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Twisted Fate

Page 5

by Ashley Jade

  I nod my head in understanding as he moves behind me and looks me up and down with intense inquiry.

  It was an odd gesture...but I don't really get the 'creepy' vibe from him.

  I turn to the next painting.

  This one was beautiful as well, but it didn't evoke the same feelings in me.

  It was still nice to look at though.

  He continues to follow me around while watching my every he was studying me.

  Just when I was getting ready to leave...he stops me. “ are simply gorgeous. What are you doing later this evening?”

  I stare at him wide-eyed.

  Was he really asking me out on a date?

  “Um. I don't know...” I stutter, feeling uncomfortable now.

  He purses his lips and takes a step closer to me.

  “Look...I really need a hag tonight...” he starts to say before I cut him off.

  “I beg your pardon?” I snap.

  Jesus...I was far from a supermodel but to call me a hag was just plain rude.

  “Honey, don't get your panties in a bunch. Let me explain. I'm having a huge showing tonight for Valentines day. It's one of my biggest showings of the year. The most prominent and richest business men come out to buy. Having a beautiful woman on my arm for the night tends to peak their interest in my paintings. My friend was supposed to help me out and be the eye candy...but she recently just fell into a new relationship. Apparently, he's whisking her away to Paris for the evening. So...would you be willing to join me tonight?”

  I couldn't tell if it was the desperation in his tone...or his sweet and kind eyes that make me cave.

  “What time?”

  He gives me another one of his big smiles.

  “It starts at 8, but meet me at my loft at 6pm so I can help you get ready,” he says as he scribbles his address down on a piece of paper.

  “Okay,” I reply as I head for the door.

  What the hell have I just managed to get myself into?


  Three hours later I find myself knocking on Aaron's door.

  He quickly rushes me in.

  I decided to wear a simple but classy long black dress. I tied my long, dark auburn hair in a bun.

  I figured it would be appropriate.

  Needless to say...Aaron disagreed.

  “Honey. I need sexy...not librarian. Follow me,” he says as he leads me into the biggest walk in closet I had ever seen in my life.

  Then I was full of clothing for women.

  That was certainly strange.

  As if pulling the thought from my head Aaron speaks. “My boyfriend...he's a fashion designer. Now stand up straight and let me have a nice look at you.”

  I wasn't used to being so scrutinized. I couldn't help but blush.

  I sucked in my stomach and held my breath.

  “I would guess that you are probably between a size 6 and 8...” he starts to say.

  “Go with the 8...she's got curves for days,” a voice calls out.

  I turn around to face another impeccably dressed man with honey skin and hazel eyes.

  “Dev, this is my boyfriend Nathaniel,” Aaron says as Nathaniel holds his hand out to me.

  I quickly shake it and give him a smile.

  “You are right Aaron, she is stunning. That red hair and those fierce green eyes. Not to mention that body of hers," he says as he slowly circles me, similar to the way Aaron did earlier today.

  I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.

  I wasn't used to any kind of attention, especially when it came to my appearance...I preferred it that way.

  I stand hypnotized as they both rummage through opposite ends of the large closet and pull out different dresses.

  After about 10 minutes they turn to face me.

  “Okay take off your clothes. Let's get this show on the road,” Aaron says as Nathaniel nods his head in agreement.

  My mouth drops open and I arch my eyebrow up at the both of them.

  They chuckle. “Trust me. It's nothing we haven't seen before,” Nathaniel says.

  He had a point...obviously neither one of them would be ogling me like that.

  I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing.

  I never thought I'd find myself stripping in front of not one...but two men at the same time.

  Especially two men that I've only just met.

  I exhale and look down at my plain flesh colored undergarments.

  “Natural?” Aaron asks, as he holds a dress up alongside me.

  I had stupidly assumed he was referring to my hair.

  “Yeah. I mean, I do get a few highlighting jobs here and there, but for the most part it's my natural hair color."

  Both Nathaniel and Aaron start howling with laughter then.

  I blush and look down.

  “She is too adorable for words. I love it,” Nathaniel exclaims.

  “I meant your boobies honey,” Aaron says as he holds another dress up alongside me.

  It was my turn to laugh. “Yes...of course.”

  After a few moments they both decide on the red dress...since it was valentines day and all.

  It had to be the most form fitting thing I had ever put on.

  It made me regret the burger I had for lunch.

  It literally clung to every single curve of mine.

  I tried to fake a smile and hide my anxiety.

  “You have no reason not to be confident honey. Trust me...all eyes will be on you tonight. You look wonderful," Aaron says as he takes the bun out of my hair and loose waves cascade down my back.

  “She just needs a pair of heels and some lipstick and she'll be ready to shine,” Nathaniel says.

