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A Life of Submission

Page 11

by Argus, JJ

  I climaxed again, crying out in wanton delight, bucking my lower body between the two stiff cocks, shuddering and convulsing as the pleasure rose to unbearable limits and threatened swamp my mind utterly. Oh how shocked my friends would have been to see me like that! How utterly wicked and wanton I was! A sluttish slave girl!

  Phil, gasping for breath, spent himself within me, and moments later the other man did the same, jamming himself deep into my anus as the two squeezed me between them, and within seconds we were all on our sides, gasping for breath, hot and panting and satisfied.

  Chapter Six

  Afterwards, I danced for the three men, as Mistress had showed me. I was embarrassed at being the centre of attention, and would have been even if I were fully clothed. Naked, the sensation of being under their eyes as I danced was... indescribable. Yet amid the embarrassment came a dark and wicked pride and excitement as their eyes feasted on my body's lewd movements. They seemed to find me and my dancing very exciting, even arousing. Phil had me perform on him as he sat on one of the chairs, kneeling between his spread legs and taking his thickness deep into my throat. As I did, first one, then the other of the men knelt behind me and used me quickly, their hands mauling my breasts as their hips beat a tattoo against my raised buttocks.

  Phil then ordered Kristine to perform cunnilingus on me, pinching and slapping at the sullen, whimpering girl's breasts until she obeyed. I tried to feel sorry for her but could not. And as I sat in the chair, legs spread wide and draped over the arms, the centre of attention again, I began to feel another powerful orgasm rising within me. I stroked Kristine's head and hair, groaning and rolling my hips up to meet her lapping tongue.

  I closed my eyes, arching my back, my breathing coming faster and faster, yet even so I could not forget for a second that three pairs of eager eyes watched me, ravishing me, and when I climaxed I writhed and thrashed in some exaggeration that they might grow even more excited.

  Shortly afterwards the other two men returned, without Chad. Phil spoke softly with them, appearing unhappy.

  "Well how am I supposed to get my money now?" he demanded.

  His gaze turned to Kristine and I, and he stroked his chin thoughtfully.

  Shortly afterwards we left the luxurious apartment, travelling downward in Chad's private elevator. Both Kristine and I remained nude, and my wrists had been shackled once more. We were placed in the back seat of a large black car with tinted window, and then driven away through the streets of what I now knew to be New York city. Phil sat between us, occasionally groping or stroking our bodies, but talking little.

  "Where are we going?" she asked after a time, looking about nervously.

  "I'm going to drop off the slave girl."

  "What about me?" she asked anxiously.

  He turned and looked at her cooly. "Your boyfriend still owes me money. You're going to pay it."

  "Me?!" she gasped. "But I don't have any money."

  He smiled and slipped his hand between her thighs, cupping her sex.

  "You got something worth its weight in gold. You might be a snotty bitch, but there's nothing wrong with this body. It can earn a whole lot for me."

  She gaped at him, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly.

  "I...I won't!" she gasped at last.

  He simply smiled, and she dropped her eyes, trembling.

  "Hundred bucks a pop, ten, twelve times a night, and you'll have me paid off in no time," he said. "Maybe five, six months, tops."

  The men in the front seat snickered, and Kristine looked at them in despair.

  I did not dare inquire as to my own future, for fear that I too was destined to be a prostitute, for such was obviously to be her fate. Yet he had implied something different was in my own future, and I looked out the window nervously.

  The signs I could read on the shops we passed began to change, turning from English to Asian lettering. The people I could see through the tinted glass were more and more likely to be Asians now, as well, and I decided we were in New York's Chinatown area. Then the car turned into a dark alley and stopped. One of the men who appeared to work for Phil opened the door and he pushed me out ahead of him, following.

  He took my arm and led me through a small doorway, then down a short flight of stairs and along a narrow corridor. The difference between Chad's apartment could not have been more obvious, for here my feet padded across age darkened linoleum instead of marble, and overhead, bare pipes and wires were tangled together along the ceiling.

