A Life of Submission

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A Life of Submission Page 15

by Argus, JJ

  Lei continued his strong thrusting, using the full length of his cock, and driving himself straight in. He made no attempt at subtlety, at altering the direction or strength of his strokes. He was using me as a bull would, as an animal, gripping my flanks strongly and pounding himself against my bottom. Of course it was necessary for his reputation to not finish too quickly. And so he restrained his climax, thrusting, thrusting, ever thrusting as my insides were slowly churned into a steaming stew of liquid heat.

  This is a dream. This isn’t happening. Oh God. Look at all those faces. Oh it feels so good. Oh it's so shocking, so wicked. What would my friends think!? Oh! Ohh yesss! Oh God forgive me! It feels so gooood! I'm such a whore!

  I began to lose myself in the passion he brought to my body, feeling heat grip me from head to toe. Perspiration stood out on my chest and I could feel the wood growing slippery beneath as his pounding jerked me to and fro.

  He stopped at last, climaxing inside me, and I moaned in denial, being near to the edge of my own orgasm. He stopped at once, of course, for he cared nothing for my pleasure. I felt my insides gape as he withdrew, felt the muscles of my sex clasping at nothing as if they could draw him back inside.

  A rough grip on my collar brought me back up so that I was kneeling upright, and then a stronger grip forced my head back further and further, so that my back arched painfully sharply.

  He spoke the words which Kira had taught me translated into "Do not move." She had spent considerable time convincing me of the danger of disobeying these words, and that whatever pain I might feel at what Lei did would be as nothing compared to what would happen should I disobey.

  But I did not care. I was too aroused, too inflamed by the desires of my body and that wicked, hedonistic side of my mind. I saw him take a flog from a servant, and whimpered almost as much in anticipation as anxiety.

  He's going to flog my breasts!

  I knew it was so, and I shuddered, drawing my head back further to accentuate my breasts more. I felt a great wall of shocked desire flooding me, and only a small part of my spinning mind even wondered at it. My breasts were heavy and swollen with lust, my nipples hard and aching.

  He spoke the words again, and then brought the flog down.

  It was a short instrument, with a foot long leather strips bound to a foot long handle. Each strip was, individually, not at all thick or heavy, but when they struck in unison it felt like a swarm of wasps had attacked my chest. I cried out, shocking little sparkles of pain ripping through my soft flesh. One strip nipped at my left nipple and I felt an even deeper sense of heat and pain there.

  But I held my position, and as even as the shockwave of pain rippled through my nervous system I felt a bizarre sense of...well, satisfaction, of rightness, of almost gleeful wickedness.

  Again the flog whipped down, and once more my cry of pain filled the air, as the flog laced my taut, straining breasts. Again, and again, and yet again the flog came down, and the heat and pain mounted even as I fought to keep from grinding my thighs together at the desperate need gripping my body.

  He whipped harder, and I sensed he was less than happy with my obedience. My breasts burned and ached, and tears filled my eyes. I shook there on the table, swaying weakly, yet held myself as ordered, back arched, head back, breasts in vulnerable display as the flog scourged them again and again.

  The pain was horrible, and I do not think I could have coped with it had it not been for that strange sense of heat and need, a sense of deepest arousal which felt a wild passion at such cruel abuse. Endorphins were filling my body now, softening the sharpness of pain as I swayed back further. I had been sitting on my heels, and my legs were spread wide now for balance. The flog struck my belly, then lower still, strips slicing into the soft skin of my lower abdomen, inner thighs, and then directly across my shaven sex.

  The beating stopped, but I was hardly aware of it at first. I swayed weakly, eyes glazed, body hot, head throbbing, chest and belly and groin aching. I was pulled off the table, my wrists unclipped from the collar, then clipped back behind my back. A Y shaped golden chain was clipped to my nipple rings, then a small Chinese girl was given the "leash" and led me down the central aisle.

  I shuffled along in a dazed state, the sharp pull against my nipples giving me the signals my body required, and was led from the room and up the hallway.

