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Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars

Page 107

by Matthew Opdyke

  “We will be journeying to many places throughout the Cosmos as we take on the tasks of UAS IMC Command Zone-03. Three of the constellation regions within which we will setup observation posts are in Lynx, Monoceros, and Ursa Major. After these and the establishment of the other observation posts within constellation regions of Zone-03, we will visit and set up a multitude of other observation posts for further investigation. The special areas of interest for my team in each constellation region are many.

  “In the Lynx region, this includes NGC-2419, 2537, 2541, 2683, and 2770. NGC-2419, or Caldwell-25, or what is called the Intergalactic Wanderer, about 300 thousand light-years away just beyond our galactic halo, is a globular cluster of stars which is thought to have been accreted by the Milky Way. It is loosely termed a satellite of the Milky Way and is the same distance from Sol as it is to our galactic center. We aim to find life or bring life and preserve it.

  “NGC 2683, which is a barred spiral galaxy, called The UFO galaxy, about 25 million light-years away, is also known as a ‘field galaxy.’ A field galaxy doesn’t necessarily belong to a cluster of galaxies, as it is out there on its own. We aim to find life or bring life and preserve it.

  “NGC-2537, which is a compact galaxy about forty-million light-years away, also called The Bear Claw galaxy, and NGC-2541 and all of the associated galaxies within that region, which are between 25 and eighty-eight-million light-years from each other are both locations of interest.

  “We are also interested in setting up an observation post just beyond the reach of NGC-2770, which is a spiral galaxy, dubbed often, The Supernova Factory. This galaxy is about eighty-eight-million light-years away.

  “In the Monoceros region there are a number of nebulae and star clusters the President may be interested in observing, and there will certainly be an environment rich in resources beyond the Milky Way as we journey through there.

  “We will want to observe, explore, setup, and colonize NGC-5457, M-101, or the Pinwheel Galaxy. As we do, there will be plenty of opportunity for each and every citizen to be involved. At this point in our travels, it will be important as an IMC Zonal Command to consider maintenance of our spacecraft, of our equipment, and even of our own physiology and neurology. As a matter of a fact, at each stop along our journey, we will want to look for places that allow for personal thought, reflection, contemplation, and meditation, even as we maintain our organic capabilities through sports and recreation. I look forward to serving with each of you. Thank you.” Hanz stepped down.

  As he did, he passed by Ariel, and she smiled with genteel toward him. You could sense they may have had a romantic connection. He was more gentlemanly and kind to her than many had been to her in the past. He had helped her through the last few years, as she earned her place on-board UAS Space Force IMC Command Spacecraft Zone-03 and was ready to address the crowd. There had been many who had struggled in their day through the brutality existent in irrational behavior, apathy toward consent, and corruption, and she had lost much herself. Despite all, she had protected those she had called her sisters, during the direst of circumstances, up and almost to the point of death. Sky had rescued her just in time. She reciprocated the care.

  Major General Ariel Boshka stepped up to the podium. Her blonde hair contrasted well with her crystal blue eyes, the blue highlights in her hair, and the various shades of blue in the trim and embroidery of her uniform. Her physique was impeccable, and every detail about her complemented everything else about her very well. Ariel’s sisters would go on this mission onboard the Zone-03 spacecraft, and she was excited to be here in every way. Many knew her story, but at this time there was no need to rehash old wounds. She had been rescued by Sky Taylor, herself, and following which Ariel and her sisters had rescued thousands more.