  We turned into another corridor, then went through a door framed between two Asian men wearing suits. I felt another little wave of embarrassment accompanied by excitement as their eyes examined me, feeling lewd and wicked for being so exposed before strangers.

  We entered a small, dim room. The floor was covered by a thick, soft Persian rug, and a middle aged Asian man sat behind an antique desk of walnut. The door closed behind us and the man stood up, coming around the desk to examine me.

  "Mr. Wu," Phil said respectfully.

  "What is it you bring me, Mr. Smith?" the man asked.

  "A gift. A sign of my respect for you," Phil said.

  "A captive girl?" Mr Wu raised his eyes in question.

  "This is a slave girl," Phil said proudly. "She was just trained, but the first man who purchased her came to some uh, trouble. So she became my property. Of course, keeping slaves is illegal in this country and I wouldn't want to break the law."

  Mr. Wu smiled faintly.

  "What is your name, girl?" he asked.

  "I am a slave, master," I said, for the first time feeling a little flutter of excitement in my belly at saying the words. "I have no name unless I am given one."

  He arched an eyebrow and slipped a narrow finger into one of my nipple rings, raising it slightly and stretching my nipple.

  "So you are a slave."

  "Yes, master."

  "And what might you be good for?"

  I blinked uncertainly. "I am a slave, master. I am made to give pleasure."

  He smiled, but seemed intrigued. "And how do you do that?"

  "Whatever way I am told master. "

  "A western woman who knows her place," Mr. Wu mused.

  "I thought, well, you have friends in China..." Phil's voice trailed off and Mr. Wu smiled again.

  "Where blonde women are an endless fascination? Yes, I do indeed. And there are more than a few men I can think of who would be... much pleased with such a gift."

  "I thought you might put her to good use, Mr. Wu," Phil said, beaming.

  "Indeed. I thank you for this gift, Mr. Smith. I am in your debt."

  Phil gave an awkward little bow, and then began to back away. One of the Asian men had come in unnoticed by me, and now opened the door and let him out. At a signal from Wu he exited himself, leaving us alone.

  "So you are a slave."

  "Yes, master," I said, somewhat breathless now.

  "Your voice. You are from England?"

  "Yes, Master."

  "The English once ruled much of China. Do you know this?"

  "Yes, master."

  "We have long memories. There will be men who will delight in owning a blonde English slave. Powerful men, especially in the inland provinces where westerners are seldom seen.”

  "Yes, master," I said uncertainly.

  My insides were twisting at he thought of being sent to the orient, and yet there was also a strange dark thrill in my chest at the idea of I, a poor English girl, kidnapped and sent to the far east to be ravished by cruel Orientals.

  I saw little of America beyond a small, windowless room. The next day, clad in a beautiful, ankle length Chinese robe of blue and black silk, and wearing light sandals, I was driven between two large Asian men to a small airport, and placed aboard a private jet. Neither man touched me or made any indecent gesture, but they were clearly guards to ensure my cooperation. I was not bound except by fear of their reaction should I attempt to draw any undue attention to myself.

/>   An Asian woman wearing a short uniform style dress presented me with food, after a time, eyeing me strangely. I wondered if she were aware I was a sex slave, a helpless English girl being taken to my imprisonment in her country so as to be violated and endlessly ravished.

  My lower belly quivered at such thoughts, filled with both anxiety and excitement, with fear and a dark sexual pride.

  The aircraft landed after several hours, but I was not taken off. Instead several Asian men boarded, taking seats nearby. The seats on this aircraft, unlike most, did not face forward, but into the aisle between them, so that the passengers might converse unhindered. All of the men eyed me with interest, and spoke to the two men guarding me. I did not, of course, understand as they all spoke in what I assumed to be Chinese.

  Some time after the aircraft was in flight once more, one of the men, an older man, spoke earnestly to the two guards, grinning towards me and making gestures. The guard seemed uncertain, then nodded as if in agreement and turned to me. "You are to dance for them," he said. "These are important men, friends of Mr. Wu."

