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Page 31

by Jane Glatt

  She’d told Santos and Mika everything, except the one thing that she thought would change their minds about her. She stared down at her empty tea cup and took a deep breath.

  “I’m the one who killed Valerio Valendi,” she said.

  “You did?” Santos asked. “I assumed it was Reo. Tell us what happened.”

  “Reo and I were trying to get away,” Kara said. “Valendi had us trapped. He was at the front of the alley, and his men were behind us.” She paused for a moment, seeing the mage-mist enshrouded figure again. “He started launching spells at us.” She looked up and met Santo’s gaze. “Bad ones. We avoided the first one, but it struck and killed one of his men. After that I deflected the spells, but Valendi kept coming. When he was close, Reo rushed him, hoping to kill him. Valendi sent one last spell. It would have killed Reo so I . . . I pushed his spell back onto him and he died.”

  “It was his spell,” Mika said. “Sounds like the Mage killed himself.”

  “No, I did it,” Kara said. “I’m a killer.”

  “Hush,” Santos said. “You were defending yourself and Reo. You said yourself Valendi would have killed both of you.” Santos covered one of her hands with his. “Besides,” he continued. “He’s the one who cursed me. You’ve saved me some trouble.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “You don’t really think that Valerio Valendi would have let me live once he heard that I was sane, do you? My former Journeyman would need to get rid of me, permanently this time.”

  “He would dare? Even if you didn’t trouble him?”

  “He’d have to,” Santos said. “I know far too much and am far too powerful for him to feel safe while I’m alive. I’ve been meaning to create some safeguards spells around the estate to protect against any magical attacks.” He smiled sadly. “I hadn’t thought it urgent until we heard that you had died.”

  “How did you learn that?” Kara asked.

  “Reo’s Seyoyan friend,” Mika said. “Chal came by boat this afternoon. You were dead, and Reo was wanted for questioning by Mage Guild. He said that he’d heard it from the Mage Guild Primus himself.”

  “Good. That’s what we want everyone to think,” she said. Reo’s task would be much easier if Mage Guild already thought she was dead.

  “That’s the official version,” Santo’s said. “It’s hard to say what the Primus really believes, or knows, but Mage Guild can’t afford to let anyone think that the death of their Secundus has gone unpunished.”

  “Will they come here?” Kara asked. “Have I put you at risk?” She paused. “Should I leave?”

  “Leave? Absolutely not,” Santo said. “This island belongs to me. I say who is welcome or not. Mage Guild has no power here. Besides,” he grinned. “I am the Mage Guild Primus. It’s a title held for life, and I am still alive.”

  “What about the current Primus?” Mika asked.

  “He’s the acting Primus,” Santos said. “Although he probably does not feel that way.” He waved his hand. “No matter. I don’t want the position, he does, so we should be able to come to an agreement.”

  “My mother won’t agree,” Kara said. There was no way Arabella Fonti would let her daughter live, not after she’d killed Valendi.

  “She’ll have no choice,” Santos said his voice hard. “I am the Mage Guild Primus. Now, time to find you a place to sleep. Everyone else has moved into the house so the cabin is empty. It’s yours if you want it, or you can stay here. There are plenty of rooms.”

  Kara didn’t even have to think about it. “The cabin.” It was home.

  “Then it’s yours,” Santos said. “But the house is always open to you—just come over when you feel like company.”

  Mika walked with her to the cabin, carrying two small lamps to light their way. Kara’s eyes were almost closed by the time she turned the corner and saw the front door.

  “I’ve been in it, so I know it’s there,” Mika said, handing her a lamp. “But I can’t see it, so you’ll need to visit me before I head home in a few days.”

  “I will,” Kara said. She gave her friend a quick hug and entered the cabin. The rows of preserves, considerably depleted, were still stacked in the small kitchen, the glass glinting in the lamplight. She sighed, content to be home.

