A Life of Submission

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A Life of Submission Page 14

by Argus, JJ

  Kira came for me then, and I collapsed to the floor as she finally removed the clips from my nipples and clitoris. I was allowed to return to the shower room and clean myself, then, still entirely nude, was led to a large cafeteria of sorts, where I sat on a wooden bench and ate under Kira's stern gaze.

  There were several dozen other people in the room, and all stared at me as I ate, but I was growing less sensitive to such stares by then, and was moreover too hungry and thirsty to give them much heed.

  From there I was returned to my room, and quickly fell asleep on the big bed.

  Morning came early, and Kira woke me. We sat on our crossed legs again, and went over our Chinese lessons for several hours. Then she guided me to the cafeteria place once more, for our breakfast. This time the room was crowded with men and women of various ages, and I felt a new embarrassment as I moved among them naked. I was taller than almost all, and I could see eyes turning my way from all across the large room. My chest was tight with anxiety, and I could hardly think, much less taste the food Kira sit before me. I kept my head down, for every time I raised my eyes I saw the people on the other side of the table staring and whispering. None spoke to me, however, nor to Kira.

  Afterwards I was taken to the garden, which was extremely beautiful, and smelled lovely. There, under a hot sun, another woman led me in exercises. They were unlike the kind of things I was familiar with from school. Rather than hopping and jobbing here all was slow and smooth movements. Still, it rapidly grew quite tiring in the heat, and my body was soon slick with perspiration, my hair matted against my forehead and neck. I was desperately relieved when Kira came for me at last and led me back inside.

  We returned to the shower room, and Kira instructed me to lay on my stomach on one of the padded tables. As before, there were men there, most of them naked, and as before they stared at me, but perhaps I was growing somewhat immune to them, for I felt much less embarrassment.

  To my surprise, Kira removed her own robe, and then used a wet rag to moisten my flesh. Soft soap followed, and I felt a deep sense of relaxation as her strong, yet nimble fingers stroked and massaged my back and shoulders. Her hands worked their way down my body, and when I was coated in a layer of soap she climbed atop the table, straddled my body, and sat on my upper thighs.

  Her hands continued to slowly stroke up and down my back, and then massaged my buttocks. I could see more of the men staring now, though they were being rather circumspect about it.

  Kira's hands slid smoothly up the slippery sides of my body, caressing the sides of my breasts where they pillowed out beneath me. Then her body began slipping forward, and I felt the softness of her buttocks riding up over mine, slowly sliding back and forth before easing higher still. Her small, strong thighs pressed in against my waist as her fingers kneaded the muscles of my shoulders. Her wet, soapy hands began to comb my hair back then, pulling it back behind me and twining it together as she lathered it up in soap. Her hands moved to my temples, fingers caressing lightly, then stroked along the nape of my neck as her groin and buttocks slid slowly up and down.

  She did not speak, but I realized she was demonstrating that which I must myself master, and tried to pay attention to the gentle movement of her body and hands, to the feel of her fingers now stroking along my skull, and the slow, soft grinding of my thighs around me.

  I felt her breasts pressing heavily against my back then as her hair spilled across my shoulders. She slid slowly downwards, her breasts rubbing along my flesh, sliding easily atop a thick, slippery layer of soap until her breasts rubbed against my buttocks. She halted, then slid upwards again, and I felt her breasts against my wet, soapy scalp.

  It felt... very strange, very comforting, and yet, erotic as well. Before very long the presence of the men watching us became less of an embarrassment than a goad to that part of my exhibitionistic nature which had begun to arise since my capture. I watched some of them out of the corners of my eyes, seeing their engrossed they were in the sight of us, how obviously excited and aroused they were becoming.

  "Roll over," Kira's voice whispered in my ear.

