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A Touch of Fae

Page 10

by Lauren Dane

  He licked his lips and gave her a look that promised his organ would be on the menu later.

  “Wine, Mr. MacNessa?” the female wine steward purred at him. She pushed between the two of them, shoving her tits in his face.

  Con moved back and looked around the steward. “A ghra, would you like some wine?”

  Em reached out and pushed the steward back so she could see Con without craning her neck. “Sure, but without the breasts please,” she said with fake sweetness to the steward. Con put two fingers over his lips to stifle his smile. “You know what you’re ordering so you pick the wine.”

  “Well, you know all of our specialties. Just ask and it’s yours,” the steward said to Con.

  Em snorted and rolled her eyes.

  Con ordered a nice Chilean red and looked back to Em. The steward flitted away. The waiter, thankfully male, took their order. Con relayed that he’d already spoken to the chef and had ordered ahead of time. The waiter couldn’t take his eyes off Em’s breasts as he nodded at what Con was saying.

  “Son, those aren’t on the menu,” Con said with menace.

  Em burst out laughing and the waiter blushed and excused himself.

  “Why did I choose that dress? Men have been staring at your breasts since we arrived, looking at your legs, imagining them wrapped around their waists as they fuck you. From now on, you’ll wear long skirts and baggy sweaters.”

  Em laughed and patted his hand. “Oh please! Every time anything with a vagina enters the room or gets near you, she has to rub her tits all over you and offer you sex in twelve ways! Anyway, I love this dress. I love how I feel in it. Where did you get it? My bills are small, I have a nice savings. I think I might make a side trip to wherever you got it and pick up a few more.”

  “Before we leave and you don’t have to use your savings on anything. All you desire is at my fingertips. Just ask and it’s yours. It brings me pleasure to spoil you.”

  “We’ll see. I don’t know that I like the idea of being a kept woman.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “You’ll be no such thing. You’re my woman, my wife.”

  “About that…” But before she could say anything else the wine arrived and the steward and her breasts with it.

  She stood there, licking her lips and bending over Con as he ignored her. “Lovely, thank you,” he said of the wine, dismissing her.

  The steward stayed. “Are you sure I can’t get you anything else? Anything at all?”

  “Hey, bimbolina, leave the wine and take your boobs! He’s not interested!” Em hissed angrily.

  The steward jumped and looked back at Em. She sniffed indignantly and stomped off.

  Con poured her a glass of wine and handed it to her, wearing a badly suppressed grin of amusement. He touched his glass to hers. “To us, Emily and Conchobar.”

  She smiled at him and drank. The wine was rich and velvety and went down smoothly.

  The food began to arrive and they both stopped talking for several minutes as they enjoyed the appetizer course. The entrée was a lovely mixture of grilled fish and steak. The vegetables were perfect and delicious. Con fed her bites of asparagus and salmon and she licked his fingers.

  An hour and a half later, the table cleared but for a lovely slice of chocolate cake and a bowl of homemade ice cream, Con leaned forward and kissed her softly.

  “This was lovely, Con. The best meal I’ve ever eaten.”

  “You haven’t agreed to marry me.”

  She looked at him, one eyebrow raised. “You haven’t asked.”

  He gestured with his head and she looked down and saw the small, black velvet ring box on the table in front of her. “Showoff,” she said with a grin.

  She cracked open the box and gasped. It wasn’t some giant diamond that she would have been embarrassed to wear or a setting that was too lavish. It was an antique diamond ring in a platinum setting. In fact, she’d looked at this very ring every week for the last year as she passed by the jewelry store near her parents’ house.

  She looked up at him, tears shimmering in her eyes.

  He leaned forward, alarmed. “I’m sorry, I thought you liked it, the way you looked at it…”

  She put her finger over his lips and shook her head. “I love it, Con. These are good tears.”

  “So you’ll marry me by human law as well as being my wife according to the laws of the Sidhe?”

