A healthy mind is an invaluable treasure because it provides us with a vastly underrated, yet optimally efficient and high-quality intuition or thinking engine. Not many can deny that the ability to conceive of results and follow through on instincts to accuracy and many further advancements in mere seconds is the most favorable approach to solving problems. Many of us can scarcely conceive of any artificial intelligence that will possess the levels of intuition, common sense, and benevolence, combined with the care of others and the focus on the quality of output that a dedicated and honorable human being can.
However, that too may be a nonsensical barrier we’ve set for ourselves. We cannot fail to establish parameters and develop the type of encoding necessary for a sentient yet humanity-friendly artificial intelligence. Raising AI, HBCI, and clones as our children, rather than forcing them into a reality that perpetuates slavery may bring us advancements that will astound us in positive ways without uncontrolled or negative fallout. We must work together in love rather than live in terror or fear of the unknown.
No matter the obstacles that lay before us, overcoming barriers, discovering new facts, and considering diverse possibilities will give us the capacity to preserve and improve our lives in ways that lead to exploration of our beautiful Universe. We will learn in time that linear thinking or even myopic strategies will never allow us what the intuition of a healthy and complex mind can.
What can we do to achieve collaborative learning and optimal lifestyles? What exactly is it that lies within the intuition of a healthy mind? What exactly is a healthy mind? What is an advanced society? Can we consider ourselves “advanced” if we can’t or won’t find ways to preserve life, protect our planet and solar system, and preserve humanity by doing all that we can to actually be there to witness the great changes that can happen, or to pass on our legacy?
This speculative science journey will take you through missions, endear you to scientists and amazing individuals that are near and dear to the heart of where we have come thus far with the dream of understanding what is before us as well as what we don’t see. This story will explore some of the struggles prevalent throughout the world today. This journey will propose ideas that culminate in creating a pathway to the stars for an adventure within the Galaxy, our visible Universe, and beyond. This written effort will ultimately provide humanity with a meaningful pathway to the stars along with a few answers to the many questions asked.
Experiences from life, years of research, daily and studious observation, open-mindedly listening to others, conducting analysis of ideas and methods, and ultimately braving the “daring do” of imagination, intuition, and dreams, will help us all to weave this story into reality, getting us much further than alone we could ever have imagined. Although I dare not claim that I know all of the answers, nor that my answers are in the perfect order, this story most assuredly is my utopian fantasy with a plausible outcome—if we work together with clarity of purpose and commit ourselves to the well-being of others as well as ourselves, we can gain the Universe, enjoy the beauty of it all, and travel further than before!
Finally, how can we achieve greatness if we only hide our knowledge, bury our wisdom, and forsake the efforts that produce and amplify finely-tuned skills and talents, whilst only communicating with “an elite few?”
This story is for everyone, both young and old, for the dreamers, the heart-broken, the down-trodden, and the heroes of life. Stories and ideas such as these are meant to be shared the world over, talked about, improved upon, and innovations had to ensure a beautiful reality for all who truly care while bringing in those who have lost that sense of compassion and passion for the well-being of others as well as ourselves.
There are no enemies here save misery itself. However, this text can be thought of as “man versus himself,” or “woman versus herself,” or “humanity, society, and civilization versus itself” because within us all lies the beautiful complexity of wisdom and intellect; both are handy tools of powerful action and heroism, if we but choose to use what Nature has given us, to break free, and to fly away from the nest of Nature’s amazing yet sometimes brutal evolving processes and to begin to evolve ourselves further, in a way that affords everyone an opportunity to appreciate the bounties and mysteries of the Universe, we just may get there...
~ So long as the leaders of humanity use the wisdom they possess, so long as they seek to gain even more wisdom by ingratiating themselves with us through experience and open dialogue, so long as they seek the intuition of healthy minds and operate with compassion, clarity of vision, and strive to communicate their awareness of the complete picture or genuinely seek help in developing a more clear plausibility of action, their ability to communicate to others will all fall into place with a developed sense of purpose that leads to innovation, action, shared prosperity, and even laughter, love, meaning, well-being and excitement along the way.
