Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars

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Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 121

by Matthew Opdyke

  SA - Spaceborne Analyst – Each UAS Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft employs two Spaceborne Analysts. These analysts work and coordinate with all CCOs through the SMS, to relay relevant information regarding signals that might impact the crew or mission.

  SGA - Stun-Gun Array – Each spacecraft sixteen-turret system has two turrets that are stun gun arrays. Each crewmember carries a small system similar to an SGA on their hip, and they are designed to temporarily stun a hostile crew member to allow for healing or diplomacy, as needed depending on the entity, by a Sky-Model HBCI. The two turrets are similar, yet much more powerful, and would be used to stun a hostile spacecraft and its occupants to allow crews on any spacecraft in the IMC inventory to buy time for a Sky-Model HBCI to find a way to bridge peaceful communication or jump back to the last identified safe location.

  Smartsuit - A suit used from 2008-2022 by many in Pathway that worked as an all-in-one for wardrobe holo-imagery, hygiene, and added protection from the harsh elements in outer space and even on Earth. Circa 2010 an option was given to enter a biopod in everyday clothes and the biopod would convert them into a smartsuit. The intriguing tech revolves around a connection that is exclusive to your neural identification, using a distinct compartment within your mind to apply a set standard of wardrobes for any given occasion to be applied with a unique sense related to the user's creativity and features. This tech eventually allowed fashion designers to sell individual, unique, and tailored wardrobes all encoded explicitly for the user. After 2022 when Sky Taylor is awakened, she develops an upgrade to the physiology of anyone willing that will augment the dermis to allow for a holosuit with much of the same features. In 2024, as an additionally added feature, an individual can allow other linked individuals to see what they want to see you in, laws of consent are observed of course, such that one person might see you walking in a suit that matches the highlights in your hair, while another might see you wearing a bathing suit or a tuxedo, and so on. These stylistic upgrades include everything from hairstyle to makeup to every article of clothing imaginable. Furthermore, each update provides gifted abilities that bring increased ease, enjoyment, and even entertainment no matter the location.

  SMS - Spaceborne Mission Supervisor - The SMS oversees all the CCOs and ensures compliance with the principles of Universal Ethics as it relates to the overall UAS IMC Missions.

  Sol - For the purposes of intergalactic travel, the known name for the root home solar system of humanity is recognized as Sol, solar-system-wide by 2029.

  SS-CCO - Special Signals Camera Control Officer - There are four SS-CCOs on board each UAS Presidential and IMC Command Spacecraft. Their responsibilities lay in all non-standard signals not monitored by any other team or crewmember, to put together Virtual Universe briefs, and to plan aspects of future missions given the latest applicable knowledge sets.

  SSE - Spaceborne Systems Engineer - There are eighty SSEs on board each UAS Presidential and UAS IMC Command Spacecraft. Each one works directly with spacecraft AI to mend issues with and develop upgrades and updates for all systems. They are robustly-trained in legacy medicine, security systems, and mechanics in the event that physiological optimizations do not work. All crewmembers, their families, and significant others are trained likewise, but SSEs are trained extensively and are able to tackle a wide variety of more significant issues.

  STA - Stasis Turret Array - There are two stasis turret arrays in each sixteen-turret package. There is a handgun version for crewmembers to carry that will allow any crewmember to respond to any hostile crew member, group, or perceived threat into a suspended time loop, and to afford a Sky-Model HBCI even more time to heal a threatening mind or individual, so we can get back to the mission at hand. Likewise, the two turrets in the sixteen-turret array will allow more time for a Sky-Model HBCI to heal threatening minds and create neural links for communication, diplomacy, and shared well-being, and is several orders of magnitude more capable in range and scope than the stasis gun.

  Stem Cells – These types of cells are unique, in that, at the time of cell division they can become any type of tissue, cell, or organism. Sources of stem cells are bone marrow, fat tissue, and blood donations. Adult stem cells mend any type of tissue and can be turned into somatic cells, while embryonic stem cells can divide and become any tissue, organ, nerve, or cell. Embryonic cell lines and autologous embryonic stem cells generated through somatic cell nuclear transference or dedifferentiation are promising candidates for future therapies.

