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Saved by an Angel

Page 5

by Virtue Doreen

  I remember when listening to Doreen’s audio book the first time that I fell asleep after about 30 minutes, and nothing unusual happened. About three weeks later, my kidneys were hurting me. A year prior to this time, I’d had a bladder infection that I just couldn’t shake. It turned into a serious kidney infection, and I had to take antibiotics to bring the fever down. The infection finally left my body. So, here it was December 12, 1998, and my kidneys were hurting me again.

  My husband and I weren’t getting along that morning, so I asked him to sit down on the couch with me before I went to work. We got peaceful, and I had my eyes closed. Within a few moments, I saw this beautiful being. She had long black hair and was wearing a long white dress. She told me that her name was Tara and that she was going to put the palms of her hands—fingers extended—on my kidneys all day. This was going to happen while I was selling shoes at the department store where I worked. She also told me that I was an earth angel. I opened my eyes in great astonishment.

  I told my husband what had just occurred, and we sat there, stunned. Was this a real experience, or my imagination? I went to work with great anticipation, hopeful that Tara would heal my kidneys. Within a few hours, the pain was gone!

  It has been over a year now, the pain in my kidneys has never come back, and I know that it never will! I’m sure that listening to Doreen’s tape helped me bring my angel to me.


  by Charles F. Turpin

  One Friday night at my job, I walked up the six flights of stairs to the small protected area where I work with machinery. Out of the blue, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, so I lay my head down on my desk. But the pain grew until it was hurting a lot. I tried calling my co-worker downstairs for help, but he didn’t answer.

  Then I happened to look out the window and saw a person—a woman. She didn’t resemble anything I had seen in church or on TV. She was outside the window of my work area 60 feet above the ground!

  Her eyes were sparkling blue—not like any blue you could paint, and not like anything in a science-fiction movie, but beautiful. She didn’t have on the kind of robe you always picture on angels; she was naked. But her skin was as white as I had ever seen—so white that the details of her body were hidden.

  Her hair was red, long, and fluttering as her wings slowly flapped. The wings weren’t like a dove’s, but more akin to a sparrow’s.

  She never said hello, and she never had a glow around her, like in the movies. She was a real live being or soul. I tried to raise my head, but she came to me and laid her hand on it and turned my neck to where I could see her better. She just looked at me. She didn’t speak through her lips, but through her mind. She said, “It isn’t time yet.” Then for some reason, I just happened to ask her, “What’s your name?” and she said, “Angelica.”

  It seemed like I blinked my eyes, and then it was time to go. I drove myself home, and my wife took me to the hospital. The tests showed that I’d had a heart attack that evening. But they did another test the following Monday, and it showed that my heart was miraculously undamaged. Since then, I’ve also survived cancer even though I only had a 10 percent chance of living. Somehow I feel that Angelica is still around, helping me to survive.


  by Pia Wilson

  I had been meditating and trying some automatic writing to get to know my guardian angels better. I learned that the one helping me fulfill my life purpose was named Jim. At the time, I was feeling that my ambitions wouldn’t amount to anything, and I was very frustrated. I accused Jim of not working hard enough on my behalf.

  That night I had a dream. It was one of those dreams that feels more than real. In it, I was talking to a human friend of mine whose name is also Jim. I was joking with him, the way I normally would in life, but he wasn’t responding appropriately. I got angry with him … then I noticed something. His eyes were quite different. And although on the surface he looked like my friend Jim, he was actually someone else. His eyes were wider and took up more of his face, and his cheekbones were particularly high.

  I realized that this was my angel Jim, which explained the lack of humor. Through my meditations and automatic writing, I’ve come to know that Angel Jim is very serious. He took me to a room where there were hundreds of “people” sitting at computer terminals. Jim was showing me how many angels were working with him to help me fulfill my life purpose.

  In the last few months, Jim has continued to appear to me in my dreams around the periods when I have made strides in my career. I always feel especially good after a dream involving him, and he’s even led the way for my romance angel to use my dreams to communicate with me. Angels are wonderful sources of love, guidance, and advice. I can’t imagine life without them now.


  by Perry Koob

  It was 1966, and I was 18, living in Los Angeles. I wasn’t in school, as I’d been kicked out for fighting the year before. I was pumping gas for work and had very few prospects. When my stepfather asked me to help my mother run a small farm in Missouri, I said I didn’t have anything else to do, so sure, I would do it.

  I gave notice, and two weeks later, I set out on a trip halfway across the country, driving a Corvair that my stepfather had bought me for the trip. It was equipped with a one-wheel trailer loaded with some things I was to take back to my mother.

  There wasn’t a 55-mile-per-hour limit, and I was taking full advantage of that fact. I was doing 80 to 90, and when I would brake, the taillights would make the trailer tarp glow red. I was going down a very steep grade and had to keep my foot on the brake. I glanced in the rearview mirror, and I saw what seemed to be a woman sitting there on the trailer, smiling at me. I looked back to the road quickly. I then rolled down the window, thinking that the cold wind on my face would snap me back to my senses.

