Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles Page 17


  “I’ll tell her the truth. I’ll leave out the part where I considered sleeping with Fady because I’m afraid of what she may do to Daisy. I would never do that, of course, but Fady claims she came back for me. She thinks she may love me,” I muttered.

  “What? Christ, the nerve. That bitch isn’t capable.”

  “I’m fairly sure you thought so highly of me at one time.”

  Reese nodded in agreement. “True, but you were very honest about your lack of apathy. Fady… What she did was unconscionable. There is no way any of us can trust her. What if she outs you to the guests or staff? We barely survived Kai’s scandal, and considering your past, I believe there would be no way VIP could come back from that. I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing to apologize for. I agree, but I was more worried about what she might do to Daisy. I didn’t consider the ramifications of her spreading gossip. But if she wants more money, which I believe she eventually will ask for, it would benefit her not to do anything that could jeopardize that possibility.”

  “You need to put out a fire… Go talk to your woman.”

  “I can’t believe she thinks I would stray. And that I would do it with Fady, right next door.”

  “Jasper, that’s not a good way to win an argument. Daisy is almost twenty years older than Fady, and let’s face it; whether or not she’s lowlife scum, the woman is sex on a stick,” Reese explained as he leaned back in the chair. “Females are jealous. It doesn’t matter what age they are or if you told them you love them. I’m sure Daisy feels very insecure in comparison to Fady, regardless of how beautiful or smart she is. She knows you used to have sex with the woman, and I’m sure with all the vasectomy stuff and her mom being here, you two probably haven’t spent much intimate time together.”

  I lifted my brows at Reese.

  “I’m just saying Daisy might have thought you could be tempted.”

  “Not even remotely. I only have eyes for her.” I scoffed. “I don’t get women. I got neutered, for God’s sake! I professed my love for her in front of you and Kai. I’ve done everything I know of.”

  “Doesn’t mean jack if she saw Fady in that red fuck-me dress. I’m just saying. You might think she has no right to not trust you, but regardless of where she came from, Daisy is just another woman trying to hold on to the man she loves. You’ve spent years going from female to female. Sex was your main interest. It’s all that meant anything to you. Don’t say or do anything that gives her a reason to mistrust. She’s good for you. I think you needed someone like her in your life.”

  “When did you become Dr. Phil?” I asked.

  “Just go, will you? Mend fences with Daisy,” Reese requested as he walked out.

  I wasn’t anxious to go “mend fences.” Did I want to? Of course. But I’d never been good at asking for forgiveness, especially when I’d done nothing wrong.

  I walked into my bathroom and slapped on some cologne, then straightened my tie before going to see Daisy. If she cried, I’d be lost. I would say or do anything to stop the flow of tears. It was my downfall.

  I stepped to her door and knocked before entering.

  “Did the she-devil leave?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Nothing happened, Daisy—you know that. I would never betray you with anyone, especially her. She’s just an instigator. Fady wants to sow the seeds of mistrust between you and me. I never loved her, and I certainly never said the words. It’s only you. I know you think because of my sexual history and past, I’d be capable of anything. But I would never be disloyal, not to you. You saved me from myself.

  “Do you think I would ever have gotten a vasectomy for anyone else? I’d do anything for you. That’s why I brought your mum here, because I knew you missed her. True, when I swore to protect you and keep you safe, I never imagined I’d fall in love. I knew we’d have sex because our attraction was tangible, but never did it occur to me you’d be the one I’d care enough to give my heart to. You gave me solace. Peace of mind. You are my home, Daisy, and nothing or no one will ever change that.”

  I looked at her in alarm as tears began streaming down her face.

  “Please, baby, don’t. I was supposed to be comforting you, and instead, I’ve made you cry. I need you to believe me.”

  “I do.” She sobbed. “I just don’t know why you’d want me when you can do better. I mean, look at Fady.”