  Supercluster - This is a grouping of galaxies bound by gravity, all existing in the same Filament. (Please see definition for filament)

  T.O. - Tyson Organic - Eliza Williams' favorite restaurant. Eliza purchased and rebuilt this restaurant turning it into a huge 16 square block, multi-department complex, that was 28 stories high on the east end and 22 stories high on the west end, with the original restaurant, the T.O., still attached, shortly after meeting with Amber Blythe in 2010. It opened up in 2011, and Eliza secretly paid everyone’s bills, along with a few extra ‘thank you’ goodies for any visit.

  Telomerase – This is a natural enzyme that helps to grow the length of the caps at the ends of our genes, called telomeres, which prevent cellular damage and senescence. Astragalus root has been identified as an organic resource for telomerase. Telomerase therapy is a promising method for rejuvenating cellular health. Studies are still being made for the useful introduction of this enzyme into colonies of cells to mitigate cellular senescence. Doctor Aubrey de Grey is a leading expert on this subject. For more information, please visit: https://www.sens.org/ (click here)

  Telomere - The caps at the end of our genes that shorten throughout our lives and as they shorten, or become too short, our cells become senescent, we begin to show the signs of the disease called aging, and we become susceptible to cancer, heart failure, lung failure, dementia, diabetes, or other life-threatening physiological complications. It is to our benefit to find a way to lengthen our telomeres. Our cancer cells already have, and if it weren't for them killing their host, they would live forever. If we could remove this from the cancer cells and make it possible for our healthy cells to produce telomerase, we could theoretically live forever.

  The 97 - James Cooper's original crew, including himself. The 97 was formerly a subsidiary of YY Corp and an endearing Pathway nickname for James' original crew. Eventually, Pathway purchased YY Corp, gifted it to James, who changed it to Pathway Construction, and finally absorbed it into Pathway, providing highly-skilled labor and extremely-gifted personnel, all of whom combed the solar system inspecting and quality-controlling the tech cities and all other developments.

  Ten Tremilliatrecendotrigintillion –

  Ten tremilliatrecendotrigintillion is equal to ten to the ten-thousandth-power and is known as the most significant number on Landon Curt Noll’s list of the names of the first ten-thousand powers of ten.

  Twelve Database Moons – A single database moon is approximately three-hundred miles in diameter with robust capabilities of every imaginable sort. Some of its abilities include the use of invisibility, renavigation, magnetic and repulsive technologies for all types of matter, frequencies, and radiation as desired to protect life, preserve it, and for self-maintenance. In total, as suggested, there is a network of twelve of them orbiting the Earth, a safe distance beyond the orbit of the Earth’s Moon, working congruently with the invisible shielding protecting the Earth and the Moon from any sort of malady that would compromise the ability for these biospheres to sustain life. Each of these database moons has multi-functional capacities, from data storage to the highest tech satellite capabilities and the skills including those of ensuring all communication and transportation can be instantaneous using jump gates and other forms of teleportation. They also redundantly store all types of data, up to and including every matrix of the Virtual Universe, and this includes the Paradise Matrix—a place to go to rest for a given period of time, as yet to be introduced in further books in the
series. It carries a backup of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, genetic and neurological identification, and all associated memories, as well as a robust system to protect and preserve all of life, and the solar system, and itself.

  UAS - United Allied States - Established July 4, 2025, about seven months following Eliza's first inauguration as US President, as a union of all nations worldwide and throughout the solar system. Together, they all agree to observe the principles of Universal Ethics, and in exchange for seeking self-actualization, the resources requested to meet all other needs are provided.