  I looked back in the mirror, put my foot on the brake again, and there she was. I could see her clearly in the taillights, although the light was red. She was dressed in a long flowing gown, and her head was covered with a shawl. She was still smiling at me, and then she waved. I thought, Perry, you’ve finally gone off the deep end for sure now.

  I gathered as much of my courage as I could and pulled off to the side of the road just before a sharp curve. I put my head on the wheel, gritted my teeth, and got out of the car. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I fell down. It turned out that the road was all one big patch of ice! I got up, hanging on to the side of the car, and walked—or rather, slid—back to the trailer. I lifted the tarp under the trailer, but there was nobody there. This shook me up, to say the least.

  Just then, the moon, which had been behind some clouds, broke through and shone down on the desert below. The moonlight allowed me to see about ten crosses all in a neat row, marking the places where people had gone off the road and been killed.

  To this day, I look for that beautiful lady. I used to feel her beside me, but I no longer do, and I miss her being there.


  by Angie Chiste

  In 1986, when I was 18, I got a job as a waitress at an all-night truck stop in a small Canadian hamlet, far away from my family. Our staff accommodations were located in an old hotel. We each had our own room, with doors that locked automatically when you closed them, like most hotel rooms.

  One morning, I got off at 6 after working all night. I went to my room to get some sleep. I was so tired that I lay down on my bed, still in my uniform, without taking my shoes off. Sometime later, I awoke to the feeling of my shoes being slipped off. I lifted my head and saw a transparent lady engulfed in light. She took off my shoes and gently covered me with a blanket. I lay back, knowing she would watch over me while I slept. I wasn’t scared at all.

  When I awoke, I was under the covers, my shoes neatly in the corner. I knew no one had come into my room, as the door had automatically locked when I shut it. It was an angel taking care of me after a long shift at work.


  by Laura Weintraub

  It was a usual Tuesday morning, and I was getting the kids ready for school. My son Aaron was the sleepy bear of the family, and I generally had difficulty dragging him out of bed. He is always the first to get my attention because he starts school an hour before my other son, Alexander.

  By the time Aaron got downstairs on this particular morning, he barely had ten minutes for breakfast. Mornings have always been tough for him; it’s as if he’s dragging a boulder behind him. To top it off, Aaron started in on Alexander, teasing him and goading him.

  I had recently been studying A Course in Miracles, and I was learning a lot about myself and others. I watched how my children constantly provoked each another, always trying to best the other. I started to talk to Aaron, asking him why he was teasing Alexander. It was as if he was taking his frustrations out on him! Aaron started to tell me about school and how he felt that the other kids didn’t like him. I’ve found that when one of my sons is feeling upset inside, he has a tendency to take it out on his brother, so I tried to help Aaron see what might be causing the problem.

  Just then, my husband stormed into the kitchen, and he snapped at me to hurry up and get Aaron to school. I immediately felt like I was being attacked, and I allowed myself to feel hurt. I went to my room and cried. Then it dawned on me that I was choosing to feel attacked and to get my feelings hurt. If I chose to perceive my husband’s actions differently, I could have a different outcome. I realized that I could change my perceptions anytime I wanted. It took me a couple of hours to forgive my husband and let go, but I did because I didn’t want to feel this way the rest of the day.

  I started to pray and meditate. I asked God to bring peace to me and my family; and to help me forgive my husband, my kids, and most of all, myself. I had to let go and allow them to learn their lessons on their own, trusting that God and the angels were with them, too! I no longer needed to feel that I had to be in control of everything.

  As I sat and prayed in my room, I suddenly heard a tap on the window. I thought it was a bird or something. To my amazement, though, I saw that the sky was filled with angels! They were everywhere. I started to cry with joy. I truly wanted to see angels, and I really didn’t know when or where it was going to happen. I realized that I had to be completely free and clear from all “attack” thoughts in order to experience their presence. I realized that they are all around us in everything we see, and that we are all one!

  That afternoon, Alexander and I stopped at the drive-through to get an after-school snack. I was singing a song on the radio when my son said, “Mom, there’s a face looking at me!” He pointed his finger to the sky. “Is that an angel?” he asked. As I sat in amazement, Alexander exclaimed, “And there’s another, and another, and another!”

  “Yes!” I agreed, as tears rolled down my face. It was a miracle. He was seeing exactly what I’d seen earlier that day.

  Alexander was so excited and said, “I can’t wait to tell Aaron. But what if he doesn’t believe me?”

  I told him not to worry, and I said a little prayer, “Please, Aaron, don’t tease him this time!” As soon as we got home, Alexander raced up the stairs to tell his brother. I heard him say, “Aaron, guess what? I saw an angel looking at me, and then I saw three more!”

  Then Aaron gently patted him on the back, and he simply said, “That’s cool, man!” I smiled, tears running down my face, as they gave each other a big hug.

