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A Life of Submission

Page 9

by Argus, JJ

  She squealed with laughter, and the man snickered as well, giving me a smug, arrogant look.

  "Yeah. Let's go for it," he said.

  He took off his suit jacket and began to undo his tie, and the woman gave another little squeal of inspiration and jumped forward, grasping at the chain still dangling from my nipples and catching it up.

  "Oh let me try this!"

  She pulled back on the chain, backing away, and I, of course, followed forward. She laughed in delight and moved back faster, then quickly raised her hand high, twining the chain around her wrist and forcing me up onto my toes. My nipples ached and burned as my breasts began to stretch out and up from the pressure. I moaned and let out a soft cry of pain, but she was far from sympathetic. She let out a whoop of cruel delight and lowered the chain abruptly, forcing me to bend, then drop to my knees, then, bent over and holding the chain low, she backed away, and I was forced to awkwardly crawl along on my knees, wincing and crying out as she tugged on the chain.

  "Enough of that. Let's pump this pussy," the man said, grabbing me by the hair and lifting me up to my feet.

  "Yeah! Pop her!"

  I was pulled backwards by the hair, protesting weakly, and then forced down first to my knees, then onto my back on the cold stone floor of the garage. Chad was naked now, and had a fine, athletic body, obviously well cared-for. He taunted me as he fondled his erection.

  "This is for you, slave," he said with a sneer. "You're going to love it too."

  He was older than I had supposed, probably around thirty. Perhaps it was an inherent immaturity which caused me to believe him younger. Certainly he was a handsome man, but his air, his manner, was that of much younger man, without the sense of decorum or dignity I had come to expect in men of his actual age.

  "Fuck her!" the girl squealed, eyes bright and sparkling with anticipation as she moved forward to kneel at my head.

  Unlike Chad she was more my own age, but there was something distinctly odd about her. She had shoulder length brown hair, but it was completely unkempt, and with her glinting, eager eyes and wide, grinning mouth served to give her a feral appearance.

  "Calm down, Kristine. She belongs to us. We can take our time with her."

  "Not like those other sluts," the girl said, giving me a predatory look.

  Chad had carefully placed a folded over blanket on the floor, and knelt upon it as he grasped my ankles and yanked them far apart. He ran his hands up my thighs, and over my body with possessive pride, and squeezed my nipples before discarding the chain. The girl giggled, roughly squeezing and kneading one of my breasts and plucking at the ring piercing my nipple.

  I felt embarrassed anew as the two strangers ravished my body with their eyes and hands, feeling a sense of being rushed, of time moving faster than I could cope. My previous captors had been slow and deliberate, mature and careful. I felt as though I were in the hands of children, spoiled, malicious children.

  "You ready to be fucked, slave?" the man demanded, leering proudly down at me.

  "Yes, master," I gasped anxiously.

  The girl squealed in delight again.

  "Say it again, slut!"

  "Yes, master," I felt shamed at their gleeful response, knowing to what level I had been reduced, yet could hardly imagine denying them.

  "I like the sound of that," Chad said smugly.

  He pressed himself against my pussy as the girl knelt beside me. She leaned forward, roughly pulling and twisting my hair, then slapping and squeezing my breasts.

  "You ready, slave girl?" she taunted, bringing her face down close to mine. "He's gonna fuck away your virginhood now. He's gonna ram his cock up you so far it comes out your mouth!"

  I felt Chad's cock being forced into me, and grunted with pain as the lips of my sex were forced wide. His spongy cock-head pushed deeper, then withdrew.

  "Moisten me up, baby," he demanded.

  "Why should I?" Kristine demanded. "Let the slut do it!"

  "There's an idea."

  He moved forward, straddling my chest, sliding his cock toward my mouth, then reaching beneath my head to lift it upwards.

  "Get me nice and wet, slave," he ordered, forcing himself into my mouth.

  I obeyed as best I could. Of course my wrists were still bound behind me, and was in little position to move my head either. He pushed deeper into me, to the point of almost choking me on his fat cock, then pulled back.

  "Shove it down her throat!" the girl demanded eagerly.


