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The Reluctant Villain

Page 2

by James Williams

  Mark snorted in disgust,

  “Employed by the Council? That means bloody paperwork and National Insurance numbers which I have never had. The second role could sound interesting though”

  Ernie shook his head,

  “You can’t have one without the other. If it’s your Ni number that bothers you I can easily get around that little hurdle. No Mark, it’s all or nothing and I need your answer before you leave here or I make a phone call to my ex-colleagues in the local force about your little confession just now”

  “You bastard” Mark snarled “it’s only your word against mine, I can deny ever meeting you”

  Ernie smiled and took the recorder from his pocket and played back a small portion of what had been said earlier.

  “There are also CCTV cameras in this place and I’m sure I could find that woman you tried to rob earlier and get her to make a statement. Come on Mark, you’ll never get a better offer than this if you live until you’re sixty, which I doubt you will ever see if you carry on in your own fashion”

  Mark looked down at his hands and his thoughts against Ernie couldn’t have been darker. But he kept them to himself and said quietly,

  “Ok, but no trying to trace my family. Apart from my older brother Kevin the rest can go to hell, and that includes my Mum and that sprat of a boyfriend she’s living with now”

  “What happened to your father, is he dead or just not on the scene anymore?”

  Mark sneered,

  “That scum? He ran out on us when I was only eight years old. If Kev hadn’t been around to watch over me I’d have gone under years ago. He knows I’ve left the area cos he gave me some money to scarper”

  Ernie listened carefully but said nothing. He was sure Mark wanted to get more off his chest and he did.

  “Kev is a member of one of the gangs in Leeds and they were trying to get me involved with them but Kev doesn’t trust some of them so he gave me money to disappear. He taught me how to look after myself and a few other tricks besides, he even taught me how to handle guns”

  Ernie suddenly became wary,

  “You’re not carrying are you?”

  Mark had noticed Ernie’s sudden change in attitude and toyed with the idea of playing him along but decided he couldn’t afford to do so right now. But later, things might be different.

  “No, Kev keeps them with him but if I need something he would let me have it”

  “Good, I can cover for most circumstances but guns would be difficult to explain. Right, a couple of things before I send you to those digs I mentioned.

  I’ll need you to help move stuff from place to place “Can you drive and do you have a licence?”

  “Yes and no, work it out for yourself” Mark replied.

  Ernie ignored the taunt,

  “Ok, what surname do you want on the licence? And one final point, this is important!

  “From time to time have some ex-colleagues from the local force come in to do some rehab work for getting their fitness levels up to return to duty. I’ll identify them to you so under no circumstances allow yourself to become a focus of their attention”

  Mark nodded and answered,

  “I’ll use my Mum’s surname, it’s Yarrow”

  Ernie wrote an address on a sheet of paper and passed it to his companion.

  “This is where you can stay for the next few days until I find somewhere more permanent for you. By the way, have you eaten today?”

  Mark looked at the address and shook his head,

  “No, where is this place, I don’t know my way around this town yet”

  Ernie stood up and took two £20 notes from his pocket and passed them to Mark along with a map of the town.

  “That should keep you from starving for the next few days. Study that map and spend the rest of today and tomorrow familiarising yourself with details of side streets and back alleys. Report back here on Saturday morning at nine o’clock”

  “I never get up that early, especially on a weekend” moaned Mark.

  “You do now! And don’t get into any kind of bother. Or else!” Ernie responded and tapped the recorder in his pocket.

  Mark glared back at him but said nothing and walked towards the stairs and the exit of the building.

  Once he was sure his guest had gone Ernie walked into the café and found the young woman Mark had tried to steal from earlier. He sat down at the table she occupied and smiled at her.

  “Well done Sally, it worked like a dream, he’s just the type I was looking for. Here’s your bonus” and passed Sally fifty pounds.

  She took the money and stuffed it into the pocket of her jeans.

  “If you say so Mr N but I wouldn’t fancy being around that bloke by myself for a minute longer than necessary. He’s got shifty eyes and gives me the creeps”

  “Well, he’s going to be around here for a while but I don’t think he will bother you, I’ll keep him on a short leash” Ernie reassured her.

  Sally stood up and made her farewell.

  “Anytime you want a similar favour you only have to ask but let’s be clear that’s a far as it goes. I’ll be at the library if you do”


  Robin Stockwell picked up the phone just before the answer machine cut in and spoke quietly into the handset. His wife, Stella, was resting in the next room before she finished the final preparations for their anniversary party that evening.

  “This is Robin Stockwell, who is calling please?”

  He recognised the voice on the other end of the line immediately.

  “Robin, its Ernie Newsham. Listen I’m sorry but I can’t come to your party tonight, I had a delivery late yesterday of equipment for the gymnasium and I’m showing my new worker how to assemble and test the machines. Please accept my best wishes to you and Stella for a happy golden wedding anniversary and I’ll drop in my present to you tomorrow”

  “Oh, I’m sorry you can’t make it tonight Ernie, we were both looking forward to your company. Who is your new helper?”