  UAS IMC - United Allied States Intergalactic Mission Contingency - This is a twin to the UAS Space Force mission contingency that is authorized by the United Allied States to span the observable Universe relative to Earth, and beyond. Included within the UAS IMC are the Presidential, IMC Command, and IMC Zonal Command Spacecraft, and combined they are more capable, powerful, and potent than anything throughout the history of Earth that the globe has ever known, and they are most likely capable of handling anything that the Universe can throw at it. Their goal is to ultimately preserve the life of the Universe by causing it to breathe in and breathe out or expand and contract ever-so-slightly to allow all life within it to live forever. To do this, they must span the furthest reaches of the Observable Universe and create possibilities for endless life wherever there is none and make habitable that which is considered uninhabitable, and while doing so build a Universal Alliance, with similar goals of preserving lives of optimal health, abilities, and quality, while observing the principles of Universal Ethics.

  UAS IMC Command Spacecraft (UAS IMC CS) - The United Allied States Intergalactic Mission Contingency Spacecraft is under the Command of Five-Star General Vesha Celeste, with Four-Star General Erin Carter as her vice commander. They oversee the missions of each of the twelve zonal commanders unfold as all twelve zones are successfully transitioned to have operating headquarters in their various regions and sectors within their zonal areas of operation. Once done, they will travel beyond the CMB relative to Earth in a faraway region of their choosing and set up headquarters and colonies within those regions.

  We will learn more about each of the spacecraft AI's names in later books of the series covering each Zone. However, the fourteen original spacecraft of the command series are named as follows: UAS Morgan (Presidential Spacecraft), UAS Fornax (Vesha’s IMC CS), UAS Andromeda (Zone-01), UAS Gemini (Zone-02), UAS Lynx (Zone-03), UAS Draco (Zone-04), UAS Pegasus (Zone-05), UAS Columba (Zone-06), UAS Phoenix (Zone-07), UAS Hydra (Zone-08), UAS Centaurus (Zone-09), UAS Norma (Zone-10), UAS Virgo (Zone-11), and UAS Pavo (Zone-12).

  UAS IMC Constellation Region - United Allied States Intergalactic Mission Contingency Constellation Region - Each UAS IMC Zone has between six and nine Constellation Regions. There is a total of 88 Constellation Regions. Within each Region are Sectors, and then it is divided further until each solar system is named and mapped within the Virtual Universe map.

  UAS IMC Environmental Science Officer - Environmental Science Officer - Aside from the UAS IMC Zonal Commander, this is one of the most critical and highest-ranking assignments on board any UAS Presidential or IMC Spacecraft, since it deals directly with the full scope of environmental controls and upgrades impacting both life and the mission.

  UAS IMC Zone - United Allied States Intergalactic Mission Contingency Zone - All of the Known Observable Universe on out to the CMB relative to Earth has been divided into 12 Zones, UAS IMC Zone-01-12. Zone-13 is the very first zone beyond the CMB relative to Earth.

  UAS Presidential Command Spacecraft - Similar to Vesha's UAS IMC Command Spacecraft, or UAS Fornax, and with all of the stops and no stops spared, Eliza's spacecraft, the UAS Morgan, travels alongside the IMC setting up Observation Posts, tech cities, and colonies through every sector throughout the Milky Way and call on Sol to send volunteers to meet mission needs prior to releasing the IMC to Vesha.

  U-CCO - Ultraviolet Camera Control Officer - There are four U-CCOs on board each UAS Presidential and UAS IMC CS. They are primarily responsible for managing all ultraviolet transmissions and activity and providing situational awareness and briefings via the Virtual Universe and in the real world to apprise Commanders and other leaders in the real world or in the Virtual Universe, as necessary.

