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Bunny Love ( Songs of Love Book 1)

Page 5

by Yuri Futanari

  “Yeah,” Anna turned, “She never was one to use that alarm,” she sighed, “I wonder how it is she seems some times to do things like this, but then the rest of the time she is so diligent and careful.

  “We all make mistakes Anna,” Yui said, “and with what she has to go through in life, I'm just grateful I even have her.”

  Ep 5, Chapter 2

  Luckily for Margaret, Yui and Anna forgot or chose not to close Jacqueline's balcony door.

  Sliding the giant projection television aside, she entered the room and pulled on a small handle on the side which pulled it back into its original place.

  As moonlight streamed in the south facing window, it fell upon Jacqueline as she slept.

  She had tangled herself up in her sheets, half on and half off, one part around her left arm, and another around her right leg, crossing her abdomen.

  Above it were the immense breasts, heaving with her slow sleeping breath, and below was her pelvis, throbbing with her heartbeat.

  The top of the bump in her panties gleamed with wetness which had seeped its way through the silk under pressure. It sparkled in the moonlight.

  Margaret had no idea why this just made her mind race. She felt strange and excited and alive and afraid all at once.

  “Its so strange,” she thought to herself, “Nobody at school believes I'm still a virgin, and here I am looking at something they would probably kill for.”

  “Would it be bad if I just...” she thought, slowly moving closer to the bed and farther from the easy exit, “She wouldn't remember it, with all that alcohol,” she licked her lips out of nervousness, looking at the little throbbing point, “And besides, her panties are still on,” her mind was rationalizing as she got closer and could smell the alcohol on Jacqueline's breath, “Hell, she's so far gone, I could -” she didn't think the words, “but just to kiss-”

  The hall light came on and footsteps came up the hallway.

  Gripped by the sudden pang of terror she sunk down behind the small kotasu, which scarcely hid most of her, but by no means did it completely hide her due to its low height.

  As the feet came closer, her breathing shallowed but her pulse increased until she felt it throbbing in her ears.

  At the last moment, as the shadow of the person darkened the door however, she heard another door open.

  They went into the bathroom where Jacqueline had indicated one would be.

  “Kind of odd I never noticed where the bathroom was before,” she found herself pondering for a moment, but then she shook her head clear, and whilst regarding the side of the bed, hearing Jacqueline's soft breathing, the hammering of her own heart in her hears, and then the sound of a toilet flushing, she slowly backed out on her hands and knees toward the balcony.

  Without a moment to spare, she pulled herself around the corner before the bedroom door opened up.

  Feet padded toward the bed, “Oh just look at you baby,” Yui's voice moaned, “What am I going to do with you?” and with a sigh, the older woman carefully detangled her daughter from the twisted up sheet and spread it out over her, and kissed her forehead.

  Then she quietly padded over to the balcony door where the moonlight was edging around the west side of the house and would soon light up the entire balcony.

  She felt sure she was a goner now!

  Yui actually stuck her head out the door.

  But she was fixated on the stars in the sky and not what might be crouched next to her.

  Finally, she slid the door shut and latched it, making any further sounds impossible to hear.

  “Damn!” she began, then she stopped and thought, “Well its really for the best,” as she climbed over the stucco balcony wall, “I don't want to hurt her like my mother tried to hurt me.”

  With a carefully placed leap, she came down in the yard with a soft thump and no pains or sprains.

  Only hoping nobody noticed the motion activated front entry light turn on, she made a dash for the shadows around the corner of the fence separating their neighbor’s yard.

  Ep 5, Chapter 3

  The moment Jacqueline awoke at 4:09 am, she experienced that which is known as a hangover.

  But unlike an adult who would moan and groan, this terrible pain, on top of her ocular condition almost drove her totally insane.

  She awoke with a scream only to find screaming made it more painful.

  Soon she was screaming 'mommy' and moaning, covered in tears.

  Anna and Yui were awakened by this and hurried to her room.

  Yui held her in her own ample bosom while Anna called the company doctor and asked what to do.

  They carried her to the bathroom and laid her in the tub while running warm water over her and Anna gave her cold water to drink, which although she tried, most of it came sputtering and spewing back out.

  She called the physician again and he said he would hurry over with some pain medicine.

  Yui took an emergency day off from work and called Yan who could not get away from work but tried talking to her over the phone.

  It helped a little bit, because although the pain wasn't really any less, she was calmer hearing from her father while being held and talked to by her mother.

  Thirty minutes passed, and the drowsy on call physician arrived, and with him, he carried his bag, from which he produced a syringe and a bottle.

