Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars
Page 55
Erin talked about the many, whose families now lived in the twenty-thousand tech cities, all of whom had begun initially with untold struggles that seemed too complexed for society to deal with at the time and now beginning anew, being fully read-in, and a part of the citizenry of Pathway, it had afforded them the opportunities and quality of life that would never have been available to them before. She even showed them how each of these families were now involved in the rescues, the astrobiology, the various histories, and even the planetary transformations pre-planned for a future journey, once the public on Earth was ready, that would allow for life in an open environment much like on Earth and on the planets and moons throughout the solar system, unlike before. Everyone there was amazed, and they still thought of these as future plans.
After Erin finished, Eliza returned to the pulpit and introduced Yesha Alevtina, who had just finished her business overseas, all of which included many more who could be included within unwritten and amazing stories of some of the most amazing people, who were not written in or included within this particular account, and who had arrived through a different jump gate just in time. She discussed the economies, industries, and then the publicly-profitable and win-win aspects through noble endeavors that might mature through love, kindness, and caring.
After Yesha’s presentation, James Cooper presented the IMC’s rough-draft designs, the twenty-thousand tech cities’ full-on designs, their maturity and updates, and then Pathway’s infrastructural capabilities. He even talked about the jump gate systems and the crewmembers’ profound capacity for teamwork, abilities to reach out to each other and bring out the best, and the high quality of the results from such dedication.
Following James, Vesha Celeste was again helped to the stand, and, despite her dementia, she discussed the future of space travel. Vesha had not been optimized, upon request, yet because of the uniqueness of her character, a genuine human-being with an amazingly genius mind, she was not required to be fully read-in and was an honorary member of Pathway. She did agree to have her DNA and neurological activity saved for science.
James Wilhelm followed Vesha. He had been born in 1931, talked about his childhood and the way of life then, how there were many who worked from every walk of life to improve conditions such that in countries where freedom abounded people could prosper if they were productive, constructive, and innovative. He then presented more aspects of both the tech cities and Space Travel that pertained to his specific sets of expertise as well as some of his latest inventions. Malinda Jefferson followed James Wilhelm, with a speech regarding bone density, and the possibility of introducing carbon nanotubes and diamond nano threads to bone structure and could even be integrated into the shielding for spacecraft that would serve the same function in every possible way and would reduce that concern. The generals in the room were of course intrigued. She also went into detail about creating a cellular communication mechanism, or a physiological healing system where cells communicated with each other and were DNA-based, with personally-unique nanos working 24/7 and in an ideal manner to ensure the body was healthy, strong and durable as any spacecraft that could be developed.
Upon suggestion earlier from Eliza, and then Yesha and James, about research and preparatory plans were put into place for another project set for completion in 10 years. After confirming with Eliza, Mett Dormer talked about computer interfacing, navigation systems, and advanced human capabilities, where he introduced the Twelve Database Moons and projected plans for a human-interface neurological system, which would be billions of times faster and with untold magnitudes of force more capable than any human mind or body, within a Human-Biological-Computer-Interface, or an HBCI, by searching for and using a copy of a benevolent, kind, and genius mind or series of minds. Mett looked into the crowd and saw as the generals, shifting forward in their seats were very intrigued and the Presidents’ eyes were raised showing how much they were indeed very interested, too.
Once the pre-biopod-adventure presentations were complete, everyone was invited to get into their biopods, close their covers, and issue the command, “Link 1, 2, 3, 5 minutes, 20 years.” As requested, everyone did so. Just like anyone else, they felt every nerve, every synapse, and every sensory node contort quiver, and then they experienced the state of euphoria they had talked about often, following death, yet had never experienced before. They then realized that they were looking up toward space and were amazed at the clarity of the stars and the Milky Way before them. Everyone pointed out the brightness of Arcturus, Cassiopeia, and even Andromeda. They then shifted their gaze down as they witnessed the horizon and the immaculate and pristine city before them. They were also thrilled with their new youth within the Virtual Universe, as the creativity of their minds played out on their own physiological expressions. They realized they had abilities from automated hygiene, and many other aspects they never thought possible before, and with each item, Eliza and her team taught them how to use these abilities, and when to use them. When they finally saw the mind of Eliza, they knew she was every bit as genuine and real as she seemed before melding minds with her.
Questions and answers were listened to and answered—mind-to-mind. Everyone was shown all that Eliza, Yesha, and James had learned and experienced. Minds were melded, and everyone grew to understand one another in ways they never thought possible. There was a strong sense of connection, one to another, and from that time forward, each individual could link neurologically with anyone else who had ever been optimized. Every person who attended learned that how they had telescopic and microscopic vision and practiced the ability to live in any solar system environment and enjoy it, while sharing what they were seeing and experiencing as they were seeing and experiencing it, with each of the others they wished to share with, who were also neurologically linked. All of those times they pointed in the sky and it took several minutes to find what their fingers were pointing at before communication made it obvious, were now made so much easier. Communication occurred now, at a much more profound level. True understanding took place with their newly shared wealth of intellect, power, and ideas melded.
