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Saved by an Angel

Page 21

by Virtue Doreen

  If you want to have contact with your angels, deceased loved ones, or an ascended master, these next few chapters will describe some methods that can help you. These are the same techniques that I teach my psychic-development students, and they’re also the same ones that I use myself before I give readings. They’re very powerful.

  Most people have some ambivalence about contacting heavenly beings. On the one hand, they desperately want to see an angel or departed loved one. But they also fear seeing a frightening image. “Will I be opening myself up to seeing dark beings? Or will my deceased loved one look ghoulish?” These are natural concerns, as people worry about losing control, or being frightened out of their wits.

  So, one of my wishes is that the stories related in this book will boost your confidence that heavenly encounters are positive, happy experiences. Know that you won’t see upsetting images when your angels and deceased loved ones pay you a visit.

  While it’s true that there are “unsavory” beings in heaven, they are a slim minority compared to all the magnificent angels and guides constantly flitting around us on the etheric plane.

  One of the greatest angels of all, Archangel Michael, can prevent you from having a frightening encounter. All you need to do is mentally say to him:

  “Archangel Michael, please escort away from me anyone who is not my angel, guide, or a being who expresses God’s Divine light.”

  Michael needs to receive this sort of explicit request because God’s Law of Free Will prevents him from helping us unless we ask.

  Archangel Michael is able to be with everyone simultaneously who calls upon him, and there are no time or space restraints. So it’s a good idea to ask him to stay permanently stationed by your side. Ask him to screen the beings in your life—both the physical and the spiritual ones—so that only benevolent entities surround you. Once you’ve asked Michael for help, you can relax. This request is always granted for everyone, regardless of lifestyle, religion, or character. So don’t worry that your requests might be denied. They can’t be!

  It’s important to clear fears out of the way, because they can prevent you from having a heavenly encounter. Ambivalent people are putting one foot on the gas pedal and one on the brakes simultaneously, which keeps them from moving forward.


  Another issue that prevents people from seeing their angels and deceased loved ones is the fear of failure. This fear often makes people push and strain to have an angel encounter. They try to force it to happen, which blocks the experience completely. The sad irony is that the people who love angels the most are often the ones who have the hardest time seeing them!

  At almost every one of my workshops, I see the following scenario played out: An angel-loving woman will arrive, accompanied by her loyal husband. She’s dressed in an angel sweatshirt, angel earrings, and an angel necklace. He really could care less about angels but is just coming to the workshop to please his wife.

  Then the workshop begins, and before lunchtime, I’ve guided the audience through an exercise that helps them see angels. The husband is seeing angels and deceased loved ones, and he says to his wife, “Wow, honey, this is amazing! Thanks for bringing me to this conference.” She, meanwhile, has had no success at seeing any heavenly beings, and she snaps at him, “How come you’re seeing angels? You don’t even like them!”

  Her frustration stems from her underlying belief that since she’s a member of the angel “fan club,” she’s entitled to insider privileges. But the angels are equally devoted to all of us, even to nonbelievers and newcomers. Her main block has to do with the fact that she desperately wants to see angels, so she’s trying too hard to make it happen. Her husband, who has a nonchalant attitude about heaven, is relaxed and more open to the experience. One such husband recently completed my Angel Therapy Practitioner certification course, and he’s now a professional angel reader. Yet he was originally a “drag-along” at one of my workshops a couple of years ago.

  So, straining and pushing can actually prevent us from connecting with our angels. The fear that causes us to force things to happen comes from feeling alone, and the belief that “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” However, our angel encounters are derived from the power of God, the angels, ascended masters, and our deceased loved ones. A teamwork approach to angel encounters works best.


  In addition to calling upon Archangel Michael, here are two other ways to diminish or eliminate fear blocks:

  1. The freezer method. Write your fears on a piece of paper. You can either include an elaborate description of your fears, or just a general “fear of being psychic” sentence. Then, put the paper into your refrigerator’s freezer compartment. If you live with skeptics, it’s best to put the paper in the back of the freezer, where it will be unnoticed, or freeze it in a small container of water. Leave the paper in the freezer for a minimum of three months. This method also works well with anything in your life that you’d like to release, including problems with relationships, addictions, or money issues.

  2. The dream method. The angels do some of their best work while we’re sleeping. Why? Because our fears are asleep at that time, so we’re more open to angelic assistance. Before you go to sleep at night, mentally ask Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael (who’s in charge of physical healings), and Archangel Uriel (whose area is emotional and psychological healings) to enter your dreams. Mentally say to them:

  “Please enter my dream, my body, my mind, and my heart; and clear away any fears or unforgiveness that could be blocking me from having a conscious angel encounter.”


  The angels have a phrase that they love to repeat: “Your intentions create your experiences.” This means that our underlying expectations steer us toward the type of experiences we have as a result. If we hold positive expectations about our angel encounters, we’ll have positive results.