  She nodded and he smiled, relieved, and reached out to put the ring on her finger. She looked at it, glittering in the light of the candles in the room.

  “We should get this cake to go. I can think of a better place to eat it,” she said suggestively.

  “Back in the penthouse?”

  “Off your belly.”

  He made a gesture and the server quickly approached. “We’d like the whole cake to take away with us,” he told the server and Em pursed her lips at him, taking his measure.

  She excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. Minutes later, as she returned to the table, she saw yet another woman had not only approached their table but was actually sitting in her chair! The woman was leaning toward Con, a hand on his arm. Em walked back to their table and watched as he smiled and flirted with the woman, laughing with her and making no move to remove the hand.

  She came to a stop next to the table and looked down at the scene with a raised brow. “Excuse me, but we’re on our way out to have some hot sex and eat cake off each others’ naked bodies,” Em said through a fake smile.

  Con looked up at her and saw the dangerous glint in her eye. He stood up smoothly, nodded to the other woman briefly and turned to Em. “I’ve got the cake right here, a ghra. I’ve been waiting most anxiously.”

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” she said with a glint in her eye and took the arm he’d been offering. They walked out of the restaurant and he helped her into the limo.

  “I sense that you are a bit miffed with me, Em,” he purred at her as he kissed each of her fingertips.

  Em looked at him and snorted, remaining silent for the ride, working through her feelings. He had ignored the steward and the hostess but she hated that other women constantly seemed to throw themselves at him.

  He was so incredibly handsome that it made her feel a bit insecure. Yet she was wearing the ring he’d given her when he’d proposed to her not a half hour prior. She had to face her insecurities about not being able to read him. Other people did it every day, didn’t they?

  Con watched her as they drove, holding her hand in his own. He could feel that she was thinking about something and he was a bit uneasy about it, but she didn’t seem panicked and hadn’t removed her hand from his and so he tried to give her the silence she seemed to need.

  Back at the hotel he picked her up and stalked into the bedroom, tossing her on the bed and immediately covering her body with his own. “Tell me.”

  She looked up into his face. He’d shaken off the glamour as soon as they’d walked in the door and features that were as familiar to her as her very own greeted her. “I don’t like the other women,” she said, feeling totally stupid as she said it.

  “What other women?”

  “Everywhere we go there are other women. And when I came back from the bathroom there was another woman sitting in my chair, with her hand on you, and you were flirting with her and it just made me feel a bit insecure for a moment.”

  He kissed her hard then, not stopping until he felt her anger begin to melt. “Yes, women flirt with me and yes, it does amuse me. I’m flattered, sometimes I’m annoyed. Sometimes I flirt back. But it means nothing. None of them can compare to you. Em, women do look and offer, it’s something that happens frequently. But I’d never take them up on it. You know that, don’t you?”

  She looked at him and knew the answer, even without her gift. It was in the way he held her, the way his weight was on her but he held himself up with his arms so he wasn’t on her totally, the way he touched her and looked at her. “Yeah, I guess I do. I just…never mind. I
was being stupid and feeling possessive. You’re the first and only man I’ve ever loved. I just feel a bit out of my depth with you sometimes.”

  “You love me?” he asked, wearing a stupid grin.

  She slugged his shoulder. “I said I’d marry you, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, but you hadn’t said you loved me.” Con’s heart felt close to bursting at the words from her—his Em loved him.

  “I told you that I’d been waiting to give myself to you since I first started dreaming of you. You’re truly the man of my dreams.”

  He brushed her tears away with his thumb. “Is tusa mo shaol, you are my world, Em. My life. No other woman has held a place in my heart but you. The flirting means nothing but if it hurts you, I will stop. Never doubt the way I feel about you,” he said softly but clearly as he reached beneath her dress and pulled her panties off. “You’re wet for me, Em.” His whiskey eyes saw through to her very soul and all she could manage was a nod.

  Reaching down, he unzipped his suit pants and freed his cock. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and plunged into her wet heat and began to drive her slowly toward climax. “Only you, only you, only you…” he chanted over and over as he thrust into her body.