  I was startled out of my reverie, and she rose on her knees to allow me to turn. I felt a fresh sense of embarrassment now as I lay on my back, but Kira showed not a hint of unease as she sat back on my upper legs and began to stroke her hands over my body. I could see the watching men less easily now, but sensed their indrawn breath as Kira's soapy hands moved unhesitantly up over my breasts and began to knead and caress them. Her thumbs and forefingers rolled my already erect nipples between them until they ached, while her pelvis slid up and down over my belly, abdomen and groin.

  My arousal deepened, despite a continuing sense of embarrassment and unease at our audience. I felt wicked and sluttish, and was simultaneously appalled and thrilled.

  With my legs closed tightly the nearness of her was more of a teasing thing which produced little physical contact with my sex. Yet the sight of her and the awareness of our audience began to set my insides thrumming with heat and desire. I tried to hide this, for she appeared quite casual about her work. Yet as she leaned over and let her slippery breasts ride up across my belly and over my breasts I saw a small flicker of heat within her eyes, and my stomach muscles clenched as new excitement roused within me.

  Her nipples were tiny, yet quite long and erect, and I felt them stroke back and forth over my own as her hair slid over my face. She slid back, rising upright and her hands began to move around and around my breasts, circling them, kneading the edges, caressing and stroking as they moved slowly inward. Soon my breasts were throbbing with heat and excitement, the nipples like small pink coals set in the centre. Sharp little flickers of almost painful energy rippled through them both and sent tendrils of fire down into my chest and groin.

  I felt my legs slipping further apart, and as her body slid upwards both feet slipped over the sides of the table. My knees followed moments later, and I drew them up and back, placing my feet flat on the table to either side of my hips. This prevented Kira from sliding back below my groin, but she did not appear to care. And then she rose, her face still tranquil, her pelvis turning to the right as she pulled a leg back between mine. Chest and belly pounding with excitement now I drew my left back more and let my right new fall aside.

  Kira took my left, extending it straight up, half turning me onto my side as she pulled it in against her chest. I felt her sex sliding in directly against my own, and let out a soft moan of shock and heady excitement. My embarrassment grew worse even as my body was electrified with sexual tension. The sensations as her sex began to slowly, seductively grind against my own were almost unbearable in their intensity.

  A small part of myself was wild-eyed with horror and shame, wailing that I could not do such a thing in front of strangers, yet it was lost amid the chorus of pleasure coming from every part of my body and mind. All the inhibitions drilled into my mind since childhood by a lifetime amid English society cried out to stop, yet that dark, wicked side of me rose triumphant, trembling with shocked delight at such daring, such wanton conduct.

  The room closed around us, and I raised a hand, squeezing one of Kira's breasts, reaching for her. Yet she would not bend. She ground herself steadily against me, serene as she rode her sex back and forth against my own, still holding my leg upright against her chest.

  I could sense as much as see the men around us now. Most had abandoned the pretence of showering, shaving and dressing to stare at us as Kira's slow and sensual grinding motion. Her chin began to tremble, then rose bit by bit, higher and higher, her back beginning to arch as her hips ground more quickly. The pleasure was a towering wave now, carrying me ever higher, and I twisted my body slightly further to the side, bringing my other leg up around her, grinding myself back against her sex as I brought my hands up to squeeze my breasts.

  Her lips parted slightly and I heard the smallest of moans emerge as she arched her back yet more sharply. Her eyes were closed and her fingers clutch
ed more tightly against my leg, grinding it against her small, hard breasts. I realized she was coming, and the knowledge sent my own spiralling pleasure past its peak. I tried to suppress the cry of pleasure as I came, but was only partially successful.

  The ecstasy sent me higher and higher, until it seemed that I must explode from the sheer power of the sensations roaring with me. And then as it finally began to subside and some smallest part of my mind awakened, all those eyes staring down upon me acted as a fire beneath my climax, sending it roaring hotter and harder still. My body writhed in the grip of a climax which rose and fell like a bird caught in a high windstorm, my head lolling and jerking bonelessly, my back arching again and again as my groin remained locked tightly against Kira.

