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Chosen Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 3

Page 9

by Janelle Peel

  “What the fuck happened!?” Jackson shouted. “We’ve lost power to the entire mansion!”

  Viv took one look around and shook her head. “Just great, really,” she snarked. “It’s not like we don’t already have enough shit to deal with.”

  The overhead lights flickered before bathing the boardroom in artificial light as the mansion’s generators kicked on.


  A cold spray of water drew me awake. Sitting up, I located Nat’s prone form beside me. Rolling onto my side, I grabbed her shoulder.

  Her bottle green eyes opened and she blinked in confusion, “Mmm, what happened?”

  I sighed and looked around, noting Cooper’s naked body beside me, “The Goddess.”

  Cooper began to stir as I watched. His hazel gaze caught mine and his lips tipped into a frown. Sitting up, he moved one thickly corded thigh to cover his manhood while I examined his tattoo. If it was silver instead of black, it would be identical to my own flames.

  He looked up and down the beach and grumbled, “Where are we, and why are we naked?”

  A tinkling chime sounded behind us and we turned. Both Cooper and Nat sucked in sharp gasps as the Goddess revealed Herself.

  Her pale, blue eyes met mine, “Welcome, Chosen.” Tipping Her ever changing face to my companions, Her pink lips curved into a smile, “Cooper, Natalie.”

  Both bowed their heads in reverence.

  I rolled my eyes, “I mean no disrespect, but this has to stop happening.”

  She laughed with the sound of tolling bells. “Sora, this is your path as my Chosen. Though, this visit will be brief. We are running out of time.”

  My heart rate increased. Running out of time for what?

  Her ever changing face hardened, “They are coming.”

  I blinked as the mansions silver veined wallpaper came into view. Blaze’s oceanic scent tickled my nose and I sighed in relief, home.

  His thick arms tightened around me and he stopped his forward movement.

  Softly, I touched his stubbled cheek. “They’re coming,” I whispered.


  A car was waiting for me as I exited the Pico House. Taking the keys from the robed figure, I tossed my bag into the backseat and drove south.

  As the miles blurred, my thoughts spun. Why would the Council want me to bring Sora in, if she was so dangerous? I wasn’t even completely sure if she was the Chosen. What were they hiding? If they trusted me, why did they threaten my parents’ lives?

  I pulled off of the interstate at a gas station for some food. Blindly, I walked up and down the cramped aisles with my stomach tied in knots. Nothing sounded remotely appetizing.

  Grabbing a bottle of water from the cooler and a bag of peppered jerky, I headed to the cashier while half listening to the news cast playing over the radio.

  The anchorwoman spoke, “After the recent earthquakes in Mexico, officials are now placing the majority of California on high alert. The San Andreas Fault has continued to show small seismic shifts beneath the Earth’s crust. If the tectonic plates continue to move, a large chunk of California could potentially drop into the Pacific Ocean…”

  Pulling out my wallet, I handed the young man a twenty and waited for my change.

  “That’s right, Daisy. Very scary indeed.” A male anchorman said.

  My ears pricked at the sound of my name and I focused on the newscast.

  “Let’s listen to UCLA’s top environmental engineer,” he said.

  Another man’s voice spoke from the small speaker, “Tom, Daisy, as I have said before, this could very well be Armageddon for California.”

  What the hell was happening in the world?

  “Ma’am? Ma’am?” The cashier snapped his fingers; breaking my concentration. “Your change?”

  “Keep it,” I muttered, grabbing the plastic grocery bag.

  Back in the small sedan, I thumbed through the different FM radio stations before switching to AM. Settling on KOGO, I started the car and merged back onto the interstate.


  Rolling onto my side, I got a mouth full of fluffy fur. Bex, my nose told me before I opened my eyes.

  Her coughing chuff confirmed it as she laughed from near my hip.

  Rubbing my face, I sat up.

  Oh, shit! The Goddess!

  Amber eyes met my shocked face from the foot of the large bed. Showcasing his sharp teeth, Mel smiled and thumped his bushy tail against the mattress.

  Looking around, I wondered just how I had gotten into my own bed.