  Ernie didn’t want to give too many details about Mark so he simply said,

  “New lad from outside the area. Good with his hands but needs plenty of supervision as some of this stuff is new to him. I’d like to chat a bit more Robin but if we don’t crack on we’ll be here till gone midnight. Regards to Stella, Bye” and the line went dead.

  Robin returned the handset to its cradle but decided not to disturb Stella to pass on the news until she had rested for a little longer. She had been preparing food for the gathering since earlier that morning and had only stopped to rest when Robin pointed out to her that she looked tired and would not enjoy herself later is she did not have a nap.

  About ten minutes after the phone rang Stella walked into the living room and asked who had called on the phone.

  “Ernie Newsham, I’m afraid he won’t be coming tonight, something about assembling new equipment for tomorrow, he sends his best wishes” Robin replied as he finished polishing the wine glasses.

  Stella gave a slight frown and tapped her husband on his shoulder,

  “Robin, how many times has Ernie pulled out of meetings and other gatherings at the last moment? I can think of at least half a dozen in the past couple of months, have we upset him in any way?”

  Her husband paused and thought for a moment,

  “Yes, you’re right dear, it does always seem to happen at very short notice. Still, I suppose he is trying to establish himself at the Leisure Centre and make a success of his endeavours. However, this is a very special occasion for us and I would have thought he would have wanted to be here to show his appreciation of how we helped him in the past”

  Stella smiled and chided her husband,

  “Robin! He was someone who needed our help at the time and it’s not our decision to pick and choose who we help”

  He returned her smile,

  “I’m sorry, you’re right of course Stella. But he’s not the same person he was nine months ago. I suppose he is s
till a little resentful that he didn’t get his job back despite all the things you did to help him. Now enough of Ernie, remind me who is coming tonight, I keep forgetting who we have invited”

  “You don’t forget Robin; you have a nice way of changing the subject. Let me think. There is Jenny, Mr &Mrs Evans, Gemma Watson and the Byewaters. I believe that is everyone” A sad smile briefly crossed her features,

  “It would have been nice if Natalie and her step-father could have come but I fully understand she couldn’t make it because of her studies”

  Robin noted the emission of their daughter’s name, Patricia, from the list. She had died seven years earlier from a kidney complication and had passed away very suddenly. Her second husband, Frank, had always adored Natalie and had taken care of his adopted daughter just as if she was one of his own.

  Robin put his arm on his wife’s shoulders,

  “We could make a surprise visit when Natalie graduates in a couple of years’ time?”

  Stella turned away from her husband to hide the single tear running down her cheek.

  “Yes, that would be nice” and busied herself re-arranging some napkins.

  Their guests started arriving just before 8 o’clock. As expected, Jenny Potter arrived first followed shortly after by Gemma Watson. Both ladies came with the express intention of assisting in any last-minute tasks being required, but the Stockwells had everything prepared for their social evening.

  Jenny started with an advance apology.

  “I am so sorry Stella, I don’t want to be too late in going home as my new kitten has not settled in properly and Fish is still wary of him”

  Robin managed to hide a smile behind a hand as she spoke. Apart from a sister and niece she had no other family beside her cats.

  “As you only live a few houses away from here you can easily pop over to check them out from time to time but I’m sure they will be fine. Cats know how to work things out, better than humans in some cases”

  This last remark caused smiles amongst the gathering apart from Jenny who pressed her point forward.

  “Oh, I’m sure they do but the kitten is very shy and apt to leave a little package on the carpet if he gets too nervous”

  This bought more, little laughs but before anyone could advance the conversation, the doorbell rang and Robin excused himself to answer the summons.

  “Is it male or female and have you given the kitten a name yet Jenny?” Gemma asked.

  “He’s a ginger tom and I’m going to call him biscuit” the proud owner announced.

  Robin came into the room followed by Ralph and Hazel Byewater. Greetings were exchanged and drinks passed around but once again the doorbell was rung. This time Stella went to the door to greet the caller. As she had hoped it was David Evans and his wife, Sandra.

  As they entered, he passed Stella a package which she gratefully took and placed it in a drawer of the cabinet in the hallway.

  Stella showed her guests into the lounge and once again, greetings were exchanged. Jenny Potter enquired,

  “Is Mr Newsham coming tonight?”

  Robin replied quietly,

  “No Jenny, he phoned earlier to say he was too busy to come as he had work to complete at the Leisure Centre”

  While he was speaking Stella took the opportunity to slip out of the room to retrieve the package David Evans had passed to her upon arriving. She cleared her throat to speak,

  “It is a pity Ernie could not come tonight but we are so pleased that you all could attend to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary with us aren’t we Robin”

  Robin nodded and was about to make a small speech of his own but Stella continued speaking.