  He moved back carefully, favouring his knees, which had apparently become sore against the bare pavement, and settled himself onto the towel.

  Then he pushed himself into me again, forcing his now somewhat lubricated cock deeper.

  The girl was sitting back on her heels, watching excitedly. She was biting her lower lip, eyes wild. She fell forward, laying on her side, and pressed her face in close against mine.

  "Does that feel good, slave girl? Do you like that? Mmmm. Feels good, doesn't it? I bet you'll like being fucked a lot."

  "Like you don't," Chad sneered.

  "Shut up," she said in annoyance, turning to glare at him.

  She turned back to me and her lips drew back in a leer.

  "You want him to fuck your cunt, slave girl?"

  'Y-yes, mistress,"I panted, face hot at the response I knew I must make.

  "Mistress!?" she exclaimed. She laughed in delight and turned to Chad. "She called me mistress!"

  "I told you she's a slave."


  Chad ignored her, jamming himself deeper inside me. I felt myself stretching and straining, the ache within me growing as his erection was forced higher. It reached what seemed to be the obstruction within me which signified my virginity, and drew back, then pushed forward once more. I felt a sense of straining and stretching within my pussy, a growing sense of pain as he jabbed his hardness against the obstruction.

  I felt an odd sense of anger at this, at the prospect of losing my virginity in such a place to such a man, and this pushed aside whatever excitement or even curiosity I might have otherwise had at finally being penetrated there.

  He was grunting and straining, his face a sweaty mask of glee, and then I felt a final tearing sensation within me, a sharp, but easily bearable pain, and his cock surged forward, forcing aside the soft, hitherto closed portion of my sex as he crowed in triumph.

  I felt only a strange sense of relief, and the oddity of feeling movement where I never had before. The sensation was not unnatural, nor even painful, though I did feel strained by his sudden, rough penetration.

  "Took out her cherry," he said with a leer.

  "No more virgin," the girl cooed. "Just another slut now."

  I felt very full down inside my lower belly, my insides spread quite wide in a not unpleasant way, despite the sense of strain. I did not feel any shame at losing my virginity, for I had resigned myself to it, and was rather relieved it had finally been accomplished.

  My rapist groaned above me, apparently quite delighted at his conquest, and at the physical sensation of my tightness around his erection. He ground his pelvis in jerky, circular motions so that his cock turned and twisted about within me.

  She pushed her tongue out and licked slowly up along my cheeks as Chad continued to grind himself against me.

  "Yeah!" he cried, much like an enthusiastic boy.

  The girl ran her hand over my breasts, tugging and twisting the rings cruelly, pulling each until I cried out in pain, giggling, then doing the same to the other. Her hand then moved down between my legs and fingered my clitoris. She appeared surprised for a moment.

  "Fuck! I forgot her clit was pierced too!" she exclaimed. "Oh man! This is so wild!"

  Chad's strong fingers dug deep into the soft flesh of my thighs as he forced my legs back sharply against the pavement, and my insides throbbed and ached as he began to yank himself in and out with crude enthusiasm. I was startled at how deeply his cock slid inside me
. I had had no idea how long my vagina was or how deep it travelled. The head of his organ felt like it was lodged deep within my belly each time he jammed himself down.

  "Fuck her! Fuck her harder!" the girl was demanding, eagerly watching his cock driving into my sex.

  The two of them slapped and groped and pinched and squeezed and fondled my body as Chad continued my deflowerment. I was disappointed at how banal their assault was, at how lacking in imagination or passion was their behaviour. Oh there was a cruel, lustful eagerness, but cheap and tawdry in its nature. I found myself comparing them to Mistress and my earlier two masters, and the two did not fare well under such a comparison.

  I felt very much like a toy being abused by two eager, spiteful children - which, as I later came to understand, was quite close to reality.

  Yet even so, so deeply had the conditioning set that I began to feel a sense of eroticism in my deflowerment, a sense of martyred masochistic pleasure. Kristine was tugging repeatedly at the ring set into my clitoris, and the sharp little stinging pains were combining with the hard, deep thrusting of his erection to draw me into a mood of eager participation. I was being used for the first time there, and so long had I anticipated it that I now wished to bask in the sensation of being fully pierced.