  Finally it seeped away, bit by bit, leaving me gasping and breathless, chest heaving, mouth slack, completely spent. My legs fell aside, off the edges of the table, and Kira lay forward upon me, her chest heaving almost as strongly as my own.

  As I opened my eyes and gazed weakly about me I saw that there were almost two dozen men in the room, circling us at a distance. Most were either nude or in some undress, and I felt a sharp little spike of excitement at the thought of them all taking us right then and there, attacking us like starving wolves, thrusting their cocks into every part of us.

  Yet they stayed back, turning their eyes away, pretending once again to be showering or changing or shaving. Kira sat up, her features composed once again, and then slipped off the table. I watched her move over beneath the showers, stepping easily into a space between two young men, ignoring them as she turned on the water and let it pour down about her. Left alone, I found my embarrassment and sense of unease deepening, and rose as well. I could not join her, but moved to the only other cleared space, feeling the eyes and hunger of the men on either side of me as I reached up and turned on the water.

  My cheeks began to heat as I let the water rinse the soap from my hair and body, and I marvelled at how I had permitted myself to become so aroused in such a public manner. It was true I had little choice about what was done to me, for I was a slave. Yet none had forced the pleasure upon me. That had come from within, and I did not understand it.

  I hurried after Kira as she finished towelling, barely towelling myself in my desperation not to be left alone there. We returned to my room, and I felt a sense of relief as she closed the door behind her.

  "Isn't there ah, uhm, a women's shower room?" I asked timidly.

  "You must discard your inhibitions," she said. "All inhibitions, all modesty, all sense of shame. You are a slave now. You can have none of these."

  I bowed my head in acknowledgement.

  "What place is this?" I asked.

  "This is the palace of Chow Lei."

  "I thought you were all, well, communists."

  She raised an eyebrow.

  "China never changes. China endures, regardless of what men think or do or say, what governments or dynasties come and go, wars, plagues, disease and floods. Chow Lei calls himself a Communist but he is at heart no different from any provincial governor who has ruled in this place over the last five thousand years. He passes on his taxes and rice and cattle to the government and keeps order among his people. That is all which is asked of him. And so long as he does this he rules here as an emperor would. His word is life or death for men, families, even entire villages."

  "Are there other westerners here?"

  She shook her head solemnly. "You are the first white skinned person I have seen since I was brought here as a girl. Governor Lei's people will be most proud that their lord has taken a western girl for a slave. He will receive much status. You are already the talk of the palace."

  I stared at her in amazement, hardly able to credit her words.

  "But... doesn't he worry that, well, someone might find out?"

  "And why should he fear? He is as near a God as can be to his people, who are peasant farmers no more sophisticated than their ancestors. Those in the central government care little what transpires here, and when they discover he has taken a white girl for a slave they will only admire his strength and daring. You will never leave this valley unless Chow Lei wills it. Do not think otherwise. Learn to accept and obey."

  Chapter Eight

  I was given ample evidence of Kira's words only a few days later. Master Lei gave a banquet for many of the more powerful figures in local industry and bureaucracy, as well as some of his fellow governors. The banquet room was large and beautiful, with three long rows of guests sitting cross-legged behind gleaming, knee-high tables to either side of a broad, red carpeted aisle. The Governor himself knelt behind a table facing them at the far side of the long hall, presiding over things much like a king or emperor.

  He and all his guests were dressed in colourful, traditional apparel, nothing at all like the ugly, colourless little Mao suits I had seen so much of on television prior to my capture. I was given a similar robe, bright and glittery in green and blue, but my hair was left down, and I wore nothing beneath the robe.

  For the first half hour of the dinner I knelt behind and to the side of the governor, hands on my thighs, head bowed. A few times, in conversation with those around him, he seemed to mention me, and he and others would turn their eyes my way, but I had no idea, of course, of what they spoke.