  Chapter twenty-four

  KARA SETTLED BACK into her cabin. In the mornings she gazed out the window at the waters of the bay. Winter was here and the wind-whipped waves crashed against the rocks, white spray sparkling in the sun. After enjoying her solitude, she ventured to the main house, where she would make lunch for Vook, Sidra, or Santos, or the many workers from Shantytown still at work on the interior of the house.

  Pilo’s scars were almost gone, although the girl was still shy around people she didn’t know. She’d quietly help Kara, setting out cups and keeping the kettle full for the constant request for tea.

  Vook was in his element. He’d attached himself to the crew boss, a former Mason, and was eagerly learning everything the man was willing to teach. The thought that Vook would have made a fine apprentice made her sad until she realized that he already was one.

  Sidra spent most of her time with Mika. After living so long with the threat of hunger, the girl seemed determined to gather and store enough food to keep them fed for years. The garden was going to be much expanded come spring. A few new beds were being cleared, including the one that she and Reo had walked through the night they arrived.

  Kara rarely saw Mole but he seemed healthy and growing, and Santos said he’d taken to prowling the estate at night. One evening after she’d settled into her cabin, he came in and sat down. He didn’t say much, but Mole never had—and he left after a few quiet hours.

  Mika departed with the promise that she’d return in the spring. Kara watched her go, glad that her friend was heading back to Allon and their home in the mountains, but she would miss her. Kara wasn’t much older than Vook, but her months with Reo had changed her, forced her to grow up, and she craved the adult company that Mika had provided.

  Santos was completely free of all of the spells that had cursed him. He kept to his workroom, and a part of Kara worried that since he no longer needed her help, he didn’t want to spend time with her. But a few days after Mika left, he stopped her on her way to her cabin.

  “Will you be ready to start in the morning?” Santos asked.

  Kara paused and turned to him. His arms were crossed over his chest, and a small half smile played on his lips.

  “Start what?”

  “Your training, of course,” Santos said. “I want you to be my Apprentice.” He frowned. “Unless you’re not interested.”

  “Of course I am,” she replied. “But I can’t do magic.” She dropped her gaze to the ground, filled with the familiar feelings of failure and disappointment.

  “Yes, you can,” Santos said. “You do the most extraordinary magic. You just can’t create spells. I’m fascinated and want to find out exactly what you can do.”

  She looked up into his bright gaze. Santos’ smile widened, and she returned his smile.

  “We’ll start in the morning then,” Kara said.

  Santos nodded and turned away.

  She watched him go. She hadn’t even hoped for that. She felt lucky—Gyda-blessed—to have a safe home and friends. But to have someone willing—eager—to work with her and help her develop her talents? That was a dream she’d given up years ago.

  ARABELLA PLACED HER open palm against her heart. “By Gyda’s light I pledge to uphold Guild Law. As Mage Guild Secundus I put the guild above all, even myself, and promise to use all my talents to further the guild and its Guildsmen.”

  “I, Primus Rorik, appoint you Secundus Fonti.”

  Arabella met Rorik’s eyes and nodded. It was done. The appointment had taken longer than she’d expected, but finally she was Secundus and none of the Mages who stood as witnesses could undo it. She was safe—and in power—for the rest of her life.

ank you, Primus,” she nodded. She turned to the crowd—every single council member was in attendance, of course—along with an assortment of lesser Mages, Journeymen, Apprentices, and other Guildsmen and women. Warrior Guild had sent a minor official. She chose not to be offended, although she could tell by the set of Rorik’s shoulders that he was. He had been pressing Warrior Guild rather hard about their involvement in Valerio’s death. She hadn’t been able to make Rorik wait until she was appointed—otherwise she would have been there when the Assassin was interviewed.

  Rorik had used magic on him, and he was confident that he’d told the truth—that the girl was dead. But Arabella had heard of her death far too many times to truly believe it. She would need to see her body with her own eyes.

  “Enjoy your reception, Arabella,” Rorik said as he led her down from the dais. “But meet me later. We have much to talk about.”

  “Such as?”

