Love Interrupted

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by Jade Winters

  ‘So all this time you were hating your mum for making you leave, and she actually did it to save you.’

  ‘Would seem that way.’ Harper dipped a French fry in ketchup and fed it to Dylan.

  ‘Are you trying to make me fat?’

  Harper grinned. ‘Nope, I love you just the way you are.’

  Dylan raised her eyebrows. Only then did Harper realise what she’d said. Love. How the hell did I let that slip out? ‘You know what I mean,’ she said quickly, swallowing a large gulp of coke.

  Dylan’s eyes widened as she stared at Harper. ‘Yes. I think I do.’

  Harper finished the rest of her burger in silence. Dylan picked and prodded at the chicken salad she had before her. As she watched her, Harper couldn’t help but wonder if Dylan realised that she really was falling in love with her. If she did, she didn’t seem too bothered about it. In fact, she was quite blasé.

  ‘So what was the last word when you left your mum?’ Dylan said, breaking the silence.

  ‘I’m going to be there for her from now on.’

  Dylan smiled. ‘That’s good.’

  ‘We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I’d like you to meet her.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Dylan said, throwing down her napkin and moving around the table to her. ‘Talking of catching up … I do believe you and I have a date in the bathroom with a bottle of champagne and candles.’

  Harper shook out her hair. ‘I wouldn’t miss this date for the world,’ she said, taking Dylan’s outstretched hand.

  Harper hadn’t missed Dylan’s lack of commitment to meet her mother. Either Dylan wasn’t interested in meeting her mum, or she wasn’t looking for a committed relationship. Only time would tell which one was true.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Tia opened her front door whilst speaking on the phone. Her eyes widened when she saw it was Abi. ‘Abi? Was I meant to look after Jake today?’ Tia said pressing her phone against her chest.

  Abi shook her head. ‘I…I need to…I need—’

  ‘—Hold on for a second.’ Tia put the phone to her ear. ‘Fin, I’ll call you back in a minute,’ she said before disconnecting the call. Beckoning Abi into her house, she eyed her with apprehension. ‘Are you alright? You look a bit—’

  ‘—I’m fine. Just tired. Can you watch Jake for me?’

  Tia reached out and squeezed Abi’s arm. ‘Of course, but only for a few hours, I’ve got an important meeting at six.’

  ‘That’s long enough,’ Abi assured her.

  Abi crouched down in front of Jake asleep in his buggy. She had to make this goodbye a quick one. Swallowing down the lump forming in her throat she said, ‘I love you little man.’ She kissed his forehead, keeping her lips pressed there for a few seconds. ‘Forever.’

  Abi stood, rummaged in her bag and brought out a pen and as scrap of paper. ‘I’m gonna go home and try and get a proper sleep.’ She scribbled on the paper. ‘I’ll leave you Robyn’s number in case I can’t pick him up later.’

  Tia’s phone started to ring. ‘Okay, if you must,’ she said distractedly. ‘Look, I’ve got to get this. I’ll get Jake out of his buggy after this call. Go home. We’ll speak later.’

  Abi stepped forward and pulled Tia into a hug. ‘I love you, Tia. Thank you for everything.’

  ‘Yes, you too, now go,’ she said, extracting herself from Abi’s embrace and ushering her out the door. Abi heard Tia speaking on the phone as the door slowly closed behind her.

  Abi was relieved Tia was otherwise distracted. If she hadn’t been, there would have been a flood of questions. She may have even tried to persuade her to rest in her spare room. That would have made her plan even more difficult than it already was. She had to strike while she had the courage to do so. Just one more thing to do, then I’ll be free. At the end of the road Abi stopped in front of a post box. She reached into her bag and withdrew a white envelope addressed to Robyn’s solicitor. She pushed it through the hole. I can’t be strong anymore. Maybe Robyn’s assessment of her was right. She was an unfit mother. Otherwise how could Abi even contemplate what she was about to do?

