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Saved by an Angel

Page 19

by Virtue Doreen

  The next afternoon, I worked out at the gym and decided to take a steam bath. Lying on my back on a towel, alone and naked in the steam room, I remembered the list of prayer steps I’d just been taught. Well, I couldn’t find more of a sanctuary, I thought. And for sure, I was in a vulnerable position. Plus, if I prayed in the dark, no one who entered the steam room would realize what I was doing; and while I was alone, I could talk out loud to make extra sure I was “doing it right.”

  I decided to pray for my soul mate to find me. I had indulged in the fantasy of finding a partnership similar to the one that two friends of mine had, but my idealism was shattered when my friends divorced and the husband committed suicide. Since then, it seemed as if soul mates weren’t real.

  First, I breathed deeply into my body and admitted my vulnerability. “Dear God and Divine Mother,” I prayed, “here I am. I am a woman alone in the world. There are so many reasons why.” Then I listed my reasons. I added, “I am so very lonely sometimes.” I explained that I had lost my ideal of marriage, and I prayed for peace over the loss of my friend who took his own life. I continued praying in minute detail, leaving nothing out.

  All at once in the darkness, I almost felt a change of atmosphere. I was so intent on prayer and breath and being openhearted that I had entered into an intense, highly focused state of being. Through the clouds of steam, with my eyes closed, I saw a pulsing, dark red spiral of energy envelop me. It was not frightening, but comforting. I burst into tears. Then there were shoots of bright green piercing the field of energy throbbing around me, and swirling mists of rich purple.

  I intuitively knew that each light was a separate being, and it was so humbling that they had come to be with me in my time of need and vulnerability. I felt tremendously connected to the Divine, and I knew without a doubt that the light was a friend who had come to reassure me. I felt entirely loved by heaven’s angels.

  Once connected, I continued my prayer, which became a statement of gratitude for my soul mate who I know will find me. I believe it. Since that day, I haven’t felt lonely, or anxious about the future and finding love. I look people in the eye to see their souls and establish a clear connection. When my soul mate arrives, on or behind schedule—or even if I miss him here on Earth this time around—that’s okay. As my steam-room angels helped me understand, love is everywhere.


  by Mili Ponesse

  I was driving home from work one day. I was 16 years old and had just received my driver’s license. I stopped at a red light. In a hurry, I impatiently waited for the light to turn green so that I could take off quickly.

  All of a sudden, though, my focus shifted from that traffic light. From out of nowhere, a bright light similar to sun glare brought my attention to the side of the road. I just sat there, transfixed by the light, almost daydreaming, but not thinking of anything. I was startled when the driver behind me honked his horn. The traffic light had turned green, and I hadn’t noticed.

  However, before I could collect myself, a truck flew through the red light, crossing my path at about 70 miles an hour. If I’d gone through that light as soon as it turned green, I would have been hit by that speeding truck and been in an extremely bad accident.

  I know that an angel saw the danger coming my way and distracted me with the bright light to keep me from driving through the intersection. I know it was an angel because of the comfort and warmth I felt the rest of my “slow” ride home.


  by Douglas Lockhart

  My wife and I were truck drivers. One night we were crossing the border between Arizona and New Mexico. My wife was lying down in the sleeper, and I was driving. It was about 3 A.M., and I was very tired, but there was no time to stop and sleep because our job required us to get the freight from point A to point B.

  I continued to drive, and I don’t know if I fell asleep at the wheel, but the next thing I knew, a great white ball of light came from the blackened night sky and passed through me. It blew my hair back, and I immediately felt as refreshed as if I had slept for ten hours. It was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.


  by Judith Mitchell

  I was 41 when my mother unexpectedly passed away. I was overwhelmed with grief and loss. Her passing made me realize that I was unsure of my own spiritual beliefs and that I did not like my feeling of aloneness. One night while I was trying to sleep, my mother came to me as a spinning ball of red light. I knew that it was her!

  I could actually put my hand into this light. I was filled with such a sense of love. She let me know that I was never alone, and that she loved me and was always with me. Mom also told me that love and the circle of life were very important, that there are many spirits around me all the time, and that life goes on. Mostly, she helped me understand that she was fine and happy.

  My mother was raised a Catholic, so many people had asked, “Was she saved?” Well, Mom let me know that we are all saved. That was not an issue. She helped me see that there are so many paths that lead to the same place. I had always fought my gift of seeing and knowing, and now I am so thankful to be assured that I am not alone, that life goes on, and that change is good. My mother’s visit transformed my life for the better and put me on a greater spiritual path. I know I may call on her anytime and that she is with me.

  I no longer feel the pain of missing her, for I know she is with me always. My whole outlook on life has improved now, and I am open to receiving the help that is there for me if I need it. The love is always there. I am so grateful for this wonderful glimpse of the afterlife that I’ve been given. I thank God for it.


  by Sue Barrie

  I am a 47-year-old mother of three boys, and I’ve just made it through the worst three years of my life! I truly believe that I’ve been guided, carried, comforted, and healed by the angels that surround me.