  However, if we have negative intentions, such as, Gee, I sure hope I can do this, or I’m afraid to see the spirit world, or Will God punish me for doing this? then we will be blocked from having an angel encounter. For one thing, the angels love us deeply, and they wouldn’t do anything to frighten us, such as showing up if we don’t really want to see them. The same goes for your deceased loved ones. Your grandparents, mom, dad, siblings, or other loved ones see your fear as a giant Keep Away! sign. They will respect that boundary out of love.

  “I really want to see my mom, but I’m afraid that she’ll have Aunt Edna with her. And I don’t want any contact with Aunt Edna!” said Betsy, a woman at one of my seminars. She explained that her aunt had been bossy and verbally abusive. Betsy was afraid that by seeing her mother, she’d be opening the gates of heaven so that other “less desirable” relatives would show up uninvited. This is another area to delegate to Archangel Michael, who’s happy to act as your “bouncer” angel. He’ll screen your visitors, if you just ask him to.

  One of the reasons why children are so psychic is because of their positive intentions. They don’t worry, Am I making this up, or is it real? Children know that reality comes in many flavors. They also trust their intuition to a higher degree than most adults. Additionally, their lives are simpler than adults’, in general, so their minds are less cluttered with distractions, worries, pressure, and noise.

  So, to open yourself to an encounter with heaven, be “as a little child.” Let go of rigid expectations about your angel connection. Just hold a positive intention such as, I’d really like to meet my guardian angel, or I would love to see and talk with Mom, and then release the desire to the winds of the universe. Trust your angels to catch your wish and bring it to you in a delightfully surprising way.

  That’s why it’s important not to dictate to God how you want your angel encounter to manifest. For instance, don’t say to the angels, “Please brush my hair as a sign that you’re with me.” Instead, simply say, “Please give me a sign that you’re with me,” and let them figur
e out the best method for delivering that request. Remind yourself frequently that the “how” of the way prayers are answered is up to God, not up to us. The infinite creativity of the Divine Mind is filled with happy surprises that defy the physical laws of Earth, which our human minds often worry about.

  So, holding positive intentions is essential. Even if you don’t fully believe in angel encounters because you haven’t yet experienced one firsthand, hold a positive intention. Even if you’re not sure if you’re qualified or deserving of an angel encounter (which I assure you that you are!), hold a positive intention. Even if you want to see an angel or deceased loved one so badly that it hurts, hold a positive intention.

  Here are some affirmations to help you elevate your intentions to the most positive and optimistic level possible. Read, write, or say these affirmations as often as possible:

  • I feel safe in opening my psychic abilities.

  • I am highly visual.

  • I am very clairvoyant.

  • I easily hear the voice of God and the angels.

  • I am open to seeing my deceased loved ones.

  • I welcome my angels into my dreams.

  • God and the angels love me very much.

  • I can feel the presence of angels around me right now.

  • God and the angels speak to me continually.

  • I notice signs from heaven.

  • I am open to Divine communication.

  • I trust God to protect me.


  The Law of Free Will says that heaven cannot intervene or interfere in our lives unless we give our permission. The only exception is to save our lives—if it isn’t our time yet to go. So, you’ll need to request that your angels help you to clearly see, hear, or feel their presence. There are many ways to do so, including the following:

  — Praying. State your request to God and the angels. For example, “God, I deeply desire to meet my guardian angel. Please help me see and hear this angel.” Say this prayer repeatedly until you feel a sense of peace and inevitability in your heart and gut area.

  — Directly asking. Many people encounter a deceased loved one directly after asking that person for help. You can do so aloud, in written form, or silently. Let’s say that you’re worried about a particular deceased loved one. Ask that person for some sort of reassurance that everything is okay. That person will then contact you, either through a dream visitation, in an apparition encounter, or by giving you a sign. If your experience isn’t clear enough for you, then ask the person for additional contact.

  — Writing a letter. This technique works best when conducted in an isolated environment. So, go find a quiet place outdoors, or sequester yourself in your corner of the house (including the bathroom, if there’s no other private place!). Write a letter to God, your guardian angels, or your deceased loved one. Pour your heart out about your desire for an angel encounter, and your fears or reservations. End the letter with a strong request for their help.

  — Using possessions. Kirlian photography shows that an object’s aura is affected by the emotions of the person who held it. In other words, people’s energy is imprinted upon their possessions. As a result, you can tune in to your deceased loved one by holding one of his or her possessions in the hand you normally don’t write with (that is, your energy-receiving hand). It’s best to hold an object that your loved one came into constant contact with—for instance, a ring, watch, eyeglasses, or a necklace. Metal items hold the energy best, but any object will do in a pinch. You can also hold a person’s photograph as a way of tuning in to his or her energy.