  Arriving home, Abi shrugged off her jacket and went straight to Jake’s room. The smell of baby powder was overwhelming. It made her sad to think that she’d never hold him close to her again, or hear his laughter. What was the point of going on? She was going to lose him either way. Dead or alive. Reaching into the cot, she picked up Jake’s favourite teddy bear. Then she removed a photo of him from its frame and took both items with her to the bathroom. The weakness she had fought so hard to keep under control seeped through her as she opened the wall cabinet. A small pill bottle stood on the shelf, whose contents would finally put an end to the misery her life had become. With trembling fingers she picked up the bottle and emptied the small white pills onto her open palm. Putting every last one of them in her mouth she bent over and drank from the tap until her mouth was empty. No amount of punishment can hurt you when your body has no heart left. You can’t feel pain when you’re dead.

  Walking calmly to her bedroom she drew the curtains and laid sideways on her bed. Her mind was still on Jake and the effect her actions would have on him. Robyn will make sure he has a good life, I’m sure of it.

  With Jake’s picture pressed against her face and his bear against her heart, Abi closed her eyes and waited for darkness to embrace her.

  Chapter Forty

  Dylan drove her Mercedes into the private garage beneath the block of glass fronted apartments. She glanced at Harper and laughed at her expression.

  ‘You live here?’ Harper asked.

  Dylan nodded. ‘For the past three years.’

  Harper let out a low whistle. ‘I thought only billionaires lived in places like this.’

  Dylan brought the car to a stop in her reserved bay. ‘Not quite,’ she said as they exited the car. She had to admit the building was an impressive sight. Overlooking the River Thames, her apartment had some of the best views of London. The night view of the London Eye and Houses of Parliament was spectacular. They rode up in the lift to the top floor in silence. Dylan was tired and feeling like a fish out of water. The past few weeks had been something she’d never experienced before. She was actually feeling close to Harper, enough to let down her guard. Though Dylan had to admit, Harper’s own honesty had a lot to do with it. Maybe she’s a little too honest. Harper’s use of the word love at the hotel had unsettled her a little. Was it just a figure of speech or was there an element of truth to it? Dylan wasn’t sure which she preferred. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Her usual game plan was to get her needs fulfilled then move on to the next willing player. This was the first time she had been up close and personal with a woman she’d slept with.

  Dylan led the way along the plush carpeted hallway. She unlocked her door and pushed it open, motioning for Harper to enter first.

  ‘My God, how the other half live,’ Harper said laughing. ‘How on earth do you keep this place so clean?’

  Dylan scanned the open planned place and saw it through Harper’s eyes. The dark hardwood floors complimented the white walls, on which colourful artwork hung, giving the room a warm homely feeling. The kitchen, all sleek black granite worktops and chrome accessories, was a place Dylan barely spent any time at all. If she wasn’t getting her morning coffee or wine from the fridge it was a place she tended to avoid, preferring to eat out or order in.

  ‘I love it,’ Harper said crossing the room to look at the photographs on the wall.

  Dylan walked over to join her. ‘Coffee?’ she said trying to distract her. There was one picture she didn’t want her to see. It was too late. By the look of surprise on Harper’s face she had already spotted it.

  Harper turned to Dylan with a puzzled expression. ‘Isn’t that your boss?’ Harper said pointing to the picture of Dylan and Gregory together.

  ‘Yes,’ Dylan admitted reluctantly. No one outside of their immediate family and close friends was aware they were related. T
hat’s why Dylan used her mother’s maiden name. She didn’t want people thinking she’d got where she was because of her father.

  ‘Wow. He must be some boss if you’ve got a picture of him on your wall.’

  ‘Harper, he’s my dad.’

  ‘What?! No way.’

  ‘I’m afraid so.’

  ‘That explains everything …’ Harper’s hand flew to cover her mouth. ‘Sorry I didn’t mean … I mean … just wow. It must have been tough being his daughter if his reputation’s anything to go by.’

  Dylan shrugged off her jacket and walked into the kitchen. Flipping on the kettle, she took out two mugs before glancing over her shoulder. ‘You know what they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.’

  ‘I would’ve believed that before I got to know you. But not now,’ Harper said softly.