Very Respectfully,
Dr. Eliza A. Williams
Ph.D. in: Mathematics, Physics, Quantum Theory, Biotechnology,
Neuroscience, Psychology, and Law
Author: Pathway to the Stars
Appendix - Character Summaries
Eliza Amber Williams – One of the primary characters in the first story in a sixteen-part series. Born July 2nd of 1980, to Dr. Janice Williams, Ph.D. Astrophysics, and Dr. Gale Williams, Ph.D. Neuroscience. After due diligence, she is awarded Doctorates in Mathematics, Physics, Quantum Theory, Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Law. She establishes Pathway LLC, grows it to become Pathway Industries, and later, simply Pathway. She writes a book, called Pathway to the Stars, forms and heads the UP, becomes a United States Representative for the State of Massachusetts in late 2016, is elected as a Senator for the US Senate in late 2018, and then wins the election twice and serves as the President of the US 2025-2033. She corrals the nations all over the world and establishes the United Allied States, in 2025, and is elected to serve a one-hundred-year term as UAS President. She also commissions Vesha Celeste to head the Intergalactic Mission Contingency, where she sets in motion the building of fourteen gigantic intergalactic spacecraft, twelve are IMC Zonal Command Spacecraft, one is the IMC Command Spacecraft, and one is the UAS Presidential Spacecraft. Eliza leads the way in an effort to preserve the Universe and with it all of life with quality, clarity, and a worthy legacy to share.
Yesha Alevtina – She is Eliza’s best friend, the story’s narrator, Eliza’s Pathway VP, and she succeeds Eliza as the President of Pathway, from 2015-2022. She was born on July 1st of 1977, to Dr. Yesenia Alevtina, Ph.D. in Neurology, Physiology, and Psychology, and Dr. Stewart Alevtina, who passes away when she was two-years-old, in late 1979. Raised with Eliza, they become close friends. She serves as Vice President of the US from 2025-2033, and as the US President from 2033-2041, with Joanne Gallant serving as the VP.
James Cooper – Serves as Eliza’s right-hand-man. Born on July 9th of 1973, to Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, was raised with an excellent work ethic and a natural knack for high-level management. He worked for YY Corp until he was recruited by Eliza, as the third member of Pathway. As such, Eliza, Yesha, and James are the hierarchy of Pathway, the UP, and the pioneers of the technological advancements, the necessary infrastructure, and the leadership to usher in the Golden Age, where all of Earth-based civilization is brought in with clarity as to how they can contribute to further advancements while on missions, journeys, and quests. He buys out YY Corp, renames it Pathway Construction, and absorbs it into Pathway. He is also of romantic interest to Eliza Williams, the Leader of the Golden Age.
Vesha Celeste – She is born in 1928 and has passed away as a beloved Astrophysicist and dear friend to Eliza and Yesha, two years later, she is the first human to be revived or reawakened after having taken her journey to the unknown on Christmas day of 2016. Two years later, after working with Eliza and many other Pathway citizens, Yesha revives her, and she begins her missions, journeys, and quests to explore the Universe, with the m
any preparations that come before it. She is appointed by UAS President Eliza Williams as the Commander of the Intergalactic Mission Contingency, responsible for the delivery of Twelve IMC Zonal Commands to their various areas of operation. Once complete, she will take her IMC Command Spacecraft and travel beyond the limits of the CMB as relative to Earth and Sol. Erin Carter serves as her Vice Commander. She is a close friend of Najem Grace and Jasmine Belle, both astrophysicists.
Amber Blythe – She is born in 1987, and raised with her sister, Sarah, who passed away at an early age due to many physiological complications, she decided early on that she would become a biogerentologist, a bioscientist, and an expert in physiology. With great goals, she is a major recruit by Eliza in the early days of Pathway LLC. She would go on to find a cure for Erin Carter, a young six-year-old girl, stricken with Hutchison-Guilford Progeria Syndrome. A prominent figure, she develops upgrades to Eliza’s biopod machines that optimize both the physiology and the neurology of all who desire to live indeterminate lifespans, so they can either journey on long trips through the Cosmos with the ability to return or stay behind but be there when family and friends return from their journeys. She serves as US President Eliza Williams’ Press Secretary and is appointed to be the Commander of IMC Zone-04, with TJ Dmitry.