  As you hold the object, close your eyes and hold the intention of psychically connecting with that person. Ask your angels to act as telephone operators, routing your call. Whether you feel your loved one’s presence or not, mentally ask the person to contact you.

  — Going outside in nature. Perhaps the reason why so many people have encounters with their deceased loved ones at grave sites is because they’re outdoors. Souls certainly don’t hang around where their bones are buried or their ashes are contained. After death, we no longer identify with our physical bodies! However, when you visit a deceased loved one’s grave, you’re thinking about the person strongly, and you’re outside in nature. You can replicate those same two conditions (without visiting the grave) in order to make contact. Simply go to a beautiful place in nature, and hold strong thoughts about your loved one.

  This works especially well if you go to a place that reminds you of the departed. For instance, if your deceased loved one was fanatical about the mountains, you might connect more deeply after you hike partway up one. Or, if the two of you loved strolling around the local lake, visit this location and hold the intention of contacting your departed one. As you walk lakeside, imagine that your loved one is beside you, and have a mental conversation. Before long, you’ll probably realize that your loved one is there and that your conversation is real!

  — Holding a ceremony. Just because your loved one’s body is gone doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate a birthday or other significant date. After my Grandma Pearl passed away, I held a birthday “party” in her honor, complete with a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers (gladiolas) gracing the table. She definitely attended, enjoyed, and appreciated this ceremony from the spirit world.

  Your departed family members attend every significant ceremony and get-together that you hold, so don’t ignore them! Mentally or verbally say hello to your deceased loved ones whenever you hold a family gathering. They will appreciate being recognized and remembered; and you’re more likely to see, hear, or feel their presence.

  You can also hold a ceremony in order to contact your guardian angels or ascended masters. For instance, on holidays in Jesus’s honor, you might feel especially open and close to him, which could spark an encounter. Or you can create a ceremony to contact your angels and guides, using free-form dance or drumming.

  With positive optimism, you will be more open to the angel experiences that are occurring around you continually. Just be open and aware. Your angel connection will most likely happen when you least expect it, since that’s when you’re most relaxed and open. As this book demonstrates, heavenly encounters can take a variety of forms. Apparition experiences, dream visitations, disembodied voices, encounters with a mysterious stranger, or other signs are just a few of the ways that heaven will answer your prayers.

  Chapter 16


  This chapter outlines a powerful plan of action that can give you the maximum opportunity to see angels. For some of you, the results will be immediate, and you may see angels or your deceased loved one right away. Others may need to be more patient, and it could be several weeks before you have angel visions. However, if you follow these steps, you’ll definitely have breakthroughs that will lead you toward these sightings. I’m asking you to perform these steps every day for seven days. As soon as you’re ready to see angels, they will appear.

  You probably noticed that a common thread among the stories of people who saw their deceased loved one in a dream or as an apparition was that the person was in a state of crisis, or had a strong emotional need to connect with the loved one. When you deeply long for certain individuals, a signal is emitted to heaven. Those above know that you strongly desire a conversation. In fact, your loved one has probably already visited you. If you thought you “felt” his or her presence, you were most likely correct. You didn’t see the person or you don’t remember your dream interactions because of your heightened emotional state of grief, fear, or anger.

  If you’ve been afraid to see an apparition, your deceased loved one won’t appear to you because he or she loves you and doesn’t want to scare you. However, if you’ve honestly faced your fears and taken spiritual or psychological steps to heal those fears, the departed spirit is more likely to appear to you now.

  There is never a guarantee that the person will appear t
o you, and if you don’t see him or her, it’s important not to let yourself get upset. It doesn’t mean that your deceased loved one is mad at you or doesn’t love you just because you haven’t seen him or her. If someone else in your family has seen the individual in question, it’s not a sign of favoritism—it just means that the other person was more “ready” to see an apparition than you were.

  It takes a lot of energy for a person in the spirit world to appear in apparition form, similar to how it feels when we dive to the deepest ocean floor. Sometimes deceased loved ones have to “borrow” a charge from the “battery” of their own spirit guides to have enough energy to glow visibly for the living. One study of individuals who had seen apparitions from their deathbed found that the vast majority only saw their deceased loved ones for five minutes or less.1 The spirit world can often only sustain an apparition appearance for brief periods of time. So, I don’t want you to expect to spend hours and hours conversing with your deceased loved one. Some people do, but usually you’ll see and talk to the person from the spirit world rather briefly. Yet even though it’s a short visit, you’ll likely find it life changing and highly therapeutic.

  Your visit with a guardian angel of the winged variety, or with a spirit guide who glows so bright that you may not even see his or her facial features, might also be brief. In such encounters, though, you’ll have a feeling of time standing still. So afterward, it may be difficult for you to calculate how long your angel encounter lasted.


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