  ‘Harper,’ Dylan started. She needed to knock off Harper’s rose tinted glasses before she got too carried away. ‘I’m still the same person I was a few weeks ago. I haven’t changed. Just because we’ve slept together doesn’t mean I’ve turned into an angel.’

  Harper’s face creased in confusion.

  Shit. Why did I have to say all that crap? The truth was Dylan had changed, whether she liked it or not. Before Harper had a chance to backtrack Dylan’s mobile phone shattered the tense atmosphere.

  Perfect timing. Not. Dylan grabbed her phone from her jacket and looked down at the caller ID expecting someone from work. Instead, ‘Ice queen’ flashed up. The name she’d given Robyn.

  ‘I won’t be a minute,’ Dylan said trying to avoid looking into Harper’s pained eyes. She answered the phone as she walked into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

  ‘Robyn,’ she said trying her best to sound inviting.

  ‘Mediation isn’t working. I want this over and done with. Only this time, no stalling. I want full custody of Jake.’

  Dylan tried to hide the surprise in her voice. ‘Full custody?’

  ‘That’s right. The bitch has got a new girlfriend and they’re taking drugs around my son.’

  Her son? Hearing the vermin in Robyn’s voice Dylan had no doubt whatsoever Robyn’s anger was due to the fact that Abi had a new girlfriend. The green-eyed monster was raising its head and she wanted Abi to pay.

  ‘I can’t talk now. It’s best you come and see me in my office.’


  Dylan rested her head against the door. Did this mean she was going to have to go into battle with Harper again? No, that would bring the end to their relationship. Relationship? Is that what we’re in? Instead of feeling fear, she felt ... giddy. Harper meant more to her than she’d realised. First things first. She had to get Robyn out of her hair. ‘Meet me in my office in an hour,’ she told Robyn before disconnecting the call. Dylan found Harper hovering near the front door when she exited her room.

  ‘I’m going to make a move,’ Harper said.

  ‘Harper, I think we need to talk—’

  ‘—No you were right. Nothing’s changed. I guess I’ll see you round.’

  ‘What I should have said was…’ Before Dylan could finish her sentence, Harper was out the door and Dylan was left staring at it, her mouth agape.

  I love you too.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Two voices echoed sharply as Abi slowly emerged from her deep sleep.

  ‘Can you hear me?’ a middle aged woman with hair pulled tightly into a bun on top of her head, peered closely at her. Behind her stood another younger woman dressed in jeans and a jacket, talking to a doctor, but Abi couldn’t figure out what she was saying.

  ‘Where am I?’ Abi asked the nurse, her head pounding and her chest aching.

  ‘At St Thomas’ Hospital.’

  ‘What have I done?’ Abi shrieked, suddenly panic stricken.

  ‘I was hoping you could tell us, love,’ the nurse replied. Her face was fraught with concern.

  Abi looked around for Jake and suddenly remembered she’d told Tia to call Robyn if she didn’t pick him up.

  ‘Jake!’ She sat up and swung her legs onto the floor, ignoring the cold under her feet. Abi had to get to Tia before she called Robyn. ‘What’s the time?’ she gasped, her hands shaking in panic.

  ‘Four o’clock.’

  Abi’s stomach churned and pulled into a tight ball. There was still time. ‘On Monday?’ she said aloud. That meant she’d only been out for a couple of hours.

  ‘On Tuesday, love,’ the nurse replied.

  The nurse’s words sounded in slow motion, sealing Abi’s fears in the vacuum that sucked in her sense of reality. ‘Oh no, it can’t be,’ Abi said, her voice quivering audibly and her eyes stretched in absolute frantic dread.

  The nurse grabbed her by her flailing arms as Abi struggled wildly to get up and run.

  ‘Take it easy,’ the nursed warned, ‘Your stomach’s been pumped and you need to conserve your energy.’

  Abi began sobbing, her arms growing limp in the nurse’s hands. ‘But you don’t unders-tand ... I-I have to get to my son.’

  ‘Your sister will be back in a minute. She’s only gone to warm your son’s bottle.’ The nurse reassured her as she released her arms.

  ‘My sister? Tia. Jake,’ Abi uttered through her whimpering and shaky voice. ‘They’re both here. Robyn hasn’t got him?’

