy, you want the last thing your mum hears in this house to be us scheduling our fuckfest? And you already know I’m paranoid. If you recall, we already tested the waters a few times prior to the vasectomy. I don’t want to push our luck. Even though I’ve always had safe sex, I’ve been fortunate not to have any mishaps, considering the number of women I’ve slept with. You read the booklet. Condoms are a backup. I want to use both forms of birth control until I’m sure my procedure worked,” he said in a whisper.

  I turned off the disposal. “She’s in the shower,” I said as he hugged me and began licking my ear. “Stop it,” I said with a soft slap. “I’m mad at you.”

  “Too mad to allow me to go down on you?”

  “Nope, too tired,” I complained in an exhausted voice.

  And that was no lie. I was sleepy, and I knew once we got started, I’d be up all night. I wanted to get up early so Mama and I could have a nice breakfast before she left. I was sure I had tons to do at work, and tomorrow night would be nonstop sex with all the extras.

  * * *

  I cried for an hour after my mama left. What I really wanted was for her to stay forever. Maybe in the future, that might come true, but right now I had my own shit to handle. I needed to get divorced from Maynard, and I had no idea how to accomplish that since I was in hiding and had no doubt that he ripped up the dissolution paperwork. I’d only heard from the FBI once since I’d been here, and all they said was the investigation was ongoing. What the hell did that mean? What were they waiting for?

  I already knew the answer to that. They were waiting until he found me, until he surfaced.

  I went into work and did three hours of paperwork before getting lunch. I got Jasper French dip because I wanted to see him. Truth was I was horny and hoping to get the party started early.

  I didn’t knock, which was a mistake on my part. Parked on his desk was a young and beautiful woman. She was dressed all in red, with matching spiked heels and red-coated nails. Fady. The mornings after he’d had sex with her, I’d smelled that horrid perfume on Jasper. The slut.

  Jasper looked guilty. “Daisy. What are you doing here?” he asked, trying to sound indifferent.

  “I work next door,” I snapped. “I thought you might be hungry.” I set the bag down on the coffee table, then turned to leave.

  “Daisy, wait,” he said, standing. “It’s not what you think.”

  I huffed. “I doubt you know what I’m thinkin’.”

  I returned to my office, hands shaking as I opened the bag. My appetite was gone, and I decided to toss the food in the trash.

  I’d known better. There was no way Jasper would take Fady back after what she’d done. He already paid her five million. Was she back to get more? Or was it him? She was pretty and young. Plus, she looked sophisticated. Definitely something I wasn’t. Yeah, Jasper and I were together, but there wasn’t anything really holding us to each other.

  Shit, the man had gotten a vasectomy because he wanted us to have permanent birth control. Heck, maybe he wanted to test out his cock with someone besides me. She’d never know he’d gotten snipped because he’d always used condoms. Unless he told her. No. Jasper had always been honest with me, but he’d acted guilty when I’d walked in.

  Chapter Thirty


  “Other than my desk holding up your arse, is there some reason you’re here? I gave you what you asked for, and I thought that was the end of it, the end of you.” I attempted to keep my tone less threatening.

  She laughed as she pushed herself from my desk. “It seems the poor country bumpkin is upset. What have you been up to, Jasper?”

  “What goes on in my life is none of your business. You gave up your rights to any information when you blackmailed me,” I spit out.

  “Such a harsh word. I could still share my knowledge with Kai and Reese, maybe even Daisy. Is that what you want? The people you care about most knowing about your dark past?”

  “Enough with your threats. They know. I told them everything.”

  My confession caught Fady off guard.

  “Well then, the fear of what I might do made you do the right thing. My intimidation worked, I suppose.”

  “You’re awfully brave for someone that knows about what I did. If I were you, I’d hold your tongue, considering it wouldn’t bother me in the least to cut it out.” I was seething.

  She sauntered around the desk and traced her red nails on my tie. “Oh, you wouldn’t hurt me, Jasper. We have history and sexual chemistry.”

  “Is that what you came back for, sex? I would think the money I gave you could afford every gigolo around.”

  “Well, the truth is I’ve missed us. I came back because of you. I think I may love you.”

  I stared incredulously. “You evidently have no concept of the word.”

  “And you do? It was always just sex with you. Well, rather great sex. Did the backwoods granny show you the error of your ways?”

  “As a matter of fact, she did. A lot has happened since you left. Nothing I regret, other than not realizing sooner what a conniving bitch you are.”

  “Ouch, that hurt,” she quipped. “You actually knew all about me, but you didn’t care because I gave you a warm pussy and arse to put your cock into. I think you were well aware of the type of woman I was, but you were apathetic.”

  Fady was correct. I’d always known she was a cunt, but I enjoyed the sex so I ignored her lack of human qualities. Maybe because I had none of my own… until I’d let Daisy into my life.

  “Enough with the idle chitchat. What do you want?”

  “I told you. I missed you. I came back for you.”

  I leaned back in my chair. “You’ve got to be kidding. You and I are over. Even if I wasn’t with another woman, I’d still say no. You and I were finished the minute you threatened me and demanded money to keep silent.”

  “I don’t understand how you could choose her over someone like me. True, she is smart, but how could she possibly provide you with the necessary—Wait. Oh my God, you love her. I’d never have believed it was possible. The great Jasper Kendrick cares for someone besides himself. Tell me it isn’t true,” Fady demanded.

  I hated sharing something so personal with a woman I loathed. “Not that it’s your business, but Daisy and I have an understanding. I take care of her, and she, in turn, takes care of my needs.”

  “Oh, so it’s strictly sex. I knew it wasn’t possible you’d fall for that love trap.”

  I knew Fady was baiting me. She was on a fishing expedition, which filled me with concern. I knew how vindictive women could be, and Daisy had enough anxiety in her life. She didn’t need this whore. If I was the same person I’d been before, I’d lay Fady out on my desk and fuck her, hoping to gain her coope
ration and trust, but Daisy had changed all that. No matter the reason, she would consider it an act of betrayal. Even if it meant saving her life.

  “It would be in your best interest to go away.”

  “I plan to stay a week and work on my tan. I can afford this place now. Don’t worry. Your secret is safe. You already paid me the hush money I asked for. And I’m sure the guests and employees would be mortified to know the face of VIP is a sadistic murderer.”

  “If you truly believe that, I don’t know why you continue to needle me. Just go and enjoy the week. Do not let me see you, or I guarantee they’ll never find your body.”

  Fady’s face turned ashen at my warning. I would never do it, but I needed her to believe it was part of my mindset.

  “I’ll be in the penthouse in case you change your mind about sex. I understand it’s been vacant for a while, so I felt I earned it. And now I can afford it.”

  I shook my head, searing her with an intimidating expression.

  Reese walked in, and Fady passed him, going out.

  “What the hell, Jasper? What the fuck is she doing here? You do know Daisy is pissed, and when I say pissed, I mean she’s breathing fire.” He paused. “I think she might have been crying, too.”

  My shoulders slumped just contemplating how much she was already saddened about her mum leaving, and now she had to contend with the likes of Fady. “Honest to Christ, I had no idea she was even here until I walked in this morning. Didn’t you bring her over?”

  Reese looked shocked. “Fuck no. I would have warned you first, and after the stunt she pulled with you, I’d be tempted to drown her.”

  I scoffed at Reese’s attempt at being hostile. “Considering the amount of money she got from me, she most likely hired another boat and pulled strings with security. I’m sure her agenda was to catch me off guard. She’s staying a week in the penthouse, no less.”

  Reese pulled a chair up to my desk and sat. “How did that happen, and what are you going to say to Daisy?”


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