  “It is great to be here, and thank you, Hanz. Thank you for everything, you are indeed a gentleman and a scholar. Our next constellation region observation post will be Ursa Major, where objects of interest include NGC-3031, M-81, or Bode's Galaxy, where we plan to explore, observe, and colonize it. In this constellation region, there will be a number of galaxies we wish to do likewise, all of which are unique in their very own way, as grand and vast as our Universe is. We look forward to visiting the constellation region asterism stars and their local areas with the President there as well. In the Boötes constellation region, in NQ3, we will set up the Boötes Observation Post, with objects of interest that include Boötes Void and Boötes Dwarf Galaxy, which are both about 197 million light-years from Earth, and where the void spans a 165 million light-year radius, making the galaxy there a very lonely one. We will set up the constellation observation post for Canes Venatici, in NQ3, with one of the numerous objects of interest in that region being the Whirlpool galaxy, also known as NGC-5194 or M-51. We intend to set this up as a mainstay multi-colonial location, which is more than 31 million light-years away.

  “Thank you all and I look forward to working with each of you, throughout the coming years and centuries.” Ariel finished, smiled, and sat down.

  Major General Laetitia Zemani, from Chihuahua, México, followed Ariel. She was a healthy twenty-four years of age, but with the mind and wisdom of someone who might have endured life for untold millennia. She looked like she was nearly 18. Her long and flowing light brown and blonde hair up in a breath-taking hairstyle, her lightly tanned skin, her waifish looks, full lips, and golden hazel eyes, all blended well with her perfect physique within her uniform.

  “Thank you, Ariel, and might I say, you look amazing as always. Thank you, President, for so much. I thank you for your work with Yesha, James, and so many others to make this dream we are beholding become a reality. Gracias a todos por obrar juntos y llevar a cabo ese fantasía tan hermosa. Our next Zone-03 constellation region will be Coma Berenices, in Northern Quadrant 3, or NQ3. My family and my twenty new brothers will be with me on this trip. They learned so much many years ago and have done much to unite our country as well as the countries of Central and South America, to raise the quality of life there, and to return the beauty to the land while preserving life. They have done much, and I look forward to our journeys to the many stars, clusters, galaxies, and regions through space, setting up observation posts, going on explorations, and setting up colonial cities throughout Zone-03 of the known Universe, relative to Earth. In the Coma Berenices region, there are many galaxies that we have taken note of and will visit and ultimately setup colonial cities. This region of space, as we look up into the sky, shows us the galactic north pole of the Milky Way Galaxy. As we look up and out of our northern plane of our galactic disc we will find countless breath-taking views of our own Virgo Supercluster’s many regionally-shared galaxies. Our aim is to preserve life and systems, so we will certainly have our work cut out for us.

  “One of many locations of interest there includes NGC-4321, M-100, also dubbed by our team as Parsons Galaxy, in honor of a beloved longevity sciences investigative reporter. We will then visit, explore, set up an observation post, and colonize the Black Eye galaxy, or more preferably known as the Sleeping Beauty galaxy. We are interested in the uniqueness of the coloration we have observed there. M-64, or NGC-4826, is about 24 million light-years from Earth. Among the other observation post systems in the Coma Berenices region that will be created, we will begin with establishing posts within view of NGC-4147, NGC-4565, NGC-4911, NGC-4874, NGC-4889, NGC-4921, M-53, M-85, M-88, M-91, M-98, and M-99, and many more.

  “Once the Corona Borealis Observation Post, within NQ3, is set up just outside the Milky Way galactic halo, we will observe, explore, and colonize the Abell 2065 galaxy cluster, which is about one-and-a-half billion light-years distant. From there, we will do likewise with Abell 2061, 2067, 2079, 2089, and 2092, comprising the Corona Borealis supercluster.

  “As you can tell, there will be a lot to explore, observe, and colonize. I look forward to going on these many missions with our crew and working with each of you. I can’t thank each of you enough. If you have any qu
estions, concerns, or suggestions, please visit the Zone-03 IMC Zonal Matrix in the Virtual Universe. Thank you, all.”

  Chapter 64: IMC Zone-04

  With that, Laetitia sat down in her seat. The crowds were pleased with every single aspect of her presentation. They had visited the Virtual Universe and knew what she had endured. Many others who had endured the same or worse felt they had a new sister in life that day.