  The nurse gave Abi a puzzled look. ‘I don’t know who Robyn is but yes, your sister has your son. She was the one who found you at home.’

  Oh God no. Poor Tia. The thought of Tia finding her was enough to send Abi back into her panic stricken whining.

  ‘Come on now, you’ve given your sister quite a shock as it is. Don’t let her see you in this state, think of your son.’

  That was the point, she had been thinking about her son. That’s what had tipped her over the edge. Abi jerked forward when she heard the familiar sound of Jake cry. Tia held him on her hip bouncing him up and down as she tried to soothe him. Abi could see the tears in her eyes as she neared.

  Taking the nurses advice, Abi swung her legs back onto the bed and sat up. ‘Tia,’ she began. ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  Tia handed Jake to her and pulled Abi into her arms. ‘There’s nothing to say,’ she said reassuringly. ‘If I hadn’t been so wrapped—’

  ‘—It’s not your fault, you hear? This is my doing. I let myself get into this position, but no more. If Robyn thinks she can throw her weight around and take my son away from me, she’d better be prepared for war.’ Abi could hear her voice growing stronger. ‘I want you to call my solicitor and let her know what’s happened.’ She gazed down at Jake. ‘I’m gonna fight for you, Jake. I’m not going to be a victim anymore, I promise you that.’

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Shay eyed Harper with amusement. ‘I hate it when I can’t read your mood.’

  Harper laughed. ‘You can’t read it because I’m at peace,’ she lied, fanning her hands out on her desk. So Dylan got cold feet. So what? It wasn’t the end of the world and Dylan wasn’t the only fish in the sea. If she’d have known from the beginning that Gregory was her dad she would have kept a wide berth. How could he not have passed his ruthlessness down to his daughter? And I thought I had it bad. The time they had spent together over the last few weeks had been nice. Much, much more than nice. But the short lived experience was over now and she had to do what she normally did. Brush herself down and start all over again. Not that it would be easy. Far from it. It was hard to fall for someone and be rejected, but hey ho, that’s life. Who was she kidding? How was she going to stop thinking about her a zillion times a day?

  ‘What’s on my agenda today?’ Harper asked Shay who was sitting across from her.

  ‘You’ve just spent the night with the hottest woman in London—bar yourself of course—and you’re at peace. Either she was a major let down, which I doubt, or you’ve had a falling out already.’

  Harper eyed Shay with a raised eyebrow. The woman never missed a thing. Harper laughed. �
�Nothing happened, Shay, we’re just friends. Now can we get back to work issues, please?’ As much as she loved Shay, she wasn’t about to out herself. Sleeping with Dylan was unethical and shouting about it from the rooftops was the last thing she was going to do. As far as Shay knew, there was an attraction and that’s how far it went. The less she knew about it the less chance of Shay getting dragged into a messy affair if anyone ever found out.

  Shay studied her for a moment. ‘Why don’t you give Stella a call?’

  Harper rested her chin on her open palm. ‘And why would I do that?’

  ‘Dunno. You look a bit lost.’

  ‘How did you get to know me so well, Shay?’

  ‘Because not only do we work together, we happen to be friends and you can’t help confiding in me.’ She grinned and adjusted her glasses.

  ‘Hmm, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.’

  Shay stood. ‘You know it is,’ she said with a smile. ‘I’d better get back to work.’

  ‘Me too.’ Harper sighed wistfully, she thought she’d found a confidant in Dylan as well. Turns out I didn’t after all.

  It took Harper several seconds to find her phone at the bottom of her bag when she heard it ringing. The minute the call was connected the hairs on the back of her neck rose. An unfamiliar voice was informing her about a suicide attempt. At first she thought the caller had dialled the wrong number. It wasn’t until she heard Abi’s name that an adrenaline rush propelled her to her feet.

  ‘Is she going to be alright?’ Harper asked, dreading to hear the answer.

  ‘Yes,’ came the reply. ‘I’m sorry I should have introduced myself. I’m Tia, Abi’s sister.’

  ‘Which hospital is she in?’


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