They looked on and witnessed in spectacular scope how each of the tech city had a series of forests, jungles, sentient creatures, skyscrapers, parks, walkways, large convention centers, and all of the infrastructure necessary, and all of which was constantly being updated, upgraded, and improved to provide every resource desired and required by up to 10 million families in each city, with seamless maintenance. Everything about these cities was a breath-taking, useful, unique, creative, immense, and yet beautiful sight to behold. The investors, the philanthropists, and the first world generals were amazed as they were shown the original prototype tech city for the very first time, which had been built up the most, with aesthetics and defenses of every sort. Eliza then showed them the twenty-thousand total cities and how combined they could sustain life for trillions of years for more than twenty-billion families, and then she showed them how there was enough land throughout the solar system to sustain life for trillions more.
Yesha and Eliza explained how there would be biopods for each of the people present in the convention center in the real world, and also how each person would be allowed to bring their biopod home once their training was complete within the Virtual Universe. In order to assuage the questions from the public, everyone had agreed to maintain their current physical presence, rather than reverse their aging immediately to any age between eighteen and thirty-five, and Eliza used her real-world connection to make the necessary adjustments, to their comfort. They would instead look gradually younger and more invigorated as the days and weeks would go by, until the laws across the land made it acceptable to use these biopods.
For now, in the Virtual Universe, the once elderly were now simmering with the glory of youth both visually and of internal health and they were awe-struck with each other, shared their stories with each other, and they shared a convergence of the sciences, of economics, and the generals even drafted peaceful re
solutions to long, drawn-out, and brutal wars. Of course, they could only submit those proposals to their leaders throughout the world, but there was a lot more hope for a better future than had existed before, especially with that open and shared moment together. Within the Virtual Universe, Eliza and Yesha took each of the attendees to see every bit of infrastructure and every advancement Pathway had made.
Before leaving the Virtual Universe, Eliza let each entrepreneur, investor, economist, and general know that they would receive jump gates at each location as needed, and upon request. After twenty-years-worth of journeys, teachings, training, sharing experiences with one another, and growing closer to each other in goals and ambitions than they had ever before thought possible, like that, everyone woke up in their biopods and felt better than they had ever felt before. Each individual glowed and could feel every nano race through their pores healing and adapting their cells for their new reality, and although they looked the same as they had before, at any moment they could choose to look just a tad younger each day until their appearance was that of a twenty to thirty-five-year-old. Normally, this could happen in a blink of an eye, but for the sake of confidentiality and due to the fact that these individuals were constantly under the public eye they agreed that it would be necessary to wait until these advancements were accepted by society before revealing their true capabilities and nature. Even so, it expanded their minds and preserved their lives.
Life was about to be much better for the masses, yet the transitions shown to these leaders needed to be smooth, incremental and done in such a way so as to prevent economic collapse and indiscriminate loss of well-being and quality of life. As the main convention came to a close and the encore part of the conference was complete, everyone returned home using their household to business jump gates. They had also programmed their cargo and thus carried with them their biopods. They could share each of these new technological tools of scientific genius with their families and they were urged to conduct their lives in a way that would not reveal their true nature or capabilities. Nonetheless, everyone who had attended that conference now had a kinder demeanor, a magnificent clarity of purpose, and each individual had figured out even more than before what it was that they could and would do to improve the world in such a way as to advance civilization and protect the ability of our home planet to sustain life for the long-haul. Life was about to become an amazing venture for anyone who walked their way.
Eliza had explained during one of the sessions earlier that it was important to conduct a more smooth transition, to ensure that major industries could adjust and still maintain their robust nature, provide jobs, environments that enabled innovation, and much more. Ultimately, everyone, if they chose to, could receive biopods and with those newly granted abilities, they would be able to take advantage of the Virtual Universe for education, entertainment, exploration, ingenuity, further developments, and untold optimizations.
For now, the people who had participated in the very first Pathway Conference had received access to their very own biopods, jump gates, and had also been gifted with physiological and neurological optimizations, with consistent updates through their nanos. They also had access to each other through their neural links, and they each had assured Eliza that they would do their part to create the necessary waves and influence to bring about the promises Eliza had shared. Her mind had been visually on display, had been beyond the capacity for words, and each of the attendees within the Virtual Universe had even been inspired by her visceral beauty. Each of the World’s most elite had promised to bring others within their circle of influence as well. Entire industries were about to become a part of Pathway, yet they would keep their company names intact, while beginning the slow process of preparing the public on Earth for the true realities that existed, one small step at a time, and eventually with full transparency, once Eliza had been elected as the President of the US.