  Figuring I needed some answers, I hit the bathroom and took a quick shower. After a rough towel dry, I got dressed in a loose tee and shorts. With all the shifting I was doing lately, I didn’t want to ruin anymore clothes.

  Finger combing my raven hair into a loose ponytail, I opened the door and ran right into Mel’s very naked body.

  Irritation and embarrassment color my cheeks red in equal proportions. Stepping back, I sucked in a breath and attempted to calm my racing heart. He smelled really, really good. Musky, like a forest after the rain. Wild…

  His nostril flared as he inhaled deeply. The chocolate of his iris flashed to amber and back again. Clearing his throat, he hoarsely said, “Sorry. I was just going to tell you that there’s a meeting downstairs in a few minutes. It seems Sora and Cooper are both awake.”

  Bex hopped from the bed with a snort. I tracked her progress to Mel’s bare hip and… my thoughts stuttered. Oh, my…

  The rigid girth of his member bobbed in approval at my inspection. Holy Goddess, how could a man be so huge?!

  A deep rumble sounded, piercing the haze of my stupor. His golden gaze devoured every inch of my body and I shivered in response.

  Faster than I could track, he pressed his hard body against mine, pinning me to the door frame. Stunned, I froze.

  With the tip of his nose at my collarbone, his breath feathered against my pulse. The length of his hardened member pressed against my pelvis and I shuddered as heat pooled low in my belly.

  Softly, he rubbed his cheek against my neck as his scent permeated the area. My mind screamed as I recalled a nature documentary…

  He was marking me.

  I growled low in my throat. Back off!

  His purr cut off and he stepped back in confusion. The amber disappeared from his orbs as they switched to chocolate once more.

  Baring my teeth, I barely held onto my human form. Livid, I screeched, “GET. OUT!”

  Hurt flashed across his face as he turned away and silently exited my room.

  Bex’s lips tipped into a grin.

  I glared. “Screw you, fur ball.”

  She snorted, choking out a chuff as her tiny body shook with amusement.

  Lifting a lip, I stalked to the door and slammed it.



  A loud noise woke him from a deep sleep in a soft bed. Opening his eyes, he looked around. Whose room was this?

  The sound came again. Someone was knocking.

  “I’m coming,” he growled, fighting with the thick duvet.

  Tripping over his own boot, he finally made it to the door. Jerking it open, he grumbled, “What?”

  Nat’s green eyes met his below a raised brow. Amused at his grumpiness, she quipped, “Am I interrupting private time or something?”

  Chuckling deeply, he answered, “No, I just woke up in a strange bed.”

  Her pink lips lifted into a smirk. “It happens,” she rolled one shoulder in dismissal. “Anyway, I just got up myself. I guess there’s a meeting downstairs. Want to come?”

  His brows furrowed while he replayed the last thing he could remember. The Goddess! He leaned past the door frame and looked up and down the hall. “Was,” he paused, lowering his voice to a near whisper, “was that real?”

  Her short nod rocked his world. Clutching the door handle, he slowly sank to his knees on the plush carpet. She had known his name.

  Nat bent at the waist, placing her
small chin just above his nose. “Kind of a shocker, huh?”

  Numbly, he grunted in the affirmative.

  She sighed, “Well, I really don’t have time to hold your hand. Are you going to be alright?”

  “I’m coming,” he grouched. “Just give me a moment.”

  He had met the Goddess. Not only that, but She had called Sora Her Chosen.

  Slender fingers snapped in front of his face, interrupting his mental musing. “Take my hand, Cooper,” Nat said, impatiently. “We need to go.”

  Reaching out, he took her hand. The same sense of peace from before blanketed his thoughts in a warm cocoon. He’d never felt anything quite like the it.

  Smoothly, she pulled his body upright with ease. She attempted to tug her hand back as his grip tightened involuntarily. A deep growl sounded from her chest in tandem with the lowering of her brow.

  With a sigh, he released her fingers and shrugged. “Apologies, Natalie. I just wanted to explore that sensation for a moment longer.”

  The scrunched lines of her face softened. Tentatively, she lifted her hand once more.

  Holding his breath, he touched the tips of her fingers. The feeling lit his body again; pure, blessed peace.