  General Amber Blythe, still serving as President William’s press secretary, but dressed in and filling out her UAS Space Force uniform well, and without even trying, ever so erotically, with four stars on each of her collars, stood up. It didn’t take long to know who she was, with her golden locks, the white highlights of her hair that was styled up, vibrant, and shiny, and the curvy nature of perfection in her physique. She smiled at her audience, with her eyes fixed on theirs.

  “All of you sitting before me, presenting, watching, and listening are wonderful people, so thank you. I look forward to journeying with each of you and our crews. Thank you, Eliza, for noticing me all of those years ago, as a college girl and an awestruck fan, holding my paperback book of ‘Pathway to the Stars.’ Since then I have learned so much and seen so much more than I could have ever dreamed. I used to make my own schedule each day, as a form of young rebellion, and in a way, I still get to do so, with so many planets, moons, cities, and towns to visit, day and night are so subjective, it seems. Still, your vibrancy, your intellect, the wisdom that each of you possesses, has blessed me in my life, and I am grateful for all of the suggestions that have culminated in so many wonderful updates to our optimizations through the years.

  “To those of you who know me as Secretary Blythe, I am honored to serve as General Amber Blythe. Serving with me is Lieutenant General TJ Demitri, who I have known since 2011, when he worked with Lieutenant General Evan Bauer when he was a Doctor appointed by Eliza to investigate the austere state of employment, prior to Eliza’s, I mean, President Williams’ presidency. Much has improved within the many industrial sectors throughout the World since then, and in ways we never thought possible, due to her efforts, and as a result, due to TJ’s and Evan’s work, the dedication of many others who currently serve in my crew, as well as many of you throughout our solar system. Because of you, we have a bustling economy, and everyone now has a life where old wounds are healed, horrors are behind us, and we can now focus on joy and on the much bigger picture, which is the vastness of our Universe, preservation of life as a whole, bridging communications possibilities between us and all whom we might meet along the way, and quite simply enjoy each other’s company.

  “Having worked with TJ for the last six months, directly, we have built quite a working and enjoyable relationship that I am sure will translate into a wonderful journey through to the edges of our known Universe. This region is roughly located as viewed directly up, or north of our galactic disc, between 30 and 330 degrees galactic longitude, as viewed from the sun. So, before I take the wind out of my fellow crewmember’s sails, I will present to you my Vice Commander, Lt General Demitri, who has prepared our zonal mission presentation.”

  Lt General TJ Demitri smiled a warm smile toward Amber as he passed her on his way to the podium. With his UAS Space Force uniform comfortably hugging his muscular physique, his blue eyes, clean-cut and closely cropped blonde and white-highlighted hair, a part, and creative waves of hair on the upper-left side of his crown, with its naturally thick locks on top, he often tugged at the heartstrings of any passer-by, and many of the women in the audience hoped they might be the lucky ones to be with him to help colonize the many planets. His tall stature and his ever-so-thoughtful, yet gentle demeanor oozed from his aura, and he began with his deep, baritone, and rich voice.

  “It is an honor to serve each of you, and I look forward to learning so much more from my commander and the various leaders that have brought us to where we are today. Our zonal crew has provided many details of my presentation within our zonal matrix in the Virtual Universe. However, I will brief you on UAS IMC Command Zone-04. The series of regions we will be setting up for observation just outside of our home galaxy are the constellation regions of Draco, Hercules, Serpens, Ursa Minor, Aquila, Cepheus, Cygnus, and Delphinus. Within those regions, one of many locations of interest is NGC-6503, or what we will call the Mini Dragon galaxy. This is a dwarf spiral galaxy that lays about 17 million light-years from us in the Draco constellation region. We will set up the headquarters for Zone-04 within Abell-2218, which is a galaxy cluster of more than 10 thousand galaxies, about 2.345 billion light-years away. We have found a peculiar galaxy that is metal-rich, among the many there, and within it a livable planetary system, with a planet named Robinton Epsilon, named by our team for a brilliant biomedical doctor, Daisy Robinton, who has inspired so many to be well-rounded, thoughtful, fun, intelligent, and full of life and innovation. Observation posts and tech cities will be many.