  Universal Ethics - Simply put, Universal Ethics as established by the United Allied States consists of Preservation of life, Increasing the quality of life, Creating diplomatic bridges and solutions, Honoring personal consent so long as it does not cause undue consequence to the rights of others, Multiplying the capacity of the mind with clarity, Beginning with kindness, Finding a way to contribute to the overall advancement of civilization, and Building a legacy worthy of preserving for the long-haul. Universal Ethics recognizes there is untold and untapped potential in every living being, and that by truly understanding one another and working together we can advance further until we can preserve the life of the Universe itself, by allowing it to breathe, by gently causing subtle expansion, retraction, and repeating that cycle continuously, thereby gifting the Universe the ability to preserve life indefinitely while advancements and exploration continues on to strengthen and advance our Universe even further, as we simultaneously advance to other Multiverse systems, meeting the same ethics of well-being, health, longevity, and clarity of mind over greed and power, where everlasting joy is gained through wisdom, compassion, and innovation with the intent of well-being for others as well as ourselves. The longer we live in a healthy manner, the more we can compound upon our wisdom and the joy that comes from solutions to issues, together, whether great or small.

  Universal Party or UP – The UP was founded by Eliza Amber Williams, in late 2008. Its core values are based on Universal Ethics. The UP was used where every citizen had a viable say in governance with pure democracy via the Virtual Universe throughout the solar system tech cities. This party was established in the US in 2010. Fourteen years following official formation in the US and its subsequent growth to every political office, the first US Presidential race was won in 2024, and changes were made beyond the scope of many in the Public eye.

  Utopia - "No place" - Considering the unattainable ideals toward raising the quality of life, increasing healthy and youthful longevity, and magnifying the clarity of mind, and creating an environment that can indefinitely sustain those ideals.

  Vigintillion - This is a considerably-large number, especially when considering US Currency. If one billion is two and one trillion is three, vigintillion is twenty.

  White Blood Cells – As used and possibly oversimplified in the text for the purposes of fiction, story-arch and plot, white blood cells are an essential part of our body’s immune system. While there are a diversity of groups and subgroups of white blood cells, as a whole, they make up only one percent of our blood volume. As little as that percentage is, they originate from the marrow and serve to attack infections throughout the entire body.

  One subgroup, lymphocytes, consists of B, T, and NK cells. Of late T cells have been studied for possible therapies that might pose positive for cancer treatment and cures. Much is necessary for these studies, still, but ultimately, positive outcomes are contingent upon cell-to-cell flow, communication, et al, for a massive revolution of cures for numerous diseases, as well as physiological rejuvenation and upgrades.

  Appendix – Artwork

  1. “Glowing Starscape” by Shashanks700


  Royalty-free stock photo ID: 626261435

  Enhanced License

  Description of artwork according to artist:

  “Milky Way Galaxy.”

  2. “Universal Party Logo” by agsandrew


  Royalty-free stock illustration ID: 252668938

  Enhanced License

  Description of artwork according to artist:

  “Next Generation AI series. Design made of fusion of human head and fractal shape to serve as backdrop for projects related to mind, consciousness and spirituality.”

  3. “White Winter Forest” by E_Sergeeva


  Royalty-free stock illustration ID: 1181037049

  Enhanced License

  Description of artwork according to artist:

  “white winter forest”

  Appendix: Thank you

  Kim thank you for your insight, your inspiring ideas, and your support every step of the way. To the many scientists, philanthropists, selfless teachers, engineers, creative minds, and data-crunchers, I thank each of you for your never-ending and positive impact on so many, and even on me throughout my life. To the musicians and artists, your music and art inspires the mind and makes thinking possible in a great way. Listed or not, I appreciate art in so many forms.

  Bernie, Bobbie, Heath, Josh, Kent, Kirsty, Newt, Randy, Sharon, Sean, and Tony, thank you for your dependable support, insight, and confidence in me. Coury, Jody, Keith, Maggie, Maudie, Will, and so many more, thank you for being upbeat and supportive. Co-workers, friends, and family who have been a positive support in my life, I thank you for listening to me yammer on about physics, biology, neuroscience, astronomy, management, and so much more until you were blue in the face. The heroes in life among the scientists, the revolutionary longevity science buffs and pioneers, neuroscientists, the theoretical physicists, astronomers, engineers, legal titans, and mega-data crunchers all contributed in your own way.


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