  Despite their crudeness my mind was beginning to attune itself to their mood of sexual excitement and arousal, and my body began to throb with sexual pleasure. The fast, heavy impact of his thighs and hips against me there was a new and exotic sensation which was deliciously nasty and long dreamed of. Again and again my mind followed the full, hard thrust of his cock, followed the plunge of the head through the soft flesh of my body, down into that centre which seemed to grow so warm and alive.

  I hardly watched them at all, my mind turned inward, a little startled, a little gleeful, a little anxious and hesitant, but for the most part fascinated with this new experience and sensation. I had, after all, come to be convinced I was a creature made for sex, and now I was finally experiencing it fully, finally being used properly.

  Yes, there was a degradation there at my crude ravishment, yet even degradation had come to be twisted in the dark recesses of my mind, twisted into that sense of masochistic excitement which now gripped me. And so as his hard cock thrust into me my mind half floated, basking in the experience and feeling the pleasure grow.

  Kristine began to tug and twist on my nipple rings, even while continuing to tug and twist my clit ring, and new stings rippled through my mind. Yet the pain and the cruelty which drove it only added to my dark pleasure. My nipples were fully engorged, and my breasts swollen with heat, and every touch of the girl’s fingers made them throb and crackle with a raw heat.

  It was all sensations now, as I fell more fully into the hunger. The painful pressure of his thumbs against my thighs, the cold stone beneath my back and buttocks, the heat of my breasts, the stings from the girl’s cruel twisting and pulling, the pounding of his hips against my groin, and above all that hard, deep stabbing cock being driven into the depths of my belly. I found myself urging him on, glorying in the deepest penetrations, anticipating them as he jerked himself back, gasping in pleasure as he thrust himself in.

  The sense of penetration was something I felt certain I was going to grow addicted to. I found myself thinking Yes! each time he reached the end of his withdrawal and thrust himself into me. Each deep penetration sent a hot surge of delicious sensory heat through my body, washing up through my lower belly as a liquid wave. I began to savour that inwards thrust, that sensation of being penetrated, pierced. The deepest point of his penetration was cause for both delight and loss. For while I found myself feeling a deep sense of carnal arousal at feeling him so deeply within my body it was, at the same time, the end of that delicious inward movement of his organ, and precipitated its sudden withdrawal.

  I knew I was going to climax powerfully, and thought of how right Mistress had been in calling me a whore, in knowing I was made for this.

  And then he finished, with hardly any slowing, with no warning. He gave a gasp and finished, and slowed to a halt, breathing heavily. My eyes flickered, and I knew a sense of shocked disappointment and denial as I lay there. I could feel his manhood sagging, growing smaller within me, and then he pulled back with a satisfied smirk.

  "Let's bring her upstairs. I want to play with her now," Kristine demanded.

  Chad dressed as I lay there mourning the loss of that wonderful new sensation of penetration and use, then he and the girl raised me to my feet and led me to the doors of an elevator which had been standing open for some minutes. It was small, and apparently private, for neither seemed to have any fear of being discovered. Of course, unlike myself, they were not nude, but I assumed they would not want strangers intruding, and perhaps summoning the police. The walls were mirrored, and I examined myself in the glass, looking to see if there was any visible difference now that I was no longer a virgin.

  Kristine fondled me as the elevator shot upwards, often leaning in close against me to promise me how she was going to fuck me once we were upstairs. I found her less than threatening. Compared to Mistress she was merely a garish little girl.

  The elevator door opened at last, and I thought we must be quite high indeed for the journey to have taken so long at the speed we had seemed to travel. The two led me out into an enormous apartment, the likes of which I had only ever seen before in movies and television shows. Beyond an enormous glass wall gigantic skyscrapers towered, their lights a kaleidoscope of colours against the night sky. Only one city I knew of could possibly be so immense, with so many sparkling towers. New York. I was indeed far from home.

  "I need a drink," Chad said.

  "Me too," Kristine said, "And get me some blow. I want to really enjoy our new slave."