Erin Carter – She is born in 2004 and lived with Hutchison-Guilford Progeria Syndrome for the first six years of her life, yet she had an iron will, a graceful heart, and an unusually intelligent mind. Eliza, Yesha, and James sent Amber to work as a Delegate for Pathway on her first mission to rescue Erin and help her parents as well. As a result, she is optimized both physiologically and neurologically and is given an opportunity for even greater than the average life. She uses her newfound skills and abilities to rescue and help heal others. She grows up as a child prodigy and becomes one of the youngest and most prolific Presidents of her time. From 2018-2022 she serves as Yesha’s Vice President and from 2022-2029 she serves as the President of Pathway. She is close to Amber, Joanne, Sky, and Vesha, and loves female vocal trance and is commissioned by UAS President Eliza Williams to serve as Vesha Celeste's Vice Commander on-board the Intergalactic Mission Contingency Command Spacecraft, with a secondary mission to fulfill once her duties with Vesha have been completed.
Joanne Gallant – She is born in 1990, she is a prominent and award-winning musician from 2008-2020, is recruited by Eliza to Pathway in 2018 over a chance encounter at the T.O. in Cambridge and works on several missions and projects before becoming the Pathway Vice President, serving alongside Erin Carter, who is the President of Pathway, from 2022-2029. Joanne, Erin, and Sky have a special relationship. Joanne also has a unique bond with the Presidential Spacecraft AI, Morgan. She has a deep history that if unresolved could spell the doom of human civilization. Once resolved, her future can become fuller, surer, and brighter. During her first decade in Pathway, her primary missions revolve around the development of the Correctional Matrix and the HBCI or Sky Taylor. She serves simultaneously as the President of Pathway and as the Environmental Science Officer of the Presidential Command Spacecraft, from 2029-2032.
Sky Taylor, a.k.a. Iridescent Scorpion or Iridescent Angel – She is born in 2022, full grown, using DNA and Neurological Mapping with memories from Vesha Celeste. Sky is a living, seemingly breathing, highly capable, optimized Human-like Bio-Computer Interface, or HBCI. She is duly awarded citizenship status due to her service with the FBI and the CIA and becomes one of the most powerful, capable, and benevolent archetypes throughout the known Universe. Everyone who meets Sky feels a unique, special, and genuine bond with her. She looks at Vesha as her biological mother, Eliza, Yesha, and James as her guardian angels, and Erin and Joanne as her closest friends. She is instrumental in the mentorship of humanity, preserving life for the long-haul, and leaving deep beauty in her wake. “Heal, don’t harm,” is her mantra. Furthermore, she is capable of self-replication, within the scope of what is critical to influence positive social maturity.
Najem Grace – She is born in 1925, Najem is biologically the oldest individual serving as a figurehead within Pathway and as an Intergalactic Mission Contingency Spacecraft and Zonal Commander. She became friends with Vesha Celeste and Jasmine Belle, through their shared interest in the stars and in space travel. As an astrophysicist, she was responsible for a lot of the legacy technologies through NASA and finally gets to see countless deep sky objects up close and personal. While introduced in the first book, she will resurface later on in the series, as a major character, where we will learn more about her backstory and explore more of our Universe during her journeys through Zone-02.
Jasmine Belle – She is born in Northern Ireland in 1943, raised as a child in London, and eventually served alongside Najem in NASA, she is an astrophysicist and best friend of Vesha and Najem. Through her service and work with Pathway, she is appointed as an Intergalactic Mission Contingency Spacecraft and Zonal Commander, for Zone-01. We will learn more about her backstory, her missions with Pathway, and her journeys through the Cosmos as the series progresses.