  Chapter 10

  Twenty minutes later I find myself holding on to both Aaron and Nathaniel's arm's for dear life as we enter the gallery.

  It was transformed into a swanky and upscale gala in just a few short hours.

  Waiters served champagne and caviar on their trays as they paraded around the room full of sophisticated people.

  I felt so unbelievably out of my element it was nerve-wracking.

  Luckily, both Aaron and Nathaniel sensed this and stayed by my side.

  It was a strange feeling.

  I felt like I had actually managed to find myself some friends.

  A few people came up to Aaron and he pulled them aside to talk business.

  I smiled politely at the men and their dates as I sipped on my champagne.

  I decided to stand under the huge indoor tree made of lights and have a look around.

  It felt good to experience something exciting and new.

  It was the best night I've had in New York since I moved here.

  Nathaniel and Aaron join me a few moments later.

  “Only an hour in and I've already sold five paintings,” Aaron says as he hands a glass of champagne to Nathaniel and I.

  I smile at them. “This is an amazing turnout. You really are so talented. The both of you.”

  “Oh my...look who showed up tonight. Looking like the epitome of walking sex on a stick I might add,” Nathaniel purrs, as Aaron looks up.

  My back is turned to the room, I continue sipping on my champagne.

  “Too bad he doesn't play for our team. Life really isn't fair sometimes. You know should try your hand at that. I guarantee he would go for you, especially with the way you look tonight. From what I ride on his merry-go-round is definitely worth the price of admission,” Aaron says as Nathaniel nods his head in agreement.

  I laugh. “Guys I'm not looking for anything like that. Trust me. I came to New York to find myself...not a boyfriend. Or a night of sex."

  “Suit yourself honey, but at least have a look at him before you make up your mind,” Nathaniel says as he motions his head to the room.

  I roll my eyes, turn around, and scan the crowd.

  Nothing could have prepared me for what I

  There was Tristan. Designer suit and all.

  He appeared to be thoroughly engrossed in a conversation with another man wearing a suit.

  What the hell was he doing here?

  My eyes drop down and focus on the beautiful woman clinging to his arm.

  A brunette this time.

  I guess variety really is the spice of life.

  “Tristan,” I whisper. I quickly turn back around so he doesn’t notice me.

  Both Aaron and Nathaniel appear confused then.

  “So you've obviously been antiquated with him already?” Aaron asks, studying my face.


  “No. I mean, sort of. Not really. We've met before...briefly.”

  Their expressions are even more puzzled.

  Hmm...obviously they knew all about him.

  “So what do you guys know about him?” I ask before I take another sip of my champagne.

  I had a feeling I would be needing it.

  Aaron shrugs. “Not much more then you I'm sure. He's one of New York's most eligible bachelors. That's a given though...he's 32 years old, gorgeous and rich. He always has a beautiful girl on his addition to the slew of mistresses that he has in every city that he visits."

  My stomach drops with this new found knowledge.

  It was so much worse then I thought.

  Nathaniel chuckles. “You know...I've heard that he actually refers to his mistresses by the name of their city. For instance, where did you meet him Dev?"

  “New England,” I grit through my teeth.

  “So, if he had pursued you and made you his mistress would be known as Ms. New England..." he starts to say as tears spring to my eyes.

  “Oh god honey. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset,” he says as I clear my throat and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

  I want to blame the alcohol for my strong reaction, but I know that’s only a small part.

  “It's fine. You didn't know. Hell, I didn't know,” I mutter, before I down the rest of my champagne.

  Clearly...I didn't know Tristan at all.

  I can't believe I almost let myself have feelings for him.

  I sure as fuck dodged a bullet.

  I really needed to get out of here before he spotted me and I made a fool of myself.

  “I'm sorry, but I need to leave. I'll return the dress and the shoes to you, I promise.”

  I look around for an exit in the back of the gallery.

  There were none.

  “Okay. I understand. Do you want us to walk you home Dev?” Aaron asks.

  “No. I'm fine. I just really have to go.”

  “Swing by the loft tomorrow at 12 o'clock. We'll have lunch and have girl talk,” Aaron says as I quickly turn around.

  I was hoping for a side exit.

  Unfortunately, my clumsiness causes me to bump right into a waiter.

  He drops his tray and multiple glasses are sent crashing to the floor.

  “I'm so sorry.”

  He gives me a smile as he bends down to pick up his tray.

  I feel everyone's eyes on me due to all the commotion.

  So much for making a clean getaway.

  I look up as Tristan's piercing blue eyes lock with mine.

  He looks like he just saw a ghost.

  He swiftly releases the brunette's arm from around his and takes a step in my direction.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot an entrance and make a mad dash for it.

  I just can't face him right now...or ever.

  I run outside and hail a cab.

  For once, luck was on my side that night and a cab pulls up a moment later.