  “I’m not very good at this, but you are so much better than her. You may be older, but you’re intelligent, beautiful, funny, and sexy. You’ve given me a life I only ever dreamed about but never thought I deserved, and the only thing she ever did was take. I never thought I’d be happy or fulfilled, but you’ve given me both.”

  “What about our age gap and your sexual preferences? You gave up a lot of things in that department. I’d be willing to negotiate. I know how much you enjoyed certain things, and you chose me instead of them. I’m willing to do anything to make you content. But what happens when I hit fifty and you’re only in your thirties?”

  I reached and pulled Daisy out of her desk chair. Lifting her into my arms, I went to sit on the sofa with her on my lap.

  “Those things you speak of I did to satiate my own need to bury my feelings of a dark past. I don’t need them anymore because I have you. Regardless of our difference in age, I can’t see myself with anyone but you. I want a life with you because no one can give me what you do. You have accomplished what no other woman has. You not only have my heart, Daisy Jones, but my very soul.”

  I moved her beside me. My erection was noticeable as I stood, going to the door. I turned the lock, then spun around with a devious grin. “As you can see, it’s fully functional, and I’m having a rough time keeping my carnal thoughts at bay.”

  “Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?” she asked, slipping her dress lower.

  I licked my lips. “Ah, nothing to ease my mind, but plenty to ease my cock.” I walked toward her.

  Her hands grasped my belt, and she drew me closer. Once I was in front of her, she began to unzip me. I groaned as she fondled the front of my briefs.

  “God, you feel good. I’ve missed this,” she whispered as she took my length in her hand.

  I stared at the ceiling and willed myself to calm down. I wanted to give her pleasure, to make sure I’d never place my own desires above her own.

  “Take off your underwear. I can wait until tonight for me, but right now, it’s all about you. Lie on the sofa and spread those gorgeous legs.”

  Daisy removed her panties, then allowed her dress to fall to the floor. Once naked but for her bra, she lay back on the sofa and opened her thighs. I sighed with a groan as I sat between them, loosening my tie and opening my collar. I reached across to kiss her, stifling my moan as she sucked my lip into her mouth.

  “Remember what I said about eating you? Well, a promise is a promise,” I threatened as I bent my head and separated Daisy’s lips with my fingers, then licked around the labia, biting her clit gently.

  She did her best to stay composed, but I could tell her resolve was crumbling.

  “You do not get to come until I say so,” I commanded as I adjusted my position.

  She squirmed as I began to suckle on her nub, then speared her deeply with my tongue, dining on her scent and taste. My actions were not only making Daisy lose control, but I was on the verge of coming myself. It had been too long since we’d fucked, and I had to talk myself down because what I wanted right now was to be inside her. I was ready to screw the consequences but stopped myself because I had no condoms. I hadn’t gone through all the pain for the past two weeks to ruin it all by giving myself over to lust. Although, that was as good a reason if any.

  I raised my head, wiping my tongue around my lips. “I have to stop before my control snaps and I fuck you.”

  Daisy moaned as she pulled me onto her.

  “No more. I didn’t come prepared, and we can’t take the chance.” I leaned against the back of the sofa as I pulled her up. “
I can still taste you, and you’re delicious. Don’t make dinner tonight. I’ll bring something home. I need to be inside you. Then we can have food. But first things first.”

  Daisy’s face was flushed, and her eyes looked glassy.

  “We’ll probably have to eat our dinner in bed, because I’ll never get enough of you.”

  “I love you, Jasper.”

  I stopped talking and closed my eyes. “And I you.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  In the final years of my life, there would be few moments I’d recall. But those with Jasper I would always remember, down to the way he took each breath. Every second with him would be etched into my mind, from his immense size to his accented voice. Every orgasm that resulted in me shattering into a million pieces and all the glances he gave with the rich-blue hues that warmed my heart with memories of his confessions of love.

  I always thought I’d been in love with Maynard—even though he hurt me and now wanted me dead. I’d stayed with him for thirteen years. But I hadn’t known true passion until Jasper. We were ill-matched, opposite, from completely different worlds, yet we worked. I’d never felt emotions so deeply until him. The thought of losing him tilted my life on its axis.