  I was led into a very small round room, the walls and roof mirrored. In the centre stood an upright shaft of metal, almost as wide as my wrist, and rounded at the top. The girl positioned me above it, and then turned a wheel set into the wall. The shaft began to rise, and I felt the pressure against my moist, overheated sex. Had I been less dazed perhaps I would have fought to pull away, but instead I felt a wall of delight, groaning aloud as I ground my sex against it.

  It rose higher and I felt the pressure against my entrance mount. My lips were forced in and back, then began to stretch almost painfully. I moaned still, panting and blinking my eyes, confused but desperate to be penetrated. I looked up to see the calm eyes of the Chinese girl, watching me as she continued to turn the wheel. I felt a sharp ache down there as my pubic lips were forced just that much further back and then the long, cool length of the shaft began to rise inside me.

  It ached, yet it felt glorious, and I squirmed and shuffled and moaned and wriggled atop it as I felt it climbing higher and higher into my abdomen.

  "Please! Please!" I gasped, not knowing the words I spoke, nor why.

  The pain and pleasure both grew, and I was forced onto my toes, back straight, air puffing out of my open lips as I closed my eyes and arched my back.

  The girl departed at some point. I don't remember her leaving. I could not think straight.

  I could not remember my name. What was my name? When was the last time anyone had used it? Who was I?

  It was cold and solid and thick inside me. My belly ached around it. I could feel my pussy throbbing in time with my pounding heartbeat. But the sexual heat continued to grip me. I had to move on the shaft, yet it was already so deep within me. I had to, and so I did, the pain mounting as somehow I lowered myself, inch by slow inch, gasping and whimpering the while, until my feet were flat on the floor and an unimaginable length of cold hard steel was buried between my legs.

  Sobbing aloud, I raised myself up, sliding my aching sex up the now slippery pole until I was once again on my toes, then sinking back down once more.

  The climax fell upon me like an avalanche and I screamed in release as my body convulsed in the throes of ecstasy. I shuddered and trembled and jerked spastically, several times crying out in pain as my legs forgot to support me and my weight came down more heavily on the impaling shaft. I imagined it sliding deeper and deeper, sliding up through my insides, up my throat, emerging through my gasping mouth, and in my masochistic stupor relaxed my legs. The pain clawed at me and I brought them down once more, swaying and jerking in mindless sensual overload.

  And yet that dark need still lay upon me. I clasped my warm, perspiring thighs and legs tightly about the shaft, grinding myself against it, letting my feet come off the floor. The pain grew harsher, but it was a dull, deep pain which only served to thrust me higher into that state of feverish sexual need which had been growing within me. My head lolled as my body shuddered and convulsed, the pain deep inside me rising and falling as my thighs tightened and relaxed in frantic rhythm against the steel shaft.

  I was fortunate, I know, from looking back, that the shaft was as wide as it was, and as rounded atop, else I could well have caused myself serious injury. But in that state of mind in which I then found myself no cares existed beyond my own immediate sexual satisfaction. And as the orgasm finally fled I moaned in soft pain, carefully laying my feet back on the floor to hold my weight. My insides throbbed and ached, and my body was drained and languid, yet I was sated, and wanted nothing more than to lay down and curl up into a ball.

  I could not, of course, but must stand there in my weakened state, a bedraggled sl
ave pinned like a butterfly at her master's strange whims.

  I felt some small thrum of arousal even at that, but was too weary to give it play. still, it consoled me through the following several hours as I stood there impaled upon the shaft, and eventually grew to such a degree I once more began to grind myself upon the shaft.

  The door opened, however, and the girl returned for me. She wordlessly lowered the shaft, and I was lowered with it, moaning and gasping at the feel of it sliding down out of my body. I would have followed it to my knees had she not casually grasped my loose, tangled hair and yanked me up, then clipped her golden chain leash to my nipple rings and led me forth from the room.

  For the first several weeks of my stay there I was summoned to the governor's bedroom almost every evening. There he used me harshly and crudely, apparently out of some need to show his mastery over the hated English. I was usually taken from behind, and often sodomised, but only after performing fellatio - which I came to learn was considered quite disgusting by Asian women, and so not nearly so widespread as was the case in the west.