  Chad moved in one direction, and Kristine took me in the other, leading me down a wide, marble hall, and thence into an enormous bedroom - a bedroom larger than any home I had yet been inside. The four poster bed looked larger enough for a dozen to sleep, and there was a full set of sofas and overstuffed chairs alongside tables, a desk, and a number of dressers and armours. Christine pulled me to the bed and then flung me down onto my knees beside it.

  She quickly stripped off her clothes, showing me a slender, tanned body, with smallish breasts and a small diamond in her naval.

  "Have you ever done it with a girl, slave?" she demanded, arrogantly.

  "Yes, mistress," I replied.

  Stupid girl, I thought.

  She seemed disappointed for a moment as she stroked her sex.

  "We'll see how good you are," she said finally. "And if you don't make me come I'll take a whip to you!"

  "Yes, mistress," I said.

  The words seemed to excite her further, and she spread her legs, pulling on my hair and guiding me in between them.

  Chad issued a strange yell of sorts, but neither of us understood it.

  "Hurry up," Kristine yelled back. "I want to be high when I come."

  "Maybe I can arrange that."

  The voice was male, and quite deep, and certainly did not belong to Chad.

  Kristine turned her head and gave a cry of alarm and shock, then leapt away from me.

  The man at the door was enormous, but not in nearly so muscular a way as my first captor. He was also black, with a bushy beard around his grinning face. Kristine leapt for the bed and yanked a bedsheet before her. I was shocked, as well, and blushed under the man's eyes, but of course, could do nothing to hide my nude body.

  "W-what are you doing here?" she demanded, all her arrogant superiority gone. "How did you get in?"

  "I got tired of getting busy signals and paid your doorman fifty bucks to let us by."

  He stepped inside, and a moment later two more black men shoved Chad in. He stumbled to one knee before picking himself up and turning to face them.

  "So where's my money, Chad?" the large man demanded.

  "Phil, baby, you know I'm good for it," Chad said, spreading hi
s arms wide and grinning.

  "No, as a matter of fact I don't. I heard your daddy cut you off."

  "He does that all the time," Chad said dismissively. "He'll come around again."

  "I heard he found out you were dealing drugs and cut you off for good."

  "Hey, give me a few days to work on him and he'll be eating out of my hands."

  "Where's my money, Chad?" the man demanded, his voice hardening.

  Chad smiled nervously. "I uh, I don't have all of it right now. I mean, I was counting on that money from my father and..."

  "How much do you have?"

  Chad washed his hands together uncomfortably. "Well, not enough and I..."

  "How much?"

  "Uh, seventy thousand."

  The big man shook his head sadly.

  "You disappoint me, Chad," he said.

  "I'm good for the money, man!"

  The man moved forward and gazed down at me, then gave me a little smile. I smiled back nervously, embarrassed anew under his eyes, and the eyes of the two other black men.

  "Cute little games you white folk play," he said, running his fingers through my hair.

  "Hey, look, Phil, you can borrow her till I get you the money."

  The man raised his eyebrows.

  "Get this man," Chad said eagerly. "She's a slave, a real actual slave. I just bought her! She's quality stuff, man, you can't just find something like her on a street corner. She's all trained and brainwashed and everything."

  The black men stared at me, and I saw hunger in the eyes of the other two, but Phil only looked angry.

  "And how much did you pay for her?" he demanded.

  "Uh..." Chad looked hesitant.

  "How much of my money did you spend on this bitch?" the man demanded angrily.

  I winced as his voice rose.

  "Only uh, about a hundred thousand."

  Phil rolled his eyes and motioned to one of the other men.

  "I'm gonna get plenty of more money, Phil!" Chad said desperately.

  One of the men hit him, knocking him to the floor, and the other kicked him brutally. Kristine screamed, and was yanked forward and thrown onto the floor at Phil's feet, minus her bedsheet. He reached down and dragged her to her feet, then smoothly pulled her arms together behind her back and pinned them there, one large hand gripping both arms at the elbows. Kristine seemed considerably less enthusiastic about being helpless and naked then she had about me being in that position, and her face burned red as she squirmed in embarrassment and fear.


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