  It was actually difficult to continue working today. With his words, tongue, and promises of tonight’s activities, I found myself too satisfied. Paying attention to numbers was a struggle. Hadn’t Jasper told me to take the day off this morning? I came to the conclusion that maybe he was right.

  I gathered my things, then left, deciding to do some shopping before heading home. I bought a rather scandalous bra with matching panties. After what happened to the last lingerie, thank God I got an employee discount. Of course, even with the deduction, it still cost more than I’d ever paid for underwear in my life. But my salary was extremely generous, and I had no cost of living.

  “Imagine me running into you.”

  The sound of Reese’s voice jarred me out of my trance.

  “Hey, how are you?”

  “Maybe I should ask you that. But I do admit you look better than when I ran into you earlier.”

  “Well, I’m sure you know why,” I said as I held my bag tightly.

  “You have time for a cup of coffee?” he asked.

  “Sure. I was on my way home, but coffee sounds great.”

  “Got to get that caffeine. Looks like it may be a long night.” He chuckled, eyeing the bag I held.

  I blushed as I followed him into one of the restaurants. We got our drinks and chose a table on the patio.

  “So Fady…” he stated, taking a sip.

  “Yeah, but I think you know more about the situation than I do,” I replied.

  “You already know they had a thing for a while. She’s a bitter pill. Nice looking, but a snob. To be honest, I never realized how much of a bitch she was until Jasper told us all about the blackmail thing. That still pisses me off.”

  “I kinda think it caught Jasper by surprise. From what he told me, their relationship was strictly sexual, and I guess you don’t really know a person if that’s all there is.”

  Reese looked astounded. “I guess Jasper mended those fences. I told him, basically, he couldn’t afford to lose you. I’m glad you guys are okay now.”

  “I know he’d never cheat, but just the way she acted when I walked in got me mad as hell. I was ready to throw down.”

  “Hell, I’d pay to see that.” Reese laughed.

  “I’ve met girls like her before. Prissy and stuck-up. Thinkin’ their shit don’t stink.”

  Reese choked on his coffee. “I do love you, Daisy.”

  I chuckled as we clinked our mugs together. “Guess you’ll have to fight Jasper for me, then.”

  “I’m sure I love you in a completely different way. I doubt you’d be buying lingerie for me.”

  My brows shot up. “I’m sure someone has bought sexy things for a night with you.”

  Reese suddenly looked sad. “Not really. I’m in the same boat as Jasper was before he got lucky and found you. I suppose it will always be a sex thing with me. Not that I haven’t tried. But I’m beginning to think what I truly want isn’t meant to be because Tegan ended up with Kai and you’re with Jasper. Maybe there is no happily ever after for me.”

  I placed my hand on top of his. “You’re so young, Reese. Don’t be in such a rush or you’ll end up making bad choices like I did with Maynard. I don’t think you can force it. Love will find you, maybe with someone unexpected. If you’re patient, at some point, you’ll find that special person. And I suspect you’re the kind of man who loves forever.”

  “I kind of think it’s payback. I wasn’t very nice to Tegan when she said no to my advances. I didn’t mean to be such a prick, but it’s like I get shut down at every turn.”

  “You have a lot to offer a woman. You’re sweet, wealthy, and good-looking. But maybe you try too hard.”

  “Is that why you weren’t interested?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No, it wasn’t that. I told you my husband is a bad man, and being with me requires someone who’s badder than him.”

  “Yeah, Jasper is far more capable in that aspect than I would be.”

  “You do understand it’s not a sin being gentle. It’s a good quality to have. There’s not a thing wrong with you, Reese. You just need to wait your turn.”

  He shrugged and finished his coffee. “I think we’ve had enough conversation about my lack of love life. I can’t even share—” Reese stopped short.

