Hockey Christmas (A Holiday Sports Romance Love Story)

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Hockey Christmas (A Holiday Sports Romance Love Story) Page 22

by Naomi Niles

  We sat side by side on the beach, and I couldn’t help but admire the view. It was such a lovely evening, and the scene of the beach and the ocean under the setting sun and the stars that were starting to twinkle through in the sky. It was like a picture from a damn photograph and I couldn’t help myself from falling in love with the place. I never ever thought that I would even slightly be willing to move somewhere like California; I always assumed that it would be the opposite to what I wanted, but now I could actually see it.

  “Shall we take a walk?” Danielle asked, and I quickly nodded, standing up.

  We strolled along the sand for a while, picking up the odd shell as we walked, and we chatted casually about nonsense things until Danielle suddenly changed the subject to something much more serious. To the subject I hadn't wanted to bring up again in case it felt like I was putting unnecessary pressure on her. But as she mentioned it, I couldn’t help the excitement levels growing inside of me.

  “I’ve been thinking about what we talked about earlier, about colleges.” I froze as she said this, not knowing what would be the best thing to say right about now. So in the end, I just said nothing. “And to be honest, I might consider transferring…even if it’s just for a semester.” I clenched my hands tightly together, trying to keep all of the crazy emotions inside. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high in case they were dashed, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. “I mean, everything is changing here anyway and I’m not sure how much happier I’ll be here.” She sighed deeply and thoughtfully, but I still forced myself to remain silent. I didn’t want to say anything to impact on her decision. “Kim is moving in with Spike, I’ll be getting a new roommate, and, I don’t know, it just isn’t the same here anymore.”

  I pulled her in for a deep hug and held her close to me for a few moments. Of course that was what I wanted to, any way to be closer to her that I already was, but I needed her to be happy. I didn’t want her to make that decision and to regret it. I certainly didn’t want to be something that she resented. “I’ll support you whatever you decide,” I told her diplomatically. “If you want to come back to Minnesota, that will be awesome, but if you chose to stay here, we can make it work.”

  “Thank you,” she muttered into my chest, before looking up and smiling at me. “That means a lot to me.”

  I leant down and gave her kiss on the lips – one that started off sweet and tender, but that quickly turned much more passionate. Her tongue snaked between my lips and her hands ran through my hair before clinging onto me as if her life depended on it. I pulled her closer to me, pressing that fantastic body up against mine.

  “Mmmm, you taste lovely,” she muttered into my mouth, and I could feel her smiling. “I could just kiss you all day long.”

  “Well, I would like that too,” I told her, pulling away from her. “But first off, I need to master surfing before it damn well kills me.”

  “I agree with that!” she exclaimed. “You truly suck.”

  We laughed like crazy and I chased her around a little, tickling her until she collapsed onto the ground, lying in the sand. There I lay down next to her and kissed her some more. The addiction that I had to her didn’t subside at all even as we made things a little more official. It simply grew and grew the more time I spent with her, and I knew that would continue even if we did both live in the same place.

  “Do you think what we have is real?” she asked, running her hand down my cheek, gently caressing my scar. “Or do you think what we have is insane? I keep thinking that although it feels perfect to me, everyone else will think that we’re mental, taking a holiday fling too far. I guess that I’m just scared of getting hurt.”

  I thought on that for a moment, knowing that she was right really. The rest of the world would assume that we were moving too fast and acting crazy. If we asked them, they would probably tell us that we were only going to end up hurting one another in some terrible explosive break up…but I didn’t feel that way, and surely it was only our opinion that mattered?

  “I think that we do have something real,” I told her, lacing my fingers through hers and staring deeply into her eyes. “I mean, I don’t care what other people think anyway, but I truly believe that we were meant to meet, and that we were supposed to be together. Yes, it might be quick, and yes, it might be a little crazy, but to me it feels right, it feels good.”

  “It does to me too,” she smiled at me, kissing me once more. “I think you’re right about everything.”

  As we lay under the stars, simply enjoying one another’s company, I allowed my mind to wander into happier thoughts. This moment felt absolutely perfect for the both of us, it was just what we both needed, and I was enjoying everything about it. Danielle had car crashed into my life only a few short weeks below, and she’d turned everything on its head in the best way possible. She made me realize that I’d been sheltering myself away before, nursing the wounds that Hailey had inflicted upon me, and she also forced me out of my shell too. She made me a much better version of myself, and I would always be grateful to her for that.

  “Are you staying with me tonight?” She turned to face me, dragging me out of my thoughts and back into the present moment.

  “Do you want me to?” I turned around to look into her eyes, and liked what I saw. I felt like there was a reflection of my own feelings in there…a teetering descent into love, and I loved that she was feeling it too. “I mean, I would love to if that’s what you want?”

  “Of course,” she pulled me in and pressed her lips lightly up against mine. “I really want you to. In fact, let’s go right now.”