  His well of magic overflowed, urging him to let it come out and play with its kindred. The struggle to keep it contained inside his own skin was nearly unbearable. Gritting his teeth, he moved to pull his hand away when her flames ignited. His followed suit, happy to oblige her invitation.

  The glow of her green eyes shimmered with a silvered rim. Sister, a voice whispered from deep inside his mind. Shocked, he stepped back, breaking their physical contact.

  Extinguishing her flames, she took a deep breath just as a massive Wolf knocked him to the ground.

  Large teeth closed around his throat before he could react. A loud roar rent the air and the beast above him hesitated briefly at the sound. With a growl, its massive maw tightened.


  What the fuck!?

  Between one blink and the next, I assumed my beast form and gripped Mel’s ruff in both clawed hands. Flexing my black furred, muscular arm, I plucked his mass from atop Cooper’s prone form and tossed him down the hall.

  The copper tang of blood hit my nose as a gurgle came from Cooper’s ravaged throat.

  My mind screamed as I instinctively called to my well, hoping that Mel hadn’t released any venom with his bite. Silver flames broke out across my pelt as I crouched to the floor. Gently, I wrapped one sharp claw around his throat to staunch the crimson flow. Healing light warmed my palm as the moments dragged by.

  Please Goddess, I prayed.

  Shouts sounded behind me as Sora lowered herself to her knees. Placing one hand atop mine, her flames lit. Joined together, the heat increased and Cooper began to breathe with ease. As the light faded, I let out a sigh of relief and removed my palm.

  Smooth, tanned skin greeted my eyes as the scarlet blood darkened the black carpet beneath him.

  His curious hazel eyes met mine.

  I grinned, showcasing every pointed tooth with the motion.

  His brow furrowed in fear and a sour tang littered the air.

  He was afraid of me. The revelation propelled my shift back to human and I crossed my arms to retain the shredded bits of my tee.

  He swallowed apprehensively, “Nat?”

  Looking to the floor, I nodded.

  Sora intuited my discomfort, “Nat’s an Alpha, so she is capable of a fusion shift.” She lifted my chin with her knuckle and grinned, “This is the first time I’ve seen it, though. She’s equal parts terrifying and beautiful.”

  My cheeks pinked at her compliment.

  “Agreed,” Cooper said, sitting up. “Deadly and beautiful,” his hand found my bare knee and lightly squeezed. “My sister.”

  Shock coursed through me as a voice whispered through my thoughts. Brother…

  “That is what it means to be Hers,” Sora picked up the conversation. “We are all of the Goddess, some of us just come in different packages.”

  She was right, I mused, as usual.

  Viv interrupted our happy moment, “Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?”

  Chapter 9


  My gaze ping ponged from Nat to Sora before finally coming to rest on Cooper. “Jesus Christ, can’t you all behave for one minute?” Bracing my hands on my hips, I finally settled my gaze on Sora and gave her the stank eye, “It’s like a fucking three ring circus around here.”

  A grin split her face and she snorted a laugh. Holding her sides, great peals rolled from her pink lips.

  Before long, everyone joined in.

  Grudgingly, I chuckled too.

  Sobering, she looked past me down the hall, “Where did Mel go?”

  Nat’s face furrowed and she clenched her ill-fitting tee tighter.

  Cooper rose to stand and shook his head.

  Irritated, I snarked, “Again, what the hell is going on?”

  Sora looked to Nat imploringly.

  With a frustrated sigh, she rose and answered, “Mel attacked Cooper.”

  “It wouldn’t have happened if I had been paying better attention,” tipping his head, Cooper cracked his thick neck. “I was… distracted.”

  “Distracted,” I mocked. “What, were you masturbating on the floor or something?”

  His face lit with a smirk, “And you are?”

  I snickered, “Viv, Sora’s BFF. I’m also the one that’s going to wipe that grin right off your face if I don’t get some answers.”

  His upper body flexed in an impressive display.

  Lifting a brow, my fangs dropped with a snick.

  “Enough,” Sora said, interrupting our little spat. “What happened, Nat?”