  “There are reports that Santos Nimali is no longer mad. I need you to find out if there is any truth to this.” He looked out across the room. “Someone here knows something. They will tell you, if you ask nicely.”

  “I will do my best to make new friends and strengthen old alliances.”

  “I’m sure you will.” Rorik bowed and left her to the crowd that waited for her.

  “THE WORST NEWS, Primus,” Arabella said. Gratefully, she dropped into the chair he gestured to. Her reception had ended a few moments ago, and she’d headed straight to Rorik’s quarters.

  “More than just Santos Nimali has been spotted on Old Rillidi.”

  “The Assassin?” Rorik asked. “Warrior Guild promised he would not be a problem.”

  “The girl.” She had no idea how she’d managed to live, but the half-brother—Noula’s son—had been taken from his fostering—who else would want the brat? “Even though the Assassin said she was dead.”

  “I used a spell on him,” Rorik said. “He could not have lied!”

  “Unless another Mage spelled him first.” It was the only thing that would have worked.

  “Who? Nimali? But he’s been mad for years.”

  “And yet he is no longer mad,” she replied.

  Rorik paled. “Are you certain?”

  “There are too many reports. He’s hired labourers—unguilded—from that island of his to repair his house.” Though if he was as powerful as everyone said, she couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just use magic.

  “That is his way,” Rorik mused. “Santos always liked things to be made by workers, rather than be created with magic. His entire estate was built by Masons.”

  “That would take so long,” Arabella said. “And there would be imperfections.”

  “I never agreed with him,” Rorik said. “But it was his way. We need to see him.”

  “And bring the girl to justice.” The Assassin was out of reach, but the girl? Arabella wanted to see her die.

  Chapter twenty-five

  “WHAT DO YOU feel,” Santos said. “Close your eyes and concentrate on what you feel from the spell.”

  After making sure that her hand was still thrust into the grass green mage mist that swirled around the top of the worktable, Kara closed her eyes. They’d been attempting this same test for three days, and she still couldn’t feel anything except the slight damp she always felt when she touched mage mist. But Santos was confident that this could be done by someone with her unique magical talents, so she’d kept trying.

  “I don’t feel anything,” she said.

  “How about now,” Santos said.


  She shivered despite the warmth of the sun streaming through the workroom window. Suddenly she had the urge to snatch her hand away from the mist, as though something terrible would happen if she kept it there. Was that feeling coming from the spell?

  “I feel danger,” she said. “Or a threat of some kind.” She frowned as the feeling grew stronger. Her hand itched, and she pulled it towards her chest. She opened her eyes. The spell continued swirling, the same as before, but now she clearly felt the underlying malice.

  “Excellent,” Santos said. “I put as much ill will into that spell as I could safely do, and you felt it.”

  “Eventually,” she said. “But how useful will this be if it has to be that malicious?”

  “It would have been nice to know if the food was spelled to help or harm,” Santos said.

  With Kara gone, Santos hadn’t felt comfortable eating the food Mage Guild left. After the death of Valerio Valendi, and with the obvious signs that the mad mage was in the process of fixing his manor house, the Mages had stopped bringing it. But Kara knew Santos would always wonder if his former Journeyman had kept him mad by cursing his food.

  “All right,” she agreed. “There is a use for it. Will it always be so decisive? Can’t a spell be cast that isn’t meant to harm, but does anyway?”

  “Yes,” Santos said. “You might only feel the intent of the Mage when they cast the spell, and not whether they are incompetent or foolish.”

  “Kara,” Pilo called from the garden. “Reo’s here.”

  Reo! The door swung open, and he stood in the doorway, and Kara’s heart skittered for a moment. He looked tired and worn down. Empty.

  “Reo,” Kara said. “What are you doing here?”

  His mouth tightened, and she stopped speaking.

  “I mean, is it safe for you to come here?”

  “Safe?” Reo said. “No, probably not. There’s no danger to you, but there’s no safe place in Rillidi for a former Assassin. We have some unfinished business, you and I. I have to right a wrong that happened because I forced you to work with me.”