  “We are interested in NGC-5949 or the Lil Dragon galaxy within that region. In the Hercules constellation region, there is a swath of galaxies. Our focus, primarily, will be 3C-348, or Hercules A. This is an irregular elliptical galaxy, about 2.1 billion light-years from us. Our interest in it is the fact that there are massive jets of star formation material that are more than a million light-years in length. This stems from the elliptical galaxy that is approximately one thousand times more massive than our Milky Way. There is much more information on each of our regions, with much more detail available in the Zone-04 Matrix in the Virtual Universe and on the government website. Believe me, a lot of what we will be seeing will be very stunning to behold. Thank you, all! I look forward to working with each and every one of you.”

  Chapter 65: IMC Zone-05

  General Melissa Asher got up, passed by TJ, and smiled. She had brown hair, with baby blue, green, blonde, and turquoise highlights, that was loosely spiral-curled throughout the areas of her hair hanging loosely from her up-do. Her smile was infectious, and her eyes were a clear and nearly crystalline blue-green with evenly scattered hints of brown that match her hair, and the accents in her uniform matched all of her details, while its fit and the four stars on her collars complemented her petite, yet quite ample, lightly tan-skinned, and feminine physique. She had the sweet nature of an angel and the brilliance of a thousand men, but she never let it get to her. She happened to enjoy working with marine animals, had helped orchestrate and set up an environment within each spacecraft that would allow the large sea tanks within each UAS Command Spacecraft to provide life to many now sentient sea creatures, as well as recreational activities for the many that would journey the Cosmos. She had also worked with Vesha to create the initial environmental systems that were now integrated into each spacecraft AI sub-loop for system maintenance and upgrades, while also building genetic and neural databases of many other much larger creatures, as well as every creature on sea or land.

  “Hello one and all, look at you. Every single one of you brings me inspiration. I cannot believe I am here today, pressed with the capacity that I have accepted. I can reach out with my mind, and I can safely say that I am glad to be here with you today as well. I could never have imagined a day such as this, twenty years ago, before I met Eliza. President Williams has been an inspiration, a source of hope for not just myself, but for many who I know, and she has never let us down or feared to put herself to work, in much the same way she has expected from anyone else. She speaks the truth and her words have always carried so much weight. We all know that we are about to embark on a journey much greater and with much more purpose than any journey humankind and all of its friends have ever journeyed on throughout recorded history. No matter our labors and no matter how intense our lives may become, I will enjoy serving with coffee extraordinaire, Lt General Bobbi Gahan, in our adventures through UAS Command Zone-05. Our region also covers an area of the Milky Way galaxy that gives us a view beyond the northern plane of the galactic disc, between 180 and 60 degrees longitude as viewed from the Sun, essential
ly allowing us to see above the Cygnus, Perseus, Sagittarius, and Scutum-Crux or Scutum-Centaurus Arms. We will learn a lot together, and our crew has shown us we all have much to be proud of. Bobbi?”

  Amy sat down, the crowd had been pleased to see and hear from her, and Bobbi got up. He was a very GQ kind of gentleman. His was hair closely-cropped on the sides and back, clean-cut around the ears, combed up, back, and sideways, flowing with feathered curls on top, parted on the left side near is crown and perpendicular with his muscular facial frame, with natural highlights of brown and blonde, mixed in with baby blue, green, blonde, and turquoise highlights that matched Amy’s. His eyes were kind, more trained on Amy than anyone else, yet he had a mystique and cool about him that no one could understand, and they enjoyed it. His uniform with three stars on the collar had accents on the trim and embroidery that combined with the fit, and all of which complemented his athletic physique.


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