  Drawing some of the liquid from the bottle, he carefully injected it in the vein on the back of Jacqueline's left hand.

  In about fifty seconds, she calmed down and relaxed, and then began to giggle softly.

  “You really need to lock your alcohol away Mrs. Shunokoi, with her lack of vision and understanding, its a miracle she is alive with that much alcohol in her small body.” he calmly informed.

  “She has never done anything like this before,” Yui said, “She was just looking for juice.”

  “Still,” the doctor firmly repeated the point, “She could easily die or go blind from alcohol poisoning. This is too serious to assume it can't happen again.”

  “Yes,” she nodded, “I understand.”

  “Now get her to force fluids to purge her system.” he instructed.

  “We tried that, but every time she tries to drink plain water, she reacts violently and spits it back up.” Yui replied.

  “That's why we normally have a clear fruit juice for her.” Anna said, “Only I forgot to buy more and we were out, and I was not home.”

  “Whatever,” he replied, “Fruit juice is fine too, just wash the lactic acid out of her system.”

  “Yes Doctor Rand,” Yui smiled up at him gratefully, “And thank you.”

  “I'm always glad to be of service to your family.” he said, “Especially little Jacqui.”

  She looked up when he said her name and giggled like a baby.

  “Okay, well,” as he shook Yui's hand then Anna's hand then patted Jacqueline in the head, “if there are any serious changes or unexpected new symptoms let me know.”

  Jacqueline began splashing in the water like a baby.

  “I think its time for YOU,” she hefted the oversized infant out of the water while Anna began toweling her off, “To go back to bed!”

  Ep 5, Chapter 4

  When Jacqueline did not show up at school the next day, Margaret figured the reason.

  When lunch time came around everybody finally noticed.

  “Where's your squeeze?” Rachel asked.

  “Yeah, where's Bunny?” Julie asked.

  “She's home at the moment.” Margaret said, “Felt a little sick today.”

  “Hay-” Rachel licked her teeth before speaking, which made it look as if she were in deep thought, “Don't her parents mind you being so much older than her and shit?”

  “Guess not,” Margaret replied, sawing through her steak with more effort than it should have taken, “Damn dull ass school knives,” and she pulled the combat blade from her boot, which slipped through the steak virtually like pudding.

  “You g
onna get your ass in trouble one of these days,” Rachel pointed at her band mate with an equally dull school steak knife, “What, for this?” she twisted the black oxide blade as if making it more easily recognized.

  “No for being a pee-doh you knucklehead.” she said quietly.

  “Not like I'm gonna get her PREGNANT,” she raised her eyebrows all the way to the max and pulled her chin back to her chest in a mockingly serious gesture, then uttered “Bahum-bluhumluhum” as if an overly obese man clearing his throat in as deep a note as she could audibly achieve, then she frowned and continued with, “You did a naughty naughty thing young woman.” then popped the cube of steak into her mouth and chewed, saying in a sultry voice, “

  juicy....and MEATY! BUAHAHAHAHAHAA!”

  Tammy blew coke out her nose laughing.

  “Teach YOU to mess with 'The Great Massernater',” she turned suddenly with bugged out eyes toward Lily and said as if threatening her, only she had quickly switched from the knife to a spoon while people were looking at Tammy, and pretended to hold her at knife point.

  Ep 5, Chapter 5

  Jacqueline came to school with Margaret the following morning, and a bunch of seventh and eight grade cheerleaders getting ready to go to a competition and who had not known before now that they had become friends were all in the parking lot and stared ooing and making cat calls and shouting out things like, “Oh Jaqui-chan! Can I have your number?”

  There was a lot of din, plus a jumbo jet was leaving off from LAX making its thunderous departure.

  “Those idiots,” Margaret said under her breath.

  “I know.” Jacqueline replied.

  “You heard me just now?” Margaret as amazed.

  “I have very good hearing,” Jacqueline replied, “I just don't let people know it.”

  “So that's how you knew about the other day in the principal's office?”

  “Yes,” she said, “And I'm very sor-”

  “We talked about this already Bunny,” she said as they walked into the building, “Its no big deal.”

  “Well, hellO! THERE you are!” Julie said as if Jacqueline were a long lost friend.

  “Hi Julie,” Jacqueline replied without any enthusiasm.

  “Did Margaret molest you the other night?” she got in before Margaret could punch her in the arm, “Ow!”

  “What is that?” Jacqueline asked.

  “Oh...” Julie found herself in an awkward position, “Must....not...have...” suddenly looking at her bare wrist, “Oh look at the time will ya! Gotta run! Ciao!”

  “Well,” Margaret said, “You wanna go to the dining hall to eat with me?”