  We stood up and grabbed all of our belongings, and I couldn’t help but notice that there was a definite change in the atmosphere – the air was more sexually charged now, we both knew that this was leading somewhere, and that excited us both. I was certain that things were going to move forward as soon as we moved into her bedroom, especially as we knew that we were going to be alone. Kim had already gone to spend the night with Spike, which meant her room was going to be completely empty.

  I was also looking forward to seeing where Danielle lived while she was in San Diego, I wanted to see what her college dorm was like. I loved learning new things about her and being able to see different sides to her personality, and I felt like this would be a huge one.

  “Why can’t you just stay forever?” Danielle moaned jokingly as we walked back up the beach. “I’m actually happy here when you’re with me; you somehow make everything better.”

  I laughed and pulled her in for a kiss, but there was a slight hollow sensation in my chest. I definitely felt the same way as she did, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to feel after I went back home. It had been difficult enough before, but now that we’d spent even more time together, I feared it would be damn near impossible.

  “It won’t be forever” I tried to reassure us both. “If we can just make this work, then we can be together permanently soon enough. We just need to be patient.” But of course we both knew that was much easier said than done. I wasn’t known for my patience, but if I was going to make this work then I would really have to try.

  Chapter 38

  Danielle – Monday

  Nerves coursed through me as we made our way back to my dorm room, because I knew exactly where it was going to lead. There had been a deep, sexual tension flowing between me and Miles from the very first second that we laid eyes upon one another again, but it still made me anxious to go there.

  Hooking up in Minnesota was one thing – that was a holiday fling and I could be as crazy as I wanted – but having sex here would be different. It was going to feel more real. This was what I’d always considered as my real life, and by doing this we would be combining everything, and as exciting as that was, it was terrifying too.

  As we stepped through the door, my first thought was that it was a little bit messy. It wasn’t dirty or anything, but me and Kim had grown a little sloppy, but since I wasn’t exactly expecting
a visitor, I hoped that it could be forgiven.

  Luckily, Miles didn’t seem to notice that anything was out of place; he seemed much more fixated on me instead, and I honestly started to feel a little shy under his intense look.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said kindly to me, moving his body much closer to mine. I felt myself blush brightly, and I instinctively touch my hair, just to feel it all matted from the ocean water. “You look like a gorgeous mermaid or something.”

  His lips crashed against mine and we kissed again for a few moments, really losing ourselves in the moment. Out on the beach, we’d been a little more restrained because we were in public there, but now we were locked inside my dorm with no chance of being disturbed, so we could be a lot freer with one another.

  “I’m going into the shower,” I gasped against his mouth, allowing my head to loll to one side in ecstasy. “You should come with me.”

  I wasn’t sure what it was, but I really wanted to try something a little different with Miles, and I also wanted to get clean too – so why not combine the two? I’d never ever shared a shower with anyone before, never mind made love in one, and now that the idea had cropped into my mind, I really desperately wanted him to say yes.

  “How the hell could I refuse an offer like that?” he laughed, his eyes lighting up, so I grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him into the other room with me. The bathroom in or dorm was small, and the shower tiny too, but I didn’t care about that. I was only thinking about the possibility of Miles being inside of me once more.

  I turned to face him with a fierce desire in my eyes, and I determinedly untied my bikini top and allowed it to fall to the ground, without breaking eye contact with him even once. He held his breath sharply as it did, which really pleased me. It still felt amazing to be able to turn him on, and the fact that I could filled me with a great self-confidence.

  The old me, the Danielle I was before I met Miles, would have never been confident enough to be half naked in front of such a handsome man, but Miles brought out a different side of me, a better version of myself and I honestly thought that he had improved my life a whole lot. Since we first met and we began to date, my confidence had grown, my relationship with my parents had improved, and I was really genuinely happy.

  I flicked the shower on, and the water ran behind us, and I watched intently as Miles pulled his shorts down too, making him totally naked for me. His cock was throbbing, standing to attention, and that caused the butterflies in my stomach to flap even harder.

  He pulled me to him, kissing me wildly, all the while tugging my bikini bottoms down too. As soon as my body was as exposed as his, he pushed me under the jets of water, and as it poured down our faces, we burst into laughter, realizing that this was going to be more difficult than we’d first expected. When you see shower sex in the movies, it looked sweet and sensual, but the reality was that it was a lot more complex, and there was a whole lot to navigate.

  “Okay,” I said, slowly moving around Miles. “Hang on a minute.”

  As soon as I moved the stream to a different angle, ensuring that it was splashing right in our faces, things became much better. Miles pushed my back against the cold tiles, and he kissed me passionately, putting me back in that intense mood all over again.

  He claimed me with his mouth, causing my entire body to press against him with desire, and soon an involuntary moan escaped my lips. I needed him, I wanted him badly, and I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell I was so anxious about beforehand. Yes, things were different here in California, and yes,I was combining my lives together, but it was Miles, and that felt right.

  Before long, I felt Miles slide down my body and I gasped out in shock while I realized where this was headed. I couldn’t believe that he was acting in such a way in such a confined space, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to stop him if he wanted to give me that pleasure.

