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Love Interrupted

Page 8

by Jade Winters

  Dylan glanced up at Robyn. ‘Look, you have a couple of weeks before you have to respond so let’s try and hammer out a settlement in the meantime. I’m going to have to send a list of all the assets you acquired during your marriage over to Abi’s solicitor. So if you can get that to me ASAP we can put this settlement to bed.’

  ‘If you say so.’ Robyn smiled inwardly. What assets?

  Dylan leant forward. ‘You pay me to get results. You either trust me, or you don’t. It’s up to you.’

  ‘Okay, but I’m warning you, if this goes tits up, you’re fired.’

  ‘I wouldn’t expect anything else.’

  Robyn gave Dylan a curt nod and moved towards the door. Her mind already on more important things like how she was going to explain all of this to Tiffany. It was one thing giving money for the baby’s upkeep, but looking after it was another matter entirely.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Harper was remorseful. She had got Dylan’s character all wrong. Dylan wasn’t the callous person Harper thought she was after all. If her latest action was anything to go by she had a kind streak as well. It had been less than an hour ago that she had spoken with Abi, only to be informed that a breakthrough seemed to have been made. Robyn had arranged to take Jake for the weekend. The cynic in Harper couldn’t help but wonder what trick Dylan had up her sleeve but in the end Abi’s happiness had overcome any doubt. Maybe I’ve clumped all the bad guys into one lump. It was for that reason she had invited Dylan to her office. To hold out the olive branch, so to speak. When Harper was wrong she was the first to admit it. Now was one of those times. Of course there was the added bonus of seeing Dylan again, that in itself was worth her swallowing her pride.

  Harper wasn’t surprised when there was a knock on the door at 3pm exactly. She had a feeling Dylan was the punctual type.

  Shay popped her head around the door. ‘Ms Blue is—’

  ‘—It’s okay Shay, I’m expecting her.’ Harper subconsciously fussed with her hair and corrected her posture.

  Shay’s eyes widened. ‘You are?’

  Harper gave her a reassuring smile and said in a hushed voice only Shay could hear, ‘It’ll be alright, send her in.’

  ‘Okay. Don’t forget you have a meeting at three-thirty.’

  Seconds later Dylan swung the door open and Harper was again surprised by the intensity of her attraction to the woman. It both excited and worried her. She was in a constant tug of war with herself. The more she saw of Dylan the deeper the attraction became.

  ‘I thought it was unethical for us to see each other.’ Dylan announced as she strode into Harper’s office. She shrugged her jacket off and threw it on a vacant chair by the window as if it was her own office.

  ‘Good afternoon to you to. And actually I invited you here to talk, nothing else.’

  ‘Well you’re in luck that I happen to have a pair of rather large ears and they love nothing more than listening.’

  Harper laughed. For the moment she could allow herself to switch off and enjoy Dylan’s company, even if it did move into the realms of harmless flirting. ‘I think we’re both aware that you have the cutest ears ever,’ she teased.

  Dylan grinned. ‘Thanks.’ She dug into her bag and withdrew a bottle of champagne. ‘Anyway, I thought the positive break in our case was a cause for celebration.’

  Dylan obviously had more confidence in the arrangement between Abi and Robyn than Harper did. That was for certain. There was something about Robyn, Harper just didn't trust. Of course she knew she was being judgemental, but the things Abi had said about her, gave Harper the impression that Robyn wasn’t the type of woman who surrendered easily. Despite this, she pushed her doubts aside, for the moment anyway. ‘That’s nice of you. I can only have one as I have a meeting in a bit.’ Harper stood and left the room for a few minutes, returning with two glasses. ‘Sorry it’s not a champagne flute,’ she said handing it to Dylan.

  ‘No worries. Makes no difference what you drink out of, it all goes down the same hole.’

  Dylan’s fingers clasped over Harper’s. Harper was unable to move her hand away as if stuck in a magnetic grip. The tingling sensations coursing through her veins almost made her give in to the desire to reach out and pull Dylan in for a deep long sensual kiss. Dylan gave her a cat-playing-with-a mouse kind of smile, then released her hand. The cocky way she was eyeing her made Harper think Dylan knew exactly the kind of effect she was having on her.

  For some reason Harper didn’t care. She thought Dylan’s mind was too savvy not to know that the attraction was mutual, and like Dylan had pointed out, the case would be over soon, touch wood, and they would be free to explore their feelings for each other.