  Three years ago, my husband and I divorced; then I moved, and my two oldest sons left home. Throughout these stressful times, I relied more and more on spiritual help. I had always believed that we all have guardian angels. On two occasions when I felt I couldn’t take any more, I felt a hand ever so gently stroke my cheek, and once I felt someone patting me on the head very softly.

  A few months later, I discovered a lump in my breast. I instinctively knew that it was cancer, but for some reason I felt calm and had the knowledge that I would beat it. I asked my angels each night for healing and strength, and each day, I woke up with an inner confidence.

  My mastectomy went well, and I came home two days after surgery. I barely took a painkiller as I prayed regularly to Archangel Raphael, and I was visited and comforted on two occasions.

  The first night, I woke up with a little discomfort, feeling a bit lonely and sorry for myself. But then as I stirred, I felt the sensation of arms wrapped around the upper parts of my legs, as though someone was holding me close to comfort me. I went back to sleep instantly.

  The following night, I was having difficulty finding a comfortable position in which to sleep. I had just completed my prayer for healing when I detected the distinct smell of coconut oil! Then I heard a sort of shuffle in my room in a corner to the right of me.

  I turned onto my back, and as I did so, I got a tremendous shock. High above me on my ceiling were dozens of tiny twinkling lights, almost like miniature glowworms. They wiggled and shone only in the area directly above me! I was awestruck and elated, as I knew at that moment that I had been visited by my angels, and the healing was beginning both spiritually and physically for me!

  I feel so full of love and joy these days, and I see beauty in everything. This has made me so excited that I tell everyone I can about this tremendous power and love! My biopsies show that there is no more cancer, and I’m overjoyed.

  Chapter 14



  by Tuihana Marsh<
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  A couple of months ago, I went to pick my daughter up from her friend’s house after school, which was our normal routine. When I pulled into the driveway, she ran out of the house and jumped into the truck. I asked her about her friend’s new dog and if she could bring it out so I could see it. She told me that the dog wasn’t allowed outside because it was wet and I should go in and have a look.

  I hesitated … I had a weird feeling, but I couldn’t place it. I ended up jumping out to go knock on the front door. While my back was turned, the pickup rolled down the driveway, which was on a hill. On its way out onto the road, it hit another car; then, as I ran after it, it went straight across the road up onto the opposite sidewalk and hit a street sign, cutting it clean in half. Finally it stopped, after rolling back onto the road in front of traffic. (The circumstances could not have been worse, as it was rush hour, on a main road, and it was raining.)

  The most dangerous part of the whole thing was that the passenger side of the vehicle, where my daughter was sitting, was facing the oncoming traffic. The whole time this was happening my poor girl was sitting paralyzed, unsure of what to do, as she rolled away from me!

  All the cars swerved in the rain or skidded to a stop … no one was hurt! After all the drama with the owner of the hit vehicle subsided, we finally left the scene. As we got back into the truck, we both noticed a little cross sitting by the gearshift. Everything else that was in the pickup had been thrown clear to the back of the vehicle or under the seats … but this little cross sat perfectly in place, as if it had been deliberately set there.

  The night before, I had been flipping through one of Doreen’s books (I think it was My Guardian Angel) and skimmed over a couple of stories about vehicle angels and how you should ask for protection before getting into a car. In the morning, I kept flashing back to the things I had read, and I had intended to stop and ask the angels to watch over my girl while she was at school, but kept getting sidetracked and never did it.

  When the accident happened, I was so furious with myself. I should have known to pay attention to the stories from the night before, my urge to ask for protection in the morning, and the odd feeling I had before jumping out of the truck … but I’d brushed it all off.

  I never said anything about this to my daughter. I was too busy reproaching myself for how careless I had been—how I should have spoken to her at some point about how to pull on the hand brake, stomp on the brake pedal, or turn the steering wheel! All I could think was: If I had only taken the time to stop and ask that my daughter be protected, this would not have happened.

  In the middle of my thoughts, my daughter piped up: “I know the only reason I’m okay is because the angels were looking after me!”

  She was right. I had been too busy blaming myself to see that all was well and yes, the angels had looked after my baby anyway! We both feel that the little cross was telling us this very clearly.

  That’s my experience of the angels saving my daughter—who is the love of my life—and teaching me a thing or two in the process!


  by Susan Moore

  My grandmother was in the hospital for major heart surgery, with a 50-50 chance of survival. After surgery, she never woke up from the anesthesia, and she was in a coma for two weeks. I lived about 90 minutes away from the hospital, and I visited her every other day with my mother. One particular day, though, I didn’t want to make the long drive to the hospital, so I stayed home. I was horrified when Grandma passed away at 5 A.M. the next day. This really bothered me, because I didn’t get to see her one final time.