  "Dance? In this?" I asked uncertainly.

  "Without," he said.

  'Yes, master," I gulped, face flushing.

  I had been seen naked by many people only at the time of my sale, and had been in a state of shock then. I found that my acceptance of such public nudity had improved only marginally, and was red faced as I stood and all their eyes gazed eagerly upon me.

  The girl I took to be the stewardess entered as if summoned, and was spoken to by the man who seemed in charge. She bobbed her head rapidly in agreement, gave me another odd look, then hurried forward. Moments later music filled the cabin, a soft oriental rhythm.

  Ten men looked at me expectantly, and I felt my blush deepen. Yet I could not but obey. My heart pounded and my chest was so tight I could barely draw breath as my fingers moved to the belt about my waist and unbound it. The long silken gown parted and the men on both sides of the aisle leaned forward eagerly as I drew it back over my shoulders and let it fall back onto my seat.

  There were gasps and whispered exclamations, and I knew another wicked excitement at being so admired in form even as my insides twisted in humiliation. I drew in a deep, shaky breath, then stepped forward so I was in the midst of them all. I began to let my body sway in time to the rhythm of the music, slowly relaxing my stiff frame, rolling my hips and letting my arms move "like swaying palms" as Mistress had taught me.

  My legs began to move as well, and as the worst of my embarrassment faded I began to dance more naturally, my head rolling, a seductive expression taking form on my face, my hips undulating sensually. I let my head pull sharply from side to side every so often, intrigued by their fascination with my blonde hair, making it sweep across my face and back as I moved more quickly.

  One man, quite old, reached forth and laid a hand against my backside, rubbing it very lightly and gently before drawing his hand back. The two guards looked at him nervously, but no one else moved to touch me.

  I sank to my knees in the middle of the floor, aware now of the stewardess staring from just inside a curtained area in the front of the cabin. My legs spread wide as I sat back on my heels, and I let my body roll and sway, my hands sliding up over my breasts, up through my hair, combing it back. I threw my head back, letting my hair fly back, and arched so sharply it swept against the floor below.

  I rose shakily, feeling the heat between my legs now, feeling the stiffness and tension in my nipples. I wondered if all ten would take me, and felt a wild thrill crackling through the fear which accompanied the thought. I changed the rhythm of my dance as the music altered, and then as it stopped I froze in position, and then stood straight.

  The men applauded, and again made numerous comments which I could not understand. One of the guards quickly motioned me back towards my seat, holding up the robe to me, and I carefully wrapped it around myself and sat back, feeling robbed of the ravishment I had been contemplating.

  Apparently I was not to be touched, for Mr. Wu had promised me to someone in China, someone powerful. Yet the men were mesmerized by me, and their excitement had been roused. And while they dared not go against the wishes of Mr. Wu or insult the powerful man who was to be my new master, they sought outlet for this lust.

  The unfortunate beneficiary was to be the young stewardess. After a half hour or so of drinking and joking, she was called forward by one of the men, who made obvious demands on her. Just as obviously she was shocked by their demands, and extremely reluctant and embarrassed about them. Her head shook frantically as her wide eyes regarded first one then another. The voices of the men were alternately harsh and seductive, menacing and brusque.

  With growing desperation she seemed to plead with them but then at a sudden harsh string of words from one of the men her shoulders seemed to slump hopelessly, and began to remove her clothing.

  She removed her white blouse, then her skirt, and seemed frightened and mortified as the men eagerly feasted their eyes on her body. Her face was stricken, her eyes downcast. After several harsh orders her trembling fingers undid her bra, then slipped her panties down. She stood nude, head bowed, as the men chortled and laughed, their voices low and sneering as they commented on her body. She had a small, thin, neat frame, with small, high breasts and a round little bottom. Her long black hair covered her face as she stood with face bowed, and I sympathised with her plight even while recognizing that the humiliation she appeared to be feeling was now beyond me - at least for such simple things as being exposed to the eyes of others.