Chapter 28: Pathway and the UP, Section 3
Three years had passed since Eliza’s first Pathway convention and each person who had attended the conference had been about missions galore. Industries were booming, all of the attendees had maintained a certain level of discretion about the conference, and as such there were still many who knew nothing of all that had transpired. Unless someone was fully read-in, they knew nothing about all of the ultra-tech, research, and developments within Pathway other than that it was now a very-much cheered mega-industrial giant with an extremely enviable worker’s package. Even though there were almost two billion Pathway members, the World’s public still had the same population that it would have had, had Pathway never existed. It seemed that Nature had its own way of keeping a certain pace of population growth no matter Pathway’s efforts. Along with this intriguing growth, as the nice and kind people were rescued from the noxiousness of the social and worldly environments and moved to the tech cities, the remaining population on Earth seemed to grow more and more toxic, increasingly myopic, and the major focus continued to be on greed, and being ruthless and heartless to one another.
Brutality was increasingly looked at as real and kindness was looked at as fake. Good was looked at as bad, and bad was looked at as good. Notwithstanding all that was going on, there were still a lot of wonderful people throughout the world, misguided as they may have been. Everyone involved with Pathway could see through that horrible haze of the cold and dank reality that humanity was creating for itself, and saw many struggling or barely making it, and as such, Pathway could have transcribed an abundant quantity of several library’s values of stories of rescue, nobility, and innovation of many more people that could have written themselves into the history of civilization with both applause and awards.
There was a lot that was moving forward, however. The entertainment industry was beginning to turn around due to the influence of Eliza’s friends and as such, they had been educating people on the proper use of science. More people than ever had begun to learn that science is not only a tool to understand our Universe, but that it could be used by good people to good things, and that it was also a tool improve upon and preserve our Universe. Mixed in with pure entertainment intended to motivate the masses toward productivity and innovation, products were advancing with so many new capabilities, and Eliza had a large cadre of leaders and support. However, as with the mind-numbing confusion of chaos and the brutal aspect of Nature, there still seemed to be a missing area of influence throughout much of the population throughout the world that would help to increase the well-being and quality of life of many, as well as the population around her own home country.
After much thought and many years of being prodded by those who were close to her, she realized that it was finally time to start her political career or at least a political party. She did this to allow for an influence of people from a completely different approach, and to cut through the swath of laws, rules, and regulations that no longer allowed the people the freedoms they needed to improve the world they were on or the environment that they lived in. They needed laws that valued kindness and quality of life over greed and brutality.
One billion people had already been calling the various tech cities their permanent home, with Eliza as their elected leader. They each were fully read-in with minds of geniuses. They collaborated with each other on their plans for the survival of our civilization and they were involved with so many more studies and improvements throughout the solar system. All of this was done under the radar of the public sectors of Earth. Each of the members of Pathway, no matter where they lived, had done so much under her guidance, principally. A lot of what she had set up was now autonomous to her since she had delegated so much and so well.
Dr. Eliza A. Williams had setup Pathway and the UP in a democratic manner and began running for office as soon as Yesha was spun up to take her place as President of Pathway, and to continue on with the programs already planned for her industries, along with many more, as Yesha saw fit.
Now Eliza was ready to do what any cit
izen of her state would be required to do in order to become a congressional representative of her congressional district. She was ready and willing to provide a more powerful and benevolent voice for the people of the amazing state of Massachusetts, in the United States Government.
In March of 2015, she began her run for office and a year and eight months later, her win for the seat was part of a major change in the political face of the nation. Twenty States had voted-in candidates from the UP, aside from her own, and it was clear that people were looking for the kinds of changes the UP would bring.
After throwing her hat in the ring, the UP had become a hot topic on all of the talk shows, and Eliza had clearly made a mark as one of the most affluent and influential people of 2015. She had successfully run for a representative position in the United States Congress, representing the state of Massachusetts. After about a year and a half on the trail, talk show hosts everywhere were wanting to interview her, to have her be a part of sketch comedy, and then get to the brass tax and give her airtime on all the networks to explain one idea or another. Everyone found her intriguing.
During an interview on one of the major network evening talk shows, prior to her election, the host had introduced Eliza and then asked if she could give a speech on her views with regard to how every individual could become a major driver for change. She also asked her about her views on gene therapies and mentioned how both of her opponents were adamantly opposed to the idea. Dr. Eliza A. Williams delivered her address with an uninterrupted delivery.
“One of my opponents told everyone ‘we are born, we work hard, we live life, we see ourselves and others suffer, we feel bad when that occurs, we rear our children and we eventually die. That’s life. We have to accept that.’ When my opponent stated that, I had no doubt that many of us have a firm grasp on reality, the struggles we face, and that everyone faces unique struggles, yet, somehow, I found it difficult to see the grace in this sort of statement given the sciences we have, the tools we have, and the discoveries we’ve made that can in effect benefit everyone. While I appreciated his grasp on the obvious reality that so many come across, I also felt compassion and sympathy for my opponent’s suffering, the kind that would lead toward his particular view on life, a view that demonstrates the kind of depression that requires care, concern, and perhaps even counseling.”