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Trained With Pain

Page 4

by Mark Andrews

  He let them drink in her loveliness — and her shame for a few more seconds then walked back to take up position behind her, raising the cane once more and then swiping it down a third time, this time just below the first stripe.

  Now she did scream. She was brave but those cuts hurt. God did they hurt! She just couldn’t contain her voice any longer. Her whole body shook as she forced her hands to stay up where they were. She wondered if the inspector had somehow replaced his cane with a red-hot iron. It felt like it!

  Once more he let them stare at her face and body for a few seconds then made her turn around so they could see the three stripes, each now a different colour. And the remaining twelve strokes were administered with the same force and the same dramatic effect. Every single girl would remember this assembly until her dying day — just as much as poor Wendy.

  She didn’t scream again. She somehow, somewhere found reserves of courage that bolstered her resolve not to make another sound and she took each of the remaining dozen strokes in silence, if not with equanimity. She forced her body to remain almost still, only swaying forward with each horrible stroke. Quivering a little at times she made her muscles stay still but otherwise quite quiet.

  Again Paul Donovan had reason to marvel at this pair of twins. Perhaps they were masochistic but he had an idea they were going to go far, once that masochism had been tamed and controlled — if indeed that was the problem for he still hadn’t decided the matter unequivocally.

  After the fifteenth stroke, Paul quietly told her she could now drop her hands but should remain standing facing the girls below her.

  Again he left her for a few endless minutes while he pretended to busy himself putting away his cane and retrieving the new version of her pouch; a few minutes while she stood there in utter mortification, aware of the grins that now suffused the faces of many of the girls below her.

  At first, they had looked up at her in utter horror, tinged, in some cases by a prurient interest in her body. Now that the actual punishment was over, most of the girls allowed their faces to show the usual child’s delight in another’s punishment.

  This was perhaps even more shaming for Wendy than had been the denuding of her body and the punishment that followed it. If they had shown sympathy, she might have coped better but although there were a few who displayed such compassion, by far the majority almost gloried in her distress; her pain and her humiliation.

  None of the girls there had the slightest resentment towards Inspector Paul Donovan, the head, or any of the staff that had clearly connived at this little drama. This was the way things were. You worked as hard as you could or this was what faced you.

  Wendy Sedgman had brains. They all knew that. She had chosen to goof off; now she was wearing the consequences. It was as simple as that.

  Paul returned to her eventually. In his hand was the pouch. It looked like the one she had worn for twenty-four hours that other time but it wasn’t.

  Like the one her brother was now wearing, it contained a photo-voltaic cell that converted light energy into electricity, an atomic battery to store the current, an electronic circuit that converted the electricity into little pulses that would excite her clitoris alarmingly—and the electrodes on the little handle that would deliver them.

  Now, right in front of the hundreds of schoolgirls seated in the chairs down below her, the inspector handed it to her and ordered her to slip its restraining handle into her vagina.

  She did, and immediately the thing was properly seated, the white material of the pouch sitting snugly against her vulva, the gadgetry contained in the pouch went to work, sending the delicious little thrills into and around her sexual organs. She knew what was happening to her for, like most girls, she had experimented down there. She also instinctively realised that it was going to go on all the time … She jumped and squirmed as she hadn’t through all the fifteen horrible strokes of the cane.

  “Take it off,” she pleaded, aware she could do it very easily herself but not daring to touch it.

  “No. It is to stay there for the next week except while you are actually in bed and then of course, you are to be quite naked. You are going to learn to control yourself over the next week, girl. And don’t even think of removing the pouch during the day, except to perform your bodily functions. I will know if you do and your next punishment is going to be far, far worse than this one …”

  He dismissed her then to go and rejoin her classmates all of whom tried not to look at her nakedness — but without much success, adding to her shame.

  And now she and Craig had to go out and about wearing only the pouch for seven whole days and they were again not allowed to hide at home, even being sent on errands to the local shops by their mother for she and Bill were determined to follow through with the punishments decreed by the inspector in the hope they might correct the twins’ errant ways.

  Not that they had much hope of this for, as Paul had explained to them, if he was right and this behaviour was motivated by an as yet latent masochism, it would probably develop. He wouldn’t do anything more about it yet, hoping that the seven day shame and humiliation following the awful school punishment, might still work.

  If not however, well, they would face a time in the inspectorate — and they wouldn’t like that one little bit, even if they were proved to be masochists!

  Chapter 3

  It was during this period of near total nakedness that Wendy had her first inkling that the pair of them might actually be enjoying the idea of pain and humiliation.

  The little tingles of electricity worked on their sexual organs ceaselessly — well, not exactly ceaselessly for if they had, the nerves would have been numbed to the effect but at all odd times: while they were walking in the streets; during a class; while playing sport … And when they did, they were required to carry on as if nothing had happened.