  Shrugging, she stared at the blood-soaked carpet. “I came to get him for the meeting, thing. He seemed shocked over the whole Goddess bit, and kind of sank to the floor. I helped him up. Whenever our hands touch, it’s,” struggling for words, she waived one hand around helplessly. “It’s like we’re joined, like I am to the rest of the Clutch. I guess Mel saw and attacked him.”

  Sora connected the dots first and face palmed her forehead. “Of course,” she muttered.

  I made the leap a second later. Mel was jealous.

  Cooper looked baffled. Maybe I should enlighten the poor bastard, “Mel thinks Nat is his Mate.”

  Nat wheezed as she choked on her own breath. Coughing, she cleared her throat and shouted, “WHAT!?”

  Oh, this was rich. “You really didn’t notice? I told you that he liked you.”

  Her wide jade eyes met mine and she snarked, “Um, no? You didn’t say that he like liked, me. I fucking 19, Vivian.”

  My cheeks colored and I glared at Sora, “What the fuck, Bitch? I told you that shit in confidence!”

  Sora’s eyes twinkled deviously, “It’s not my fault she has such great hearing. If you weren’t such an ass all the time, I wouldn’t have to use your full name.”

  I held up two fingers, “Truth.”

  Evidently, Cooper was done listening to our banter. “Nat, do you need help finding him?”

  She shook her head, “No, I’ll handle it.” Moving one hand to the stretched-out waistband of her shorts, she stood, “I’ll see you guys later.”

  Julian’s whispered footsteps announced his arrival as he passed Nat on the stairs. With his standard half bow, he addressed Sora, “Master Blaze has asked you all to join him in the rec room to discuss the current issue.”

  “We’ll be there in just a minute, Jules. Thanks,” Sora said.

  Straightening, he nodded, “Very well.” Pausing for a moment, he stared gleefully at the cooling pool of blood. Turning on the heel of his shiny dress shoe, he strode pack down the hall.

  “You have a Butler?” Cooper asked.

  “No, dummy,” I quipped. “Julian is our Head of House. And by the looks of it, he’s very excited to clean up your blood.”

/>   Jackson had spoken with him at length about strategy. They both agreed that waiting, was in fact, their best option.

  He’d placed Rowe on research duty. Hopefully, she could make sense of the thick tomes Cooper had brought.

  Lifting the rocks glass to his lips, he finished the whiskey in one swallow as Sora, Cooper, and Viv strode in.

  Sora made a beeline for the couch while Cooper remained standing near the pool table.

  Viv hopped onto a stool. Sarcastically, she said, “Master Blaze, I shall have four fingers of vodka.”

  Deftly, his fingers found the glass bottle beneath the bar. Snatching it from the rack, he settled it before her with a thunk.

  “That’ll do, pig,” she quipped, “that’ll do.”

  Maintaining his stoic façade, he chuckled internally. She and Sora watched the strangest movies.

  Tipping his head, he addressed the outsider in a deep bass, “How is your magic silver?”

  Cooper walked calmly to the bar. Grabbing another glass from its smooth surface, he poured himself a generous amount of whiskey and took a sip. “The Council killed my older brother when I was 4. Ever since then, I have followed Her. Keeping its color hidden has been a challenge, but one I have gladly accepted. I believe this is why their taint does not mark my magic.”

  Blaze nodded. That seemed logical. Furrowing his brow, he asked, “How did you come to be with Daisy?”

  Cooper jerked his chin, “I was assigned to her mission by the Council. My orders were to provide protection and watch this Compound.”

  He had expected as much. Gritting his teeth, he continued his interrogation, “What did you report?”

  His hazel eyes darkened as he met Blaze’s stare, “That the Shifters had allied with you.”

  Sora sucked in a sharp breath, “Why?”

  Cooper rolled one thick shoulder in frustration, “I had to! I wasn’t sure if I could trust her. The last thing I needed was for her to expose me.”

  Blaze growled, “Watch your tone, Hunter.”

  “Apologies,” he sighed. “I meant no offense to your Mate. I am only stating the facts.”

  “Explain, Cooper,” Blaze bit out. “Why we, should trust you?”


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