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Trained With Pain

Page 7

by Mark Andrews

  In fact, it was all part of their training for if they were caught and interrogated, nudity would be certain. In some countries shame would certainly be part of the interrogation technique; so would giving their bodies to the guards. They needed to be inured to such practices. And why the exercising? No doubt we have all seen the James Bond films and others of the genre? They may be a little far-fetched but certainly spies may often be called upon to engage in exploits requiring strength and coordination. The gymnastics would achieve this.

  And what about the torture? Ah yes, I’m coming to that.

  Karl had been trained to be a trainer. He had studied under the best educators in his field. He wasn’t a teacher. There was nothing gentle about the methods the agency used to train its operatives – and this was quite intentional. You don’t train spies by sitting them in a classroom and lecturing them!

  He subjected them to brutality from the very moment they entered the front gates – by forcing them to strip naked, right there in the open; and it had continued on from that time on, but he didn’t torture them. Not yet – unless you can call the riding of their shoulders while interrogating them on the morning’s (and previous days’) seminars, torture.

  He (and others) watched the four of them very carefully without them being aware of the scrutiny. The number of people who were suitable for this type of career was very few indeed and their qualifications were to be nurtured, not brutalised. And so, while it may have appeared that they were being savagely dealt with, in fact it was all very carefully contrived.

  To have tortured them systematically too early would have been much too much. And so for the first week or so, they were merely subjected to the strange dorm, the battering showers where they learned to feel and fondle each other, male and female alike, the mind-bending seminars and the hard physical work in the gym and outside.

  But Karl was preparing them for torture. It wouldn’t be long now…

  He would always torture them one at a time, with the others as witness. It was just as salutary a lesson for the observers as the tortured to see the agony and sympathise with his or her plight, each of them imagining him or herself in the same boat.

  The first was Jenny.

  One morning, immediately after breakfast, he produced a strange-looking item and showed it to all four of them. “Anyone know what this might be?” he asked.

  They stared at it but then shook their heads. “No, Karl,” they chorused.

  He grinned. “One of you is going to experience it and that person is not going to like it one little bit – or are they?

  He pointed out its various parts. “Note that this main rod is exactly the distance between a human’s nipples… And these crocodile clips, dangling on the little chains from the ends are perfectly designed to give exquisite pain to the nipples when fastened over them. But what is the central rod for, you ask…? See how it passes through this block in the centre of the main rod. When the retaining screw is slackened it may be moved back and forth…

  “But let me demonstrate. Jenny, come forward.”

  The girl’s hand went up to her mouth. Now that the moment had come, she wasn’t at all sure if she wanted to experience this gadget, whatever it was going to do to her but she moved. They were all highly excited at what was going to be their first torture and she didn’t want to let the side down…

  Karl stroked her beautiful breasts for a few seconds while she stood there, blushing furiously as she always did when he or Alice fondled her body. “Lovely, udders, girl,” he said, grinning lewdly at her, then raised the thing in his other hand and clipped one of the crocodile clips to her left tit.

  “Aaagheeeaaaghooowwwghaaagh!” she screamed as the sharp teeth bit into the sensitive nub of flesh. He ignored her scream but the others, imagining it was their nipples that had been bitten by the metal jaws of the clip, all responded, the two boys cocks instantly hardening to a full erection while Wendy’s clit poked out of her vagina and her own nipples became even more sensitive.

  Karl clipped the other crocodile clip to Jenny’s right nipple, holding the main rod up with his other hand. Now, as he unloosened the retaining screw on the central rod, its purpose became clear. This rod was on the same plane as the main rod but was at a ninety degree angle to it. On the end now facing Jenny’s body there was a flat plate an inch wide and three long. Karl kept pushing the rod through the block until the flat plate touched her chest between her two breasts.

  And then he kept pushing it, or rather he now pulled on the main bar, drawing the little chains holding the crocodile clips until they became tight, tighter and then very tight indeed, dragging her nipples and even her breasts out into cones rather than the lovely orbs that were their natural shape. Only then did he retighten the screw and removed his hands.

  The little frame now poked out in front of the poor girl, the central bar keeping the main bar out away from her body and thus dragging the chains and their clips very painfully out in front of her as well.

  “Painful, girl?”

  “Yes, Karl,” she said, trying not to whimper or moan, but the pain really was horrible.

  “Good. You will wear it for the rest of the day … Come, it’s time for our seminar.”

  And so all day, she had to cope with the added torment of the Breast Adorner, as Karl called it. And she was given no concessions because of it, either. As their seminar tutor bombarded them with facts and figures on the current world terrorist situation, she was as much called upon to respond and to offer opinions as the other three.

  And in the gym, she still had to leap over the horse, swing around the horizontal and parallel bars, shinny up the ropes and then, later, out in the yard, carry the hefty Karl on her shoulders while he showered her with a series of questions on the morning’s work.

  They were even left on while she showered and had to submit to Craig’s hands soaping her breasts seemingly endlessly – for Karl ordered him to concentrate on them and made them all stand for much longer than usual under the freezing water while he did so.