  Paul could indeed monitor their reactions to the electronic wizardry built into the pouches. He, or rather the highly sophisticated computers in the office knew when the gadget was active and was also able to monitor the subject’s responses to them. Each time they began to falter, it ‘knew’ it and sent a warning shock to Wendy or Craig — and also told the computer in the inspectorate.

  There was a reason for this. A reason Paul hadn’t mentioned to the twins’ parents but which he was well aware of.

  The nation had a need for special people. These special people were almost always outside the ‘normal’ parameters of today’s society’s acceptable behaviour. They possessed talents that could be used to the nation’s advantage and which they were very happy to employ in the service of their country.

  And the more he saw of the Sedgman twins, the more he began to think these two might just be candidates for selection into that programme.

  Both Wendy and Craig had agonised over their own behaviour. That it was aberrant, they were well aware; it was as if there was a devil inside them they couldn’t control and in a sense, this was very true. Masochism, and its sister sadism, are traits in human beings that are more common than most people realise. In a great percentage of cases, they are kept repressed by the morals of society; labelled as deviant behaviour and ruthlessly put down.

  Wendy was lying in bed, the pouch thankfully off her body, thinking back over the first caning and then the more public one at school… and as she thought of them, that strange tingle began in her loins — almost as if the pouch was still down there, sending those delicious thrills into and all around her clit.

  It hit her like a hammer!

  They were masochists! She knew the term of course but hadn’t for one moment before this, even imagined she and Craig might have been afflicted with this gene of behaviour. She bounded out of bed and, just as she was, for she wasn’t allowed to put on anything except the pouch and she certainly wasn’t going to put it on, raced out of her room and into Craig�
�s, sitting on his bed and rousing him to wakefulness.

  “We’re masochists!” she whispered into his ear.

  He stared up at her. “We are? How do you know?”

  “It’s the only thing that makes sense, Craig. You know and I know we don’t like goofing off so why do we do it? To get the attention of the inspector! To make him punish us!”

  “But I don’t like the punishment and neither do you?”

  “Perhaps not, but we like the thrill of anticipating it, don’t we?”

  He lay there for a few moments, looking at her without really seeing her, despite the beauty of her nakedness sitting so close beside him on the side of his bed. “You know,” he said thoughtfully, “I believe you may be right … Well, what do we do about it?”

  She grinned briefly but then her face became very sober again. “I think we should go straight down to the inspectorate, tomorrow morning. Skip school. Go directly to see Mr Donovan …”

  He nodded. “Yes. No point in worrying Mum and Dad with this. They’re not equipped to handle it. All right, we’ll ring him first on the way to school but then go straight there …”

  The inspector was only mildly surprised to see the twins sitting before him in his office. He already knew they were very bright and he had an idea of why they might be there but he let them feel their own way and after courteously showing them to seats opposite his desk asked what he could do for them.

  Wendy had come up with the idea and so Craig had suggested she be the spokesperson. “Sir, we think we might be masochists … We have both been trying to understand what it is that has been driving us these last few months but we haven’t been able to come up with what it might be. Then last night, it hit me and Craig agrees. It is the only thing that makes any sense …?”

  “I see.” Paul looked at her thoughtfully but his mind was racing. So was his heart. He still wanted this pair but he knew that was unlikely now. Once he had alerted the appropriate authorities, they would be down here from Brisbane like an express train…

  “And having diagnosed yourselves, you thought it appropriate to come to me?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “You did the right thing. All right, I’ll be honest with you now as you have been with me. I happen to agree with you. I suspected this might be the case from the beginning but I wanted to watch and see how things developed.

  “I am going to tell you something very confidential now. You are not to discuss this with anyone — even your parents. I will be in contact with them myself and will tell them a part of it. I will also tell them not to discuss it with you …

  “People like you two are very special. You are bright academically, intelligent, highly athletic (which is a useful trait) and now have this other attribute. The first three traits would have meant you would be achievers in whatever you chose to be …”

  He consulted some papers on his desk before him and looked up at them. “You both have an interest in the law?”

  They nodded and chorused, “yes, Sir …”

  He smiled. “And I am sure you would have made extremely good barristers, too. We may perhaps facilitate your law studies actually but you will probably not actually practice law yourselves. There are some very secret organizations within this country that aid us in the acquisition of information from unfriendly nations …”

  They stared goggle-eyed at him for a few moments then Craig spoke. “You mean ASIO, Sir?”

  Paul smiled. “And others. There are a number. We might well train you as lawyers, then post you to an embassy as legal advisers or some such …”

  Whatever we do, Sir, we want to be together.”

  “I recognise that and I’m sure some way would be found to facilitate your wishes. In any case, having the two of you together may well be an advantage. While you were studying law, you would be trained and part of that training will involve pain toleration. We don’t accept any agents who don’t already have a high pain threshold but that can and always is, brought up to a very high level indeed. It is your incipient masochism that leads me to believe you may have all the qualifications to be successful covert agents. Well? What do you think?”