  Chapter Eight

  The wakeup call came much too early the next day. Em blearily grabbed the phone and then hung it up. She started to roll out of bed but an arm banded around her waist and dragged her back.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Con growled sleepily.

  She grinned at him even as her body began to respond to him, to his scent and to the feel of his arm against her body. “To Adelade’s. She’s expecting me—us, if you want—for lunch and letting me into her library.” She nuzzled into his body, his warmth too hard to resist.

  “Do we have to go just yet?” he asked seductively.

  “Oh no, we don’t have time for that,” she scrambled out of bed but he caught her, pulling her down to the mattress again. She laughed, realizing that she hadn’t been so relaxed in a very long time. Her ring winked in the morning light and she held up her hand to look at it better.

  “Ah, now you act like a stereotypical engaged human female,” he said smugly.

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “It is beautiful and I do love it. It’s very sweet of you to have noticed me looking at it.” That touched her deeply, knowing that he’d really thought about what she liked. What mattered to her mattered to him.

  “I know a way you could show your appreciation,” he said suggestively, waggling his eyebrows.

  She writhed underneath him and they both made soft moans of pleasure at the contact. “We really don’t have time. Adelade lives outside of London and we should leave in about twenty minutes to get there on time.” She said it but there wasn’t a lot of conviction in her voice.

  He opened his lips and skimmed his way down her neck, feasting on her frantic pulse. “You forget that all I need to do is wish us there and we’ll be there in the blink of an eye. We have plenty of time.” His hand slid up her thigh.

  “I need to take a shower. Faeries may not sweat but humans who’ve had sex all night long do.” She was slightly put out when she said it—how could a man work as hard as he had over the long, erotic hours they’d spent in bed the night before and not get sweaty?

  “Okay. I’m a very versatile man and I’m aware that we haven’t had shower sex, which, I have told you, is one of my favorite things.”

  “Until I met you chocolate was my favorite thing,” she said with a grin. Yeah, this trip was really, really good so far.

  Chuckling, he stood up and pulled her to her feet, dragging her into the bathroom.

  Once under the hot spray—and Em did have to admit that double-headed shower stalls were the coolest thing ever—he soaped her up, his hands gliding over her slick body, taking inventory of each dip, each fold, each curve and line.

  “Put your hands, palm flat, against the tile and spread your legs,” he ordered in her ear.

  Pulse racing, she turned to face the tiled wall and put her hands as instructed. She reflected for a small moment that this was totally out of character for her. She was an exceptionally responsible person. She didn’t show up late to things because she had to fit in a quickie! But, he could get them to Adelade’s with magic and this man just flat out eroded all of her willpower. And she liked it. It wasn’t that she was a different person. He hadn’t changed her so much as unlocked the sensual, sexy woman who’d always been inside her just waiting for the right man to inspire her.

  There, hands flat against the tile, a big gorgeous man behind her, his hands all over her, she felt like a goddess. A siren. He made her want. He made her need.

  She eagerly complied when he pushed her legs open wider with his knee and grabbed her hip, tilting her ass out and up. His soapy hand was caressing her breasts, kneading, tugging, pinching and stroking. Her pussy was molten and empty.

  He teased her with his body. His cock stroked almost casually between the soap-slicked globes of her ass. His torso caged her in delicious dominance and each tug on her nipples shot straight to her clit. She was nearly sobbing with her need for him.

  “Please, Con, I need you inside of me,” she said softly, yearning in her voice.

  “Is that so, mo fiach?” he said, his voice like sin in her ear. He continued his devastation of her body, each touch making her more his woman, each nuzzle and kiss branding her.

  “Yes!” she cried out, arching her ass back toward him.

  With an amused chuckle he bent to adjust for their height differences and began the inexorable press of his body into her own. She was unable to stop a long groan of satisfaction and she tilted back further to meet his thrust. “So good, you feel so good,” he rumbled into her ear.