  “I know all about what you boys used to do. I may be from the hills of Tennessee, but I do understand the turn-on. It must be quite strange to be on your own now.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, it feels odd. I mean, it’s not as though I’ve never had a woman by myself, but I was used to it being with Kai or Jasper.”

  I chuckled. “I’m sure there are other men on this island that would love to be in a three-way or whatever they’re called.”

  “Nope. We never really planned for it. The sharing just happened. We became partners first, then friends. It was a process.” He stood, then tossed his empty cup into a trash bin. “I have a client in a few minutes, so I need to go. Have a great night, and thanks for the pep talk.”

  “Anytime. I’m never too busy. Let’s do coffee again,” I told him.

  * * *

  “What did you bring for dinner?” I asked Jasper as he came in the door.

  His eyes bulged, and he dropped the bags of food on the dining room table. “What the fuck, Daisy? You cannot ask me what the menu is when you’re dressed in nothing but a bra and panties.”

  I licked my lips as I spun around. “You like them? I bought the set special for you. Now, that doesn’t mean you can shred them like you did to the last lingerie I purchased.”

  Jasper removed his tie, then began unbuttoning his shirt. His tattoos danced with color with every movement. I sighed loudly, padding toward him until I stood in front of his body, then helped pull off his shirt. The faint scent of his cologne permeated my nose as his shirt dropped to the floor. He toed off his shoes, then sat on the sofa to remove his socks. My fingers toyed with his zipper until it was down. Jasper started to stand, but I used my hand to stop him. His brows arched as I tugged his pants off. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, he was beautiful sitting in nothing but navy briefs.

  “I want to repay the favor from this afternoon.”

  He widened his legs, and I kneeled before them.

  “Proceed. Who am I to deny your request?” His voice cracked as he rubbed his hard-on.

  I played with the elastic on his underwear, then took his hand from them, replacing it with my own. I brushed the outline of his erection, pulling it free from his briefs and feeling his dick as it lay in my hand. Jasper groaned as I began to explore all the veins that mapped his hard length down to his balls.

  “Quit tormenting me, woman. I’m ready to come all over you. Either blow me or let me fuck you. I’m good with either. It’s
been too long. I’m backed up.”

  I offered him a calculated smile. True, it was the longest two weeks of my life. I was sure he had never gone one day without ejaculating, so this must have been a painful course in patience.

  I began licking at the root, my tongue teasing its way to his mushroom head, which I nipped gently. Jasper’s slit glistened with pre-cum as I used one hand to fist his cock, preparing to take him into my mouth. His body jerked as he slipped between my lips, hollowing out my cheeks. As I began to inhale his shaft, sliding it in and out of my mouth, his hips pumped, mimicking sex. I could feel him swell as I continued sucking him, then switching and using my tongue with smaller licks. I combined my saliva with his arousal for lubrication as my hand surged up and down along his dick. His body stiffened as I felt him nearing release.

  “I can’t wait any longer. Enough,” he croaked.

  I readied myself for him as he pulled back, then slammed into my mouth, bringing tears to my eyes. He grunted as he exploded, a gush so strong I struggled to keep it all in my mouth. I gulped, devouring as much as I could, his release spilling from my lips. Jasper’s body relaxed as he crested toward the end of his climax. I glanced up, seeing that his eyes were partially closed on a face that appeared softer.

  His arms embraced me as he pulled me along his chest, up to his face. “I’m sorry. I know it was too much to swallow, but I didn’t want to come on your new bra.” His expression was apologetic.

  I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “I knew it would be a lot. I was expecting it.”

  “How did I ever get so fucking fortunate to find a woman like you?”

  “It’s your fault, you know, after talkin’ ‘bout my ass. Well, that and lickin’ me by the pool. Yup, I’m pretty sure you started it.”

  Jasper’s breath lightly touched my face as he held me. “Were you faking that nightmare? Because I’m sure you captured my heart the minute we had sex.”

  “I’m glad I captured you, because there’s no one else I’d rather hold prisoner,” I whispered. “I love you so much.”


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