  When his knees hit the ground with a thump, he grabbed one of my legs and tossed it over his shoulder, leaving me really exposed for him. I felt vulnerable, and nervous, but in a really good way. I knew for a fact now that I could trust Miles with my damn life, which made it so much better. I also knew how good it felt when he had his mouth around me, and that overshadowed anything else.

  “Oh fuck,” I gasped, trying to grip onto something but of course there was nothing there but smooth tiles. “Oh shit, Miles.”

  At first he slipped a couple of fingers inside of me, massaging me in a way that felt amazing. As he did that, as he explored how hot he had me, the stream of water pouring over me felt amazing rather than irritating. I could suddenly feel that sensation that they made in the movies, and I felt like my initial assumption was totally wrong.

  Then, just as I was starting to buckle under his touch, he made it even worse by flickering his tongue all over my clit too. The difference between the rough touch of his fingers and the soft motion of his mouth made me feel amazing, and it sent me teetering far too close towards the edge of desire.

  “Oh my God,” I cried, leaning forward to cling onto his strong, muscular shoulders. “Miles, what are you doing to me?”

  Sensing that I was being pushed too far, Miles stood up and he kissed me once more. I moved my hand down his body, wanting to get a feel of that amazing erection, but before I got the chance to do so, he span me around and pushed my hands up against the wall, before sliding his length inside of me.

  Having Miles take me from behind felt incredible, and since he had already gotten me so worked up, I was quickly breathless and panting, feeling myself being driven crazy. His fingers trailed over my butt and up my legs, and as they found my clit I could barely control if for another second longer.

  “Oh shit,” I screamed as the intense waves of pleasure crashed over me continually, shattering my body until I could barely even stand anymore. My legs were buckling, my body was collapsing under the wonderful torture of it all, and in the end, Miles actually had to hold me up.

  Once we were both finished, and Miles had slipped out of me, we hugged one another and kissed once more.

  “That was incredible,” Miles grinned at me. “You really are something else.”

  I laughed loudly, as my heart thundered in my chest. Then I laced my hand in his and led him out of the shower. We didn’t even bother to dry off; we simply climbed under the sheets of my bed, soaked wet and breathless.

  “I’m so glad that you’re here,” I finally announced happily to him. “I can’t believe you actually came, but I’m so glad that you did.”

  “Me too,” he replied a little lazily, proving that he was totally worn out by our time in the shower. “I just hope that we can keep it up. I really do want to make this work.”

  In that moment, I really wanted to say the words I love you because they were coursing through me, but I forced them to stay inside. I can’t say that yet, it’s much too soon and will cause too many complications. This was just starting out, we were just trying to navigate where we were going to go next and how we could make it work; I didn’t want to throw something else in the mix to make it even more complex.

  “I enjoyed teaching you the surfing today,” I told him happily. “I think it makes up a little for the ice skating lessons.”

  “Just think,” he announced, quickly, propping himself up onto his elbows and turning to face me. “If you hadn’t made that bullshit lie up about the ice skating lessons, we wouldn’t be here today.”

  That statement did make me laugh, but it also made me feel a little guilty too. It was Cynthia who had forced me to do that, my sister who had ultimately pushed us together, and she was the only one who I hadn't told about how far things had progressed. I was only keeping it from her because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings about Marek, but maybe that was stupid. I was pretty sure that she was okay now and that she would be more than happy for me.

  I vowed to myself that I would tell her at the first opportunity I got. Things felt like they were getting serious now, and I didn’t want any
thing too drastic to go down without her knowing about it all.

  “I know, and that really only came to me on the spur of the moment. I never actually expected to have to go through with it!”

  “It was worth it though, right?” he asked, placing a quick kiss on the end of my nose. “I mean not just because you got to meet me, but because you learned to ice skate too.”

  “Sure,” I giggled, remembering how many times I ended up on my ass in the process. “I’m glad that I learned a new skill, that was pretty cool.”

  “And now you can impart your wisdom on me too. I need to get up on that board eventually. Now that I’ve started, you know I won’t stop until I’ve cracked it.”

  “Well maybe you better move here now then,” I teased, pushing him lightly. “You suck so hard that you might need a life time of practice.”

  “Oi!” He pushed me back laughing. “How dare you! I wasn’t that bad, was I?”

  “You don’t want me to answer that.”

  With that statement, he rolled on top of me and pinned my arms down by my sides. Once he was on top of me, he stared intensely into my eyes for a few seconds, simply allowing the love to flow between us. Then he leaned in and kissed me hard and fast, taking my breath away.

  I love this man, I thought to myself as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. I love him and I’ll do anything to make this work…and I’m pretty sure that he feels the same way too, and that is incredible.

  Chapter 39

  Miles – Two Days Later – Wednesday

  As we sat across from one another in the cute café outside thecollege campus eating breakfast, I couldn’t help but smile to myself in sheer joy. The more time I spent in California, the more I realized I could actually live there after all. The sun was actually pretty awesome once you got used to it, and the more I went out on the water, the more determined I became to crack surfing once and for all.


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