  That was a special day—one I will always remember. It was the day I saw the angels! From then on, I was constantly aware of their presence; Divine love; and protection for me, my family, and all of us.


  by Uma Bacso

  I hadn’t liked my name, Nancy Jane, my entire life—as far back as I remember. I tried Nan, NJ, Nancy, Nanny. Nothing felt like “me.”

  One day I decided to meditate on the topic as I stood in front of my bedroom mirror. After some time meditating with my eyes closed, I decided to do an open-eyed meditation, and I saw a beautiful woman with long dark hair standing before me in the mirror. I asked this woman, “What is your name? What is your name?”

  I heard her say, “Your name will have something to do with light.” (At the time I had light hair.) I stayed seated for a short while after hearing that; then I proceeded to get dressed. One minute later, my body started moving over to my bookshelf, and I heard the woman say to me, “Your name will be in one of these books.”

  I felt my arm lift up as I was walking over to the bookshelf. It was now fully extended, and I picked up the book right in front of my hand. It was Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. I flipped through the book, and the name Uma seemed to stand out several times. I thought, What a strange name.

  A few hours later, I went to yoga class and asked the teacher, “What does Uma mean in Sanskrit?”

  He said that Uma was the “goddess of the rising sun.” I was taken aback for a moment as I remembered that the woman in the mirror had told me that my new name would be related to light. At that moment, I fell in love with my new name: Uma.


  by Jennifer Helvey-Davis

  I was very close to my grandmother as I grew up. My mother was a single mom, so there were many times when I actually lived with my grandma. You could definitely call her a stabilizing factor in my life, and she was always there for me.

  When I was 19, I moved back in with her and my grandfather. One night when I was 21, I had a horrible dream about a snake in my bed. It was so bad that I woke my grandmother up and made her come sit on my bed while I fell back asleep. The next morning, I found her dead on the couch. The event was extremely traumatic, and I was overwhelmed with grief.

  While on my knees visiting my grandma’s grave site, I looked up to the sky and cursed God. I told Him that I wanted my grandma back. The sky was slightly cloudy, and my eyes stung painfully from all of the crying I had done.

  At that moment, this “thing” appeared in front of the clouds. It was like a starburst coming out from the center, yet it was gray, almost the same color as the clouds themselves. I was certain that my eyes were playing tricks on me. As I got to my feet, an image appeared out of the starburst, and it stole the breath from my chest.

  The being had long hair parted in the middle and a distinct heavy robe with a cord around the waist. Its hands were outstretched from its sides, with the palms facing upward. I couldn’t see a face, yet majestic wings pointed straight toward the heavens, and they appeared solid and strong. I felt faint, and I fell to my knees and whispered, “You are real … you are here.”

  It was the most powerful being I have ever seen. Standing in the middle of the starburst, this figure made me feel as if it had a lot of influence over my life. I was afraid, yet amazed at the same time.

  Although the features of the being were hard to discern, I knew it was an angel. The wings and the hands made this fact very obvious to me. Now, I whispered, “You are an angel.” As the tears spilled from my eyes, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. The angel acknowledged my presence and nodded to me.

  With miraculous speed, its wings snapped back to its sides. They were fast and strong and made a loud whoosh! as they did this. The noise frightened me, but I didn’t move an inch. If this angel had been on the ground, it would have been at least seven feel tall, and the wings would have been even more enormous than that.

  The scene was so overwhelmingly intense that I finally had to tear my eyes away. When I looked back at the clouds, there was only the starburst shape, but no angel. I tried to squint harder, but my eyes were so sore from all of my crying. I looked over at the plot where my grandma was buried, and it seemed as if the grass there formed a shape. It was darker in some places than in others. When I looked really hard, I could see the shape of the angel in the grass.

  I dropped the silk rose that I had brought for my grandmother onto the image of the angel, k
nowing that my grandma was in the mystical place that the angel had come from. Completely stunned by what had happened, I walked back to the car and scrawled a picture of the angel on a piece of paper. I left the cemetery with a strange feeling of calm and peace that I had not experienced since before Grandma’s death. I often doodle pictures of that angel when I am feeling stressed or need comfort, and it always cheers me up.


  by Sharon Blott

  At age 27, I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I was depressed, a six-year relationship that I’d put all my hopes and dreams into had ended, and I had no direction. I remember saying to my mother that I felt dead inside, and I doubted whether that feeling would ever go away. I was also in the middle of graduate school and had recently been told that I would never be able to have children.

  My mother asked me to join her and my sister and brother-in-law on a two-week vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California—her treat. At first I declined, but she insisted, and so off I went. The first week was fairly uneventful, but it was a welcome relief to be away from my normal surroundings.

  However, during the second week in Mexico, I had what I can only describe as a profound spiritual experience. One night while I was on the beach during high tide and a full moon, the skies simply opened up above me, and I was engulfed in a glorious golden light that radiated a warmth and love that I have never experienced in this lifetime. I saw and heard the angels, and there was sweet music playing. The angels were beings of great radiance, with long white hair, and there seemed to be hundreds around, but only two or so were really visible to me. The feelings they emanated were of love and peace, and were intense and fulfilling to the very depths of my soul.


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