  Dylan turned her attention to the champagne and popped the cork. Pouring them both a glass she said, ‘Cheers,’ before taking a sip.

  Harper returned to her seat slightly shaken by the physical contact. She glanced up at the clock on the wall. Unfortunately the meeting would have to come to a close soon if she was to meet her client on time.

  ‘Dylan ... I want to thank you—’

  ‘—For what?’ Dylan relaxed back in her seat and crossed her legs.

  Did she deliberately show off her thighs? Harper wondered as she tried to dislodge the image from her mind. ‘I know you had a hand in persuading Robyn to see Jake.’

  ‘Do you now? One minute I’m the devil with horns, the next I’m an angel with wings. My, whatever will you be thinking of me next?’

  ‘Look let’s put all the jokes aside for the minute. We both want what’s best for our clients and if we can reach an agreement without going to court that would be the most favourable outcome wouldn’t it?’

  ‘I’m glad to see you know when you’re fighting a losing battle.’

  ‘A...?’ Harper laughed. ‘You’re way too cocky for your own good.’

  Dylan wiggled her eyebrows. ‘Am I?’

  Harper grinned. She couldn’t help but think how natural it seemed for Dylan to be in her office. As much as she angered and frustrated her at times, when she was just being Dylan the person instead of Dylan the cut throat solicitor, Harper fully understood why she was so drawn to her. She checked the time again. I wish I didn’t have to go.

  ‘I think you’re confusing confidence with cockiness,’ Dylan continued, unaware of Harper’s internal angst. ‘Plus I have an extra incentive to bring this case to a satisfactory close.’

  ‘And what’s that then?’

  ‘Let’s just say it begins with P and ends with R,’ Dylan said taking a delicate sip of champagne.

  ‘A partnership?’

  Dylan drained her glass and put it on the table. ‘Yep. Not a day too soon either.’

  Harper was surprised she wasn’t a partner already. Dylan had all the qualities that law firms were eager to promote to the top. Power hungry people who didn’t care who they trod on to achieve their goal. ‘I’m happy for you.’

  Dylan must have sensed Harper’s comment was half hearted by her next remark. ‘Doesn’t look that way from where I’m sitting.’

  Harper clasped her hands on the table in front of her. Truth time. ‘Look, if you want me to be honest, this case kind of leaves a funny taste in my mouth. It’s just not right what’s going on between these women and the fact that you will get promoted because you save Robyn from parting with her assets. It seems totally wrong.’

  ‘Wrong? I busted my arse to get to where I am today. Nobody ever gave me anything.’ Dylan pushed herself to her feet and walked over to get her jacket. ‘So if you think for one second I’m going to feel guilty for achieving something that is rightfully mine you’ve got another think coming.’

  ‘I didn’t mean…’

  Dylan slipped into her jacket and walked back to the desk, leaning over it slightly. Her bottom lip trembled. ‘Do you know what kind of people have fucked up the world?’ She pointed her finger at Harper. ‘Do gooders like you who do nothing to empower people, it’s as if you like them to be we
ak and dependent to make yourself feel needed, wanted—’

  ‘—That’s not true—’

  ‘—Isn’t it? Why do you think Abi deserves to take half of Robyn’s hard earned money? The money she worked seven days, eighteen hours a day for? Can you really say with a clear conscience that Abi is entitled to it? What the fuck did she do to earn it? She wasn’t cooking or waiting on Robyn—she basically did fuck all, bar look after a kid.’

  Harper jumped to her feet, ready to stand her ground. ‘And you think that’s easy? Raising a kid by yourself.’ Harper gripped the edge of the table to calm herself. This is not about me. She kept reminding herself as her own past threatened to overcome her emotions.

  ‘Oh get real, Harper. Before they split she had a round the clock nanny being paid for by my client. You’ve read the divorce petition. No sex since the baby was conceived. Your holier than thou client expected Robyn to live like a nun at the age of thirty-five—where’s the justice in that?’

  No, Harper didn’t think anyone should be locked in a sexless marriage but there had been a very good reason for Abi's abstinence. One that she was surprised Dylan, being a woman, didn’t understand. ‘Dylan, Abi had pre-eclampsia during her pregnancy followed by postnatal depression…’

  ‘Which,’ Dylan interrupted. ‘Robyn tried to help by getting the best doctors available.But she refused it all. Instead she turned to drink. Some responsible mother aye?’