  “Yes, I would like that.” the seventh grader smiled softly and accepted.

  Just to be obtuse, Margaret held out her arm, and despite her bad eyesight, Jacqueline reached right up and took it.

  “You learned ballroom dancing?” Margaret asked.

  “My family requires that kind of stuff.” She replied.

  As soon as their arms interlocked, a prow effect happened.

  Everybody down the hallway parted company and silently watched them walk up the hall.

  Episode 6

  “Love Blossoms in the Light of Day: The Rumors Are True! ”

  After escorting Jacqueline to the office from the dining hall, Marge proceeded to her home room where she didn't just feel but clearly saw every eye upon her, including the teacher.

  “What?”she stopped and basically stared the class body down, clearly not feeling any shame, “You got a problem with me?”

  “That's 'No-Regrets Margaret' for ya,” Julie marveled.

  Finally both the students and the teacher all lost their nerve, the students looking away and the teacher, while still looking, saying, “Okay everybody, shall we begin class now?”

  With that, Margaret strode confidently to her desk and high fived Julie who had her hand already up while mouthing 'hell yeah!'

  After class, two girls from another class came up and asked, “How about us?” putting on an air of suddenly being interested, “What's she got-” was all they got out.

  Marge looked over their heads and walked directly through them plowing them aside.

  “Hey!” the one whined while the other said, “How rude! Like I'd go out with a MAN like YOU anyway.”

  Julie came up behind the girl, reached around and flipped up her skirt making her scream.

  “Oops...” she laughed and ducked away playfully as the girl swatted her with a notebook, “Just checking to be sure that the accuser didn't stand guilty...”

  Dashing away form the girl who tried to spin and chase her, she caught up with Marge and they walked off to the next class.

  Ep 6, Chapter 2

  Jacqueline was walking down the hall pushing a cart of books to the library when one of the tall girls from her class who had bullied her before came up and tried to speak to her.

  “You know,” she challenged, “You don't belong in this school.”

  Jacqueline acted as if she were deaf and didn't respond.

  “You're not going to survive here when your boyfriend graduates,” she threatened.

  Jacqueline was still not reacting.

  “You think you're something great because you're Asian I bet.” she continued as the short girl slowly trudged along like a robot.

  “You better listen to me,” she tried getting in the way of the cart, but Jacqueline simply stopped and stared blankly, her eyes sweeping side to side while her head rotated on its usual sweep until the girl got totally creeped out and shouted, “You're a FREAK! I DON'T SEE WHAT SHE EVEN SEES IN YOUR FAT FREAKY ASS!” and ran off as guards rounded the corner to see that the problem was.

  “Miss Shunokoi,” the guards asked, looking at the girl fleeing and looking to see if Jacqueline was at all injured, “Was she bothering you?”

  Suddenly, as if she were Mother Theresa, she smiled placidly and asked in her high but soft voice, “Who?”

  The one guard marveled at her totally unshaken reaction said to the other, “This is one cool cucumber!”

  Ep 6, Chapter 3

  As lunch rolled around, Margaret had gotten word from the guards while in passing of the shouting incident in the hall and how Jacqueline had blown her adversary off masterfully.

  All the band girls cheered her as she sat down with her tray.

  “You're one amazing chica!” Heather remarked, “I'd have punched her lights out!”

  “We all would.” Lily remarked.

  “I know I'm safe.” Jacqueline replied blushing slightly at all the praise.

  “That's my bunny for ya.” Marge purred proudly, “Not afraid of anything,.”

  “Its because you look out for me.” Jacqueline said and leaned against her.

  “THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!” the seventh grade assailant shouted, slamming her tray against the table and storming up to them, “I'll have you know that you do not run this school here!”

  “And you think you do?” Marge asked snidely.

  “My father is on the board of directors for this school and I can get you both expelled!”

  “Then go do it.” Margaret said, “This ain't the BEST school in LA you know,” this comment brought smirks and chuckles from a large portion of the girls in the lunchroom, “seeing as they have morons like your old man running this place,” she continued, “Its amazing this place hasn't been condemned and bulldozed to make a parking lot or something else more useful.”

  The girl was so insulted and so beside herself with anger but she knew lifting her hands to Margaret would get her a sound thrashing, so she stalked back to her seat, scooped up her tray, went to the dish window and slammed it down a second time before stalking out of the cafeteria.

  “Must know how shitty the food here is.” Marge said aloud, which made almost everybody in the dining hall laugh, except those who were in her young enemy's clique.

  Ep 6, Chapter 4

  Jacqueline and Margaret ate
caviar and truffles which Anna had gotten from Russia and England shipped in by air that morning.


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