  The twins looked at one another, their bright blue eyes now very excited. They didn’t need to say anything to each other. Their minds were so well attuned they thought to one another their mutual agreement.

  “Yes Mr. Donovan, we’re interested.”

  “All right. Now as I said, your parents will be informed what it is necessary to tell them but don’t talk to them about what we have discussed.” He paused for a moment, eyeing them seriously, then went on: “We have a more immediate problem.”

  “Our goofing off?”

  “Your goofing off, as you so aptly call it.”

  “It won’t be a problem now, Sir, if…”

  “If you can come down here when you feel the urge?” the inspector put in.

  “Exactly. In fact, maybe you would cane us now, before we go back to school?”

  “I’ll do better than that. I’ll take you down to our cellars, to the correction rooms where we punish the real bad eggs. I might even give the pair of you a dose of the kind of treatment we dish out here.”

  Of course they were still wearing their pouches and at the last turn of the conversation, both were in dire straits, trying to contain the urges that were now threatening to overwhelm them.

  Paul saw their problem and smiled. “First, though, we will pretend you are two of those recalcitrants. Such people are naked inside this facility and therefore so should you be. Take them off …”

  Never were two people more grateful to be stripping naked and as soon as they were, Craig’s cock sprang into a full and powerful erection and Wendy’s organs oozed her excitement.

  Paul noted it in both of them, of course, but he said nothing, leading them out of his office and down to the basement levels. The building was intentionally stark outside; it was just as bare of adornment inside, but down in the underground levels, it was positively Spartan. Upstairs, the concrete had at least been finished and there was vinyl on the floors. Down here, the concrete walls, floor and ceiling were still in their roughcast state and the doors off the stark corridors were all plain steel.

  And yet, despite the ominous appearance of the place and of their nakedness amongst the other people in the building, most of whom were fully clothed, the twins continued to display a sexual excitement that almost seemed to grow the more they saw of the grim place. Paul noticed it and smiled to himself. Yes, these two seemed to be just the ticket for his contact in Brisbane.

  He opened a door and bade the pair of youngsters preceded him into the room. It was all very modern. A stainless steel frame in the centre of the room and a very complicated-looking console nearby on the face of which were masses of dials, switches and knobs. This console was fed by dozens of wires that disappeared into a conduit poking up from the floor and this matched another one that emerged from the floor near the frame, the wires now leading up to a stand over which they were draped.

  Both Craig and Wendy’s hearts were going hammer and tongs as they beheld the apparatus in the room. Both knew what it was for and clearly they were going to be the subjects and yet, despite their fear, if anything his cock strained even harder, its skin becoming shiny as it grew that little bit more, while Wendy’s vulva was now slimy with her oozing juices.

  “Up to the frame, you two,” Paul said, placing their naked bodies side by side inside it. The frame was designed to take two victims at once and he now affixed appropriate manacles to the wrists and ankles then pressed a button on the console that drew them up and out into a fairly taut spread-eagle.

  “This is what you would have faced had I brought you here for real punishment. I am going to make it hurt, but not nearly as much as if you really were being punished.” He moved to the side of t
he frame and picked up pairs of the wires, attaching their clips to both their nipples, to Craig’s testicles and to Wendy’s nether lips and clit then he returned to the console.

  “You are going to find the little tingles the pouches have been giving you are nothing beside what you are going to feel now,” he said, but not unkindly for this was in the nature of a treatment rather than punishment.

  He had already pre-set the knobs on the circuits he had chosen and now pressed the buttons that actuated them for the two naked athletes spread-eagled before him.

  Paul was, at this moment, very hard-pressed to contain his own excitement. He now knew he adored these two youngsters. He was sadistic by nature — all the inspectors were, but that sadism had been ruthlessly contained and channelled into a controllable asset as part of his training. But with these two, it wasn’t so much the torture he was about to inflict on them as an avuncular love that had burst on him when he had first seen them. He didn’t want to make love to them—to either of them, although he gloried in their bodies. If asked, he would have admitted to a desire to fondle their flesh and perhaps to masturbate them but that was as far as he would have wished to go. And yet his libido was bursting at the seams as he stood at the console and stared at the pair of them stretched out and up in the frame.

  But he could control it. He had been trained very hard and tested to the limit in this regard. And even though the pair of them looked absolutely incredible as they hung there, he was still able to keep his cock soft.

  God, they looked incredible, though. Like twins, with faces that were almost identical, features that could only be described as super-model material. Their skins were as smooth as cream — and felt like it. Muscles that were perfectly toned but not excessively developed and no fat whatsoever, making their definition quite spectacular. Oh yes, they were real paragons, this pair.


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