  That evening, I went into the kitchen in the dark, looking out the back door. I said aloud, “Why did you leave me? I didn’t get to say good-bye or even give you one last kiss!” I started to cry again … then something caught my attention.

  I saw this funnel-shaped cloud come down from the sky. It almost looked like a tornado was heading my way. Then this funnel cloud started to take shape, and I stood mesmerized as it turned into a beautiful woman! She had long white hair and a long white dress on, with some sort of rope tied around her waist.

  Then she started to reach out with her arms and float toward me. She was suspended about five feet off the ground, and she was about six feet tall. When she lifted her arms, her long sleeves were hanging and flapping in the wind. Once she got about three feet in front of me, I took off! I was petrified, so I ran to get my husband to come see this. I knew that no one would believe me, so I wanted him to witness this amazing sight.

  When I finally got him, though, she was gone, and the only thing left was a thick fog sitting about two feet above the ground. Then we looked at our neighbors’ homes, and we were the only house with fog in the backyard. I truly believe that this was an angel coming to let me know that my grandmother was okay and in a better place. I often wonder what would have happened if I had stayed to see the angel instead of running. It has been five years since this happened, and I can still see the vision in my mind as if it happened yesterday.


  by Leanne Hernandez

  My grandmother died in 1998, shortly before my daughter’s fifth birthday. In her younger days, my grandmother was known for being quite eccentric—she had even dyed her hair lavender for many years.

  I was out of town on a business trip, so my mother helped me get ready for my daughter’s birthday party by ordering a cake with a brunette angel on it. When she went to pick it up, she was amazed to find that the baker had used lavender icing for the angel’s hair. My mother asked, “Who ever heard of an angel with purple hair?” I knew that this was my grandmother’s way of telling us that she had made it to heaven and was with us in spirit to celebrate my daughter’s special day.


  by Suzanne Chaney

  My husband and I were driving in a small rental car from Kentucky to New York City. The first part of the trip was very nice and quite scenic. But as we started nearing the peaks of the Appalachians, the skies grew increasingly more ominous. Soon we were driving in heavy snow, on slick roads. We slowed our pace to a crawl, but large semitrucks kept blowing past us, and the wind they created pushed us all over the road. The sides of the roads were marked with NO STOPPING signs, so we continued as best we could. We were incredibly scared.

  At that time, I said a prayer for God to send angels to help us on our journey, to bless those driving with good judgment, and to protect us from danger. Immediately after raising my head from the prayer, I looked out my window at the storm clouds.

  In the midst of the dark, looming sky was one bright white cloud in the shape of an angel’s face. It also had glowing, luminescent wings. The sun peeked above the edges of this cloud so that it shone brightly, with beams of bright light shooting from its edges. My eyes swelled with tears, and I knew that my prayer had been answered.

  We spent two more hours traveling on the snow-slicked roads, but it was an entirely different experience. The semis’ wind no longer seemed to affect our car. Throughout the two-hour period, I continued to glimpse angels in the clouds, but nothing as brilliant as the first sighting.

  The clouds seemed to be a sign from the angels, saying, “We’re still here with you.” The fear left my heart. We arrived safely in New York City several hours later, and despite the grueling drive, I felt invigorated and light, like everything in the world was right. Such a glorious gift we received!


  by Rebecca Powers

  My father was dying of cancer. It was near the end, and we had him at home, comfortable and in no pain. He was comatose, but I knew that he was aware we were with him. I was having a hard time dealing with the whole “death” thing, and I was afraid for him—afraid of what he was feeling, and of what he was about to go through. I wanted to make sure he would be okay and not be alone, but I needed some sort of answer, some sort of sign. I had none, and I was afraid.

  It was a typical Octob
er night, and my family and I were waiting—praying—for the end. I went out on the front step to get some fresh air. I sat down and said a little prayer. I pleaded, “Please, please, give me some sort of sign, any sign, just so I’ll know he’ll be okay.”

  At that very moment, I looked into the sky at the beautiful sunset, and I saw an angel—plain as day, clear to my human eyes. It was a beautiful cloud—a beautiful angel. There was my answer.

  I ran inside, got my mother, and grabbed a camera. We both sat there and wept. I took a picture of the angel; then she disappeared. My father passed away ten minutes later. The angel had come to take him home. At that point I knew, I really knew … that he was okay. My father was not alone, and he was with that beautiful angel, going home. I have the picture of the angel and will send it to anyone who doesn’t believe. I believe. I will always believe.


  by Helen

  My 24-year-old son died on August 14, 1999. His presence is sorely missed, as he had lived at home with us while he was attending college. Thoughts of my son consume my mind almost every moment of every given day, even though I am wholly functioning.

  One evening shortly after Thanksgiving, I was having a very difficult moment while alone in my home. I was drawn to the window, since the container holding my son’s ashes was sitting on the window seat. (We were going to be spreading his ashes over the ocean soon.) As I put my fingertips on the container, missing him and talking to him while softly crying, I noticed that the moon was very low in the sky and extremely bright.


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