  I was often pinched, slapped and bruised during these sessions, for Governor Lei took no care at all for my comfort. I was also quite strictly disciplined for the slightest of offences, and I came to believe such punishments was intended more for his satisfaction than my malfeasance.

  My bottom, in particular, was strapped almost nightly for some alleged lack of enthusiasm on my part, and I was twice raised by my wrists so that my back could be flogged.

  Two weeks into my stay there I attended another of Master Lei's parties. This was quite different than his first affair, being far smaller and less formal, and there was much more drinking, so that Master Lei and his dozen or so guests all grew quite rowdy and drunk. I was stripped naked, at this time, while sitting across Lei's lap, and there he openly fondled my breasts while joking and laughing with his guests.

  I was then placed on my knees and performed fellatio on him as his guests watched and laughed in approval, after which I was gifted to any man who wanted me as Master Lei looked on with benevolent approval.

  This set up a mad scramble, to be frank, for these men were quite drunken and eager, and I was quickly surrounded and overwhelmed by them all as they struggled with each other for various parts of my anatomy. I was on my knees, and all around me was a wall of naked or semi naked male flesh, pressing in against me, shouting and laughing, pulling me to and fro as they fought over me like dogs. Hands darted out to grasp and roughly squeeze any available part of my body, and my hair was pulled this way and that as they fingered and stroked it. My nipples were pinched and twisted so hard that I cried out as the nipple rings threatened to tear free, and my breasts were bruised and crushed by eager hands even as fingers were thrust into my anus and pussy.

  After long seconds of this mauling some sort of position or rank was sorted out, and I was mounted by a large, overweight man, who puffed so heavily I wondered whether he might expire before he completed the act, and if I would be blamed in that eventuality. Another of them quickly knelt before me and I opened my mouth to take his shaft, attempting to perform as I had been taught against his wild, eager thrustings.

  The noise they made as they surrounded me, their loud, drunken voices rising and falling in tandem with ribald laughter, was a wall of sound around me, and in combination with the many hands still reaching out from onlookers seeking to stroke my skin, squeeze my breasts, or pull on my hair was quite overwhelming.

  And at the centre of it, of course, was the steady, furious hammering of hips against my buttocks, and the savage pumping of a hard penis within my sex, followed by the second penis thrusting into my mouth and as often as not down my throat. I was quickly dazed and confused by these circumstances, and it was not, I think, until three men had completed their use of my body before I began to feel that dark lust begin to move sinuously through the corridors of my mind.

  It began to rise steadily, however, as one after another of them gripped my flanks and thrust themselves into me from behind, and the noisy pawing, slapping and grasping continued unabated.

  Oh how I was used! So long and so hard and by so many men. I was the centre of male lust, of an animalistic orgy of unrestrained carnality. My throat was soon quite sore, my jaw aching, my breasts throbbing and nipples afire from the repeated pinching. My buttocks were bruised and my insides felt hollow. Yet still it continued, and I felt a masochistic glee at my own abuse, at inspiring such relentless excitement and lust in so many men.

  A small climax rocked my body in the midst of such use, yet it served only to heighten my abused senses, and almost immediately on its passing I felt another, stronger building within me.

  Occasionally, through the maze of legs and bodies before me, I would see a well-dressed servant, often a young woman, moving about to provide drinks and food, then the picture would disappear as my throat was filled with cock and another male stomach was crushed against my face.

  Another climax rippled through my body, then yet another, each stronger than before, yet none took notice as my body was jerked violently to and fro under their eager attentions and their laughter and shouts continued to fill the air.

  My anus was pierced then, and a number of men then began to focus their attentions in that area. Yet this was but little diversion to me, for things continued much as they had been. Each man took me, then took me again, and often a third time, as the evening wore down, and I climaxed with such power and repetition that the muscles of my abdomen and chest ached more fiercely from this than any other cause.