  One of the more powerful men then reached forward and grasped her wrist, yanking her towards him. She stumbled and fell to her knees, and he held her there by the neck, undoing his trousers.

  She resisted, her face a mask of denial, but he firmly guided her lips to his erection, and after a final gasp of pain as her hair was twisted her mouth was forced onto the rounded bulging head of his cock. Soon her mouth was wrapped around his manhood, bobbing up and down, and another of the man was behind her, forcing her legs apart, fondling her sex and buttocks, then taking out his own erection and forcing himself into her pussy with unrestrained glee. This aroused both my sympathies and jealousy, for I felt I should be in that position, feeling the hardness of male erections thrusting into my body. Yet though the men looked upon me often none made a move to touch me.

  Instead they each waited their turn, and the girl was taken again and again by eight of the ten men there. Only the two guards remained aloof. And when each of the others had taken her, either in the mouth or the sex, they started again, drinking heavily and enjoying themselves as the girl was passed between them. I grew more and more aroused as I watched the girl’s abuse, and felt guilt over that. Yet it was difficult to feel sympathy for a girl experiencing what I wished to experience myself. And I licked my lips as I watched, my hands together between my legs, grinding against myself as unobtrusively as possible.

  Eventually the men, very drunk, wore themselves out on her. A few fell asleep in their seats. The girl, face dazed, crawled to her scattered clothing, fumbled awkwardly in her attempts to pick them up, then staggered to her feet and away from the cabin, closing the curtain up front behind her.

  This availed her little. For after some time the men began calling out for her once more, and she returned, fully dressed, carrying a tray of drinks. The men chortled to see her dressed, and after taking their drinks demanded she remove them. She cringed but did so, and one of the men took her clothing that she might not dress again, ordering, or so it seemed, that she remain nude for the remainder of the flight.

  She stumbled off, face pale, but soon returned to service a few more of the men who had grown excited once again. Over the following hours she continued to provide food and beverage service, to fetch pillows and blankets when night fell, and to sexually service any of the men who required it of her. I fell asleep in my seat, but no one moved to molest me, and woke, yawning and feeling stiff, to see the girl on
her knees a few feet away, gasping and whimpering, her cheek pressed against the floor and both arms held firmly together behind her back by one of the men.

  She had already been used repeatedly, so I wondered briefly as the cause of her distress, then realized she was being sodomized. Perhaps this was a new thing for her. There were tears in her eyes and her face was a mask of misery as she clenched her jaw together. The man’s hips slapped repeatedly against her small upraised bottom as he drove himself into her. He used her fully and completely, apparently in no hurry, and then finally completed his task with a grunt of relief and eased back, allowing the girl to slowly crawl away.

  I was in a state of some excitement when the plane finally landed. I looked out the cabin window in fascination, eager to see China.

  We were at a small airport, exceedingly quaint by British standards, with only a small wooden building for a terminal. The plane drew up near it and the girl, now permitted to dress, opened the door and drew back, looking down at her feet as the men descended the stairs quickly rolled in place.

  The two guards and I descended, and they led me across to a black automobile parked nearby. Its driver opened the rear door and all three of us got in. To my disappointment, I was required to sit between the two men, and thus my view of the surroundings was not what I might have hoped. I saw many Asians, however, some pushing strange looking wooden wheelbarrows, or dragging them behind. Others carried large packages atop their shoulders or on their backs. While many young children ran about.

  I did not know where we were, but there appeared to be no great city nearby, nor even a town of any size. We drove for some time along a quite narrow paved road, with heavy, leafy bushes and trees to either side. Occasionally we passed a village, its homes usually made of rough, unpainted wood, the streets unpaved. The heat was tremendous, and seemed to grow greater with each passing minute, and the humidity was worse. I felt as if I could open my mouth wide and drink the air in. I was soon perspiring heavily, despite wearing nothing but the thin silk robe, and my hair stuck to my forehead no matter how often I brushed it back.


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