  “More,” she whispered. “Con, please give me more.” If she’d thought on it more she probably would have been embarrassed but she felt fearless with him.

  “Yes, a ghra, yes. Take more,” he said and took her earlobe between his teeth. He fucked her slowly and thoroughly, the hot water pelting down on them, warming skin and loosening muscles. His hand, slowly stroking her clit, brought her to climax as she writhed against him, trying at once to escape the pleasure and get the most out of it that she could. He did this to her twice more before he finally allowed his own orgasm. The thrust deep within her once, twice, three times. With each stroke, she could feel the pulse of his cock as he came.

  He rinsed her off as he kissed her neck. “I’ve created a monster, haven’t I?”

  She smirked at him—he had no idea—and went into the bedroom to get dressed. She opened the underwear drawer and let out a surprised gasp. There was a rainbow of silky panties just waiting to be worn. Pulling out a silky, midnight blue thong, she looked at Con with her eyebrow raised in question.

  He smiled without a bit of guilt. “Delightful, aren’t they? I was walking past this lovely lingerie shop and saw them. I thought they’d suit you—they certainly did last night.”

  “Where are my old underwear?”

  “Oh, around. You can see that I left the sexy pairs you already had. As for the plain cotton, well, they’re perfectly lovely, Em, but I thought you’d appreciate some new ones. Sexy and silky, just like you.” He practically batted his eyebrows at her.

  “Look, Eddie Haskell, I appreciate the gift and all but you can’t just throw away my panties without asking.” She slid the silky blue thong on and it did feel very nice against her flesh. Her normal undies were cotton, functional and comfortable. Functional and comfortable were good things, she thought to herself as she spied how sexy she looked and suppressed a smile.

  “Eddie Haskell? Is that a former boyfriend?”

  She rolled her eyes. “No, I don’t suppose they have reruns of Leave it to Beaver in faerieland. It’s a cultural reference, never mind. I just called you a kiss-up in a really witty way but it went over your head.”

  He looked mildly affronted by the faerieland comment but was much more interested
in watching her ass as she went to the closet to pull out clothes. He handed her a midnight blue silk demi-bra. “This goes with the thong. I’m pretty sure it’s your size.”

  She burst out laughing and tiptoed to kiss his lips. “Incorrigible. I won’t even ask how you knew my bra size by sight and feel.” She put the bra on and pulled a sweater on over it and decided to go with the black wool skirt with the kick pleat and the boots she’d bought.

  “It’s a gift,” he said with an arrogant smirk. “Very nice. Snug sweaters with breasts like yours, mmmmm, makes my mouth water, Em. Love the skirt too, hugs your spectacular ass. And the spike-heel boots? Every man’s dream. Promise to wear them later when we return? Just them—maybe with a flogger.” He waggled his brows again and she just snorted.

  “Are you getting dressed or not? We need to get to Adelade’s—we should be meeting her there right now.”

  He sighed and suddenly was wearing a soft cashmere sweater and khaki pants. She looked down at the Gucci loafers on his feet and shook her head. “Do you just make the clothes up out of magic? I love designer clothes. Too bad I can’t learn that spell.”

  He pulled her to his body. “But I know the spell. Anything you desire, Em, all you have to do is ask.”

  She looked into his eyes with amusement and affection. “You’ll do, I suppose. Now let’s go.”

  * * * * *

  In the blink of an eye they were standing at Adelade’s front door. Con reached out and knocked and Adelade opened the door herself moments later.

  “Ahh! You’ve brought the handsome young Mr. MacNessa! Please, come in both of you. Lunch is ready.”

  Em pressed a kiss to the older woman’s cheek and Con bent low and placed a courtly kiss on her knuckles. Adelade blushed and waved them inside.

  Con held out his arm and escorted Adelade into the lovely dining room.

  After he helped her into her seat he tossed an annoyed look at Em, who’d seated herself. “What?” she asked.


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