  I was barely conscious as the party ended, and was led out of the room and back to my own, where I fell into immediate sleep.

  The next morning I was sore everywhere, and could barely move. I lay abed a full hour after waking before I could summon the strength to stumble to the tub across from my bed, start warm water gushing from the faucet, and then sink weakly to the bottom. Kira, having experienced such parties on occasion herself, brought me fruit and rice for my breakfast, feeding me as I sat amid the hot water, and afterwards massaged soft oils into my bruised flesh and excused me from most of the physical activities of the day. We did, however, continue to work on my understanding of Mandarin.

  The problem I had with the Chinese language was that it is so unlike English in its application. One must know not merely the word being used, but realize how the tone affects that word. For many, many words in Mandarin have multiple disparate meanings depending on the tone one employs to speak them. This is why westerners have often remarked on the "sing-song" way of speaking in China.

  Kira had developed a practical, if intolerant method for encouraging my learning. She would run me through my words and phrases each day, and pain greeted forgetfulness. One day I might perhaps be forced to kneel with hands outstretched as she quizzed me, and a sharp blow across my open palms with a small leather quirt would greet mispronunciations or lapses. The next day I might be kneeling in all humility, chest against my legs, clasping my knees as I responded, receiving blows across the back when I mispoke. Several times she brought in one of the women I thought of as the "washer women" to punish me, and I was forced to humiliate myself by placing my body across their laps as they sat so that they could spank me as if I were a small girl.

  On this morning, in recognition of my aching flesh, She contented herself with attaching a thin chain to the ring piercing my clitoris, and giving it a sharp tug each time I failed to pronounce a word properly, or remember its use. Needless to say I was quite sore and sensitive there by the time our lesson had been completed. Kira, removing the chain, pushed me back onto my back on the floor and spread my legs, then, giving me a rare smile, bent and began to massage my clitoris with her tongue.

  She was quite soft and gentle, yet so oversensitive was my body that even the soft caress of her tongue set it aching and stinging. I did not object, of course, and despite the pain pleasure and passion began to rise within me. I wondered vaguely if I were some sort of les
bian to welcome such deviant sexual touches, yet it was beyond me to care. What would have horrified me weeks earlier was nothing more now than a chance at physical pleasure.

  And so I allowed her to lick me to orgasm, groaning and writhing there on the cold floor, squeezing and caressing her head in my hands as my pelvis rolled up against her. As I came, she licked especially hard, and pain joined pleasure within me in a seamless flood of heat.

  We lay together for a time, then I dressed in my blue and silver robe and followed her down the hall into the larger room where Lei's slaves spent their unoccupied time. I had mentally dubbed it The Harem room on first seeing it, for it did seem to resemble my earlier imaginings of some Arab Sheik's playroom. The floor was covered in soft cushions, pillows and mats, and there was a large pool in the centre of the room, surrounded by flowers and plants. Lei had only eight slaves, however, all of them Asian but me.

  Five were Chinese girls, all locals, and one was a Vietnamese. And all had long since accepted their fate, in several cases with very little resentment. Their lives, after all, were quite a deal better than the hardship and endless toil they would otherwise have experienced. Not being virgins, none considered they had any chance of marriage now, and so were prisoners in name only. Even if they could have gotten away there was nowhere for them to go, and no likely life awaited them other than prostitution.

  I sat gingerly on one of the mats, as Kira pushed several cushions my way before taking her own place. The girls talked with Kira, and I looked on and listened, struggling to pick up whatever I could - which was little. After a time little Jin, one of the other girls, began trying to teach me words by pointing at objects and speaking the words aloud, and big breasted Chyou joined in. I spoke the words in English, as they hoped to learn English in turn, and we passed some time that way.

  There was no television, of course, nor even radios for us girls, and so there was little to occupy our time when not required by Master Lei except conversation - and lesbian sex. All the girls had slept together, and found me, my pale skin and blonde hair as much a source of fascination as did others. Jin and Chyou made expressions of sympathy after Kira spoke to them, but giggled as well, and I knew Kira had told them of the many men who had used me the previous night.


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