  Her nipples were on fire and her breasts ached horribly but she was able to sublimate the pain into a sexual trip and all day, her vagina oozed her juices while her clit remained erect for most of the time.

  Nevertheless, although she screamed again as the vicious little clips were removed from her breasts, she was inordinately grateful to see the horrible Breast Adorner taken away. She stared down at her poor tortured nipples. They were badly swollen of course and encrusted with dried blood where the teeth had bitten right into the flesh.

  “Salt water for them, girl,” Karl said and unfeelingly began to bathe them from a little bowl of heavily salted water.

  “Aaagheeeaaaghooowwwghaaagh!” she screamed once more as the salt bit into her wounds. Karl continued to bathe them, apparently insensible to her moans and groans but then he desisted and put the bowl aside.

  “Now, let me see you running on the spot, girl. Make it hard. I want to see those udders really jumping up and down.”

  She stared at him in horror. No surely not? He couldn’t ask her to do that now, after wearing that awful Breast Adorner all day?

  He could and he had.

  She began to jog on the spot but he wasn’t satisfied. “You want a dose of the cane around your rump, girl?” he asked threateningly.

  Her look of horror deepened. Could he be serious? Yes, she decided. He was. He was even looking over to the table on which lay the cane. She picked up her feet and really made her breasts flounce up and down as if they had a life of their own.

  Of course this hurt her. Even if her nipples had not been gripped by those tiny but terribly sharp teeth all day and her breasts hadn’t been dragged out by the bar in the middle of her chest, it would have been horrible. As it was, it was absolutely awful.

  The pain in her nipples got worse and her breasts
felt as if someone was bashing them with a cricket bat.

  He made her continue for a long time. To her, it felt like hours but in reality was about ten minutes.

  But then he terrified her again. “Now you may sleep, girl. And while you do, I will consider whether you will spend another day with the Breast Adorner gracing your chest …”

  Chapter 5

  Karl had no intention of making Jenny submit to the Breast Adorner again tomorrow, but he made no apology for terrifying the girl. Terror was a weapon used without reservation by their country’s enemies and it was important the trainees learned to cope with it just as much as with the physical side of the torture.

  In fact he didn’t torture any of them for a few days, but when he did, it was Wendy’s turn. The rooms down in the cellar had been carefully designed and built by Karl (with some help from the Agency) for the purpose of instilling fear and pain into his trainees. The one he now chose for Wendy’s initiation into gratuitous pain was plain. Very much so. Its walls, floor and ceiling were painted a dull charcoal-black. In the centre was the frame on which she would be stretched and dangling from chains attached to the ceiling against a side-wall were four sets of manacles.

  The other three were first led in and placed under three of the chains and then, in turn, had to step up onto a small step and raise their hands to have them locked into the cuffs. The step was then removed from under their feet so they dangled with their toes just touching the floor. When all three were secured in this manner, Wendy was brought in and now stood contemplating the frame.

  She had stared up at her companions with some horror for all three were already in some pain. They had very little relief from the suspension for only their toes and the balls of their feet were able to touch the floor.

  But then her eyes had swivelled around to stare at the frame standing on the floor in the centre of the room. This was made of heavy pieces of some dark wood and was in the shape of a horizontal ‘H’ supported on four sturdy legs made of the same size timbers. These were some four inches square and looked very old. They weren’t, but Karl had worked on them until they did, sanding the timber and then applying oil and dirt, rubbing it in and then sanding some more, over and over again until it really looked authentic.

  At the foot of the two uprights of the ‘H’, lugs allowed the victim’s ankles to be secured while at the top, two drums, placed near to the uprights and each attached to an axle across the top end of the ‘H’ had chains with manacles on the ends dangling from them. The crosspiece of the ‘H’ stood a foot up higher that the two uprights.

  “Up on the bar, girl,” said Karl gruffly and Wendy backed up to the crosspiece, laying her body back across it and then raised each leg in turn, stretching each one out sideways so that her heels sat on the bottom end of the two arms of the ‘H’, allowing Karl to snap the manacles around her ankles.

  He now moved up to the top end and ordered her to lie right back, whereupon he locked the manacles from the chains around her two wrists. He then turned the handle on the axle, thereby rotating the drums and stretching her out in a long ‘X’. The small of her back was now caught by the crosspiece and her belly thrust up by its raised position while her vagina gaped widely.

  He left the room then while her brother and Jenny and Peter stared down at her. They were in pain but they knew she was also suffering and that very shortly she would be in for some horrible torture. What it might be, they had no idea, but that it would be awful, they were very sure.

  And they were right. Karl re-entered the room a few minutes later and in his hand was a metallic device with a metal handle on the end. The device was actually called a ‘pear’ and it had been a much favoured torture device in centuries past. The body of the pear divided in four parts longitudinally and could be separated by rotating the handle at the narrow end. The device could be used in all three of a female’s bodily orifices but was most often used in the vagina or anus.

  This time, it was to be Wendy’s vagina.