  “Forgive me for being so hasty Robin but I cannot wait a moment longer to give you this gift as a token of my love for you and our fifty happy years together”

  With that, she planted a kiss on both cheeks of her husband and thrust the package into his hands. He stood there, a little taken aback and then said quietly,

  “Stella, what is this package? We exchanged our personal presents to each other this morning”

  She smiled,

  “Open it and see Robin, it is just a little extra surprise”

  Robin carried out his wife’s wish with not a little puzzlement as they had never, in all their married life, tried to catch each other out with surprise presents. He undid the wrapping and opened the small presentation box and gave a little gasp as he viewed its contents. Unable to keep her own inquisitiveness to herself Jenny asked what was the mystery present?

  Robin held it up for all to see. It was a gold cigarette lighter, engraved on one side with the letters, RS, inside a heart with the numbers 41-91 underneath. He passed it around the gathering for all to inspect and as they did so he went to his wife and gave her long embrace and a full kiss on her mouth and simply said,


  Stella gave a little laugh and replied,

  “Now I will not have to spend the rest of my life going around picking up spent matches when you light up your cigars”

  Robin laughed and stood back, then gave his wife another hug. The guests joined in the laughter and Ralph Byewater retrieved the bottle of champagne he had bought in earlier and announced,

  “I think it’s time we all drank a toast to the happy couple”

  Glasses were filled and the toast formally announced. Gemma asked Stella,

  “When do you plan to visit your granddaughter next, or will she be coming over here to visit you?”

  Stella hesitated before speaking,

  “Natalie is in the middle of her studies at present so it is more likely that we will have to travel to Canada to see her. Please excuse me Gemma, I must pay a visit to the bathroom” and she left the room with her head bowed.

  Moments later Jenny said she wanted to go and check on her cats. Robin told her not to be more than five minutes or he would come looking for her. She promised that she would be back in that time so he gave her a spare key to let herself back in to the flat. As Jenny passed the bathroom door on her way out a strange sound could be heard coming from within that room but it was not repeated so she hurried out to her cats.

  True to her word, Jenny arrived back within the time stipulated by robin and as she passed the bathroom door it opened and Stella stepped out dabbing her eyes with a lace handkerchief. Both women stopped and stared at each other, Stella was the first to speak,

  “Oh, Jenny you startled me. Please don’t mention to anyone you saw me wiping my eyes, it is merely the emotion of the occasion and I am not used to drinking alcohol. Promise me?”

  Jenny could only nod in acceptance of what she had been asked not to reveal and Stella squeezed one of her hands in thanks.

  As they both re-entered the lounge David was speaking.

  “Yes Robin, I’m afraid it’s true. I have decided to sell the business as Sandra want to retire to the South Coast to be nearer our elder daughter and grandchildren while Catherine goes to Cambridge University next year”

  “But what about young Gerald, David? What will he do?” Stella asked upon re-joining the conversation.

  Robin looked a little bemused,

  “Who is this Gerald?”

  Stella replied,

  “He is the young man who so expertly engraved your lighter for me. As I told him, he has a special gift when it comes to that skill and he must develop it to advance in life”

  “Oh, in that case I must go and thank him myself”

  David Evans gave a little chuckle,

  “There’s no big rush Robin, I haven’t even formally put the business on the market yet. Anyway, whoever takes it on would be foolish to dispense with someone of Gerald’s talents”


  Ernie was indeed busy later that evening He had explained in detail to Mark how his security enforcement plans would work and the purpose of the nights exercise

  Their van, with the logo of Apex Security on its front doors, stopped and parked in a sid
e street next to the building site, owned by Byewater Construction. It was foggy, just after midnight and there was nobody around to observe their actions. An eight- foot high wire fence topped with razor wire had been built around the site.

  There was a double gate in one section of the fence secured by a single padlock. Checking to make sure the coast was clear, Ernie and Mark got out of the van, both wearing padded jackets and gloves. Mark was carrying a large pair of bolt cutters and made short work of removing the padlock.

  Once the gates were open Ernie reversed their van into the yard. Mark had already moved to one of the porta-cabins in one corner of the site and treated the padlock on that door with the same swift efficiency as before.

  Ernie joined him and they quickly removed various items of equipment and put them into the back of the van. When Ernie gave the signal, Mark moved to the next porta cabin and broke inside but instead of removing items he quickly started a fire amongst some work overalls and closed the door before joining His partner in the van.

  The whole operation had taken less than five minutes from start to finish.

  As Ernie drove carefully away so as not to attract attention Mark asked,

  “I don’t get it, what do we need with bloody sledge hammers, fire extinguishers and the other rubbish. We’ll get next to nothing if we try and flog them”

  Ernie sighed,

  “Like I told you earlier Mark. That was just to give an example and warning to a couple of businesses nearby that having a security patrol keeping an eye on their premises is a worthwhile investment.

  “I know Byewater and he wouldn’t fall for our little security scam. I’ll bet that within 24 hours there will be a real security firm on the case. But that won’t help the people I’m targeting”

  By the time they arrived back at the Centre two fire engines with sirens blaring had passed them heading in the direction of the construction yard.


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