  “I told you,” Kara said. “I forgive you.”

  Santos came up beside her and took her arm as she faced Reo. She didn’t invite him in, nor did he step inside the house.

  “So you said. But I have not forgiven myself,” Reo said.

  His eyes met hers, and Kara was shocked at the bleakness in them.

  “I have a gift that I hope will allow you to remember me with some admiration.”

  “But I do . . .”

  Reo stepped aside, and a small worried face peered up at her.

  “Osten,” Kara breathed. Her younger brother was frightened and thin and dirty, but he also appeared unhurt. “Thank Gyda you’re safe.”

  Osten, wary and nervous, stared at her.

  “Osten,” she said. “Come here. You’re safe now.” Slowly the boy crossed to her and gave her an awkward hug.

  “I promise. You’re safe.”

  “But mama was never nice to you,” Osten said.

  “No, but that wasn’t your fault.” Kara looked up and met Reo’s gaze. “Thank you, Reo. This is a gift beyond my expectations. How did you find him?”

  Reo smiled then, not quite the carefree smile from before their trip to Mage Guild Island, but it lightened her heart just the same.

  “Arabella Fonti likes her people to know what happens to those who displease her,” he said. “I found one willing to tell me what happened to your brother.” His smile faltered. “He was not being treated well.”

  “Reo killed my master,” Osten said. His face twisted into a scowl. “And I’m glad. I wish I was bigger so I could have killed him.”

  Shocked, Kara stared at Osten. The innocent, laughing little boy he’d been just this past spring was gone, replaced by this angry child with hurt eyes.

  His chin jutted out, and he glared at her. “I would have killed him if I could have,” Osten declared.

  Kara’s chest constricted. What had been done to her poor brother?

  “Thank you again, Reo,” she said. “I almost wish I’d let you kill her,” she said, thinking about when Reo asked her if she wanted him to kill her mother. Arabella Fonti had known exactly what life she was delivering her brother into.

  “Don’t thank me just yet,” Reo said. He stepped out of the doorway to let a young boy in. No more than nine, he was thin and pale. “He
was there as well, and not likely to have any friends left now.”

  Kara walked over to the boy, Osten at her side.

  “Hello,” she said. “I’m Kara.” He had to be. The eyes, the colouring, the arch of the nose. This boy was Valerio Valendi’s child.

  “I’m Giona,” was the soft reply.

  “He’s my friend,” Osten stated. “I told him,” he gestured to Reo, “that I wasn’t leaving Giona behind.”

  “Did you now,” Kara said.

  She met Reo’s eyes and smiled. For all that Osten was two or three years younger than Giona, he clearly was the fighter.

  “Giona, you are most welcome here. As you can see, it’s a big house with plenty of room.”

  “I’ll work hard,” Giona said. “I know how.”

  “That’s good to know,” Kara replied gently. “We’ll let you get settled, both of you, then we’ll decide. I think schooling will be required.” It was something that she’d meant to start, and with two more students, she couldn’t put it off any longer.

  Reo declined the offer to stay overnight, but he agreed to at least stay for a meal.

  Pilo and Vook took the newcomers on a tour of the house. They returned in time for dinner, chattering about the rooms they’d selected. Kara had wondered if she should ask Osten to stay with her in the cabin, but he didn’t seem likely to leave Giona. The children ate quickly and bolted to their new rooms with Pilo, who promised to make them bathe, trailing behind them.

  “He looks a great deal like Valendi,” Santos said. He filled Kara’s and Reo’s cups with tea.

  “Yes,” Reo agreed. “He was treated slightly better, no doubt because his master was afraid of the Secundus. At least he didn’t have to share the man’s bed.”

  A wave of anger flashed through Kara. “Despicable ruffiano,” she spat. “I’m glad he’s dead.”

  “Yes, but that’s not why I killed him,” Reo said. “He saw me, so he was a liability. That’s also why I brought Giona, although young Osten did say he wasn’t coming without him.”


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