  Harper sank into her chair and shook her head. Abi had failed to mention that bit of information. If what Dylan’s saying is true, why wouldn’t Abi have told me these things? Surely Abi knew they would come to light at some point. ‘This is all new to me,’ Harper said to Dylan, whose rigid body had suddenly relaxed.

  Dylan moved around the desk and perched on the edge. The sweet scent of her perfume sent Harper’s senses spinning. ‘I’m sorry I lost my temper with you.’ Dylan inhaled and exhaled slowly. ‘That’s why you shouldn’t get too close to your clients. They have their own agenda and they don’t care who they hurt to achieve it.’

  Am I really that gullible? Could I have been that wrong about Abi? She made a mental note to address the issue with Abi the next time she saw her. ‘I really thought Abi was on the straight and narrow. I never thought for a minute she would lie to me.’

  ‘She likes to portray herself as a victim and she’s a magnet to people like you.’ Dylan reached out and brushed back Harper’s hair, letting her fingers caress Harper’s cheek.

  The gesture sent shockwaves throughout her body. Dylan’s touch felt so natural and so right.

  Dylan continued, ‘And talking of magnets and attraction…’

  Before Dylan could finish her sentence, there was a knock at the door and Shay appeared in the doorway holding a pile of folders. She eyed them suspiciously when Harper suddenly jerked back in her seat. Harper clasped her hand to the spot where she could still feel the heat from Dylan’s hand. I’m going to go insane if this case isn’t over soon.

  ‘Time to go, Harper. You’re gonna be late.’

  The brief reprieve gave Harper a moment to gather her senses. ‘Okay. Thanks, Shay.’

  Shay remained standing in the doorway. Dylan gave a slight shrug of her shoulders and stood up. She pointed at the bottle of champagne. ‘We’ll have to have another bottle next time—and believe me there will be a next time.’

  I damn well hope so! Harper didn't know how much longer she was going to be able to hold out.

  Chapter Eighteen

  ‘You promised you’d take me away for the weekend for my birthday.’ Tiffany glared at Robyn as she pulled the sheet over her naked breasts.

  Robyn reached over and tugged it back down. She got a kick out of knowing the woman with firm breasts and a fit body was hers for the taking whenever she wanted her. It was a buzz like no other.

  ‘I know what I said, but that was last week. A whole lot of shit has come down on me since then.’

  ‘What am I s’posed to do then? Celebrate on me own?’

  ‘What the hell is wrong with you? Didn’t you hear me when I said I have no choice in the matter?’ Robyn paused, becoming increasingly irritated at Tiffany’s inability to grasp what she was trying to explain to her. She was at her wit’s end with it all—the divorce, the baby, work and even Tiffany was beginning to grate on her nerves. The last thing Robyn wanted was a whining baby to look after. To make matters worse, Dylan had stipulated that Robyn herself had to look after Jake—no nannies were allowed.

  ‘After everythin’ you’ve told me ’bout her, that bitch needs to be taught a lesson,’ Tiffany said in a voice tinged with venom.

  Robyn slowly ran the tip of her finger across Tiffany’s collarbone. ‘How can someone so young be so hard?’

  ‘Says you?’ Tiffany narrowed her eyes. ‘How can someone who seems so normal have a temper like a nutter?’

  ‘Tiff, I apologised for my behaviour at the weekend. Wasn’t me transferring my assets over to you enough to show you how sorry I was? Considering all the tax I had to pay out to do it.’ It was something she had done on the spur of the moment, when Tiffany had threatened to leave her after their altercation in the car. Now that she had time to think about it, it did seem a little too hasty.

  ‘Yeah, but what’re you gonna give me next time you lose your rag?’ Tiffany said carefully.

  Robyn jumped up and pinned Tiffany’s arms down to the mattress. ‘I only lose it when people take the piss out of me. And you took the piss big time.’

  ‘Like you’re taking the piss out of me now.’ Tiffany pushed Robyn off her, slid out of bed and headed towards the en-suite bathroom. ‘I bet that sly bitch orchestrated this whole thing. She’s gonna pay for fuckin’ up my twenty-first birthday.’

  Robyn laughed as Tiffany disappeared behind the door. ‘Oh yeah? And what’re you gonna do?’