  Karl stepped into the space between her legs and now held up the pear for her and the three other trainees on the side wall to see. Wendy had to raise her head to look at it for there was no support for her upper body or head, the only item holding her from sagging down into the space between the two legs of the ‘H’ being the crosspiece between them.

  Of course she looked superb. Stretched out like that, her body, her naked body was on perfect display, her fine muscles and even finer skin gleaming softly under the lights of the room as she hung there, stretched out horizontally, legs and arms out in a perfect St Andrew’s cross, waiting for God knows what!

  Karl placed the round, blunted end of the pear against her vaginal orifice and began pushing. It went in easily enough until her lips closed over the narrow neck at the top of the pear. But she moaned, for nothing that big had ever entered her quim before.

  Karl began to turn the handle at the base of the instrument and now Wendy’s eyes widened and she raised her head to star down her body at what Karl was doing to her.

  “No,” she cried as the four leaves moved outwards, stretching her labia horribly. Karl always researched his work carefully and had asked the Agency’s medical officer how wide he could safely open the instrument and so now he kept turning the handle until it was within two revolutions of the limit.

  He hadn’t responded to her plea earlier but now he left her middle regions, backing out of the bottom of the ‘H’ and coming around to the side near her head. “Painful, girl?” he asked, again quite gruffly.

  “Please take it out, Karl, it hurts …”

  “It’s supposed to. No, it’ll stay there a while. I want you to savour the pain and imagine you’re being tortured by enemy agents. They are going to make you suffer until you talk. Your function is to resist… You got it?”

  She nodded. “But it hurts so much…?”

  “I know. Right, I’m going to leave you now. No talking…”

  He left the room and closed the door behind him, returning to the secret control room where he would monitor her and her three dangling companions without them being aware of it. Most of all he watched Wendy, of course. Her pain was the most severe. She was stretched very tightly, more so than the weight of their bodies created in the dangling boys and girl over near the side-wall and then she had the pear poking so obscenely out of her vagina.

  He watched her face most carefully. No expense had been spared in setting up this house and he could control the various cameras in these rooms to focus on any part of their bodies. Her head dangled back and down of course. The neck muscles in a human are not designed to support the head when the body is horizontal and so her throat was stretched right back. Oh how he yearned to stroke it with his fingertips: so smooth and soft, he knew… But he was a professional. Later on he would rape them — yes, the boys as well as the girls and while he would enjoy it, it would still be professionally performed and executed in the line of duty.

  Already she looked haggard. He knew just how painful it was for he had had Alice stretch him out on this very frame and had then told her to force the pear into his anus and open it wide. He hadn’t screamed but he had been hard-pressed not to.

  But while he concentrated on Wendy, he didn’t forget the other three. He had been careful to let them have the luxury of their toes and the balls of their feet touch the floor, not because he wanted to spare them but because to leave a human dangle unsupported for too long can have disastrous results—and not only in their joints. As with crucifixion, in time, breathing became very difficult and then respiratory exhaustion can set in.

  No, he wanted them to suffer but this was Wendy’s day. She was learning what real pain was. He knew all about her and Craig’s masochism of course. He had their profiles in a locked safe in this room and he had studied them and the other two very carefully. He knew everything there was to know about them in fact an
d he would use the data to steer them as fast as he dared along the path of pain toleration and other methods of thwarting the designs of their interrogators.

  He left Wendy in that painful and obscene position for about an hour, aware that being on display before her brother and the other two would be almost as bad as the pain itself. But then he returned and moved up between her legs once more.

  “Still in pain, girl, or have you become inured to it by now?”

  Thinking he was about to remove the hateful pear and then release her, she smiled up at him and said it wasn’t so bad.

  “Good. I’ll just open it a bit more then…”

  “No!” she screamed. “It hurts! Please take it off!”

  “Oh no. Not yet. You haven’t suffered nearly enough yet …” and he turned the handle a half turn more, opening the leaves inside her body a little more. Again she screamed: “Aaagheeeaaaghooowwwghaaagh!” and her head tossed back and forth in her pain.

  Karl smiled down at her antics then turned on his heel and left the room once more. Again she had to hang there, the bar against her back now digging in painfully and every joint in her body aching horribly. But worst was the pear in her sex. She thought it must be extended as wide as a party balloon, it certainly felt like it, bloating her lower body horribly and stretching her vaginal lips until they felt as if they were going to tear open.

  But then it got even worse.

  It started as a little tingle but gradually it became more intense, biting at the nerves inside her vagina and particularly the soft wet membranes of her inner labia. She thrashed around in her bonds as the biting became even worse, the shocks now causing her muscles to jump and her mucus membranes provided a perfect contact for the electrodes situated all around the widest part of the pear, for inside it was a battery and an electronic device that responded to the controls Karl was now operating.

  She screamed even more loudly now, her head raised and twisting violently from side to side, her eyes open wide and looking wildly around her while the three trainees dangling near the side wall looked at her in mystification. Her body was shaking too and her thigh and belly muscles describing wild contortions … they knew she was in pain but why the sudden renewed screams and contortions?


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