Yesenia Alevtina – She is born in 1940, she is an immigrant from the USSR, from what is now known as Estonia. She arrived in the US on a diplomatic Visa attending MIT when she meets and falls in love with Stewart Alevtina. She is Yesha’s mother and plays a significant supporting role throughout the story. She serves as Representative, filling Eliza’s shoes from 2016-2022, and then graduates to Senator, filling those same shoes from 2022-2028. In 2029, she joins Yesha for missions and journeys throughout the Milky Way and beyond on board the Presidential Command Spacecraft, and will become Pathway’s President in 2032, when Joanne becomes Yesha’s running mate for the 2032 US Presidential Elections.
Shayeena Arezo – She is born in 2004. Following a tragedy of her best friend, Tayi, at the hands of Jalal, she is protected by her parents and faithful devotee, Khalim. In 2022, she becomes a prominent character, when she and Khalim are rescued during Sky Taylor’s worldwide journeys. Sky rescues them on their wedding night from Khalim’s once disjointed and malevolent brother, Jalal—a societal and cultural victim of indoctrination by the oppressive-extremist-hierarchy regime. The healing effect on Shayeena, Khalim, and even Jalal, help them to raise the bar for the people in their village, where they eventually contribute to the UAS Space Program. Shayeena and Khalim are appointed by UAS President Eliza Williams, upon request from IMC Commander Vesha Celeste, to serve with Generals James Wilhelm and Mett Dormer, on board IMC Zone-07 Spacecraft, as their Vice Commander, serving equally. More will be covered regarding their journeys from their rescue, Jalal’s experiences through the Correctional Matrix, and their Journeys throughout Zone-07, later on in the series.
Ariel Boshka – She is born in 2003, is rescued in 2022, from a trafficking-in-persons ring during Sky Taylor’s worldwide journeys. She and her twelve “sisters” are rescued just in time from the ill-willed intentions of a very grotesque and degenerate group bent on torcher for the sake of entertainment, compensated by highly affluent and very influential members of society. After Sky heals all of their minds and their physiology, they all work together to fight the corruption at the core of this horrendous trade, with success. Ariel is heavily involved in these series of missions, joins Amber Blythe’s biotechnology team, and is eventually appointed by Eliza to be the IMC Zone-03 Vice Commander, serving on journeys with IMC Zone-03 Commander, General Malinda Jefferson, alongside Lt General Hanz Schultz and Laetitia Zemani.
Laetitia Zemani – She is born in 2004, and in 2022 she and her family are rescued and twenty misguided young men of a Mexican Cartel, named “Los Wiskis,” are rescued from themselves during Sky Taylor’s worldwide journeys. Together, she, her family, and her new crew of twenty raise the quality of life, convert cartel after cartel to a life of benevolence, technological developments, and preserving life, within Chihuahua Mexico, as well as the rest of their country, preparing their country to be a sovereign nation benefitted by the charter of the United Allied States. Lae
titia is appointed by Eliza to be Vice Commander of IMC Zone-03.
Malinda Jefferson – She is introduced into the story as part of the first science team members of Pathway LLC, in 2008. She served in NASA as an astronaut and then dedicated her life to youth education. Due to her contributions as a Pathway Scientific Delegate, she is appointed by Eliza as the IMC Zone-03 Command Spacecraft General. She will be a prominent character later on in the series and her backstory and further contributions will then be revealed.
Melissa Asher – She is introduced into the story as part of the first science team members of Pathway LLC, in 2008. She is an expert on the physics and biology of weather. However, she also has a host of capabilities and untold expertise in so many other areas that will be revealed later on in the series. Eliza appoints her as the Commander of IMC Zone-05, with Lt General Bobbie Gahan serving at her side as her Vice Commander.
Rebecca Knight – She is introduced into the story as part of the first science team members of Pathway LLC, in 2008. Her unique expertise in orthodontics, dentistry, and later so much more, make her a prominent member of Amber Blythe’s biotechnology team. Her contributions, her backstory, her evolution, her missions in Pathway, and her journeys through Zone-06 as Eliza’s appointed IMC Zone-06 Commander alongside Jeremiah Voltaire, her chosen Vice Commander will be revealed further later on in the series.
Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 117