  Once he picked up a not very appetizing piece of seafood off his golden plate and held it out to me with a smile. I instinctively knew I was not to take it with my hands, and leaned my head forward instead, licking it out of his hand. It tasted awful, but I swallowed it quickly and did my best not to show how distasteful I found it.

  As dinner was being washed down with wine Lei gestured me closer, then to rise to my feet. I could feel many more eyes in the room turning my way as he raised his voice and spoke aloud for several minutes. A few times his audience laughed, and I knew it was at my expense, fighting to keep from blushing at being the centre of such attention.

  He appeared to address me, then, and I felt a little shock of alarm and anxiety tighten my chest as I thought I recognized one of the words Kira had taught me. I hesitated, and his featured darkened as he repeated the word. It was clear he was ordering me to disrobe, and my insides quivered and twisted in turmoil as I undid the front of the robe and then slipped it back over my shoulders.

  I had become somewhat used to such attention in the cafeteria, but there all was bustle and chatter, with many people moving around and often not paying attention or unable to see me. Here the hall was silent, with long rows of eyes turned my way, and I was the only standing person in the room.

  Beneath the robe I wore new gold rings in nipples and clitoris, brighter and larger than before. I wore, also, around my wrists, thin golden bracelets which could be clipped together, and a similar pair of anklets. A matching golden collar was tight around my throat, and a small tag hung from it bearing a Chinese character I could not read.

  Lei stood, speaking again as he gestured to me, and more laughter spread around the room. He took my hands and raised them up then drew them back behind my head, and there clipped the bracelets to the small ring set in the back of the collar. A sharp tug reminded me to keep my back straight, then he cupped one of my breasts, tugging on the ring. Again there was laughter at his remarks.

  Lei slapped me on the buttocks, then directed me to walk, both through word and gesture, and I nervously moved in front of his low table, pacing slowly along its length. Then at further gestures I moved down the long length of the hall, passing before the long front row table of his guests to the right, walking all the way to the end of the room, then turning and walking back along the other side of the central aisle.

  My insides were writhing and my stomach fluttered like a butterfly as I walked, and it was all I could do to keep breathing as I focussed all my attention ahead, ignoring the staring eyes on either side. I kept my back, or rather, due to my position, was forced to keep my back arched, which served to accent the firmness of my breasts. My face flushed dar
kly at displaying myself in such a way.

  And yet... despite the intense anxiety and embarrassment I felt a rising heat at such exhibitionism. So many people staring at me as I padded up and down nude, so many eyes watching, so many minds thinking. I felt heady with the strange sense of freedom acting on another's orders gave. I could sense the hunger of many I passed, and the envy they felt for Lei to possess a girl like me.

  I returned to the front table and the Governor gestured me around to the rear. The table before him had been cleared back and he took one of my arms, guiding me forward until my lower legs pressed against the edge of the table. I was forced to kneel upon it, then, and at a push forward was bent low until my chin was pressed against the table top. This forced my head back, and I grunted as my breasts were crushed beneath me.

  Lei held my hips steady, slapping my buttocks slightly as he ordered me to raise my bottom more and spread my legs.

  I was breathless with anxiety and shock, realizing he intended to show his guests his mastery, his masculinity, by taking me then and there before them all. There was a murmur among his guests, of approval, I believe, and some small laughter. Then I gasped as he entered me, using a deep, powerful stroke to drive himself deep into my surprisingly moist sex.

  His fingers dug into my hips and he thrust in once more, buying himself within me. I groaned softly, watching the long rows of guests turned sideways behind their tables, all staring at me as he began a hard, crude thrusting. The room was silent now except for the growing sound of skin on skin, Lei's belly slapping more forcefully against my upraised buttocks.

  His cock was harsh on the soft flesh of my insides, for I was as yet unprepared, but as he continued his powerful strokes my body began to recover its initial shock, and I felt my inner warmth growing. I felt a sense of the unnatural, as if I were merely in a dream, and the air puffed out of my mouth in small gasps and pants of breath.


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