  I glance out the window as Tristan walks outside and the cab drives away.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning I wake up to the sound of someone loudly pounding on my front door.

  I glance at the clock...7am.

  Who the hell would be here at this hour?

  I scramble to my feet and look through the peep hole.

  “You've got to be fucking kidding me,” I mutter out loud to myself.

  How the hell did he find me?

  I decide to ignore him and go back to bed.

  After a few more rude knocks I hear his footsteps fade away.

  Good riddance.

  I close my eyes, roll over, and fall back to sleep.

  Moments later I hear the sound of my front door opening.

  I sit up in bed and reach for a weapon of some sort.

  I come up empty.

  I look up as Tristan barges right through my front door.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he barks, as I jump to my feet.

  The man is out of his damn mind.

  “I could ask you the same question. How did you get in my apartment?”

  “I paid the super. Now answer the question.”

  “You're know that!” I scream.

  I watch as he takes a seat at my small kitchen table...his eyes never breaking contact with mine.

  “Make yourself at home,” I jeer as I join him in the kitchen and make a cup of coffee.

  “I thought you were in California. You lied to me Dev,” he says, as I stifle a yawn.

  “You just broke into my apartment. I hardly think you're in the position to be making any kind of ethical judgments Tristan."

  “Okay...fair enough. I just never expected to find you here. Why did you run away from me last night?"

  I glare at him and put my hand on my hip.

  “Really Tristan? You can't be that stupid.”

  His eyes shoot daggers at me. “Look, you left me. I asked you to stay. I tried to work something out between us. I wanted...” he starts to say, before I cut him off.

  “For me to be your Ms. New England? thanks.”

  I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or punch him.

  He stays silent as I continue. “Yeah. I heard all about you Tristan. I almost fell for it. I'll admit, it sounds like a great set up. Mistresses all over the United States. Sure hope you use protection," I yell as he looks down at the floor.

  “Dev, stop. You're blowing this whole thing way out of proportion.”

  I take a seat across the table from him. “Okay. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt Tristan. Look me in my eyes and tell me it's not true. Tell me that's not exactly who you are.”

  We sit in silence for what feels like hours.

  “Well, I guess I have my answer then. I appreciate you not lying to me at least. I'm sorry Tristan but I'm just not that kind of girl. I came here to find myself. I was suffocating back in New England. You were right. Coming here was good for me. I'm starting to enjoy myself. It doesn't change who you are though...and I would be stupid to think otherwise,” I say as I get up from the table and reach for my coffee cup.

  He stands up. “ know there's something between us. You can't ignore it.”

  Well, he certainly had me there...

  “Of course there is. I can't deny that...but it's just simple attraction. It's chemical. Nothing more, nothing less. You've been attracted to other women before, obviously. Its the same thing.”

  “I don't want to hurt you Dev...but I really don't want to lose you.”

  I'll never know why the next statement came out of my mouth.

  Actually I's because a part of me didn't want to lose him either.

  “So, let's be friends,” I say, hating myself for the pang in my heart as I utter those words.

  I watch his jaw clench as he gives me a look of pure annoyance. “We can't just be friends. You know that as well as I do. It will never work.”

  “We won't know unless we try. If it doesn't work then we stop. Just try. Please, for me?”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Fine. We'll call this thing between us whatever you want, for now. But, if it doesn't work...then we try things my way.”

  It was my turn to laugh then. “How do I know you won'
t purposely sabotage our friendship in order to get your way?”

  He tilts my chin up to look at him.

  “Oh...I'll get my way darlin'. However, I promise I will try to be on my very best behavior until I can't take it anymore.”

  I swallow hard as I stare at him wide-eyed.

  I already knew he was going to get his way.

  Question much would I suffer in the end?

  How bad would the damage be?

  My thoughts were soon interrupted as he backs me into the kitchen table and gives me a look that could melt butter.

  “Or should I say...until you can't take it anymore,” he says as I lean into the table and hold my breath.

  Dammit, get it together Dev.

  He lets go of my chin and reaches into his pocket.

  He pulls out his cell phone and hands it to me.

  “Now, friend...put your number in my cell phone,” he says as he gives me a sexy smirk.

  I give him a smirk of my own as I scroll through it. “You sure you don't know any other Dev's? I'd sure hate for you to get us mixed up.”

  “Trust me Dev. I've never met anyone like you before,” he says as I hand it back to him.

  He turns to leave, but I tap him on the shoulder and put out my hand. “I think you're forgetting something Mr. Bigshot.”

  He ignores me and continues walking to the door.

  I sigh and chase after him. “My key Tristan. Give it to me,” I demand as I reach for his hand.

  “Not a chance darlin’.”

  He then winks at me before he closes the door behind him.



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