  ‘Somethin’. Don’t you worry. I’m not you, just sittin’ around bitchin’ and doin’ nothin’,’ Tiffany called back.

  ‘Whatever.’ The sound of the shower started. Robyn rolled over to Tiffany’s spot and sank her face into the sheets, inhaling her sweet scent. Just minutes ago their bodies had been thrashing about in ecstasy. She would have liked it to have gone on all morning, but Abi would be there soon with the snivelling sprog. She let out a groan and thumped the pillow with her fist. Two whole fucking days of misery.

  The bathroom door opened, and Tiffany walked out wrapped in a towel. ‘Now what’s wrong with you?’

  Robyn rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. ‘I’m fucked either way I look at it.’

  Tiffany let the towel drop to the floor, opened the mirrored wardrobe and selected an outfit. She stared at Robyn through the mirror’s reflection. ‘You don’t have to do anythin’ you don’t want to do. Isn’t that what you’re always tellin’ me?’

  Robyn felt a stirring of desire as her eyes roamed over Tiffany’s pert arse. ‘Yes, but in this instance if I don’t follow my solicitor’s advice, I’m going to lose a shitload of money. Is that what you want?’

  ‘Sounds like a line to me,’ Tiffany said, pulling on a skirt that barely covered her thighs.

  ‘Jesus Christ! You’re all the same! I thought I was getting away from all this depressing shit when I left Abi.’ Robyn rolled off the bed and paced the room naked. ‘Maybe I should disappear with the goddamn brat—at least it doesn’t talk yet. I feel like my ears are going to explode.’

  ‘Hey, don’t take it out on me ’cause you can’t say no.’

  ‘Tiff, listen to me,’ Robyn said. She opened the slatted blinds and shielded her eyes with her hand from the sun’s rays. ‘I’m not losing my money because you can’t deal with one weekend alone. Just remember if I get done over in this divorce, you’ll have less money to buy your precious Louis Vuitton with. So back off and let me get through this once and for all. After this divorce is finalised, we can do what the hell we want. I promise.’

  ‘You promise?’ Tiffany nibbled her bottom lip.

Robyn figured the term sex on legs had been made just for Tiffany. She had never seen a woman look so erotic by just standing there doing absolutely nothing. ‘I swear on my life, Tiff. Just give me some time to get through this nightmare, and I’ll buy you anything you want, within reason, of course.’

  Tiffany pushed her feet into a pair of high heels, sauntered over to Robyn and wrapped her arms around her waist. Her slender hand slid down Robyn’s clammy skin and settled between her legs. Robyn groaned at Tiffany’s expert fondling.

  ‘It’s a pity I’ve gotta go before the old crow arrives isn’t it?’ Tiffany whispered in her ear.

  ‘Don’t stop, we’ve still got half an hour left,’ Robyn said, forcing the words out as she became wet.

  Tiffany teasingly withdrew her hand, despite Robyn’s howls of protest. ‘No, it’s for the best. I don’t wanna bump into her on the doorstep, now do I?’

  Robyn frowned, thinking of the sex she would be missing out on for two nights in a row. ‘I can’t believe you’re leaving me when I’m so horny.’

  Tiffany nibbled on her ear. ‘Once that minger is outta our lives, I’ll make sure you never want for sex or excitement again.’

  Chapter Nineteen

  Abi said nothing to her sister about the arrangement for Jake. Only because she didn’t want an ear bashing from her. Tia would be the first to indicate her foolishness at leaving Jake with Robyn for the weekend after all Robyn had subjected her to. Nevertheless, Abi found herself packing Jake an overnight bag with his best set of clothes and favourite teddy. The last thing I need is Robyn saying I’m an unfit mother. The drop off had been pleasant enough. No cross words were spoken. Neither Robyn nor Abi had much to say to one another. Abi had merely handed Jake over, somewhat reluctantly, with a list of dos and don’ts. For a split second, Abi wanted to snatch Jake back and leg it home, but common sense won the day. Abi would do anything if it meant bringing the whole saga to an end. Even if it means being apart from Jake for two whole days. She hoped, no prayed that Robyn might see the error of her ways once she realised what an amazing baby Jake was. Truth be told, it disturbed her to think that she was willing to forgive Robyn so easily for all the mayhem she had caused, but she had to put Jake first. His needs trumped hers. The three of them were irrevocably tied together, whether she liked it or not.


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